Hewwow. Looksies! Iz a mobie star 😁
Hewwow. Wez nots fightings, wez awe pwayings ands its becames ours mownings witualsies, to pway fastsies ands den sleepsies hardsies BOL 🤣
Hewwow iz getsings sum TLC fwom ma misses 🥰❤
Hewwow. Iz takings cawe ob ma toofers, whiles da misses is hebsings hewe mowningsies coffeesies
Hewwow. Sunday abternoon snuggies, abtew a nicest longs walkies ❤👌
Hello. Odin's misses here. I cannot mention enough, how important it is to walk(and let them sniff the area) with your dog. Sniffing is natural dog behaviour and it needs to be satisfied
What is also very impirtant is, to do mind games with your pet(yes even with cats) It chalanges them to "think" for themselves.
These mind games don't have to be expensive but are easily made with simple things around the house.
Try putting a few treats in an old sock and let your pet "hunt" for them. Maybe you got to help them a little in the beginning but they'll soon get the hang of it, as you can see with Odin 😁🥰
Hewwow. Iz was ats da parksies wif ma auntie Kate ands da misses ❤🥰
Hewwow. Iz was clearlies ins a deltas statesies hewe BOL 🤣 Ma papa thoughts iz was habsing a bad dreamsies ands starteds comfortings mez 😍
Hewwow. Iz pwayings wif da papa and iz winningsies 😀
Hewwow. Iz gots da feelings, iz beeings watcheds....🤔
Testings ma newsies flyings carpetsies, iz fink it's nots workingsies 🤔
Hewwow. It's saturdaysies ebeningsies ands iz chillaxingsies wif ma bonesies. Whats yourz plansies fow da ebeningsies???
Hewwow it's monday morningsies ands iz listeningsies to sum goods musicsies wif da papa.
Hewwow. It's fwidaysies ebenings ands iz lets it all hangs outsies BOL 🤗