April's Horsemanship

April's Horsemanship Providing coaching on those wanting to train their horse or for those feeling like they hit a setback. I prefer to do things as tell show and do.

As a coach and facilitator means I do things differently in how I approach you and your horse. April's horsemanship started in Texas as Apenimon Ranch. 2013. in 2022 Moved to Alabama for the grass and was to retire my lesson horse and focus on me as I was just diagnosed with PTSD and been wanting to refocus and get back to what is most important to me. I am getting back to Horsemanship lessons slo

wly. Utilizing variety of learning methods to help each individual as well as those who may have had a trauma in riding. Owned and managed by Female Army veteran



Previously I have said that the easiest horses to train are the ones with ‘try’. By the word ‘try’ I mean they possess a readiness to search for ways to escape or evade pressure. So when we ask something of a horse by applying a little pressure the horse feels it is important enough and they are motivated enough to search through all the available options of responses to eliminate the discomfort that pressure has created. That’s what I mean by the term try and that’s what makes those horses more trainable.

I think there are 3 categories of try in the horse world and within those, there are sub-levels, which I will try to explain as I go along.

There are horses with a lot of natural try.

These are often pretty sensitive horses and the thing they are sensitive to is pressure. It usually doesn’t take a lot of asking for them to try something. One of the issues that people have with this type of horse is often an overreaction to pressure or anticipation ahead of the pressure. This is where the term “hot horse” comes from. Often their response to being asked something is disproportional to the amount of pressure used because of their worry about pressure. That’s the downside.

However, the upside is it usually doesn’t require a lot of pressure for them to search for a new idea and a way of responding to our requests. They try one answer and if that doesn’t result in peace and tranquility in their life, they try another. Then another and another, until they find comfort.

Horses like this are quick learners if handled correctly. Nevertheless, if our timing and feel are poor then we confuse them and stress them even more than before. They can quickly turn from sensitive to crazy and pass from person to person until either finding the right owner or going for slaughter. Unfortunately, this is too often the fate of retired racehorses and other victims of human error.

Sensitive horses have the potential to be the best horses, but they are not suited for inexperienced people for the reasons I have already stated. Where it goes wrong is people’s inability to recognize a try in a horse and either miss it altogether or they are inconsistent with their releases and confuse the poor beast until they have a meltdown. A lack of clarity is a huge stress in a horse’s life and sensitive horses with a lot of try suffer the most for this human failing. But given an owner with empathy, patience, and a good feel and timing, they can be amazing.

The second category is with horses that have very little try in them.

These horses are not inspired to search very hard for answers to questions that pressure presents to them. I believe two types of horses exhibit this behaviour.

The first is the stoic horse. These are horses that came out of their mother with not a lot of “care factor.” They absorb pressure and trouble and store it up inside until their cup of worry is ready to overflow, then they erupt – and erupt big. But in the lead-up to the eruption, they appear to be calm and quiet and not care. A rider can add layer upon layer of pressure and they shrug their shoulders as if to ask if we were talking to them.

A lot of people who have had bad experiences with sensitive horses eventually become attracted to the stoic horse. They feel safer because these horses don’t have a hair trigger when we get our feel or timing wrong or we present too much pressure. These make the perfect kids' pony or babysitter for a novice rider.

The downside is that every time we want to teach them something new or change their thoughts or established patterns, it’s a lot of work.

The second type of horse that often shows very little try is the shutdown horse.

These horses often start as sensitive with a lot of try but become shut down with very little try because of poor training. Through insensitive training, they have learned the futility of having or expressing an opinion. Unlike the horse born with a small care factor, these horses have a lot of care factors, but it is drilled out of them until they mentally disengage from us and what we ask of them.

The most common way I have seen of killing a try in these horses is through drilling the work over and over and by flooding it with pressure. Flooding is where pressure is presented to a horse and not removed until the horse submits. An example might be to throw a rope over a horse’s back and keep throwing it until he stands quietly before you stop throwing the rope. A horse can learn to eliminate the pressure of the rope by not moving, yet the rope may still worry him. He is learning the futility of resistance and the futility of searching. It builds a mental and emotional wall around itself to keep people out. It is really difficult to have a good relationship with a shutdown horse because it will not fully mentally engage with humans.

