Iz likes to takes da upertuneties, to speaks a fews kinds wordsies abouts ma Norwegians pwincess fwiendsies, Pwimwose da sweetest pugsies: Primrose the sweet pug
A long timesies agoes, iz askeds Pwim to marries mez. Shez tolds mez hers wanteds hers fweedoms buts wez stayed fwiendsies ❤🙏
Yous nots whewe a good fwiends, you stills AWE a goods fwiends and youz wills always bez 😘😘😘
Iz goings to miss youz, buts iz knows youz is onlys a heart bestsies aways and foweversies in myz heawts ❤❤❤ Iz lubs youz Pwimmie ands iz wishies yourz mama ands bessa alls da besties, and hopes dems wills finds stwenghts ins all da messages dems wills reciebes fwom all ober dem wowlds.
Caus wez will all miss youz Pwimmie 🦋🦋🦋