Rejection Collection Boxer Rescue

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Rejection Collection Boxer Rescue We are a 501c3 non-profit, volunteer-based senior & special needs Boxer rescue based out of Minnesota

Axel (RCBR's Knight) found his perfect forever home on July 20th, 2024!"When we lost our last boxer, Rocky, on March 25,...

Axel (RCBR's Knight) found his perfect forever home on July 20th, 2024!

"When we lost our last boxer, Rocky, on March 25, 2024, we were devastated. It was quiet in the house, and we missed him dearly and still do. I believe it was fate that Axel (aka knight) was born March 15, 2024, just 10 days before rocky passed. We weren't really looking for a young dog, we were looking for a 2-year-old and wanted to wait till fall for another. But we saw Axel on the RCBR website, and something just kept drawing me back to his profile. Then I said we need this dog. Now he is part of our family for the next 10 plus years. He's a goofy, s***ky typical boxer and we love him so much already. He is a fast learner, and he already has taken over our house; we live in his world now. He just turned 5 months old, but he is growing so fast. When you rescue a dog, who really saves who?"

Another unique RCBR story, with a twist! Bubba and Boots (brothers) came into RCBR together last year. They then lived t...

Another unique RCBR story, with a twist! Bubba and Boots (brothers) came into RCBR together last year. They then lived together in the same foster home, but we learned the two were not bonded and could be separated.

Bubba found his perfect forever family on June 10th, 2024!

A few short weeks later, July 2nd, Boots passed away in his foster mama's arms at the emergency hospital where he was diagnosed with 'bloat' and did not survive surgery.

In honor of his brother, Bubba and his new family decided to honorarily adopt Boots into their family after his passing, because no dog deserves to pass without a family.

Here is the story told in Bubba's family's words:

"After the sudden passing of Orion "Bobby" Bubba F., we needed a short break to reset and find the right boxer to come join our herd. When it was time a few months later, we reached back out to RCBR to find our match because we knew it would be with another boxer in need. When we found Bubba Coal, it became clear, he was the right guy for our family.

He's now known as Saiph “Bubba” (Saiph and Rigel are two of the bright stars in the Orion constellation – those are our three boxers) but you can still call him Bubba… and he’s finding his place in the herd quickly. He loves his big yard and family (including Atlas and Ceres, his step-fur siblings). We even flushed a big robin out from under the apple trees – so we check under there all the time now looking for more of those. We also learned that low hanging apples on the tree make for a good occasional snack.

Here are a few photos of Bubba exploring one of the apple trees, playing on the deck, wearing our monitor/tuxedo, having a rest after a good play, and waiting (somewhat impatiently) for the rain to end so we can go play outside again (this winter might be long with less outside play, turns out we can be a little temperature sensitive).

He has all the best playful, goofy qualities we love about our boxer kids. Loving, dancing, and sometimes a little grumbly when we don’t get what we want immediately. In the evenings, he loves to curl up on the couch with dad and watch tv.

Unfortunately, he also has one of the tougher boxer qualities as we recently learned that Bubba has a significant non-sustained VTach related to ARVC. We have him working with UMN Veterinary Hospital, he's currently on medication, and we’re in the process of dialing it in. We get fitted for our second Holter monitor on Monday to see how we’re improving with the most recent adjustments. (He gets to show off his tuxedo again to his step-siblings – he thinks he’s a sharp dresser). He already has even more energy than before from his current medications. Plus we get peanut butter with our pills twice a day, so that's pretty nice.

Please thank his foster mom for taking such good care of Bubba for us and for being there when he needed it most. We were crushed to learn about Bubba's brother Boots passing in foster. We’d like to symbolically adopt Boots in memory of him on behalf of his real brother Bubba.

Thank you RCBR for taking care of Bubba, Boots, and all the boxers who are in need."

- Jeff, Robyn, Atlas, Ceres, and Saiph “Bubba”.

Boots crossed the Rainbow Bridge July 2nd, 2024Here are a few words from his incredible foster mama:"My worst nightmare ...

Boots crossed the Rainbow Bridge July 2nd, 2024

Here are a few words from his incredible foster mama:

"My worst nightmare happened on July 2nd when foster Boots came down with Gastric Dilation-Volvulus referred to as Bloat. Emergency surgery was not successful. I was able to be with him when he crossed the rainbow bridge. I am grateful RCBR found Boots and his brother Bubba for me and for the opportunity to foster them. The brothers were found wandering in a wooded area near Fayetteville, West Virginia. I picked the brothers up in Hudson WI on December 23rd and we had a wonderful Christmas together. I believe they appreciated spending Christmas in a house rather than a shelter.

