Organic Living and Sustainability

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Organic Living and Sustainability We want to create a paradise on earth. A balanced environment is the key to the survival of all life on earth. Read the updates on this page to find out!

A world build with off-grid communities, eco-campgrounds, eco-villages, eco-restaurants, ... inspired by permaculture, off-grid-/tiny houses, earthships etc. We are working for the enlightenment of humanity regarding the destruction of the earth, its flora and fauna with a focus on animal and human rights and cessation of factory farming. This page emphasizes that the survival of all life, the end

of animal suffering and the achivement of better health, are all good reasons to eat organic food and eventually become a vegetarian or a vegan. It is also crucial that everyone in their daily lives makes the effort to eat organic food because the production of non-organic soya and other grains has a vast impact on the Amazon and the nature as a whole. There are also many more reasons why to buy organic foods. A world build with off-grid communities, eco-campgrounds, eco-villages, eco-restaurants, ... inspired by permaculture, off-grid-/tiny houses, earthships, co-housing and other creative & peaceful movements/techniques. A reserve for everybody who understands, for young & old and persons with or without a handicap. Previous generations were unaware of the vast impact on the earth and the awful torture of the animals caused by the mass production of meat; therefore many people still do not believe in the devastation it causes because we have done so for generations. The animals that are eaten by humans are generally mass produced and they suffer in cages and are tortured by the cruel environment in the factory farms every day of their life. Born in captivity and mutilated until the day of death before they become the dinner on your table. The fishing industry is throwing away endless loads of fish when they catch the fish from the sea, only the fish that are coveted are taken care of, a fraction of what is caught, the rest are thrown back dead into the sea. Together we can end the purge of the seas and induce the cessation of factory farms. Other info:

We try to live as recommended by Dalai Lama:
"Remember that great love and great achievements require great risks. When you lose, do not forget to learn from it. Remember the following: Respect for yourself - Respect for others - Responsibility for your actions. Remember that it can be a great happiness not to get your wishes fulfilled. Learn the rules so you know how to break them properly. Do not let a little dispute destroy a great friendship. When you realize you've made a mistake, take immediate steps to correct it. Spend some time alone every day. Be open to change, but do not compromise on your values. Remember that silence is sometimes the best answer. Live a good, honorable life. When you get older and think back, you can enjoy it again. A loving atmosphere in your home is the foundation for your life. In disagreements with loved ones, deal only with the current situation, do not bring the past into the picture. Share your knowledge. It's a way to achieve immortality. Be gentle with the Earth. Take once a year to some place you've never been before. Remember that the best relationship is one where love for one another overshadows the need for each other. Judge your success in what you had to give up to get it. Seize the love and cooking with reckless hilarity." "We are determined to be the channelers of these changing frequencies into songs, paintings, writings, dance, drama, photography, carpentry, crafts, and love.We enlist Every so-called race, gender, and sexual preference. Every person as beings of sound to acknowledge their responsibility to uplift the consciousness of the entire World." Saul Williams


Knowing 'When' and 'Where', is Permaculture design.

Knowing 'When' and 'Where', is Permaculture design.

Hej havefolk. Er der nogen der kan fortælle mig hvad mine tomatplanter mangler eller har for meget af?

Hej havefolk. Er der nogen der kan fortælle mig hvad mine tomatplanter mangler eller har for meget af?

CUBE SHAPED WATERMELONS in JAPANFarmers in Japan have begun to ‘grow’ cube-shaped watermelons by inserting them into tem...

Farmers in Japan have begun to ‘grow’ cube-shaped watermelons by inserting them into tempered glass squares while the fruit is still growing on the vine. Not only do they look cool, they take up less room in the fridge too and are easier to stack !

Cob - Building with Earth"It all started with two small independent canisters made of reeds and old clothes dipped in li...

Cob - Building with Earth
"It all started with two small independent canisters made of reeds and old clothes dipped in lime. Our increased needs for hosting have led to the joining of these two domes with the space shown in the photos" (translated to English by Facebook)


Beautiful outdoor kitchen 🥰


"Live differently, live well."

