Sunrise Tollers

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  • Sunrise Tollers

Sunrise Tollers We are a small hobby breeder of Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retreivers located in S.W. CT. Please contact us with any questions about tollers or us.


Don’t act like you’re sick of seeing this. 😘 ETA: TY to The Goodwin Firm for this. 🐶❤️


The poster urges people to share it on their page to their friends. After it's been shared many times, the scammer then edits the post to include a malicious link or service.

Peak X Dixie  #1 puppies turn 5 y/o on 2-9-24.

Peak X Dixie #1 puppies turn 5 y/o on 2-9-24.

4 1/2 day old NSDTR puppies enjoy their lunch on 2-14-2019.


In Connecticut, the breeding season for the eastern coyote is from January to March. During this time, you are more likely to hear and see coyotes. Contrary to popular belief, coyotes do not call to announce a kill. Instead, coyotes use a variety of vocalizations to communicate with family members, warn non-family members to stay out of their territory, and to advertise for a mate.

As coyotes have become more common, public concerns about coyotes attacking people, especially children, have increased. Although some coyotes may exhibit bold behavior near people, the risk of a coyote attacking a person is LOW. However, this risk can increase if coyotes are intentionally fed and then learn to associate people with food, or if a person is walking with a dog, especially one that is not leashed, near a coyote den or territory during the denning and pup rearing seasons.

Here are a few important tips on how to prevent conflicts with coyotes:

✅ DO NOT allow pets to run free! Keep cats indoors, particularly at night, and dogs on a leash or under close supervision at all times.

✅ NEVER feed coyotes! It is illegal to intentionally feed coyotes and other potentially dangerous wildlife (P.A. 23-77). Clean up bird seed below feeders, pet foods, and fallen fruit. Secure garbage and compost in animal-proof containers.

✅ ALWAYS walk dogs on a leash. If approached by a coyote while walking your dog, keep the dog under control and calmly leave the area. DO NOT run or turn your back. Coyotes are territorial and many reports of bold coyotes visiting yards, howling, or threatening larger dogs can often be attributed to this territorial behavior.

More information is at

Special thanks to John Clery for sharing this great photo.


This dog was bred to hunt in a very special way. Their color and movement catches the curiosity of ducks, which move in for a closer look. The birds are enticed into gunshot range, where the duck’s goose is cooked. This breed then retrieves the downed game.

Chet Jezierski
20th C


It’s a gamble you guys 🎲

When you bring your seizing dog to the vet and the FIRST question is not “what do you use for flea and tick meds?” Then you know we have a big problem here.

Most people tell me that when their dog has a seizure or any neurological issue they take the dog to the vet and after tons of bloodwork and test after test with a clean bill of health that their vet never, not once, asked about flea and ticks meds that might have been given.

How are consumers ever going to learn about the dangers of this product if vets don’t even CONSIDER that this drug MIGHT be part of the problem? When you get a new puppy and you go to the vet guess what is in your puppy pack? Yup. One of these chewables.

I’m not sure what else to do so I just spread the word. It’s all we can do.





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Our Story

We are a small hobby breeder of Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retreivers located in S.W. Connecticut, U.S.A.. Please contact us with any questions about tollers or us.