Fen'Halla Kennels

Fen'Halla Kennels A place to show of my furkids, spread general pet education, pet food recalls, and announce breeding/litter updates.

I am a breeder of quality AKC Miniature Pinscher pups.


US CITIZENS, please take a little bit of your time to contact your senators!
( Pre-Written Email/Letters provided below, just fill the missing field! )

Let them know to say NO to 2022 Lacey Act Amendments!

Which will forbid by Law :
Yes, even if you move to a different state, you'll have to abandon/euthanize your pet.

OF ANY ANIMALS besides Cats/Dogs :
That the Government considers "pests"/"at risk".
So Rats, Mice, Invertebrates, Isopods, Tons of Reptiles/Snakes, most fishes, tons of birds/parrots/etc.

DO NOT LET THE "white list" / "black list" FOOL YOU!
Most "exotic" (non cat/dog) pets are considered as "dangerous" based on the Amendment wording.



Talking Points ( Provided by USARK )

- These amendments will be devastating to thousands of businesses of all sizes, which is absolutely contrary to the purpose of the COMPETES Act.
- Millions of pet owners will be harmed by this misuse of the Lacey Act.
- As seen previously when listing species as injurious under the Lacey Act, a heavy-handed brush is used to paint species as injurious that may only be an issue for one or two states, and hardly any large percentage of the U.S.
- If one state has a threat, that state can address it. All other states should not suffer the unjust implications and restrictions.
- The lack of forethought involved makes these amendments rife with unintended consequences and government overreach.
- Peer-reviewed science has been previously ignored in favor of garbage pseudo-science to artificially validate biased injurious species listings.
- If these amendments pass, the Lacey Act will leave pet owners everywhere unable to move across state lines with their family pets.
- This restriction would include prohibitions on interstate travel for veterinary care, for educational programs, and for relocation of family.
- The impact will be disproportionately felt by military service members, who are often relocated multiple times during a pet’s lifetime.
- The federal and appellate courts have already decided that a ban on interstate transportation with injurious species is not based on the original intent of Congress, but a gradual overreach by the federal agency.
- The Court ruling upheld that banning interstate transportation is overreaching and that only the localities, or states, with legitimate range matches should consider regulations regarding these species.
- Incorporating interstate movements into the Lacey Act will turn law-abiding pet owners into potential criminals.
- Regulation of wildlife has traditionally been a matter reserved to the states.
- State borders are already secure from injurious and invasive species as those states have the authority to regulate them.
- The states should decide which species need to be addressed, not the federal government which must consider the entirety of the U.S. as only one climate zone.
- The opportunity for injustice and oppressiveness from this power grab is disturbing.
- Rather than this new knee-jerk and supreme authority provided to the federal agency, any expansion of the Lacey Act to create interstate movement bans and a ‘white list/black list’ scenario should include reforms to the injurious listing process, including proof of widespread impact based on sound, peer-reviewed science, and definitely not the biased, pseudo-science witnessed previously.
- The role of the state wildlife agencies should be preserved in matters related to the regulation of wildlife within their borders or through regional agreements.
Individual states are best positioned to assess local threats and balance the relative costs and benefits of prohibiting species.
- These Lacey Act amendments are far-reaching and, frankly, un-American.
- Please realize that the Lacey Act amendments found within the America COMPETES Act are illogical and unjust.
- The aquaculture industry alone anticipates losses of nearly half a billion dollars.

The entire America COMPETES Act can be read at :

They prefer physical letters over emails, but honestly, SEND BOTH.
Make it look official ; start with the date, your name/address, then theirs.

Format by myself & Tutorials.
Text by USARK.


[ DATE ]


U.S. House of Representatives
Washington, DC 20515

Dear Senator [ LAST NAME ]:

As an American Citizen, I am writing to implore you to remove the Lacey Act amendments found in the America COMPETES Act (Section 71102 on pages 1661-1665) as your constituent, dedicated advocate for ecological conservation, and pet owner. The lack of forethought involved makes these amendments rife with unintended consequences and government overreach.

