Help Adopt Moroccan Animals

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Help Adopt Moroccan Animals We are a place of safety, care and love for abused and at risk dogs and cats off the streets and outreach to many in need still living on the street.


My friend, Rachel Blech, is helping me to raise money for tick treatment for all the dogs in my shelter. Please read her post below ⬇️ (I had to copy it as it wouldn't share!)


As many of you are aware I am a great supporter for animal charities and associations in Morocco. I am always trying to help animals in need and those living in the street. I have rescued several dogs in distress over the years and some of these have been taken in by other refuges and shelters in the country. I have three rescues living with me at home in my apartment in Essaouira, plus I also sponsor 2 dogs and 1 donkey. I give as much as I can afford to give to help the associations and to feed or treat the animals directly myself.

But this week, I have been made aware of a DREADFUL situation with TICKS at the Refuge Help Adopt Moroccan Animals in Marrakech. The infestation is out of control and is being caused by a tick nest on unoccupied neighbouring land. This is the refuge where my lovely "Ben" is located. The ticks are everywhere, in their millions!!! The owner, Ibtissam Ait Mericha is in absolute distress as dogs are dying each day as a result.
Ticks carry terrible diseases and dogs as host, heat and a rural environment are their perfect paradise to thrive.

**Please watch the video below, from Help Adopt Moroccan Animals and you will understand why I am asking all my Morocco-based and Moroccan animal loving friends to contribute to buying BRAVECTO Strong Tick Treatment for dogs. I will be purchasing the product and having it delivered to the refuge.
It is VERY EXPENSIVE in Morocco. But I have been given a discounted price thanks to our local vet, Sarah. We have calculated that 140 dogs can be treated with 80 tablets of BRAVECTO (by dividing the tablets for XL dogs) which will protect them and kill ticks for 3 months. This is the most cost-effective way.

The cost per tablet in Morocco is normally about 550dh/€50. That's almost twice the price of it in UK!!
****I am asking 80 people to contribute 300dh each to help with this campaign. I will pay the difference.
****Payable from your account in Morocco to my bank in Morocco to avoid international bank charges and to avoid ALWAYS asking for help from people living in UK or outside of Morocco.

If you can contribute 300dh, please comment below and I will send my bank BMCE details. If you are outside Morocco and do wish to contribute €30 euro, I will send my Irish details, or £30 for givers.
Please just leave a comment below to say if you wish to contribute in Dirhams, Euros or GBP Sterling,
Thank you!


I am sorry to to have to tell you that the Animal Webaction campaign has failed. We will receive no food for our dogs 😭. Today has been a terrible day in so many ways and now we have no food either to feed our dogs. I don't know how we will cope.

Please, if you would like to help provide food, these are my bank account details for Paypal:

To donate via WISE, please go to our website for details.

Thank you so much for all your support 🙏🐾❤️



"Mais si je ne peux pas les protéger de la faim, rien de ce que je pourrais faire ne pourra éviter qu'ils se tournent les uns contre les autres, et que des bagarres mortelles éclatent..."
Au Maroc, Ibtissam n'a presque plus de croquettes pour nourrir les centaines de chiens qui comptent sur elle au refuge : ils vont mourir de faim ! Offrons-leur un repas, c'est gratuit ->

La collecte Avance comme une tortue 🥵😓

La collecte Avance comme une tortue 🥵😓

Une récolte de croquettes est organisée pour tenter de les sauver.

Dear Friends and supporters our monthly event is back! Animal Webaction has organized another collection for us, and we ...

Dear Friends and supporters our monthly event is back! Animal Webaction has organized another collection for us, and we are counting on all of you to support us with your shares, clicks, and donations. Let’s succeed in this collection as we always do, so our doggies can have enough to eat! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything; your support is invaluable. You are the shoulder I lean on because I could never continue what I do alone 🙏🏼🐾❤️

Une récolte de croquettes est organisée pour tenter de les sauver.

Dear Friends and supporters our monthly event is back! Animal Webaction has organized another collection for us, and we ...

Dear Friends and supporters our monthly event is back! Animal Webaction has organized another collection for us, and we are counting on all of you to support us with your shares, clicks, and donations. Let’s succeed in this collection as we always do, so our doggies can have enough to eat! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything; your support is invaluable. You are the shoulder I lean on because I could never continue what I do alone 🙏🏼🐾❤️


-Today, we share with immense sadness news that breaks our hearts. On our way to rescue the dog in distress, we received the heartbreaking news of her passing. She died in suffering, without us being able to provide the comfort and care she so deserved.

This tragedy highlights a crucial issue we face daily in Morocco: the management of the canine population. Too many animals are abandoned, suffering on the streets without help or hope. To prevent such tragedies, it is essential to spay and neuter as many animals as possible. This approach reduces the number of unwanted births and diminishes future suffering.