Boots was a wonderful companion as he was content and satisfied to put his head on my lap while I watched my morning TV shows. Boots always helped me prepare meals, laundry, cleaning, yard work, and was always by my side. Boots was the perfect roommate. Weather permitting we logged miles and points for “WoofTrax”. Boots best bud was his brother Bubba and Boots so adored his brother Bubba.
I so enjoyed our time together and will be forever grateful that he found me. He brought joy and happiness every day. I miss him and his constant companionship. His collar hangs on my bed post."

Delta found her perfect forever family on July 1st, 2024!Say hello to Delta, aka Dilly Bar or Delli. She is our new fami...

Delta found her perfect forever family on July 1st, 2024!

Say hello to Delta, aka Dilly Bar or Delli. She is our new family member and coming in nearing 10 years of age brings wisdom to our crew 😊 she loves long couch naps, following you around, eating, following you, napping… oh and following you!! She’s finding her place as an office dog, checked out the plane and decided the air may not be her jam, but if she followed Jeremy there, she may not mind. She may seem a bit standoff-ish but really, she’s just keeping track of her people and finding her next cozy place to nap.

We’re so thankful to have her in our family as we have camped with her, traveled and just truly enjoy her presence!! We are also sure she and our previous RCBR alumni Molly (Poppy with the rescue) must have somehow crossed paws. It’s been two and a half years since I helped Molly across the rainbow bridge and asked her to send her boy a good one, just for him. She out did herself!! Delta is a shadow dog to beat all shadow dogs, just what our son needed!! (Molly is the dog our son is laying on in one of the pictures, they could be sisters even it seems.)

Unique two-part Adoption/Rainbow Bridge post. Part one: Storm and Molly were adopted May 21st, 2024!"Back at the beginni...

Unique two-part Adoption/Rainbow Bridge post.

Part one: Storm and Molly were adopted May 21st, 2024!

"Back at the beginning of April, I saw a post on Rejection Collection Boxer Rescue’s page. There were these two beautiful, bonded pair of boxers named Molly and Stormie.

The owner was an elderly lady who was going through some intense health concerns and unfortunately, she couldn’t take care of her two dogs the way they deserved to be taken care of anymore and so she her daughter contacted Rejection Collection.

These two needed fostered asap.

I thought 'this very well could be me someday and I would want my dogs to be with the best owner possible if it were me.'

I had just lost my big boy Ziggy not that long ago and I felt my other boxer, Lolly, missed him and needed a playmate. So why not two?

I met these two magnificent creatures in Dayton, Ohio, at their mama’s home.

Stormie was this beautiful all white boxer boy and Molly was a beautiful tiger striped brindle boxer with keen eyes that made you think this girl knows some things, lol. Both had papers and Betsy their owner had them since they were both pups.
They both gave the sweetest little kisses I’ve ever gotten from any dog.
Just nice, subtle, gentle and sweet. They just barely stuck out their tongues and gave ya kiss on the lips. No slobbery excited gross kisses, lol. Like little pecks almost. Just sweet as can be.

So we drove back to Indiana and let me tell you, those two did great on the ride. Not a p*ep. Just laid back and chilled.

When we got back next came the big test: will they get along with my Lolly? Lolly loves every dog she comes into contact with. She just wants to play, with everyone and everybody.

The meeting went great! Lolly was pretty excited and Stormie and Molly were happy to find a new friend. Pretty soon they all were cuddling up together and being one pack.

We go on hikes and meet lots of people and I take all three of them to the pet store with me and none of them bark or show any bad behavior the entire time. Pretty much anywhere we go.

My neighbors thought they were special dogs because none of the 3 really bark at anything. We have become one big happy family and we still talk to their mom every week.

Needless to say I am extremely thankful yet again for everybody at Rejection Collection Boxer Rescue!!!"


Part two: Storm crossed the Rainbow Bridge June 13th, 2024.

"Sadly and unfortunately I have to announce Stormie crossed the Rainbow Bridge.
I only got to spend a little time with Storm.

I thought I was only gonna foster him and his sister, but after a week I decided these two precious dogs needed me as much as I needed them, so I adopted both of them.
Everything seemed to be going real good and then poor Storm started eating less and less. I changed his food constantly to anything he would eat. He would eat something new for about a day or two and would just lose interest. I took him to my vet that I’ve had for about 18 years. She unfortunately gave me the sad news. Poor Stormie’s pancreas is shutting down and there’s not much we can do, especially since he’s an older boxer.

