January is National Train your Dog Month. Here’s an easy trick to teach your pets!
The important thing to remember with any trick training is to take what you can get. Your pet will not be able to perfectly execute a trick on the first session. By giving them an “A for effort” so to speak, you are shaping the behavior! With time and practice your pet will then get closer and closer to performing the trick exactly.
Dogs who are food motivated, haven’t been taught leave- it, or easily frustrated learn with this method best.
And since we aren’t dog-exclusive:
For cats, I have had success teaching it as a “fist bump” where you move a closed fist above their head. Like a toy, they will reach up to bat at your hand.
#nationaltrainyourdogmonth #tricktraining #beginnertricks #positivereinforcement
“You need to correct your dog for barking and lunging at things”
“You need to make your dog sit and watch you when a distraction comes by”
Actually you don’t! “Correcting” your dog for reactive responses can cause more problems and doesn’t address the root of the issue. By using positive reinforcement training techniques to build up your dog’s engagement with the person at the end of the leash, you are creating a positive association AND telling them what to do instead. By doing this, you are reaching the cause of the issues which is their negative emotions.
@clickertraining Karen Pryor has amazing resources on Engage Disengage and teaching your dog to look (engage) at a distraction, receive a reward, and then look away (disengage) to learn that it is okay to look away from something scary.
If you are struggling with a reactive dog, please reach out to schedule an evaluation and training sessions! You can go from being hyper vigilant to actually enjoying your walks outside with your dog 💚🍀
#reactivedog #reactivedogtraining #fearreactivity #fearreactivedog #positivereinforcementtraining #positivereinforcementdogtraining #phoenixdogtraining #phoenixpetbehavior #dogbehaviorspecialists
January is National Train Your Dog Month! Want to participate with something fun and easy? Check out how to teach your dog to spin.
If you have other pets, don’t feel left out! This trick is fun for other animals like cats and rabbits.
#nationaltrainyourdogmonth🐕 #dogtraining #dogenrichmentideas #dogtricks #cattricks
Have you ever heard a hamster hiss before?
The video below is a hamster I worked with in the shelter. I named her ‘Zap’ because of her electric hiss! She was surrendered due to her behavior issues of biting, hissing, and being unsocial.
Although the hamsters from pet stores are a domesticated species, they sometimes revert to untame behavior without enough handling.
Do you need help with your hamster? Please see the “Critter Services” menu for more information, or reach out to schedule a session!