We call upon our wonderful community. Support shelters, participate in spay and neuter campaigns, and raise your voice for better canine population management. Every action counts, and every bit of support brings us closer to our mission: to save lives and offer a second chance to these abandoned animals.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your invaluable support.

-Aujourd'hui, nous partageons avec une immense tristesse une nouvelle qui brise nos cœurs.💔
Sur le chemin pour sauver la chienne en détresse, nous avons reçu la nouvelle déchirante de son départ. Elle est morte dans la souffrance, sans que nous ayons pu lui apporter le réconfort et les soins qu'elle méritait tant.😭

Ce drame met en lumière un problème crucial auquel nous sommes confrontés quotidiennement au Maroc :
la gestion de la population canine. Trop d'animaux se retrouvent abandonnés, souffrant dans les rues sans aide ni espoir. Pour éviter de telles tragédies, il est essentiel de stériliser et castrer un maximum d'animaux. Cette démarche réduit le nombre de naissances non désirées et diminue les souffrances futures.

Nous lançons un appel à notre merveilleuse communauté. Soutenez les refuges, participez aux campagnes de stérilisation, et faites entendre votre voix pour une meilleure gestion de la population canine. Chaque geste compte, chaque soutien nous rapproche un peu plus de notre mission : sauver des vies et offrir une seconde chance à ces animaux abandonnés.💔💔💔💔

Merci de tout cœur pour votre soutien inestimable.

A few days ago, we had the joy of receiving the Animal Web Actions collection. Unfortunately, we lost the photos and vid...

A few days ago, we had the joy of receiving the Animal Web Actions collection. Unfortunately, we lost the photos and videos of this precious delivery. Despite this, our hearts are filled with gratitude.
A huge thank you to Animal Webaction ,to each of you for your clicks, shares, and generous donations🙏🏼. Your support is invaluable, and we are deeply touched by your solidarity.
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts; we cannot express how much your help means to us.🙏🏼🐾❤️

Hello everyone,I want to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude to all of you. Your support, clicks, shares, an...

Hello everyone,

I want to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude to all of you. Your support, clicks, shares, and donations have been invaluable in helping us reach our animal webaction goal.

Thanks to your incredible generosity and efforts, we can feed our doggies and continue our mission and make a real difference for this poor soul’s.Your engagement means the world to us, and we couldn't have done it without you.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

With gratitude,



C’est ça le Maroc qu’on aime❤️
(Sauvetage d’un pignon qui est passé au- dessous du tram)
bravo au conducteur et bravo au personnes qui ont intervenus pour le faire sortir…
Cela nous réchauffe le cœur et nous donne de l’espoir autant que militants pour la cause animale. Le changement arrive sans doute 💪🏼🐾🐕🐈‍⬛🦧🦓🦛🫏🐓🐏🐪🐄🐘🐠🦔


"Leurs défenses immunitaires baisseront et ils attraperont toutes les maladies et infections possibles. Combien d'entre eux pourront survivre ? Cette question tourne en boucle dans ma tête..."
Au Maroc, Ibtissam n'a presque plus de croquettes : les centaines de chiens qui dépendent d'elle au refuge et dans les rues vont mourir de faim si personne n'intervient ! Offrons-leur un repas, c'est gratuit ->

my dear friends. I don't know how to thank you for your commitment and your support, yesterday we won one more animalweb...

my dear friends. I don't know how to thank you for your commitment and your support, yesterday we won one more animalwebaction collect together, thanks to your determination, your clicks, your shares and your donations👏
I am more than blessed to have you by my side
with gratitude

mes chers amies & amis. Je ne sais comment vous remercier pour votre engagement et votre soutien, hier nous avons encore gagné ensemble une nouvelle collecte animalwebaction!! grâce à votre détermination, vos clics, vos partages et vos dons👏
je suis vraiment bénie de vous avoir à mes côtés.
avec gratitude
ibtissam 🙏🐾❤

This is going to be the longest 30 minutes of my life again. stress stress🥵

This is going to be the longest 30 minutes of my life again. stress stress🥵

come on friends! please a little more effort 2 days have already passed and we haven't even had half of the collection, ...

come on friends! please a little more effort 2 days have already passed and we haven't even had half of the collection, I know very well that a lot of people have given up on us, they no longer share our collection but it doesn't matter!! you our friends and loyal supporters, you are still here and I know I can count on you 🙏🐾🐕💜

allez les amies /amis, encore un petit effort ,2 jours se sont déjà écoulés et nous n'avons même pas eu la moitié de la collection, je sais très bien que beaucoup de gens nous ont abandonnés, ils ne partagent plus notre collecte mais ce n'est pas grave !! vous nos chers et fidèles supporters, vous êtes toujours là et je sais que je peux compter sur vous 🙏🐾🐕💜

We have 5000 folowers!!! if just the half share the collecte de can make it !!! Please share clinique and donate 🙏🐾💜

We have 5000 folowers!!! if just the half share the collecte de can make it !!! Please share clinique and donate 🙏🐾💜

Une récolte de croquettes est organisée pour tenter de les sauver.



