More and more owners are becoming aware of the importance of a good diet for their horses. This question of what's right to feed and what's not can be a nightmare. Feed companies say one thing is good, equine care practitioners will say another, so what to do? Facebook groups? Quite often this can make matters worse. Equinosh is here to help solve this issue. whether you want to know if one feed i
s a good replacement for another or whether you want a full nutrition plan and a prepared mineral balancer specific to your horses needs. So why Equinosh? As the holder of certificates of education in Equine Nutrition from Eleanor Kellon V.M.D., my education has included NRC Plus.The National Research Council formulates the levels of nutrients recommended for equines. I have completed a course on the comprehensive care of older horses as well as Nutrition as therapy. I grew up around horses and am currently the owner of 5 horses ranging from youngster to OAP all with their own nutritional needs. I am continually researching and updating my training. Perfectly placed to clear the minefield that equine nutrition can be. I have been working in partnership with a Barehoof trimmer for approximately 3 years to plan and prepare diets for horses with different environments and levels of work. As well as formulating diets for horses suffering from conditions such as PPID (Cushings), EMS and Laminitis. Equinosh is an independent service, it's not tied to any feed companies and as such can be totally unbiased about what's best to feed. For further information, post your question on the page or send an email.