Torre’s confidence at Nosework is coming along 😃 She is continuing to drive to the box without worrying about where I am—which is what she should be doing—& she is going in under the boxes to get her food reward without hesitation.
#Nosework #Scentwork #SDTorreCallsTheShots #AKCBouvier #BouvierDesFlandres #BluegrassBouviers #BriarHillBouviers #FlyingPigsDogTraining #TrainHappy #SummerWindServiceDogs #MickeysLegacy #ServiceDogTraining #ServiceDogs #ServiceDogsforPTSD #DelawareOhio #Ally #WelcomeDiversity #EveryoneIsWelcome #APDTMember #CGCEvaluator #ClickerTraining #DogTraining #PuppyTraining #ObedienceTraining #DogTrainerLife #ShockFreeCoalition #LIMATrainer #DogLife #HappyDogs #DogTrainingTips
This video was really hard for me to watch, but I promised myself I would never delete footage of Mickey because it is all I have left of him.
This was his last time exercising on the dogPACER. As you can see, he is struggling to maintain a steady pace & stay on the treadmill. It isn’t because it is moving too fast; Mickey was still trotting happily along when we went on walk-about.
CCD (Canine Cognitive Dysfunction), also known as Dog Dementia and likened to Alzheimer’s in humans, was stealing away my beautiful, brilliant boy’s mind.
Once a dog who would happily run for 20-30 while I sat beside him, reading a book, Mickey simply couldn’t remember HOW to stay on the treadmill anymore.
This was 61 days before I was forced to choose to end his suffering. It was the day when he went from stable to deteriorating at a scary rate.
Because I talked to my vet when I first noticed he was acting a little “off,” Mickey had 2 years longer than he might have had otherwise & I cherish every second.
Kiss your senior dogs & please talk to your vet if you notice the slightest signs of mental deterioration in them. What you may attribute to growing older could be the beginning of CCD.
There is no cure, but there medications available to help with the symptoms, which are collectively known as DISHA*:
[changes in] Interactions with family members or other pets
Sleep-wake cycle changes
House soiling
Activity level changes
*Not all dogs will display all symptoms
If you are interested in doing a deep dive into CCD, here are a couple of resources to get you started.
#CanineCognitiveDysfunction #DogDementia #SeniorDogs #FlyingPigsDogTraining #TrainHappy #SummerWindServiceDogs #MickeysLegacy #Serv
Torre & I had really been struggling with sign #26 in AKC Rally: “Call Front. 1, 2, 3 steps back. Forward.”
The issue was that Torre’s sits got more crooked with each step. A while back, I took a course called “Give Props to Props” taught by Nicole Wiebusch through FDSA (OB290).
The course was all about using props to improve your training, so I applied that to the challenge we were facing & here are the results of our first training session using the gates as a guide.
For those who aren’t familiar, here is the description of the exercise directly from the AKC:
While heeling, the handler stops forward motion and calls the dog to front.
The handler may take several steps backward. The dog must come and sit in front.
The handler takes one step backward and halts. The dog must move with the handler and sit in front as the handler halts.
The handler takes two steps backward and halts. The dog must move with the handler and sit in front as the handler halts.
The handler takes three steps backward and halts. The dog must move with the handler and sit in front as the handler halts.
The handler may command/signal the dog to finish.
As the dog clears the handler’s path, the handler will heel forward before the dog returns to heel position.
#AKC #FDSA #RallyO #GivePropsToProps
#SDTorreCallsTheShots #AKCBouvier #BouvierDesFlandres #BluegrassBouviers #BriarHillBouviers #FlyingPigsDogTraining #TrainHappy #SummerWindServiceDogs #MickeysLegacy #ServiceDogTraining #ServiceDogs #ServiceDogsforPTSD #DelawareOhio #Ally #WelcomeDiversity #EveryoneIsWelcome #APDTMember #CGCEvaluator #ClickerTraining #DogTraining #PuppyTraining #ObedienceTraining #DogTrainerLife #ShockFreeCoalition #LIMATrainer #DogTrainingTips
Pivot platforms are a game changer! Torre & I got our introduction to them through Fenzi TEAM titles (
Torre LOVES to pivot. She finds it super reinforcing, so much so that she chose it to be her start button behavior for our training sessions 💜💖💜
Here, I am using it to help her learn to move from a straight front to a straight heel position with a minimum of body movement. Since I am looking specifically for that smooth motion, I’m not interested in the sits at this point. Those will be added into the picture later & they’ll come easily because Torre is already a pro at them.
This is a good example of splitting a behavior instead of lumping. You’ll hear dog trainers talk about that a lot. It is a way to break a complex behavior down into several parts & to teach each of those parts to fluency individually before stringing them all together.
