Bubba Bird

Bubba Bird Bubba Raja Bird's page. He's a Hawaiian celebri-birdy.

Please spread the word for this lost bird. Shadow was LOST on January 27, 2025 in Kailua, HI 96734 near Kehaulani Dr & L...

Please spread the word for this lost bird. Shadow was LOST on January 27, 2025 in Kailua, HI 96734 near Kehaulani Dr & Lanipo
Message from Owner: Please Call if you see, hear or secure Shadow. He is a beloved pet and we are so worried about him. He took off between 10am and 2pm on January 27th, 2025. We looked for him and tried calling him, and the weather was so bad on Monday. He's probably very frightened and hungry. There is a reward for Shadow's return. Please call 808-294-7382 if you see, hear or secure Shadow.

UPDATE: REUNITED!! Shadow is home safe & sound after 7 days, 0 hours :)

"We just got Shadow back. He's weak and very hungry. I am going to have him check by the vet tonight. "
-Shadow's Owner
Please spread the word for this lost bird. Shadow was LOST on January 27, 2025 in Kailua, HI 96734 near Kehaulani Dr & Lanipo

Message from Owner: Please Call if you see, hear or secure Shadow. He is a beloved pet and we are so worried about him. He took off between 10am and 2pm on January 27th, 2025. We looked for him and tried calling him, and the weather was so bad on Monday. He's probably very frightened and hungry. There is a reward for Shadow's return.

Description: African Grey Parrot

For more info or to contact Shadow's owner, click here: https://www.pawboost.com/p/71220393

Lost or found a pet? Report it to PawBoost here: https://www.pawboost.com/l/rpl

Please spread the word for this lost bird. Shadow was LOST on January 27, 2025 in Kailua, HI 96734 near Kehaulani Dr & L...

Please spread the word for this lost bird. Shadow was LOST on January 27, 2025 in Kailua, HI 96734 near Kehaulani Dr & Lanipo
Message from Owner: Please Call if you see, hear or secure Shadow. He is a beloved pet and we are so worried about him. He took off between 10am and 2pm on January 27th, 2025. We looked for him and tried calling him, and the weather was so bad on Monday. He's probably very frightened and hungry. There is a reward for Shadow's return. Please call 808-294-7382 if you see, hear or secure Shadow.
Description: African Grey Parrot
For more info or to contact Shadow's owner, click here: https://www.pawboost.com/p/71220393
Lost or found a pet? Report it to PawBoost here: https://www.pawboost.com/l/rpl

UPDATE: REUNITED!! Shadow is home safe & sound after 7 days, 0 hours :)

"We just got Shadow back. He's weak and very hungry. I am going to have him check by the vet tonight. "
-Shadow's Owner
Please spread the word for this lost bird. Shadow was LOST on January 27, 2025 in Kailua, HI 96734 near Kehaulani Dr & Lanipo

Message from Owner: Please Call if you see, hear or secure Shadow. He is a beloved pet and we are so worried about him. He took off between 10am and 2pm on January 27th, 2025. We looked for him and tried calling him, and the weather was so bad on Monday. He's probably very frightened and hungry. There is a reward for Shadow's return.

Description: African Grey Parrot

For more info or to contact Shadow's owner, click here: https://www.pawboost.com/p/71220393

Lost or found a pet? Report it to PawBoost here: https://www.pawboost.com/l/rpl

Voluntary 90-day bird movement pause HONOLULU – In response to the detection of the avian flu virus in Hawai‘i’s wastewa...

