Joey's Journey

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Joey's Journey Joey's Journey depicts the transformation of an abused, paralyzed puppy with a broken neck to a healthy, happy family dog.

Don't miss our event tonight for Healing Haven Animal Foundation!We have saved the lives of hundreds of dogs over the ye...

Don't miss our event tonight for Healing Haven Animal Foundation!

We have saved the lives of hundreds of dogs over the years. But we can't continue to do it without your help!

Dogs who were slated to be euthanized because their owners couldn't afford the cost of life-saving medical care. Strays who were injured who needed someone to show up for them and give them the chance they deserve.

We need your support to keep doing such meaningful work.
Join us for a night of great food, drinks and company!
Link is in the comments below.

ANNOUNCING THE CANINE LEADERSHIP VIRTUAL SUMMIT!Are you envisioning a business devoted to enhancing the lives of dogs? A...


Are you envisioning a business devoted to enhancing the lives of dogs? At The Canine Leadership Summit, we're assembling top leaders in the canine entrepreneurial sphere to unveil the secrets behind their success!

Our event is designed to unite passionate canine enthusiasts and professionals like yourself, fostering knowledge sharing, mutual learning, and the inspiration to drive positive change in the world of dogs.

Take the reins of your life and career at the Canine Leadership Summit, where we're dedicated to steering you towards your aspirations with impact, freedom, and triumph.

Envision yourself calling the shots, crafting a career that mirrors your deepest passions.

Leadership is not a journey to rise in the ranks… It is a journey to help those around us rise.

Join us as we transform challenges into opportunities and carve a path towards the future you've always imagined.

There are dogs out there in desperate need of your gift.

Click the link in the comments to join the presale waitlist for a discounted ticket opportunity.👇🏻

To All My Dog Lovers out there!!!My non-profit HHAF is hosting this great event to help us help more animals in need of ...

To All My Dog Lovers out there!!!

My non-profit HHAF is hosting this great event to help us help more animals in need of urgent, life-saving veterinary care.

Thousands of animals are euthanized each year because their owners do not have the money to pay for life-saving care.
Many are strays that do not have owners to pay their bill are put down. Euthanasia chosen for them without giving them chance to fight for their lives.

That's why I started Healing Haven Animal Foundation. We provide funding directly to the veterinary clinics to help save animals that would be otherwise euthanized.

Join us for this wonderful event.
-Meet like-minded dog lovers
-Eat and drink your heart out
-Learn how to increase your own dog's longevity from me, Dr. Loudon.

And…Bronwyn from Dolce’s Legacy will be speaking on nutrition. 🙌
I can't wait to meet you there!🤗
Link is in the comments below.
Virtual tickets are also available!


Happy Easter my friends 🙏🏻"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold,...

Happy Easter my friends 🙏🏻

"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new." - 2 Corinthians 5:17

Our paths evolve

Our lives change

Our love remains

It's my Birthday🤗 And what I would like more than anything is for you to help me, help more animals. 🙏🏻🐾 My non-profit  ...

It's my Birthday🤗 And what I would like more than anything is for you to help me, help more animals. 🙏🏻🐾 My non-profit HHAF has faced challenges this year, supporting many critical cases that required expensive surgeries and care. Your donation, even as little as $5, can make a significant impact. Consider signing up for monthly recurring donations – it's a tremendous help for us. The cost of a monthly coffee can truly make a difference. Thank you for being a part of our mission! 🐾❤️

Hey there, it's Dr. Loudon! It's my birthday, and what I truly … Lynda Loudon, DVM needs your support for My Bday Fundraiser Healing Haven Animal Foundation

Hello all. I know that we are all distraught and heartbroken dogs that have become sick and for those that have lost the...

Hello all. I know that we are all distraught and heartbroken dogs that have become sick and for those that have lost their lives to what seems to be a commercial diet issue. We must keep sharing and making others aware so that we can save as many precious lives as possible.

I wanted to share my case from Monday of Farrah, a 1 year old mixed breed dog, who presented to the ER Sunday night for symptoms of anaphylactic shock including acute collapse, vomiting, bloody diarrhea and pale gums.

Her guardians had switched her diet to a kibble called The Source because they thought it was a better brand than they were feeding. After her first meal she started to show mild symptoms and then she was fed a second meal and the symptoms progressed to life-threatening.

She required 24 hours of intensive care, IV fluid resuscitation, epinephrine, and a plasma transfusion. Her liver values were elevated indicating a toxic insult and her coagulation times were off the charts. Thankfully she responded to treatment and is back home with her guardians. She still has mild symptoms and I have instructed her guardian to continue her detox using denamarin, NHV Immuno for dogs, NHV detoxification kit and NHV Yucca for dogs.

If you havent been following this food issue that mainly involves Purina products go to

HUGE ANNOUNCEMENT!Dr. Loudon has decided that she wants every Christmas puppy to have the best start possible so she has...