Not only would these amendments be devastating to thousands of businesses of all sizes (which is absolutely contrary to the purpose of the COMPETES Act), but millions of pet owners would be harmed. As seen previously when listing species as injurious under the Lacey Act, a heavy-handed brush is used to paint species as injurious that may only be an issue for one or two states, and hardly any large percentage of the U.S. While a concern for only one state, all other states feel the unjust implications and restrictions. For example, even after Florida had addressed injurious threats from certain snakes, the federal government still listed them as injurious and harmed thousands of owners and businesses across the U.S. where the snakes could not possibly have an impact. And now, while Florida has completely banned these species, herpetoculturists in all other states would suffer from the overreaching government action should these amendments pass into law. Even though peer-reviewed science found that these species risks to the continental U.S. were isolated to southern Florida and possibly a small spot in Texas (both states that had already regulated these species), the federal government felt compelled to take tyrannical action.

If these amendments pass, the Lacey Act will leave pet owners everywhere unable to move across state lines with their family pets. This restriction would include prohibitions of interstate travel for veterinary care, for educational programs, and for relocation of family. The impact will be disproportionately felt by military service members, who are often relocated multiple times during a pet’s lifetime.

The federal and appellate courts have already decided that a ban on interstate transportation with injurious species is not based on the original intent of Congress, but a gradual overreach by the federal agency. This upholds that banning interstate transportation is overreaching and that only the localities, or states, with legitimate range matches should consider regulations regarding these species. Incorporating interstate movements into the Lacey Act will turn law-abiding pet owners into potential criminals.

Regulation of wildlife has traditionally been a matter reserved to the states. State borders are already secure from injurious and invasive species as those states have the authority to regulate them. States continue to take measures regarding such species and since the climate varies so greatly across the U.S., the states should decide which species need to be addressed, not the federal government which must consider the entirety of the U.S. as only one climate zone. I cannot elaborate enough on the need to regulate injurious species at the state and local levels, not nationwide by a federal agency.

The interstate transport ban under the Lacey Act is not my only concern. The bill’s section titled Presumptive Prohibition on Importation is especially alarming. This section would allow for every non-native species to be treated as injurious, even if not listed as such. This language creates a white list (accepted) that produces a black list (banned) by default. The opportunity for injustice and oppressiveness is disturbing!

Rather than this new knee-jerk and supreme authority provided to the federal agency, any expansion of the Lacey Act to create interstate movement bans and a ‘white list/black list’ scenario should include reforms to the injurious listing process, including proof of widespread impact based on sound, peer-reviewed science, and definitely not the biased, pseudo-science witnessed previously. I also believe that the role of the States should be preserved in matters related to the regulation of wildlife within their borders or through regional agreements. Individual states are best positioned to assess local threats and balance the relative costs and benefits of prohibiting species.

These Lacey Act amendments are far-reaching and, frankly, un-American. Please realize that the Lacey Act amendments found within the America COMPETES Act are illogical and unjust.

Thank you for your time and consideration on this matter.
Have a good day.

[ NAME/TITLE ] from [ STATE ].

They prefer physical letters over emails, but honestly, SEND BOTH.

Format by myself & Tutorials.
Text by USARK.


Subject/Title : NO to Lacey Act Amendments in America COMPETES Act

Dear Senator [ LAST NAME ]:

As an American Citizen, I am writing to implore you to remove the Lacey Act amendments found in the America COMPETES Act (Section 71102 on pages 1661-1665) as your constituent, dedicated advocate for ecological conservation, and pet owner. The lack of forethought involved makes these amendments rife with unintended consequences and government overreach.

Not only would these amendments be devastating to thousands of businesses of all sizes (which is absolutely contrary to the purpose of the COMPETES Act), but millions of pet owners would be harmed. As seen previously when listing species as injurious under the Lacey Act, a heavy-handed brush is used to paint species as injurious that may only be an issue for one or two states, and hardly any large percentage of the U.S. While a concern for only one state, all other states feel the unjust implications and restrictions. For example, even after Florida had addressed injurious threats from certain snakes, the federal government still listed them as injurious and harmed thousands of owners and businesses across the U.S. where the snakes could not possibly have an impact. And now, while Florida has completely banned these species, herpetoculturists in all other states would suffer from the overreaching government action should these amendments pass into law. Even though peer-reviewed science found that these species risks to the continental U.S. were isolated to southern Florida and possibly a small spot in Texas (both states that had already regulated these species), the federal government felt compelled to take tyrannical action.