Voluntary 90-day bird movement pause
HONOLULU – In response to the detection of the avian flu virus in Hawai‘i’s wastewater and wild birds, state agencies are urging the public to voluntarily pause the interisland movement of poultry and other bird species for 90 days, effective immediately. This recommendation follows the suggestion of Moloka‘i State Senator and farmer Lynn DeCoite and is a proactive measure aimed at mitigating the spread of the virus.
Prior to November of this year, Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) had not been detected in Hawai‘i. Although this strain has been circulating in the continental U.S., Europe, and Asia, Hawai‘i was the last U.S. state to confirm infections among birds. The HPAI strain in Hawai‘i was likely introduced by migrating birds from northern regions around Alaska. Spread occurs through bird-to-bird contact or when birds come into contact with contaminated materials, equipment, or clothing from infected birds.
The coordinated response involves multiple agencies:
The Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR), which oversees the management of wild birds on state lands.
The Hawai‘i Department of Agriculture (HDOA), responsible for domestic birds.
The Department of Health (DOH), which monitors human health concerns related to the virus.
While the potential for transmission to humans is low, residents are encouraged to remain vigilant. Sick pets should be reported to their veterinarian. The public is also urged to report multiple or unusual illnesses in poultry, livestock, or other wild birds or animals to HDOA at 808-483-7100 (business hours) or 808-837-8092 (non-business hours, including holidays).
Any residents who develop symptoms of avian influenza after exposure to sick birds or other wildlife should contact the DOH disease reporting line at 808-586-4586 for further guidance.
State experts acknowledge the challenges of controlling wild bird movements and agree that limiting the interisland movement of domestic birds during this voluntary period will significantly reduce transmission risks. At Senator DeCoite’s request, the agencies are also collecting data to assess the feasibility and necessity of a formal quarantine while carefully considering the potential economic impacts of premature restrictions on local products.
State Senator and veterinarian Dr. Tim Richards expressed his support for the precautionary measure, stating:
“As both a senator and a veterinarian, I understand the critical balance between protecting our agricultural industries and safeguarding animal health. In light of the ongoing avian flu threat, I fully support a voluntary 90-day stop movement of birds as a precautionary measure. Similar actions have been successfully implemented before, such as the voluntary halt in Hawai‘i’s beef cattle industry approximately 15 years ago, which effectively mitigated risks to trichomoniasis and protected livelihoods until legislation could be brought forward. By taking proactive steps now, we can prevent greater harm to our poultry industry and ensure the health of our flocks and communities.”
Governor Josh Green, M.D., and DOH Director Kenneth Fink addressed the topic on the Governor’s weekly whiteboard update this morning, which can be viewed here.
Additionally, state veterinarian Dr. Isaac Maeda joined the Governor and Dr. Fink for an extended version of the video, here.
Hawai‘i’s state agencies remain committed to protecting public health, animal welfare, and the agricultural economy through proactive measures and continued collaboration.


Aloha Folks,The American Federation of Aviculture is fundraising to help the birds that were hit hard by the hurricane (...

Aloha Folks,
The American Federation of Aviculture is fundraising to help the birds that were hit hard by the hurricane (s) on the mainland. AFA was there for Maui, now they are helping folks on the continent.

Please send a donation and become a member if you haven't done so already. AFA stepped up for Maui, now we can mahalo them by sending our aloha.

Don't forget your fellow bird lovers in the path of these hurricanes!
Donate to AFA Disaster Relief now and help us provide supplies to those affected.

If you are in need of assistance reach out to us at [email protected] and fill out the application at this link

Donate at AFABirds.org

Good news, the birds at Parrot Outreach Society are completely evacuated. Please pray, send positive vibes that they mak...

Good news, the birds at Parrot Outreach Society are completely evacuated. Please pray, send positive vibes that they make it through the hurricane safely.

Please help my Maui Friends rebuild their lives by purchasing a few items on their gift list. They lost everything in th...

Please help my Maui Friends rebuild their lives by purchasing a few items on their gift list. They lost everything in the Maui Wildfires.

Aloha HFFN Ohana,Barrie Matthews, David Vanzo, and the birds from the Maui Wildfires are slowly rebuilding their lives. ...

Aloha HFFN Ohana,
Barrie Matthews, David Vanzo, and the birds from the Maui Wildfires are slowly rebuilding their lives. They will be moving into a permanent home, and they need everything.
Here is Barrie's Amazon wish list. If you can find it in your heart to send them an item, it would be greatly appreciated. Once you purchase the item, it will be delivered to them: Straight from your heart to their home.
This is one of the easiest ways to show them that we care. There are still people with hearts who ache for Lahaina and those who lost so much. The bird community has a big heart, we all know that.
Please share and help spread the word. Let's help them to get what they need.


Can you kokua and send items to support the Hawaiian Feathered Friends Network?

If you live or work on land zoned Ag or Country on Oahu, you need to be aware of how Bill 64 will impact you. If passed,...