Dr. Loudon has decided that she wants every Christmas puppy to have the best start possible so she has slashed the price of her Signature Puppy Course AND is offering as bonus one year of her Dog Mom Society for FREE!!

That's a savings of $397!! Don't miss this one-time opportunity!
Let's get these puppies on the right track in 2024!

Link is in the comments below!
Makes a great gift for the puppy moms in your life!


CBD dog health

The opportunity to be one of my cherished founding members is running out.  This would entitle you to the grandfathered-...

The opportunity to be one of my cherished founding members is running out. This would entitle you to the grandfathered-in low price and exclusive bonuses.

I don't want you to miss this opportunity. And to be selfish, I personally don't want to miss out on getting to know you in the community as a like-minded dog lover. ❤

Click below to join The Dog Mom Society now.

Hello friends,As many of you know, I've been an ER vet of over 20 years and a home euthanasia vet for just as long. Work...

Hello friends,

As many of you know, I've been an ER vet of over 20 years and a home euthanasia vet for just as long. Working as an ER doc I spend my days trying my best to save the sickest of the sick. As a home euthanasia vet I do my best to help dogs experience a peaceful transition when I cannot save them. These two roles have given me a unique perspective on veterinary medicine...

Over the years I see dogs lives getting shorter. 9 years old is becoming the norm for loosing a dog to chronic illness or cancer. I see chronic illness reaching epidemic proportions in dogs. This includes allergies, ear infections, cushings, diabetes, hypothyroidism, arthritis, obesity, etc...And I see clearly that it is due to the way we are caring for our them. The standards of care in veterinary medicine are deeply flawed.

We are over-vaccinating, placing toxic pesticides on dogs continuously, neutering and spaying babies before they've had a chance to grow, and feeding ultra-processed kibble that is dead food containing synthetic ingredients and carcinogenic by-products every single day of these dogs lives.

As you know, I lost my beloved Joey last year at 9 years old. Because I didn't know better at the time, Joey was neutered at 6 months of age, before he had reached his growth potential. Studies show that certain cancers are at higher risk in juvenile neutered males. The cancer Joey developed was one of them. Do I know this is the cause? no. But I suspect it played a role. The other thing that I believe affected Joey's longevity was his grass eating habit and the pesticides he likely ingested over the years. Although my lawn is untreated, my neighbors are not.
He was fed the best diets, never vaccinated, never treated directly with toxic chemicals. But these other two factors likely played a role in expressing the cancer genes he was found to have when I did DNA testing.

Because of my passion for educating dog guardians to try to avoid making medical decisions that ultimately harm their dogs, two years ago I made the decision to drop my hours in the ER by 75% and start teaching, speaking, creating courses and posting online to reach more devoted dog guardians who need this information. Helping clients one-to-one was not enough anymore.

That's where the The Dog Mom Society comes in. It is a safe space for dog loving women to gain accurate information and gain knowledge to become their dog's health care advocate. A place filled with trusted resources and information. The place I will be teaching live monthly and inviting other like-minded canine experts to speak to you. A safe community where you can connect with like-minded dog-loving friends.

The change we need to make in Canine healthcare starts with you, the dog guardian. The majority of veterinarians are not willing to consider changing and/or are blind to this obvious problem. ( I know because I've tried to enlighten my fellow vets and I have been met with animosity, resistance and defensiveness).

The other barrier we face is the many vet clinics that are owned by corporations who push all of these "treatments" with only the bottom line in mind.

It's up to you to gain the knowledge so that you can then demand more from the veterinary profession and make informed decisions for your dog's health and longevity.

If you are like many of the dog guardians who have lost their beloved dogs too young and questioned what you could have done differently, then this community IS FOR YOU.

If you are dedicated to making sure your dog lives their happiest, most vibrant life then this IS FOR YOU.

And even if you have recently lost a dog and don't have a dog at the moment, this community will prepare you for your next beloved friend.

I will place a link in the comments to join the waitlist. Doors will be opening next week and the waitlist will be the first to know.
And remember... if you are questioning whether you could have done things differently to prolong your last dog's life, don't allow this guilt to control your mind. As Maya Angelou said, "when you know better, you do better." Let's start today to know better for our future dogs.
Join the waitlist ⬇️

Tips to help you and your four-legged friend have a fantastic and safe Labor Day celebration.1. Keep Your Dog HydratedAs...

Tips to help you and your four-legged friend have a fantastic and safe Labor Day celebration.

1. Keep Your Dog Hydrated
As the Labor Day weekend often brings warm weather, it's crucial to keep your dog well-hydrated.

2. Provide Shade and Rest Breaks
Dogs can easily overheat in hot weather, so it's essential to provide them with shade and regular rest breaks.

3. Use Sunscreen for Dogs
Just like humans, dogs can get sunburned, especially if they have light-colored fur or exposed skin. Check out my blog on summer heat hazards for more about sunburn in dogs.