If these amendments pass, the Lacey Act will leave pet owners everywhere unable to move across state lines with their family pets. This restriction would include prohibitions of interstate travel for veterinary care, for educational programs, and for relocation of family. The impact will be disproportionately felt by military service members, who are often relocated multiple times during a pet’s lifetime.

The federal and appellate courts have already decided that a ban on interstate transportation with injurious species is not based on the original intent of Congress, but a gradual overreach by the federal agency. This upholds that banning interstate transportation is overreaching and that only the localities, or states, with legitimate range matches should consider regulations regarding these species. Incorporating interstate movements into the Lacey Act will turn law-abiding pet owners into potential criminals.

Regulation of wildlife has traditionally been a matter reserved to the states. State borders are already secure from injurious and invasive species as those states have the authority to regulate them. States continue to take measures regarding such species and since the climate varies so greatly across the U.S., the states should decide which species need to be addressed, not the federal government which must consider the entirety of the U.S. as only one climate zone. I cannot elaborate enough on the need to regulate injurious species at the state and local levels, not nationwide by a federal agency.

The interstate transport ban under the Lacey Act is not my only concern. The bill’s section titled Presumptive Prohibition on Importation is especially alarming. This section would allow for every non-native species to be treated as injurious, even if not listed as such. This language creates a white list (accepted) that produces a black list (banned) by default. The opportunity for injustice and oppressiveness is disturbing!

Rather than this new knee-jerk and supreme authority provided to the federal agency, any expansion of the Lacey Act to create interstate movement bans and a ‘white list/black list’ scenario should include reforms to the injurious listing process, including proof of widespread impact based on sound, peer-reviewed science, and definitely not the biased, pseudo-science witnessed previously. I also believe that the role of the States should be preserved in matters related to the regulation of wildlife within their borders or through regional agreements. Individual states are best positioned to assess local threats and balance the relative costs and benefits of prohibiting species.

These Lacey Act amendments are far-reaching and, frankly, un-American. Please realize that the Lacey Act amendments found within the America COMPETES Act are illogical and unjust.

Thank you for your time and consideration on this matter.
Have a good day.

[ NAME/TITLE ] from [ STATE ].


The government prefers, in order ;

- Physical Letters
- Phonecalls
- Fax
- Emails

If you can only do one of these, DO IT.
If you can do them all, DO IT.
If you can do none of them, SHARE.


Unfortunately due to many factors we will no longer be breeding. I may on occasion still offer my male as stud, and if I have any pick of the litters available, they will be posted here. I will keep this page up and running for the time being. Just sharing updates on my dogs and other pets as well as general pet education posts. Perhaps one day we will get back into breeding Minpins. But for now a long well deserved break is over due. I am sorry for those of you that were waiting on future puppies 💔 I do have a list of other breeders I recommend, if you are looking for a new family addition, feel free to message the page and I can point you in the general direction of a breeder :)

Updated pics of the wee ones 💙1 little girl and 2 boys 🥰

Updated pics of the wee ones 💙
1 little girl and 2 boys 🥰

Quick picture of the babies 💙 Individual pics to come later!

Quick picture of the babies 💙 Individual pics to come later!


Just coming in with a quick update, 3 puppies so far 💙


Puppies incoming 💙


Puppies due any day now! Colors expected are Red, Stag Red, Black/Rust, Black/Tan 💙 Feel free to contact me for serious inquiries and more info 😊


If I were to offer a male pup to a local co-ownership home, would there be any interest?


Deep down.. 🙇🏽‍♀️


GORGEOUS! This is what the Best of Breed winner gets to take home! "Tsunami" was created by sculptor All-Fan Yu. Many thanks to Faye Strauss and donors who made this Mary Rodgers Memorial Trophy possible.

Update: Siona is currently in a home that is trying her out to see how she does, I will update this again if it doesn't ...