If you live or work on land zoned Ag or Country on Oahu, you need to be aware of how Bill 64 will impact you. If passed, this bill (formerly called Bill 10) will fundamentally and irreversibly change our traditional, Kama'aina way of life on Oahu. Please make the time to take a look at the 279-page bill, then email or call your City Council Member and urge them to vote NO ON BILL 64. The flyer below has more detail, but in a nutshell, these are just a few of the over-reaching aspects that will impact all owners or residents of ag- or country-zoned lots.
• Keeping horses and other animals will be prohibited on zoned lots smaller than three acres. This includes cattle, sheep, goats, rabbits, birds, chickens and other poultry.
• Beekeeping will also be sharply curtailed.
• Feed stores, will largely be prohibited on Ag or Country-zoned properties.
• Farm stands would no longer be allowed to have electricity, water or other utilities, which poses obvious and basic hygiene and safety concerns.
• Bill 64 would permanently close many Oahu pet-boarding facilities located on properties zoned Ag or Country. Ironically, the ideal location for pet-boarding facilities is in areas that are less densely populated – such as Ag- or Country-zoned properties.
• Animal shelters on ag or country-zoned lands will also be forced to close, exacerbating an already-critical problem as all of the island’s shelters (including the Hawaiian Humane Society) are filled to overflowing. Currently, HHS is turning pets away and begging for volunteers to provide foster care for them.
• With nowhere to go and no one to help them, these unsheltered and starving animals will become feral – roaming communities and neighborhoods seeking food. Virtually all will be unvaccinated, and many will become increasingly defensive – even aggressive – as they struggle to survive. Bill 64 is more than an immediate threat to pet care businesses, pet owners and lost animals; the danger to public health and safety in the longer term is impossible to miss.
• Farm tours, petting zoos, pony rides and other agribusinesses will have to pay for expensive planners, archaeologists, attorneys and other costly experts needed to prepare and submit an application for a Conditional Use Permit Major.
• Inexplicably, Bill 64 will make it illegal to use a covered lanai larger than 1000 square feet for celebrations and gatherings.
Mahalo for sharing.

Sharing from: https://nextdoor.com/p/q7yYyhJwrJ85?utm_source=share&extras=MzUwNDQ0Mjc%3D&utm_campaign=1718816701173

Aloha Folks, Next weekend (May 4th & 5th 2024) is Hawaii Pet Expo at the Blaisdell Arena.  The Hawaiian Feathered Friend...

Aloha Folks,

Next weekend (May 4th & 5th 2024) is Hawaii Pet Expo at the Blaisdell Arena. The Hawaiian Feathered Friends Network (the organization that runs Hawaii Parrot Forum & Hawaii Parrot & Bird Lost and Found List) will have a booth at the Expo selling a variety of handmade parrot toys, guava wood perches with stainless steel hardware, guava wood tree stands, and other parrot and bird-related items. If you have a chance, please stop by our booth and make a purchase.

Our group is !00% volunteer-based.
No one receives any compensation for our time and effort. We do this to support the bird-owning community in the Hawaiian Islands.
If we've helped you, it would be great if you could make a donation to support our parrot & bird rescue efforts, as well as our outreach and support work.

We are currently supporting 14 birds on Maui that were displaced by the Maui Wildfires as their owners rebuild their business, home and lives after the tragic loss in August 2023.

We also support our low-income elderly members by covering life-saving vet bills for their birds, as well as making sure all our rescued birds receive appropriate vet care.

It's a labor of love for the birds and we need your support. We do our best to support the bird community in Hawaii.
You can donate to our PayPal account: https://bit.ly/3UBdbdh

Or you can put money on our account at Feather and Fur Animal Hospital: Send your check to
Feather and Fur Animal Hospital
25 Kaneohe Bay Dr #260,
Kailua, HI 96734
Write: Hawaiian Feathered Friends Network Account in the memo box on the check.

You can also donate directly to our account at Bank of Hawaii. Just tell them to deposit it into the Hawaiian Feathered Friends Network Account.

If you prefer to mail us a check cash or money order, You can send it to
Hawaiian Feathered Friends Network
PO BOX 793
Kailua, HI 96734

if you have any questions, Call 808-294-7382

Help support Hawaiian Feathered Friends Network by donating or sharing with your friends.

I hired Jorge Flores to draw a picture of my Bubba Bird.  I sent several photos, so Jorge could see Bubba from different...

I hired Jorge Flores to draw a picture of my Bubba Bird. I sent several photos, so Jorge could see Bubba from different angles, But this is the picture that I liked the best. Bubba had stolen a jelly bean, and he knew he wasn't supposed to have it. But he looked so darn cute and happy to have that jelly bean, I told him he could have it. The second photo is how he looked after I said he could keep it. I can see the joy in his eyes.
The picture that the drawing was made from, is when he started to eat his prized jelly bean. He was so happy to have that jelly bean.
Sometimes, you just have to let them have darn jelly bean. The joy that we got from that moment was more important.




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