There are other ways of turning a sensitive horse into a shutdown horse (such as continued poor feel and timing, impatience, use of ever-increasing driving pressure, etc), but the important point is that while these horses may appear just like those with a small care factor, they actually have a large care factor and can be very sensitive. It is the combination of their sensitivity and our poor training techniques that cause a horse to shut down. This potentially makes them very dangerous when they erupt.

The final category of a horse’s try or ability to search through its options is the one where their established behaviour or set of responses to pressure are tightly linked to their perception of life and death. This is beyond being sensitive because instead of searching through the options to safety and comfort, as a sensitive horse is prone to doing, these horses will repeat the same responses and behaviours over and over in fear that a change will get them killed. They are so convinced that what they do is the reason they have lived so far, that all other options are off the table. Unlike the horse the stoic horse or the horse born with a low care factor, these horses choose to not try through their certainty of what it takes to survive. It is their survival instinct that suppresses their trainability.

This category of horse is hard to work with and in my experience is best handled with incredible patience and by going back to the absolute basics. Nothing is overlooked. Each micron of change is covered step-by-step and consolidated before going further. It is important that these horses feel confident that each little change is the best path to safety and comfort. If you leave a step only half done and only half certain that it was the right step, the horse will revert and fall apart at some point.

I have sometimes said that the thing we most like about a horse is also the thing we most dislike. A sensitive horse with a lot of tries can be taught to work off a thought, which is fantastic. But equally, they can have a hair trigger to a meltdown and that can be a problem. On the other hand, a stoic horse with very little try can be solid and can absorb a lot of trouble before overreacting, which makes some people feel safe. However, good luck trying to get them to be soft and responsive in the way a sensitive horse can be.

Of course, most horses are a mix of categories and don’t fall strictly into one or the other. In an ideal world, I’d be looking for a horse that had a lot of try and a little bit of stoicism. But until then I’m happy to take responsibility for the amount of try my training puts into any of my horses.

Photo: An example of two individuals, each ‘trying’.

I am posting all sale items in this page. If needing fly protection I got you covered. If need a bulk price or more than...

I am posting all sale items in this page. If needing fly protection I got you covered. If need a bulk price or more than what I have. I can get more in.

Will have a few of these available to see and some to sell. Some photos with prices. If you want to pre-order more. You ...

Will have a few of these available to see and some to sell. Some photos with prices. If you want to pre-order more. You must pay a deposit per book you wish to order. I can give a bulk discount for you, just let me know how many and I can see what I can do.

This is a good read. So many times, I get the why don't you lunge first. I had to kill that instinct in me. I don't use ...

This is a good read. So many times, I get the why don't you lunge first. I had to kill that instinct in me. I don't use round pens or allow others to use them. I use it very differently and it almost doesn't have a use other than for my lessons to ride in when it was 60'. None no matter the season have had to keep their feet moving. Even the Colts that I started.


Here is a shocking revelation.

A horse’s mind is not a muscle. It does not need warming up.

I once ran my horse training business from a busy boarding facility. One boarder rode her horse almost every day of the week. But before each ride, she would lunge her horse in the round yard. She would walk, trot, and canter her horse in one direction. She set her watch for 10mins. When the alarm went off she stopped her horse, changed direction, and repeated the work in the opposite direction for 10mins.

One day I asked her why she lunged her horse so religiously before each ride. I was told that if she didn’t do it her horse was unmanageable because of all of his excess energy. The lunging tired him enough to make him focus on the work during her ride.

I have heard similar stories from other people. It seems horses that live in stalls or yards for most of the day often suffer from excess energy syndrome. And let’s not forget that mares in season and horses grazing on spring grass can also suffer from excess energy syndrome. If you think about it there seems to be a myriad of factors that cause excess energy syndrome. Active horses with busy feet are a common problem in the horse world through the syndrome known as excess energy.

Nevertheless, I don’t believe excess energy is a real thing. Yes, horses can display uncontrolled energy under many conditions. It can be a challenge to work with a horse that suffers in this way. But let me be clear that the behaviour of an overly energetic horse is not due to excess energy. It’s not the intake of calories that requires a horse to be lunged for 20 minutes before riding to make it safe.

Busy feet are the result of a busy mind.

