Dyscophus guineti, 3 days after spawn.
#dyscophusguineti #dyscophus #guineti #falsetomatofrog #amphibian #frog #czech #royal #reptile #czechroyalreptiles
Female Uroplatus pietschmanni - cork bark leaf tailed gecko.
#uroplatus #pietschmanni #uroplatuspietschmanni #corkbarkleaftailgecko #leaftailgecko #gecko #czech #royal #reptile #czechroyalreptiles
Different stages of Trachycephalus resinifictrix, milk frogs.
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Různé fáze vývoje u T. resinifictrix, rosniček včelích.
#trachycephalus #resinifictrix #trachycephalusresinfictrix #frog #amphibian #milkfrog #czech #royal #reptile #czechroyalreptiles
Boana pellucens, 25 days since spawn.
Last throwback post to the tomato frog - Dyscophus guineti spawn.
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Poslední vzpomínka na zdařilé rozmnožení rajčatovek.
#dyscophus #guineti #dyscophusguineti #tomato #frog #tomatofrog #amphibian #czech #royal #reptile #czechroyalreptiles
More and more Ceratophrys cranwelli ending the tadpole phase.
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Stále přibývá malých žabek Ceratophrys cranwelli končící pulčí fázi.
#ceratophrys #cranwelli #ceratophryscranwelli #pacmanfrog #amphibian #frog #czech #royal #reptile #czechroyalreptiles
Feeding Ceratophrys cranwelli with snail.
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Krmení rohatky.
#ceratophryscranwelli #ceratophrys #cranwelli #frog #amphibian #czech #royal #reptiles #czechroyalreptiles
Triprion petasatus, day 23.
First frogs with front legs.
#triprion #petasatus #triprionpetasatus #duckfacedfrog #amphibian #frog #czech #royal #reptile #czechroyalreptiles
Triprion petasatus
Day 17, first sign of back legs.
(Video was taken day after).
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Den 17, první známky zadních nohou.
(Video bylo pořízeno až den poté).
#triprion #petasatus #triprionpetasatus #duckfacedfrog #amphibian #frog #czech #royal #reptile #czechroyalreptiles
Triprion petasatus, day 14.
#triprion #petasatus #triprionpetastus #amphibian #frog #czech #royal #reptile #czechroyalreptiles
Releasing the male into his new terrarium today. This male is from 2020, growing very nicely.
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Vypouštění samečka do nového terária. Tento je z roku 2020, krásně prospívá.
#rhacodactylus #trachycephalus #rhacodactylustrachycephalus #lesser #gecko #lizard #newcaledonia #reptilesofinstagram #czech #royal #reptile #czechroyalreptiles
Boana pellucens, 32 days - tadpole phase.
#boana #hypsiboas #pellucens #boanapellucens #amphibian #frog #czech #royal #reptile #czechroyalreptiles
Boana pellucens, 25 days - tadpole phase 🙂.
#boana #hypsiboas #pellucens #boanapellucens #amphibian #frog #czech #royal #reptile #czechroyalreptiles
Looking forward to metamorphosis of these tadpoles 🙈.
#tadpoles #frogs #metamorphosis
Here is a sneak peak of something that I have been working on lately. Thanks to Terra-master, the work is a lot more easier 😉.
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Krátké video na čem jsem v poslední době pracovala. Díky pletivu od Terra-master to jde mnohem lépe od ruky 😉.
More snakes are hatching, Lampropeltis triangulum sinaloae this time 😏.
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Další hadi se líhnou, tentokrát Lampropeltis triangulum sinaloae.
#lampropeltis #triangulum #sinaloae #lampropeltistriangulum #snake #czech #royal #reptile #czechroyalreptiles
Very nicely packed and served order from Terra-master, thank you! I have been working on enclosures for babies, video coming soon 😈
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Moc pěkně připravená a zabalená objednávka od Terra-master, děkuji! Pracuji na odchovničkách pro mláďata, video již brzy 😈.
Freshly hatched Lampropeltis triangulum nelsoni 😊.
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Čerstvě vylíhlá mláďata Lampropeltis triangulum nelsoni 😊.
#lampropeltis #triangulum #nelsoni #lampropeltistriangulum #albino #snakesofinstagram #snake #czech #royal #reptile #czechroyalreptiles