Une récolte de croquettes est organisée pour tenter de les sauver.

Here we go dear friends. the Animal Webaction  is launched, Go Go Go  you keyboards please ! click, share as much as pos...

Here we go dear friends. the Animal Webaction is launched, Go Go Go you keyboards please ! click, share as much as possible .🙏🐾❤

A kibble campaign is being organised to try and save them.

weird!! they all look in the same direction👀👀👀👀👀!! I wonder why!!!🤔🤭 you can guess what for!!?😋

weird!! they all look in the same direction👀👀👀👀👀!! I wonder why!!!🤔🤭 you can guess what for!!?😋

Dear friends and supporters my heart is overflowing with deep gratitude to each and every one of you. Your generous supp...

Dear friends and supporters

my heart is overflowing with deep gratitude to each and every one of you. Your generous support not only feeds our doggies' hungry stomachs but my souls too. Every click, every donation, every share is a shade of hope for my babies. You are the heroes who make our eyes shine and warm our hearts. Thank you for your precious support. 🐾💕
With gratitude

Chers amis et supporters

mon cœur déborde d'une reconnaissance profonde envers chacune et chacun d'entre vous. Votre soutien généreux nourrit non seulement les estomacs affamés de mes toutous mais mon âmes aussi. Chaque clic, chaque don, chaque partage, c'est une nuance d'espoir pour mes bébés. Vous êtes les héros qui font briller nos yeux et réchauffent nos cœurs. Merci pour votre précieux support . 🐾💕
Avec Gratitude


Just a quick message to say a huge thank you to all of you - the Animal WebAction campaign has succeeded this time and I am so happy that food will be provided for our dogs. I will write more tomorrow. Thank you again 😊🐾❤️

We have just a little over 1.5 hours left to reach our target of 2000kg of food for our dogs - that's a whole month of f...

We have just a little over 1.5 hours left to reach our target of 2000kg of food for our dogs - that's a whole month of food for them if we can just reach the goal! If not, we get NOTHING!

Please, please click, share this post to your social media, donate any amount you feel you can offer to help provide food...we really need this.

Thank you so much in advance to all of you who help us, we are so grateful to every one of you 🙏🐾❤️

Click the link here:

●Dear friends and supporters, We are in the final stretch of our fundraising campaign, and we have only 8 hours left to ...

●Dear friends and supporters,

We are in the final stretch of our fundraising campaign, and we have only 8 hours left to reach our goal. Unfortunately, we haven't even reached half of our target.
Every contribution matters, and together, we can make a real difference. Whether it's a small or large amount, every dollar brings us closer to our goal.
Please share this cause with your friends, colleagues, and on social media. Each share can reach new people willing to support our cause.
Let's team up to reach our goal in the next few hours.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your ongoing support.

●Chers amis et soutiens,

Nous sommes dans la dernière ligne droite de notre collecte de fonds et il nous reste seulement 8 heures pour atteindre notre objectif. Malheureusement, nous n'avons pas encore atteint la moitié de notre cible.
Chaque contribution compte, et ensemble, nous pouvons faire une réelle différence. Que ce soit une petite ou une grande somme, chaque euro nous rapproche de notre but.
Partagez cette cause avec vos proches, collègues et réseaux sociaux. Chaque partage peut atteindre de nouvelles personnes prêtes à soutenir notre cause.
Faisons équipe pour atteindre notre objectif dans les prochaines heures.

Merci du fond du cœur pour votre soutien continu.

Une récolte de croquettes est organisée pour tenter de les sauver.


"Ce qui me hante le plus, c'est de perdre des chiens... Cette crainte est devenue mon quotidien, une présence constante qui me rappelle l'urgence de notre situation."
Au Maroc, Ibtissam n'a presque plus de croquettes pour nourrir 196 chiens de son refuge. Ils vont mourir de faim ! Offrons-leur un repas, c'est gratuit ->

Since yesterday, we've only gathered 130kg. At this rate, we might not reach our goal for the collect. Please, share as ...

Since yesterday, we've only gathered 130kg. At this rate, we might not reach our goal for the collect. Please, share as much as possible, click, and make donations. Help us secure a month's worth of food for our furry friends. Every help counts. 🙏🐾💜

Depuis hier, nous n'avons récolté que 130kg. À cette fréquence, nous risquons de ne pas atteindre notre objectif pour la collecte. S'il vous plaît, partagez autant que possible, cliquez et faites des donations. Aidez-nous à assurer un mois de nourriture pour nos loulous. Chaque geste compte. 🙏🐾💜

Une récolte de croquettes est organisée pour tenter de les sauver.



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