Working with a horse whose mind is not focused and does not allow us to softly direct its thoughts is what causes the excess energy syndrome. Behaviour that is derived from so-called excess energy is largely a mental problem, not a physical problem. The scattered energy we see in a horse is a function of a scattered mind.

When we have to lunge our horse for 20 minutes before riding we are using the routine and dullness of continuous circling to quiet its mind. We are admitting that our horse is not interested in a back-and-forth conversation with us.

I think the belief of using exercise to be able to tap into a horse’s mind is deeply flawed. The feet do not direct the mind. The reality is that the mind directs the feet. When our horse is exhibiting excess exuberance it is because its mind is focused elsewhere and we are competing with everything else in the world for its attention and concentration. And we are losing.

If we rely on burning calories to ensure our horse is safe before riding, we will always have to resort to this pattern before the real work begins. The mental connection we want with our horse will constantly elude us because we are relying on moving the feet rather than engaging the mind. A horse’s mind is not a muscle. It does not need warming up.

Photo: Beware of the gremlins when lush spring grass is available.

Check out Diamond Wool Western Trail Pony Horse SADDLE PAD Blue 28"x26", the latest item I added on eBay!     https://eb...

Check out Diamond Wool Western Trail Pony Horse SADDLE PAD Blue 28"x26", the latest item I added on eBay! https://ebay.us/MnAGW3

I just added a new item to eBay, 42" pony Horse blanket and pink polka dot!     https://ebay.us/Fv14Wy

I just added a new item to eBay, 42" pony Horse blanket and pink polka dot! https://ebay.us/Fv14Wy


Corvino Family Enterprises LLC is where a lot of the sales are going to be moving over to. The store is getting set up. Hours of operation will be slow going. We are also trying our hand in making some candles. Everything that is not riding lesson or training-related will be moved there. It is a slow process as I do manage different pages.

This promotion end June 13th! Check them out before it ends!

This promotion end June 13th! Check them out before it ends!

All these tin signs are marked at cost. Unless need them shipped then I will direct you to my ebay store and they are pr...

All these tin signs are marked at cost. Unless need them shipped then I will direct you to my ebay store and they are priced a bit different over there due to the overhead. I have a goal to try to get them sold before my birthday in 2 weeks. make me an offer if want them all.

I am currently accepting orders for these journals among others, as well as worksheets. At the moment, I am only able to...

I am currently accepting orders for these journals among others, as well as worksheets. At the moment, I am only able to fulfill special orders. These journals have been distributed to my clients and are priced at $13 each. Should you require a larger quantity, I may be able to offer a discount. The worksheets are priced at approximately $15 each.


The horse who taught me everything

Can’t forget the most incredible glow up of them all: Mr. Milo ❤️

Milo is 12 this year! Which is an absolutely crazy thing to say because I’ve had him since he was just 2 years old. It’ll be our 10 year old “gotcha” day anniversary in July.

Based off of when Milo lost his baby teeth, though, his actual birth date likely falls between April and June so we picked the month of May for when he officially ages up 1 year.

For anyone who is new here or unaware, I adopted Milo from the SPCA in 2014. He was seized from his previous home along with several other horses because they were all emaciated and horribly neglected.

He was born into severe neglect and knew nothing else for 2 years.

Milo has taught me a lot and has been an absolutely integral part of my journey as an equestrian because he’s forced me to self reflect and ask myself some hard questions. He has shown me that the “foolproof” forceful methods I was initially taught absolutely do not work on every horse.

He’s taught me a lot more compassion, patience and understanding than I think I would have possessed without him.

He’s also seen me through a lot of different developmental stages of my life, through trauma, massive insecurity and then subsequent self discovery and growth.

I was only 18 when I got Milo and thought I knew an awful lot more than I did.

So much has changed in the years that I’ve had him and I’m constantly on the pursuit of trying to provide him with a better life.

I hope as time goes on and he ages into a senior horse eventually, I can give him the beautiful retirement and sanctuary he needs with the same stable herd mates (his besties: Banksy and Pogo) and hopefully one day a farm of my own that he can grow old on.

He is the reason why my business exists and why I’ve chosen to show up in the horse world in the manner I have.

