Sibling Love
Sibling love. It was short lived but cute while it lasted. Happy Valentine's Day! 💖
I haven't been feeling well, depression and work stresses have gotten me down. I am always grateful for everyone who helps us keep going. Prince is on medication and Shadow is still eating but is definitely slowing down.
Sometimes semi feral kitties choose to be feral and sometimes friendly. Howie chose to be feral yesterday morning before his appointment (flew around the room) during his appointment (flew around the room and tried to bite Dr. Mik) and then again this morning (flew around the room and bit me when I was trying to be nice and leave a treat in his cage before work) Howie chose to be friendly last night when we got home from the vet and I was able to pet him and hear him purr. Those few seconds were beautiful. Thank you everyone who gave us the funds to get him and his friends cared for. We were able to pay for yesterday's visit but still owe a balance of over a thousand dollars to Strasburg Veterinary Health so if you find yourself with a little extra to give, I would love to be able to start the new year fresh with no balance to carry over. You can call in a payment directly to Strasburg or visit our website at and click on Donate to Kitty Colony via PayPal. I have attached a copy of our current balance to the comments. No pressure, just keep us in mind for end of the year giving. And please share our post if you have animal loving friends who might be interested in helping us.
House Ferals on the coveted bed pillow.
Don't worry I don't use it anymore.
I interrupted the love....
I believe this is Sachi's sister. I named her Sybil and she comes around every so often. Not as much as Sachi did, but she has been hanging around more and looking thin. I think she is going to come inside this week if I can get a cage ready for her. It's hard because I don't really have the funds for another kitty but I don't want her to disappear/die uncared for like Sachi. We are totally out of dry food and cat litter so if you are able to send a few dollars it would be so wonderful.
On Tuesday I woke up at the crack of dawn to take two kitties to the vet. I was stressed out and depressed because it seems so many cats got sick at once and we don't have funds for vet bills right now. I managed to catch two of the cats that I was worried about and put another cat in a cage on meds. On the way to the vet I broke down and cried because I felt like a failure. One of my porch kitties has been missing for several days and I felt like I failed him. And then all the other kitties that I failed in the past came to mind and the tears flowed. I knew I had to snap out of it so I put a tape in the cassette player and started to sing and pray. And I was comforted. If you want to hear one of the songs I sang then turn up the volume. If not then just join with me as I post a video of Neil Diamond going to the vet.
I could feel the presence of God as he put his arms around his crying child and I believe he understands my pain when my compassionate heart is breaking. I know I can't save them all but my heart hurts for my missing Sachi.
Leon getting lots of love this weekend before crossing the bridge yesterday. Yesterday was my day off and I emptied the bank account again to pay towards our vet bill. Leon was one I was watching and he declined over the weekend, didn't want to jump, didn't want to walk, didn't want to eat. Our vet diagnosed him with Cancer in/near his kidneys. Leon was feral and this was the first time he let me pet him. He did hiss, swat and attempted to bite me after this video. We said goodbye yesterday and he is no longer in pain. We also took Shadow to get a steroid shot as he wasn't eating well nor grooming. He apparently had an ulcer in his mouth and the steroid shot should help him feel better soon. I will post more pictures of Leon and Shadow in the comments later today. Thanks for listening, thanks for helping and thanks for caring....😥
The last little bit of love before I held her as she went to sleep... Cancer stole her vigor. Goodnight little Minnie May.