I was crushed. I felt so bad. I felt like I had failed him as a dog parent.

Poor guy had to leave his furever home. The only one he’s known for 9yrs, comes to this new strange home and gets very, very sick.

I was just crushed. Still kinda am.

We did have a lot of fun before all this though. He loved going on rides and this guy was the ultimate cuddler. No matter which of his sisters I’d be loving on….in would come ol Stormie’s paw or leg or his head would p*ek through just to get some more love.

We are gonna miss him deeply. Run free Storm!

Love you to the moon and back buddy. Thank you for letting me love you and thank you for loving me."

Elmer (fka Scout) found his forever family April 29th, 2024!"I was contacted by a mutual boxer lover about a white femal...

Elmer (fka Scout) found his forever family April 29th, 2024!

"I was contacted by a mutual boxer lover about a white female puppy born to a recently rescued momma from Texas. She knew I've always wanted a white boxer (I've had both fawn and reverse brindle) and got me in touch with RCBR.

Because I have a very dominant female (10yo) little terrier mix, it was decided a male would be best. My broken heart soon mended when I took home the big boy of the litter, Scout! As much as I loved the name, I have always had old-fashioned names, which led me to name him Elmer....and boy is he an Elmer!

I haven't always had the brightest crayon in the box for dogs, but they all have been so sweet and, of course, boxer goofy. Elmer, on the other hand, has been incredibly quick to learn. He learned to sit, stay, heel, and shake within a couple of tries. He was the biggest in the litter, and I often have to remind myself that he is still a puppy and is only 4 months old! With his DNA results coming back as 51% boxer, 22% German Shepherd, 14% Doberman, and 13% "super mutt", I can see why he's one smart and big boy! Next on our learning agenda is how to get him to not counter surf and bark!!"


Looking for a little sweetness in your life? Meet Sugar!

She is the perfect blend of sweet, silly, and just plain fun to have around. She loves people and warms up quickly 😍

Sugar is 4 and a half, but still feels like a puppy! She's playful, loving, and FULL of energy, but also knows how to relax and unwind on the couch! She loves snuggling in bed at night and has great nighttime manners.

Her hobbies are playing with toys (she almost ALWAYS has a toy in her mouth 😆), making her family laugh, going for car rides, and going for walks! She is wonderful on a leash but gets overexcited when she meets other dogs. We've all been there when we meet someone we really want to impress!

Sugar is very strong, so she'd do better with kids over 12. She is crate-trained and doesn't potty in the house, but she seems to have an urgent bladder, so she benefits from a midday p*e break. She has no issues overnight. She's energetic and loves to play, so a fence isn't required, but it would be a plus!

Sugar has been with RCBR for 4 1/2 months and is SO ready to meet her family. If you've got a little love to give, she's got a lot of love to give back! This sweet girl deserves a warm home, so give Sugar a try ❤❤️

To fill out an adoption application:

LOST DOG - NORTH CAROLINA!!Jenny was adopted from RCBR and is now 4 years old. She currently lives in Morven, North Caro...


Jenny was adopted from RCBR and is now 4 years old. She currently lives in Morven, North Carolina. She got spooked by fireworks on July 7th and has been missing since. She is a black/reverse brindle boxer mix, about 50 pounds, super sweet. She is a young gentleman's therapy dog and he misses her very much.

There have been no sightings of her since she went missing. She was wearing her pink/purple collar w/tags on Sunday. This is a very densely wooded area.

Please contact Stacy Burton or Tonia Carreon with any information.


UPDATE: It is with great sadness, we tell you Boots did not survive. When he was in surgery, the extent of the damage wa...

UPDATE: It is with great sadness, we tell you Boots did not survive. When he was in surgery, the extent of the damage was very apparent. There was nothing to be done except humane euthanasia. His foster mom was with him and helped him over the bridge. Now Boots is pain-free over the rainbow bridge. Please keep his foster mom in your prayers as she is still trying to process today’s events. ❤️❤️


RCBR Village! We need you now more than ever!

RCBR foster dog, Boots, was just rushed to an emergency vet where our worst fears were confirmed. Boots has Gastric Dilatation-Volvulus (GDV) or "bloat." His foster mom is amazing, and we feel we caught it early, but this is still an extremely serious issue and surgery.

Please send all the prayers and positive thoughts to Boots and his foster mama. The next 24 hours are going to be crucial.