It makes learning faster, easier, & much less frustrating for both the learner & the teacher alike. And that is a win-win 😃
#PivotPlarforms #FenziTeamTitles #SDTorreCallsTheShots #AKCBouvier #BouvierDesFlandres #BluegrassBouviers #BriarHillBouviers #FlyingPigsDogTraining #TrainHappy #SummerWindServiceDogs #MickeysLegacy #ServiceDogTraining #ServiceDogs #DelawareOhio #Ally #WelcomeDiversity #EveryoneIsWelcome #APDTMember #CGCEvaluator #ClickerTraining #DogTraining #PuppyTraining #ObedienceTraining #DogTrainerLife #ShockFreeCoalition #LIMATrainer #DoMoreWithYourDog #DogLife #HappyDogs #DogTrainingTips
Starting my video posting a little late, but I’m participating in Grisha Stewart’s Loose Leash Walking 21-Day Challenge for Dogs & Puppies 😃
Here is my Day 1 video, showing Torre pulling hard. She is wearing her Ruffwear Front Range harness with bungee leash extenders clipped to both the front & back leash clips to help lessen any shock if she were to hit the end of her 15’ line hard for some reason.
If you’d like you join us, registration is still open at: There are daily videos provided, which include lots of great info on how to make walks safer & more fun for both dog & human, as well as weekly LIVE Q&A sessions with Grisha with opportunities to learn even more!
#21DayLeashChallenge #GrishasDiamonds #MickeysLegacy #SDTorreCallsTheShots #Bouvier #BouvierDesFlandres #BluegrassBouviers #BriarHillBouviers #FlyingPigsDogTraining #SummerWindServiceDogs #DelawareOhio #Ally #WelcomeDiversity #EveryoneIsWelcome #APDTMember #CGCEvaluator #ForceFreeTraining #ClickerTraining #DogTraining #PuppyTraining #ObedienceTraining #ServiceDogTraining #ServiceDogs #ServiceDogsforPTSD #ShockFreeCoalition #DoMoreWithYourDog #DogLifeIsGood #HappyDogs #DogTrainingTips
Yesterday, 2 y/o Jeter hit a new personal best of 22.81MPH in pursuit of that elusive white plastic bag “bunny” (& his DCAT title) at the Columbus All Breed Training Club Fast CAT event at K9 Splash Zone in Brookville, OH. His time for that 100 yard run was 8.969 sec 🏎💨
He loves running so much ♥️ It makes my heart happy to watch him. It will be too hot for us to compete soon, so I just bought him & Torre one of those 30+ MPH RC all-terrain trucks to pull a bag for them to play with out here on the homestead in the cool of the mornings instead 😃
For more on Fast CATs & how you can get in on the fun with your dogs, please visit
#FastCat #AKC #TheJeterReport #AKCBouvier #BouvierdesFlandres #BluegrassBouviers #K9SplashZone #CABTC #ServiceDogs #SDIT #SummerWindServiceDogs #DelawareOhio #Ally #WelcomeDiversity #EveryoneIsWelcome #APDTMember #CGCEvaluator #ForceFreeTraining #ClickerTraining #DogTraining #PuppyTraining #ObedienceTraining #ServiceDogTraining #ShockFreeCoalition #DoMoreWithYourDog #DogLifeIsGood #HappyDogs #DogTrainingTips #SDLife
Torre & I, practicing the opening sequence of AKC’s Virtual Rally Novice course #e
I have been preparing Torre for her Virtual Rally Novice. Last Sunday, I set up the opening sequence of VRN course #3 to see how we would do. I’ll put the map in the comments.
I find Rally to be especially helpful for SDIT (Service Dogs in Training). The exercises emphasize learning to work in tandem, maneuvering through a variety of obstacles while maintaining a steady pace and a loose leash. When SD teams are in public, they may find themselves utilizing a lot of these same skills.
I slowed the video down to 3/4 speed to make it easier to see detail. I don’t think we did too badly. I hope to set up the remainder of the course tomorrow...
#SDTorreCallsTheShots #Bouvier #BluegrassBouviers #BriarHillBouviers #FlyingPigsDogTraining #DelawareOhio #ItsAllTricks #ForceFreeDogTraining #DogTrainer #ClickerTrainer #CGCEvaluator #APDTMember #ShockFreeCoalition #DogTraining #DoMoreWithYourDog #DogLife #AKCVirtualRally #SummerWindServiceDogs #MickeysLegacy #RallyNovice #ServiceDogTrainer #ServiceDog #PTSDSD #TrainingOurWayThruCOVID19 #Dogs #PuppyTraining #WelcomeDiversity #Obedience #APlaceWhereEveryoneIsWelcome #DogLovers #DogTrainingHacks #DogTrainingTips #ObedienceTraining #ObedienceTrainingTips
Torre adds a little flair to carrying the prey dummy
Since I had rotator cuff surgery back at the end of December & I have an injury to my other shoulder as well—which I am praying won’t require surgery 🙏—I decided this might be a good time to teach Torre to carry items for me.
