A few months ago I was told about 2 dogs in Bklyn who were living in their owner's backyard which was so full of trash and construction materials that they had no place to go but on top of a shed that they accessed through a very tall ladder. Through the power of social media, my good friend posted for us and we were able to get many calls to the precinct. It took several days and many calls for the officers to figure out this was unacceptable and not only go to the property, but contact animal cruelty who in turn contacted the ASPCA. The owner was told that he had to clean up the yard, and treat the mange. No mention of removing the ladder which provided access to the roof of the shed.
After all assessments were made by the above orgs, we at Keep Me Warm Doghouses Inc paid them a visit. We offered to help by providing a dumpster, and the owner said he could get people to help him cleanup the yard. We offered beds for the dogs, a gate to keep them indoors safely to prevent entry to areas of potential injury, and to get the dogs neutered. We were able to get them to agree to let the dogs live indoors, owner refused the neuters. Work is still being done to clean up the yard, but great progress is being made and the ladder has been removed! We will stay in touch to make sure the dogs continue to thrive and provide whatever they need to do so. Little boy Blue's mange has been treated and his fur is growing in nicely😊