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Case Study Volunteer Opportunity!
This opportunity is for veterinary doctors, technicians, receptionists and students.
If you want to radically alter your experience of veterinary medicine by working with a mentor/coach who can focus on internal shifts and perspectives to bring about a healthy, boundaried relationship with veterinary medicine, this may be the opportunity for you!
In my personal journey I had to learn some hard truths about my habits of relating to other people, including people-pleasing, rescuing others from the big bad world, and weak, weak personal boundaries. Fortunately, the better I built healthy skills around these personal habits, the better my experience and relationship with veterinary medicine became. I developed a confidence that I can (and WILL) have a healthy, happy veterinary career. I no longer fear burning myself out or losing myself on the alter of our profession. The things I learned to become a better friend/coworker/human being directly translated to my profession.
I found much of this work summarized and communicated in Merja Sumiloff Mbti's work The Four People Within. This led to us joining forces to develop an edition specifically for the veterinary profession. Which then led to me undertaking training with the Sumiloff Academy of Human Integration to become an Integration Mentor, to allow specific mentoring around those that want to further their experience and application of the information in The Four People Within. Which leads me to this point in my studies!
Part of my studies are to work directly with study volunteers to develop my skillset as a mentor. This provides two additional individuals an opportunity to work with me, pro bono, while we tackle your goals and challenges in the veterinary profession. If you are at a crossroads of considering leaving the profession, I can also help support and challenge you in making the right decision for your long-term wellness. I meet you with humor, empathy, experience and gentle challenge to achieve your ideal life.
This would be a 3 month commitment, with weekly meetings 1 hour long. At the conclusion, I would ask you to give feedback directly to my mentor.
If this interests you, please contact me directly at [email protected], and include:
-your full name
-your Time Zone as well as the closest large city within your Time Zone
-your 3 biggest challenges at the moment, and your ideal result at the end of 3 months.
Please submit applications by 4/18/22.
Thank you for considering, and I look forward to being in your corner as you face your challenges!
If you know anyone that might be interested, please share freely!