With all that being said, this surgery is NOT cheap. We had to make a $5,000 deposit just to have them begin surgery. The price is only going to go up from there. We could really use all the financial help we can get right now. Please consider making a donation to help Boots and for RCBR to continue our mission to save senior and special-needs Boxer dogs. If you are able to give a donation at this time, we would be so grateful. Below are links to the many ways you can donate or send items from our wish list. All help is beyond appreciated!


VENMO - -2020

Rejection Collection Boxer Rescue
1470 Sage Lane NE
Owatonna, MN 55060

Rejection Collection Boxer Rescue would like to thank Greater Good Charities, Feeding Furry Friends, Chewy, and PetSmart...

Rejection Collection Boxer Rescue would like to thank Greater Good Charities, Feeding Furry Friends, Chewy, and PetSmart for the donation of pet beds and toys. Our dogs appreciate what you do!

Introducing Delta - the sweetest girl you will ever meet! She is a gentle soul who adores people and gets along great wi...

Introducing Delta - the sweetest girl you will ever meet! She is a gentle soul who adores people and gets along great with other dogs. Delta has wonderful manners and is so easygoing. She has no bad habits. She’s quiet, she walks nicely on a leash and enjoys short strolls in the neighborhood. At almost 10 years old, Delta still has a playful side and is a perfect balance of a couch potato snuggler with a little bit of s***k! She is low maintenance and loves nothing more than receiving love and attention. Delta's favorite things are cuddling on the couch with her foster family, including her one-year-old canine foster sister, and enjoying some tasty treats. She bonds strongly and quickly and will be a loving, loyal family member.

If interested in Delta, please fill out an Adoption Application:

Ares (now Gus) went to his forever home adopted May 8th, 2024!"We met Gus (Ares) while visiting my son at Fort Leonard W...

Ares (now Gus) went to his forever home adopted May 8th, 2024!

"We met Gus (Ares) while visiting my son at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri, for his graduation from Marines Police Training. We took my son out for family day and stopped in at the Waynesville/Saint Robert Animal Shelter. We had been looking for a long time to find a dog to add to our family. The instant we saw Gus we were in love with him. He is an 11 and a ½ year old boxer. We then found out he was surrendered by his family that was stationed at the same base as my son was doing his training. They put him up for adoption when they were given orders to go to Germany for the next several years. We knew right away he was the one. He was unfortunately under a neuter hold, and we had to head home the next day. The shelter said he was going to be at the vet that day getting an examination and a mass looked at. They said if we stick around we might be able to bring him home. We hung around for several hours only to be told late that day that by the time he came back they would be close to closing so unfortunately they couldn't help us. While we were there the previous day, we were told that an animal rescue was coming to pick him up on Saturday. My fiance and I talked about Gus non stop and could just not let him go/give up so easily. I scrounged around til I found the rescue that was picking him up. I messaged Stacy from Rejection Collection Boxer Rescue and explained our situation. Everything went perfect from there. We found out Gus was going to be fostered right in Minnesota only a couple hours away from us. We knew it was meant to be. His foster mom helped us a lot by giving us great advice about his health, on which supplements he would benefit from and with transportation by meeting us at the halfway point. As soon as we saw him again our hearts just melted. He is the sweetest boy, and has sooo much love to give and receive. He seems so much younger than when we first saw him. He's now trotting around in the yard and at parks with us, loves going to the beach and into the lake, and loves to run. Everyone that meets him is instantly drawn to him. He makes friends everywhere he goes. Gus still needs reassurance that we are not leaving him. He follows us throughout the house all day and will cry if he can't see us. Gus has lost most of his hearing, but he follows simple hand gestures to sit, lie down or come. He is slowly putting on some healthy weight and lets us know if we forget to add his scrambled eggs to his food. I have never met a more gentle, loving boy. His smile is the sweetest thing ever. We are so blessed to have Gus in our lives."

Run free and eat ALL the cheeseburgers, Hawkeye! He crossed the rainbow bridge 5/28/2024"My name is Marisa and I was Haw...

Run free and eat ALL the cheeseburgers, Hawkeye! He crossed the rainbow bridge 5/28/2024

"My name is Marisa and I was Hawkeye’s foster mom for nearly a week. While scrolling down Facebook it came to my attention that there was a Boxer in need and he was very close. He was an owner surrender at a high kill shelter and his days were numbered. I shared Hawkeye’s post with my husband and he said “go get him”.

