Here’s the latest on my adventures with Angel Brody and friends. We’ve been so busy wit all da snow. Lots of snowball fights and we made snow Corgis. We forgot to take pictures of dem. Den we got lots of rain. Boy it’s a good ting Angle Brody and I got raincoats. We can’t wear boots onna count of our stompers being too short. Dats ok I like da feel of snow between my toe beans. When we get frozen we run back into da cabin and puts our paws up in front of da fireplace. Next up I tink Angel Brody, me and a few of our friends are gonna do a cruise. How fun would dat be. I Love how when we’re with are wit Angels we become like them ands be invisible. We can teleport anyplace we want. But most of us dat aren’t Angels yet like to stay close to our human’s. We can only go on adventures when der sleeping or not home .But we Love our humans and always want to be around dem. Sometimes when I’m hanging out on da patio, Angel Brody comes and we just chill together. Oh oh I forgots to tell yous all, how could I forgets dis! Sometimes when Angel Brody comes and visits he brings my Angel Daddy. It make me so happy and sad. Onna count ob he’s only got partial wings and can’t come on his own yet. I guess it takes longer for humans to grow der wings. Not sure why dat is? Maybe cuz dogs Love unconditionally. I’m really not sure what dat has to do wit it but dats what I hearded. I’m sure my Angel Daddy will get his soon, cuz he was sure Loved buy a lot of people And is missed so so much. He says he hears Mama talking to him all da time and wishes he could talk back to her. Well not like bad talk back, you knows what Iz means. Only Angel animals can see other Angel animals, and all Angels can see each other. Hope yous all understand what I’m splaning to yous. I gotta go see what da Mama is gonna fix us for dinner. Much Love until next time Portia out🐾🐾