Milo has always refused to accept mistreatment and has forced me to make needed changes, even during my most stubborn and aggressive stages of my journey as an equestrian.

I am forever grateful to him for the sheer fortitude of his spirit and his demands for fairness.

Check out Fortiflex -Black Durable Flatback 5 Gallons Capacity Horse Bucket, the latest item I added on eBay!     https:...

Check out Fortiflex -Black Durable Flatback 5 Gallons Capacity Horse Bucket, the latest item I added on eBay! https://ebay.us/5oc67q

New! Pony/Youth Western saddle with saddle pad and headstall was just added to eBay. Check it out!     https://ebay.us/Z...

New! Pony/Youth Western saddle with saddle pad and headstall was just added to eBay. Check it out! https://ebay.us/Z0bihm

I just added a new item to eBay, Fleece Ba****ck Pad Purple or red fuzzy includes girths!     https://ebay.us/Q4riDO

I just added a new item to eBay, Fleece Ba****ck Pad Purple or red fuzzy includes girths! https://ebay.us/Q4riDO

If I had done half of this and not given Sage a voice I'd be in more hurt. Would make everyone a believer that he was da...

If I had done half of this and not given Sage a voice I'd be in more hurt. Would make everyone a believer that he was dangerous. I love him for being himself.

I made a cafe press some time ago. I decided to add Loki to the designs. I hope yall enjoy! To Loki Family: I hope yall ...

I made a cafe press some time ago. I decided to add Loki to the designs. I hope yall enjoy! To Loki Family: I hope yall love what I did. I am gonna have to see if I can have one of these things shipped to you. With your choice. I rarely been sleeping and been working on so many projects.

We are committed to creating an inclusive experience for people with disabilities. If you need assistance, please contact customer service.

I am never great with words. I do more show than tell. This is something I have learned to be against. I used to be one ...

I am never great with words. I do more show than tell. This is something I have learned to be against. I used to be one that would do these things. I don't anymore. I have learned to grow and change my ways. I used to laugh at those who I thought were soft or being "too nice". But then I would get aggravated when I moved away from the old ways to new as my eyes were opened to a world that it was. I am a little protective of my horses. Its why I do not take in horses to train. I will bring in horses and train them and then lease them on site to ensure they get the right partner.

The picture may be a drawing yet I see this image repeated many times over social media and always followed by those comments

If we as professionals cannot see then what are we passing onto the owners
I think like me your gut reaction is WTF yet we see comment after comment giving positive reviews so our finger hesitates over the keyboard not wanting to bring attention to ourselves for fear of being reprimanded by the masses and we scroll on by blocking out the misery that so many horses have to endure daily

We often talk of change and the tides are turning yet I sit patiently like I have for the past 30 years waiting and seeing only ever a small dent made in the progress for the better of the horse

Where once we were militant in our beliefs we begin to step back and sadly think what is the point for the horse there ability to give in is their weakness to some humans and the ones that resist are often the ones that don't make it

People are shocked when I consider the horses opinion when I work I am shocked that people don't think this is common

We have to change from the ground up, we must speak up if we see what is basically abuse, we must put up with the name calling for they are only words yet the horse must endure this barbaric outdated way of working them

We often see professionals preparing for a fight you see their energy change as they finish speaking to the owner and turn and face the horse. The horse can feel it, I can see it yet people are blindsided by emotive words and emotive music

We have to change the narrative if we are going to change
I don't think there is an owner on this earth that does not see the same as me but often like their horse they are silenced when asking questions

A few rules to live by

If it doesn't look right it probably isn't right

If the words don't match the actions then the words are meaningless

Ignore the noise and see the horse for their eyes will tell you the truth

Being nice does not always mean someone is being kind to your horse

Speak up you are the only advocate for your horse

You pay our wages you hold the key to your horse's happiness if you can't speak up then vote with your wallet

New! Tuffrider Horse Protection Fly Leg Guards 4 guards in a package w/fly mask was just added to eBay. Check it out!   ...

New! Tuffrider Horse Protection Fly Leg Guards 4 guards in a package w/fly mask was just added to eBay. Check it out! https://ebay.us/KZFYnN

Check out 32" and 34" Weaver Neoprene Smart Cinch w/ Snug Buckle, the latest item I added on eBay!     https://ebay.us/K...

