I have a lot of fry growing. Bringing some of the older fry to the CNYAS auction on Saturday. In the video L333 pleco, SF super red bristlenose, red alpha and ruby red swordtail, SF and LF lemon blue eye bristlenose, SF and LF snow white bristlenose, LF green dragon brislenose, L519 bristlenose and L471 mini snowball pleco. Hopefully I can get some of my killifish breeding soon. Need to feed them better so they don't eat the eggs.
Red Alpha and Ruby Red swordtail breeders. Have a lot of the regular fin fry growing. Hoping to get some hifin fry soon.
Longfin snow white male with his fry
Growing up some longfin lemon blue eyes
young Red Alpha swordtail and ruby red swordtails
young Red Alpha swordtail and ruby red swordtails
Mosaic guppy mix
Mosaic guppy mix
Male Ribbon fin Guppies
Male Ribbon fin Guppies
Blue Mosaic Guppies
Blue Mosaic Guppies
Panda Guppies
Panda Guppies
Blue hawaiian and moscow Guppy mix Breeders
Blue hawaiian and moscow Guppy mix Breeders
Blood red redeye swordtails
Blood red redeye swordtails