Sometimes you get a bit overexcited and bitey after you've been alligator wrestling, so you have to take the Hamster Taxi back to your home base instead of getting a free ride on your mom's hand. Then you find out someone has redone your house while you were out, and you are sad you missed the chance to be bitey by taking the taxi.
Team Pooka would like to introduce you to our hypothetical hamster, Button, aka Danger Mouse. Obviously she is only a hypothetical hamster because we would never dream of violating the two pet limit by adding a third pet. 8)
Grooming Specialist, Ollie
Happy 6th Gotcha Day!
Celebrating my 6th Gotcha Day with head rubs and playing with mom. I like to chase her!
Feeling good today!
this month I am six years old (date unknown). I’m 4+ years post initial tilt and I’m doing great!
I cant exactly Binky, but I can hop madly around in big circles without tipping over and run over to see mom. I can also safely use a water bowl now, too!
Mom made me a low entry litterbox and will be trying to retrain me to use it (Good luck with that, Ive been a free range pee-er for over 4 years now!).
Grooming and a food bandit flop!
Getting groomed!
The black and white food bandit is being very helpful today! Except he started tickling me, which makes me lick my own foot. The same thing happens when mom scratches that spot.