Luckily, Rejection Collection Boxer Rescue was already working on him, and a volunteer was needed. The volunteer would pick him up and facilitate him until transporting him to RCBR. Hawkeye was tagged meaning he wouldn’t be euthanized and after he was vetted, he could be released. We hoped that he would be a good candidate for wheels and adoption.

I’ll let you know that I’ve been to war twice, which has caused me emotional issues and feelings of detachment. There was always a possibility that I could come home in a box with a flag draped over it. However, when Hawkeye was brought out I cried. I cried because he symptoms didn’t occur to their level overnight. I got right in his face and told him I was sorry I hadn’t gotten there sooner. My heart was broken and I knew he was scared.

I’ve asked myself several times “what kind of person surrenders their defenseless pet who can no longer walk, control their bodily functions or protect themselves?” I’ve had people comment that I don’t know the reasons and I shouldn’t judge. I’ve tossed it around and honestly, I cannot fathom any reason. Not a single reason for “Jerik” to abandon Hawkeye. He’s a pathetic selfish individual who should never be allowed to own animals PERIOD.

Degenerative Myelopathy is an ugly progressive disorder that affects Boxers and several other breeds. My knowledge had been very limited until Hawkeye. After doing my own research and consulting with RCBR it was evident that this sweet boy’s symptoms were too far advanced. There was nothing we could do besides keep him comfortable and spoil him.

Hawkeye spent his final days surrounded by my family who showed him lots of love. He had fluffy clean blankets, pillows, and a changing station to help him avoid laying in his own waste. He wore superhero underwear over his diaper to match his superhero blanket. He had a warm bath and enjoyed laying in the sunlight shining through the windows. He also enjoyed laying on the couch where he could look out huge windows and watch the squirrels race from tree to tree. He ate chicken, steak, shrimp, and cheeseburgers. I’m pretty sure his favorite was cheeseburgers!

On his final day he spent time in the grass, and he was smelling the air. It’s unfortunate he couldn’t be with us longer but I’m happy knowing he didn’t pass in the shelter alone. He passed with a belly full of cheeseburger, and I was there to hold his paw as he crossed over the rainbow bridge. I imagine he was walking, running, and being greeted by our boys who have passed on over the years."

RCBR needs you now more than ever! We currently are not taking in any more dogs because we don't have foster homes for t...

RCBR needs you now more than ever! We currently are not taking in any more dogs because we don't have foster homes for them. Also, we have several dogs already with us that are needing to be moved to other foster homes. We have a pair of dogs we were told were bonded when we took them in but have actually found out they are not bonded and would do better if they were separated, which is what we are trying to do.

Here is a list of the dogs we currently have in RCBR that we are looking to move to a new foster home. There is a brief description of each dog and what the ideal foster home would look like, as well as the location of the dog. Please let me know if you have any questions or if you are able to take a dog. Thank you!

(Kane and Boris are a pair, so only one is needing to be moved) Redwood Falls, MN
Kane - brindle 7 year old neutered male 60 pounds - has behavioral issues that will need to be addressed and worked on - does not currently do well with other dogs except for Boris
Boris - fawn 8-year-old neutered male 80 pounds - has very beginning stages of DM, would do best in a home with not too many stairs, with carpet/rugs, working on losing some weight

Maribel - brindle 5 year old spayed female 45 pounds - currently in a foster home with no other animals, so has not been exposed to many other animals, therefore unsure how she does with them - looking to move her to MN/WI to be closer to events (Fort Wayne, IN)

If you are not already an approved foster/adopter, please fill out this application:

RCBR’s Meet and Greet today 🙂

RCBR’s Meet and Greet today 🙂



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about the rejection collection.

Rejection Collection Boxer Rescue was founded by a group of senior & special needs Boxer lovers who saw a need for a specialty organization that committed time & money to the animals that are near and dear to our hearts. We focus our volunteer & fundraising efforts on Boxers that are older, or have special needs. This group is often time last to be looked at, due to the shorter life span or costs involved in making sure they live out their best lives.

We believe all dogs deserve loving, responsible, committed homes. These homes may be adoptive homes, foster homes, or comfort care/hospice homes depending on the needs of the dog.

We take considerable care in finding good matches between human and dog. We will educate the families about the responsibilities and costs of bringing a rescued dog into their home and lives.

Boxers in our care are spayed or neutered when appropriate, receive veterinary care, age-appropriate vaccinations, and treatment for pre-existing conditions. Dogs in the greatest need take priority to the extent our finances allow. In some cases, the need may be for comfort care with minimal medical interference.