I bought a prey dummy from Clean Run. If you aren’t familiar, a prey dummy is a zippered pouch that can be stuffed with treats. It is commonly used to teach the retrieve, hence the name.
My intention here was for Torre to walk beside me, carrying the prey dummy. I should have known better. Torre loves the broad jump. She finds it so reinforcing that I often use it as a reward for great work practicing things she doesn’t enjoy quite so much... like heel work.
She popped right over the broad jump, uncued, and it was so cute, I had to get it on video & I added the bar jump as well to see if she would carry the pretty dummy over that as well. Easy Peasy!
And that was, by far, the greatest distance she had carried anything for me. A major breakthrough! I love how she surprises me with those moments when I least expect them🥰
#FlyingPigsDogTraining #DelawareOhio #ItsAllTricks #SummerWindServiceDogs #MickeysLegacy #SDTorreCallsTheShots #Bouvier #BluegrassBouviers #ServiceDogTrainer #ServiceDog #PTSDSD
#ForceFreeDogTraining #DogTrainer #ClickerTrainer #CGCEvaluator #APDTMember #ShockFreeCoalition #DoMoreWithYourDog #ServiceDogTaskTraining
#TrainingOurWayThruCOVID19 #DogTraining #HappyDogs #ObedienceTraining #WelcomeDiversity #APlaceWhereEveryoneIsWelcome #Obedience #DogTrainingHacks #DogTrainingTips #ObedienceTrainingTips
Jeter learns to ring a service bell in leas than a minute
The smartest boy ♥️ This is the very first time I’ve ever worked with Jeter on targeting anything other than my hand.
In addition to being a cute trick, this behavior can easily be shaped into a SD task, such as calling an elevator, opening electric doors, or phoning for help on a specially equipped phone, all by pushing buttons.
BTW, SD Torre learned it the same way & just as quickly, but she already had an extensive learning history with targeting.
I cut the video where I did because he got a little over enthusiastic on the next rep & parts of the bell went flying all over the room LOL
#ServicePlease #RingMyBell #TrainingOurWayThruCOVID19 #ItsAllTricks #DoMoreWithYourDog
#TheJeterReport #Bouvier #BluegrassBouviers #FlyingPigsDogTraining #SummerWindServiceDogs #MickeysLegacy #CGCEvaluator #APDTMember #ClickerTrainer #DogTrainer #ServiceDogTrainer #DelawareOH #ServiceDog #SDIT #ShockFreeCoalition #TrainWithoutPain #PositiveReinforcementWorks
Frolicking in the Snow
Never have I been so happy to be so cold LOL 🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶
13° & 4” of snow 😱
#FrolickingInTheSnow #SnowDogs
#OffDutyFun #DoMoreWithYourDog #DecompressionWalks #CanineEnrichment #SDTorreRocks #TheJeterReport #Bouvier #BluegrassBouviers #BriarHillBouviers #SummerWindServiceDogs #FlyingPigsDogTraining #CGCEvaluator #APDTMember #ClickerTrainer #DogTrainer #ServiceDogTrainer #DelawareOhio
#PTSD #ServiceDog #ShockFreeCoalition #TrainWithoutPain #PositiveReinforcementWorks
Torre plays Ping Pong from Control Unleashed
I have been doing a lot of back-to-basics training with my dogs lately. It is a good refresher for them and it is a great way for me to refine my clicker mechanics.
Here, Torre and I are playing Ping-Pong, one of the Pattern Games from Leslie McDevitt’s fabulous book _Control Unleashed: Creating a Focused and Confident Dog_.
The pattern is simple:
1️⃣ the dog makes eye contact with the handler
2️⃣ the handler drops a treat between her feet
3️⃣ the dog eats the treat and looks up , making eye contact with the handler
Pattern games are a great way to help shy, anxious, or reactive dogs learn to cope with new situations. The patterns give them something familiar to do while they safely process their environment, thus lessening their reactivity.
#SDTorreROCKS #FlyingPigsDogTraining
#delawareohio #BriarHillBouviers #Bouvier #BluegrassBouviers #ServiceDog #dogswithjobs #CGCevaluator #APDTmember #clickertrainer #ServiceDoglife #trainwithoutpain #centralohiodogs #domorewithyourdog #positivereinforcementworks #shockfreecoalition #fearfreeisthewaytobe #positivenotpermissive #progressnotperfection #snackfeedernotpackleader