This illustration by Rob Allsop from the "Earth Restorer's Guide to Permaculture" has so many clever and wonderful features that not only improve efficiency and resilience but also just make sense!

Some wise words on housing by Rosemary Morrow, author of "Earth Restorer's Guide":

"For thousands of years some cultures have enjoyed a high quality of life without compromising the needs of present and future generations. They have lived without destroying or polluting life’s processes. Compare this with modern western life-styles characterised by:

• excessive consumerism
• alienation from nature
• over-processing of materials
• over-consumption and dissatisfaction
• embarrassing levels of waste of all resources
• overly busy and complicated lives.

In affluent countries most homes, offices and shops can be thought of as having one or all the characteristics.
All these houses take in clean good materials and spew out air, soil, water pollution, and foul materials.

So how can you live differently and still live well? You can build a new house or retrofit an old one. You can make significant changes to your lifestyle and buildings that reduce the destructive impact that your living has on the environment."

"Earth Restorer’s Guide to Permaculture" is full of excellent insights and information. To get a hold of your own copy, just follow the link below:


By Heritage Acres Homestead

Love it

Love it

Let us close all governments down and start from scratch again : no government, small town counsels, perma culture forre...

Let us close all governments down and start from scratch again : no government, small town counsels, perma culture forrest gardens everywhere and a planet full of anarchists !!!






TARTARIA WAS A WORLD WIDE EMPIRE (NOT the new world order,  but something much better)

TARTARIA WAS A WORLD WIDE EMPIRE (NOT the new world order, but something much better)

Less lawn, more planet

Less lawn, more planet

WHOOOOOW 💚💚💚🤩😍😍🙏🙏🙏

WHOOOOOW 💚💚💚🤩😍😍🙏🙏🙏


This is a tribute to one of my all-time heroes. The course footage that I've featured here is from a PDC that Bill and Geoff did at Melbourne University in 2...



Den nyeste DCE-rapport om udledning af bl.a. kvælstof, viser at det suverænt største tab af kvælstof (diffust og punktkilder) sker fra det nordlige København - lige ud i Østersøen, som man jo ellers roser for dens trods alt stadig eksisterende torskebestand.

Tankevækkende, ikke?

Læs rapporten her:




5. juli 2023: Med dagens lovforslag om nye GMO -teknikker (bl.a. genredigeringsteknikken CRISPR) arbejder Europa-Kommissionen for at afvikle EU's nuværende GMO-regler for dyrkning af genmanipulerede afgrøder. Dette truer vores sundhed og miljø, og bringer GMO-frit landbrug som økologisk og biodynamisk jordbrug i fare. Og det ofrer forbrugernes krav om en klar mærkning af alle fødevarer m.m., der er fremstilles med GMO-teknikker. Beslutningen går imod opfordringen til at holde GMO, også de nye GMO-typer, strengt reguleret og mærket. Det krævede mere end 420.000 personer tidligere i år i en EU-dækkende underskriftsindsamling. 320 organisationer i EU har i en henvendelse til EU-Kommissionen i juni i år beskrevet de negative konsekvenser for miljø, biodiversitet og forbrugernes valgfrihed og opfordret kommissionen til at bevare de nuværende regler for dyrkning af GMO-planter.
Andre betegnelser for de nye GMO-typer er genredigering, gen’saks’, NGT/New Genetic Techniques. De er, iflg en dom fra EU-Domstolen i 2023, alle omfattes af EU's GMO-regler for genteknologiske organismer.
Sammenslutningen ’Biodynamisk Forbund Demeter International’ BFDI, som Foreningen for Biodynamisk Jordbrug er medlem af, har i mange år været engageret i GMO-frit landbrug og frøudvikling sammen med den økologiske sektor. Faktisk forbyder de biodynamiske Demeter-regler brugen af frø, formering og plantemateriale produceret af GMO-metoder. "Men uden sporbarhed og mærkning er der ikke noget klart grundlag for at beskytte GMO-frit landbrug. Begge dele er afgørende for at garantere landmændenes og avlernes valgfrihed og for at undgå at lægge yderligere byrder på økologiske og biodynamiske operatører," siger Clara Behr, chef for politik og public relations i BFDI.
GMO: ukendte risici for miljø og biodiversitet
Mens en overgang til mere bæredygtige landbrugsmetoder er en nødvendighed for at tackle klimaforandringerne, er en svækkelse af de nuværende GMO-regler helt klart ikke vejen frem. I stedet for at forlade sig på teknologiske løsninger, hvis fordele ikke er bevist og med potentielle utilsigtede effekter og risici for vores miljø og biodiversitet, bør EU fokusere på gennemprøvede løsninger som økologisk og biodynamisk landbrug, der har vist reelle fordele for klima og biodiversitet.
Svækkede GMO-regler – flere patenter på liv
En afvikling af EU's GMO-regler vil også forværre problemerne med patenter på frø, der truer landmændenes ret til frø, små og mellemstore forædlere og mangfoldigheden af frø. I modsætning til konventionel planteforædling kan både processerne og produkterne fra de nye GMO-metoder patenteres i henhold til EU-lovgivningen. At undtage nye GMO-frø fra EU's GMO-regler vil derfor resultere i en strøm af patenterede frø på markedet. For de fleste landmænd og forædlere vil det være en stor udfordring at navigere gennem denne "patentjungle", samtidig med at det vil øge frøindustriens monopol.
Trussel mod biodynamisk og økologisk frøudvikling
Landbrug starter altid med frøene, og som sådan er frø et fælles gode, og alle landmænd har ret til frø. Alligevel går 75% af verdens landbrugsdiversitet tabt i dag på trods af deres betydning. I stedet vil GMO'er og deres tilknyttede patenter yderligere koncentrere udbuddet af frø i hænderne på nogle få multinationale virksomheder. Samme dag, som EU-Kommissionen offentliggør sit forslag til en reform af markedsføringen af såsæd, vil Biodynamisk Forbund Demeter International BFDI minde EU's beslutningstagere om, at håndteringen af de aktuelle udfordringer med klimaforandringer starter med at fremme såsædsdiversiteten ved at styrke økologiske og biodynamiske sorter.

Det er nu op til medlemmer af EU-Parlamentet og medlemsstaterne at beskytte EU's nuværende GMO-regler. Deres mandat er at beskytte vores sundhed og miljø, at sikre valgfrihed for landmænd og forbrugere og samtidig sikre GMO-frie landbrug.



Here is some good information for Families that had issues with your Tomatoes this last season, or issues you are having now. It is important to be able to identify and treat the common Tomato plant ailments that might crop up.

1) BLOSSOM END ROT--This is one of the most common ailments, and you can tell if your plants have it by looking at where Tomatoes attach to vine. If the attachment appears brown and leathery between the size of a dime and quarter, than that Tomato has Blossom End Rot.

TO TREAT--You will have to take all the Tomatoes off the plants that are affected, and dispose of them. If you don't, it will spread and to all of them. Calcium is required in relatively large concentrations for normal cell growth. When a rapidly growing fruit is deprived of calcium, the tissues break down, leaving the characteristic lesion at the blossom end. Blossom-end rot develops when the fruit's demand for calcium exceeds the supply in the soil.

This may result from low calcium levels in the soil, drought stress, excessive soil moisture, and/or fluctuations due to rain or over watering. Lime (unless the soil is already alkaline), composted manures or bone meal will supply calcium.

2) BLIGHT--There are 3 stages of Blight. Early Blight is black and grey spots on the leaves when Tomatoes are young. Southern Blight is black and grey spots by stem and roots of the tomato plant. Late Blight gets out of hand, and is black and grey spots throughout the leaves, vines, and tomatoes.

TO TREAT--The easiest way is to treat it in it's early stages by removing the parts of the Tomato plants that are infected.. If you don't notice it until the later stages of Blight, you will need to buy an anti-fungal treatment, or you can make an organic one from home. however,

3) CATERPILLARS-- They love to feed on Tomato plants, and should be taken care of right away.