Update: Siona is currently in a home that is trying her out to see how she does, I will update this again if it doesn't work out :)

Unfortunately I have had to make the decision to rehome Siona. Siona is a AKC reg Miniature Pinscher. She is UTD on vaccinations/Heartworm prevention and was just spayed today. She is a very good girl but very shy. Always has been since I brought her home as a puppy. She is a %100 lap dog for sure and loves to cuddle. Will do best in a home with no children or older children, she is fine with my other dogs and cats. She is not a social butterfly and picks a person she likes and sticks to them. She is being rehomed for the cost of her spay and that is it. If anyone is interested will discuss all other details in private message :)

Look who's ears are trying to stand 😍 So cute!

Look who's ears are trying to stand 😍 So cute!


Facebook is working again so that means more dog memes 😎


🏃🏽‍♀️ brb.

QOTD: What breed is your next puppy going to be? 🤔


Your purchase of a well bred purebred does not sentence another dog to death.

Your purchase of a well bred purebred does not cause an increase in the number of dogs in shelter.

You wanting a dog with a predictable temperament from healthy lineage does not cause another dog to not get adopted.

Your meticulous research and support of only the most responsible of breeders is not the problem. It is not what others should be mad at. It is not what others should be pushing the blame onto.

You are not the one who brought these unwanted dogs into the world irresponsibly and left them in a shelter. Responsible breeders are not the ones who put dogs into shelters either.

It is your home, your life, and your choice of what kind of dog to bring into it. Maybe you needed a working dog, a sport dog, or simply a companion puppy to raise of a breed you enjoy. No matter the reason, your choice to support a reputable breeder did not send a shelter dog to its death.

A breeder who health tests, temperament tests, studies pedigrees, proves a dog worthy of being bred, and only breeds when doing so is of benefit to the breed is not contributing to the number of homeless dogs.

The number of homeless dogs in the world is a problem, but it is not a problem exacerbated by reputable breeders and those who purchase from them.

Your neighbor down the street who refuses to contain his unaltered dogs IS contributing to the problem.

Your friend who impulse bought a dog at PetLand IS contributing to the problem.

That guy on Craigslist pumping out the trendiest designer mix as fast as he can IS contributing to the problem.

Your friend or relative who just HAS to let their dog have one litter “so she can experience motherhood” or because “she’s just so sweet” IS contributing to the problem.

Your old high school classmate who bought a high energy working breed without taking the time to research its needs and realize it was not a good fit for their household ahead of time IS contributing to the problem.

A reputable breeder offers their lifelong support to every puppy they produce. A reputable breeder would never allow their dogs to end up in a shelter to begin with. A reputable breeder makes it a contractual obligation to return dogs they have produced back to them should you find yourself unable of keeping it.

It is understandable to be angry about the number of homeless dogs in the world, but if you take a deeper look, you will find your anger is misplaced.

If you take a deeper look, you will find reputable breeders and those who purchase from them are just as angry, we are just pointing fingers at the right causes.

Adopt or shop.
Do your research.
Educate yourself on Retail Rescue.
Support responsible rescues or responsible preservation breeders.
Do what is BEST for YOU.
Just do it responsibly.

Leliana is such a diva lol

Leliana is such a diva lol

Now that she has finally been named, it's time to pick her registered name lol Here is what I am liking so far, open to ...

Now that she has finally been named, it's time to pick her registered name lol Here is what I am liking so far, open to suggestions :)

Fen'Halla's Nightingale Song
Nightingale's Song of Fen'Halla
Fen'Halla's Song of the Nightingale
Fen'Halla's Nocturnal Nightingale



i know the case may be reversed but I hope people can just see the humour in it.


I believe it can, actually

Little stinker 😜💙

Little stinker 😜💙

Best buddies 🥺💕

Best buddies 🥺💕

Little cuddle bug ☺️

Little cuddle bug ☺️

Puppy spam 🥺

Puppy spam 🥺

She is finally here! And what a cutie she is 💙 Still need a name for her 😂

She is finally here! And what a cutie she is 💙 Still need a name for her 😂


Puppy name ideas! These are the ones I have narrowed it down to of a huge list lol


Open for other suggestions 🙂

My new girl will be here late tonight, so excited 😊 Picture is her with the transporter 💙 Still open for name suggestion...

My new girl will be here late tonight, so excited 😊 Picture is her with the transporter 💙

Still open for name suggestions! I have a few like but nothing concrete yet 😊


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