Update adopted 7/15/24 💕 Miami FL‼️ ‼️7/14 P has a head tilt and does walk in circles
suspect pet has vestibular vs other neurological condition
P is otherwise stable and is eating, drinking, urintating and defecating well
P would benefit from full diagnostic workup and treatment at a private clinic‼️6/22 ANOTHER URGENT PLEA
Pet presented as neurological
On examination pet has no visual response- Blind, unable to determine if she always has been blind or if she had a medical event that resulted in blindness.
Pet is BAR
General condition- good
ambulatory x4
BCS 4/9- ideal purina scale
Responds well on auditory stimuli
broken right upper canine (104)
Propioceptive reflexes- normal
pet will be monitored to see if its eating, at this time she is a little afraid
6/20 Pet presented as neurological
On examination pet has no visual response- Blind, unable to determine if she always has been blind or if she had a medical event that resulted in blindness.
Pet is BAR
General condition- good
ambulatory x4
BCS 4/9- ideal purina scale
Responds well on auditory stimuli
Allows to be touched
broken right upper canine (104)
Propioceptive reflexes- normal
pet will be monitored to see if its eating, at this time she is a little afraid
pet will require further examination however at this time no evident underlying illness is present
Animal Name: DIXIE
Located At: Miami-Dade Animal Services
Kennel Number: TG10
Description: I am an unaltered female, brown and white Shiba Inu.
Age: The shelter staff think I am about 2 years old
More Info: I have been at the shelter since Jun 18, 2024.‼️‼️Please see below - adoptions are made in person at at the shelter
Miami Dade Animal Service
3599 NW 79th Avenue, Doral, Florida 33122
Call (305) 884-1101 or email [email protected]