Check out 32" and 34" Weaver Neoprene Smart Cinch w/ Snug Buckle, the latest item I added on eBay! https://ebay.us/KM0hhl


Less is more.

This is one of the most potent lessons I’ve learned in horse training.

I used to cycle through different training gadgets, bits, supplements — you name it — in an effort to solve problems I experienced with horses.

While some of the bits and training aids may have “helped” a bit by suppressing the issue, generally due to the harsher nature of their mechanics, the problem would always rear its ugly head in one way or another… Never fully resolved.

Because a lot of the problems we experience with horses are not equipment related — at least not in the sense of anything other than ensuring an anatomically correct fit for the equipment.

Horses are flight animals, meaning they’re easily stressed in new situations or situations they’ve learned are stressful.

No bit, training gadget or supplement is going to undo the reality of what type of animal they are.

We need to work with them instead of against them.

Using equipment to mask behaviours that largely stem from fear is quite literally the opposite of working with them.

So much of equestrian culture is focused on what you can acquire to get an immediate — or near immediate — fix to a behavioural issue.

And, generally, these behavioural issues come from stress or pain.

Masking such issues without addressing the WHY will always come at a cost, even if it takes years to realize just how expensive that cost is.

It’s a debt people don’t want to pay, but in their desperation to get ahead, they unknowingly acquire it.

The fear of losing control leads people to doubling down on coercive and painful equipment in an attempt to overpower horses.

Little do they know that the very nature of this equipment often increases stress responses, a self fulfilling prophecy where the equipment selected to “fix” the problem is also perpetuating the issue and potentially creating new ones.

Forfeiting my desire of using equipment for control was scary at first, but in this journey I actually created a far more reliable horse.

Equipment fails.

But, emotional regulation?

That perseveres even in some pretty hairy situations.

It creates a level of consistency and reliability that you cannot achieve through coercive force.

Providing species appropriate care and utilizing equipment and training methods that aren’t reliant on using increasing discomfort or fear to achieve a result can bring massive changes.

Horses don’t need fancy barns with indoor riding rings, expensive grain and heavily bedded “cozy” stalls.

They need socialization with other horses, free choice forage and freedom to move.

Even in absence of equipment alterations, better providing these basic needs will result in substantial behavioural differences.

Sometimes doing the least will bring the most change.

We are often trying to do SO much for horses to solve problems we experience for them, but in this tunnel vision focus on improving rides, we forget the important things.

Provide your horse with their innate species needs and watch them change.

Reconsider harsher tack and equipment — instead consider slowing down and doing ground work or light hacks with a major focus on emotional regulation and relaxation — not just pushing for the next goal.

Less is more.


How many of yall would like to have the option to be taught to train or work with your horse or give a lesson virtually. I have a way to get the pivo system for a good price and I can rent them out. I am thinking this is great for those who have a horse or pony of their own and maybe can't make it for an in person lesson. I am once the weather gets nice I will be trying this out with mine to see how it works and be able to show my clients. I really want to get back into help start or even help those who are rehabbing horses that want an alternative means to working with their horse or pony. There may be more or less cost I am looking into it. These will be live sessions scheduled I am gonna try a few different platforms to see what one works. Whether it be via website profile, zoom, webex, Teams. One would be cheaper and I can bring the cost down. Thiis was made using the pivo pod and the tripod. You do have to use your smart phone for this.

I just added a new item to eBay, Fly Mask no ear Leopard print - Horse size!     https://ebay.us/uR7mat

I just added a new item to eBay, Fly Mask no ear Leopard print - Horse size! https://ebay.us/uR7mat

Check out Fly Mask no ear Green - Horse Size, the latest item I added on eBay!     https://ebay.us/Vulrgb

Check out Fly Mask no ear Green - Horse Size, the latest item I added on eBay! https://ebay.us/Vulrgb


6899 AL Highway 130



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Our Story

Apenimon Means "Worthy of Trust" As we ask those to trust us between the horses we take in to rehab our miniature cattle or the people we help whether it be in riding lesson, horsemanship or just provide them a place to visit the animals.

I am at this time going to college to obtain a BS in Human Services and a minor in psychology as I work towards being a PATH intl (Professional Association Therapeutic Horsemanship) Center.

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