TO TREAT--– There are many treatments available to fight against caterpillar infestations at your local garden store, but you can make your own safe organic remedies at home. An Apple Cider Vinegar spray can be used to keep them away. You can also plant French Marigolds by your Tomatoes to help deter from from coming around

4) FRUIT SPLITTING--This can occur when it is dry, and then you get some heavy rains, or most frequently when there is sudden growth in the tomato plant. It doesn't hurt the Tomatoes, or affect you eating them, they just don't look good after that.

TO TREAT--If it occurs early in the Tomato plants growth phase, it can be reversed. Just water and apply nutrients, as normal, so there's no too dry too wet cycle. If it happens near harvest, it can't be reversed.

5) RED SPIDER MITES-- They are hard to spot, and usually are under your leaves. If you notice cobwebs on your Tomato plants, then you definitely have them.

TO TREAT-- You can always buy treatments at the store to take care of them, but better to make your own organic Apple Cider Vinegar spray, soap spray, or Onion and Garlic spray. Coriander, Dill, and Chrysanthemums are good to plant to deter them.

6) WILT--It is a fungal infection that starts in the roots, and blocks most of the water and nutrients from getting to the plant. It usually causes no problems until Tomatoes are growing on the vines. You will first see yellowing and drying of lower leaves, and then whole plant will wilt during hottest period of day. It will recover some at night, but then wilt again next day

TO TREAT--There really is no treatment when you get wilt that I know of. It is in the soil, so the next time you grow Tomatoes, pick a different spot in the Garden to grow them. It will deprive the Wilt of a host, and it will die out over the next year. Grow seedlings inside in clean soil before transplanting in Spring, and then make sure to pull all weeds that pop up around them

7) SUN SCORCH-- The skin of your Tomatoes will looked bruised and sunken. It sometimes happens when your Tomatoes get too much sun exposure during a real dry and hot period

TO TREAT-- Don't do any pruning of leaves during hot periods. The extra leaves will shield the Tomatoes. You can also use shade cloth to cover them during these periods Once they get Sun Scorch, you cannot do anything for the affected fruit, but you can provide shade for the unaffected ones.

Please visit our THE SEED GUY website when you get the chance. We have Good Pricing on our 9 Heirloom Seed Packages, and all of our Individual Varieties in Stock Now, and we still hand count and package them, like the old days, so you get the best germination.

Our 60 Variety Heirloom Seed package has 33,000 Seeds, Non GMO, fresh from the New Fall 2022 Harvest, and has 49 Vegetable varieties and 11 Herb varieties. There is definitely enough Seeds in the package to help Feed Your Family, and what you don't use right away, you can seal back in the silver mylar bag we include for storage. Great SPRING SALE Pricing Now at $79.

You can also call us 7 days a week, and up to 10:00 pm each night, at 918-352-8800 if you would like to Order By Phone.

If you LIKE US on our page, you will be able to see more of our great Gardening Articles, new Heirloom Seed Offers, and healthy Juice Recipes. Thank you, and God Bless You and Your Family. :)


examples of hybrid building systems that incorporate multiple natural building materials...wattle & daub, light-clay-straw, hempcrete, etc.


inspiring photos of walls, floors, & plasters made from clay...including adobe, cob, rammed earth. Clay materials are high in thermal mass, so they can be used to absorb and store heat energy or coolness, helping to moderate temperatures inside a space.


Coming up to 13yrs Stewarding this little piece of the planet!
Nothing but 'Love' for our one acre Mini Farm & Homestead :)
Our Homestead / Mini Farm is 4220m2 and is:
- Supporting our Family & Extended Family
- Supporting over 1400 visitors a year
- Averaging 80 & up to 120 productive farm animals
- Over 480 Fruit & Nut trees, plants & vines
- Demonstrating many re-use & up-cycle techniques.
- Demonstrating a wide variety of 'innovative' farming, gardening , animal management techniques & strategies.
- Demonstrating sufficiency & resilience in 'Real Human Needs' > Water, Food, Energy, Thermal Comfort, Protection, Family/Friends/Love!

Love it

Love it

Examples of mini footprint homes with big style


Credit: Rose Marie Bond



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