4. Choose Dog-Friendly Activities
Opt for activities that your dog will enjoy, such as hiking, a game of fetch, or a leisurely stroll in the park. Keep their well-being and comfort in mind throughout the day. Check out my blog on hiking with dogs for helpful info.

5. Secure Your Dog at Barbecues
Labor Day often involves delicious barbecues and cookouts, but it's crucial to keep your dog away from hot grills, open flames, and potentially harmful foods.

6. Be Mindful of Fireworks
Many Labor Day celebrations end with a fireworks display, which can be distressing for some dogs due to the loud noises and bright lights. Check out my blog on fireworks and dogs.

7. Update Identification
With the hustle and bustle of Labor Day activities, it's wise to double-check that your dog's identification tags are up to date. In case your dog becomes separated from you, having accurate contact information is essential.

8. Create a safe space indoors where your dog can retreat if they become anxious or overwhelmed by the festivities.

9. Pack a Bag of must-haves if you plan to be out and about including:

Check out my blog on the specific must-haves for your dog's bag and for more helpful info on enjoying this summer send-off with your dog! Link is in the comments.

Registration is officially open for The Puppy Success Formula!If you have a puppy then you must not miss this amazing op...

Registration is officially open for The Puppy Success Formula!

If you have a puppy then you must not miss this amazing opportunity!

The Accelerated Path To Achieving A Well-Mannered Dog-
Join this 5-week, LIVE online program and learn the proven frameworks to quickly transform your puppy experience from stressful to joyful. Become the teacher your puppy needs so you can achieve the dog you deserve.

Make this decisions for you, for your family and for your puppy.

Seats will be limited so that everyone gets the attention they need.

Get in now before seats fill up!

And...I have slashed the price by almost 75% because this is the last time I will be teaching this course live and I want to make it accessible to everyone who needs it.

Your future dog is waiting...

The Accelerated Path To A well-Mannered Puppy

Your puppy craves connection with you and will rely on it for comfort, confidence, and overall wellbeing.Connection must...

Your puppy craves connection with you and will rely on it for comfort, confidence, and overall wellbeing.

Connection must be scheduled into your daily routine.

Ways to connect:
Through play
Floor time
Activities-walking, running, hiking, paddle boarding, swimming.

You are building a relationship with your dog. And just like any other great relationship it requires consistency, commitment and love.

Build a strong connection with your dog and it will live on in your heart for eternity.

Sign up for my FREE WEBINAR - Setting Your Puppy Up For Greatness. The link is in the comments ⬇️

Please share to help me help as many puppy moms as possible!

Good morning ❤️This is Zane on our windy beach walk yesterday.  It was just him and I... I needed a calm presence for my...

Good morning ❤️

This is Zane on our windy beach walk yesterday. It was just him and I... I needed a calm presence for my walk yesterday so Parker stayed home to play ball in the backyard with the boys.

Don't get me wrong, I absolutely adore Parker. His energy elevates our family on a daily basis. We absolutely wanted that energy and all of the other wonderful traits of a golden.

But I also love the calm energy that I had with Joey. Walking Joey was my meditation...he grounded me. We shared many long walks together where problems were solved, ideas were flowing, gratitude was abundant and purpose was reinforced.

And now Zane does that for me. I knew this type of energy was a trait of long-haired Shepherds and so I was intentional about seeking out Zane.

I also believe Joey whispered in his ear, "these are the things mom needs from you: Yell at her when it's dinner time or else she'll forget ( not true but ok), snuggle next to her on her chair in the early morning hours - its the best, grab the leash when you run with her to remind her I'm still with her and... be calm on your long walks. That's where you'll connect the most.

I still miss him on every single walk... but Zane helps me keep walking ❤️

Sweet memories come.Some days they make me smile.Other days my eyes fill with tears.Still can't believe he's gone...💔

Sweet memories come.

Some days they make me smile.

Other days my eyes fill with tears.

Still can't believe he's gone...💔


Joey sent another sign that his spirit is still with me 🙏🏻💔❤️


Our newest addition to help us heal from joeys loss ❤️💔🐾


To all my friends here at Joey's Journey. It has been wonderful getting to know you over the years of Joey's beautiful life. I don't want our journey together to end here. Here are a couple of ways we can stay in touch:

1- Follow me here
2-Sign up for my newsletter

Integrative Emergency Veterinarian Elevating Dog Health and Longevity Through Education and Empowerment.

Thankfully our friend and amazing dog photographer Jenny Aponte was able to do a photo shoot with Joey a couple of weeks...

Thankfully our friend and amazing dog photographer Jenny Aponte was able to do a photo shoot with Joey a couple of weeks before we lost him ❤️🙏🏻🐾 we miss him terribly… so greatful we have these beautiful memories 🙏🏻


My tribute To Joey

Thank-you for your love and support of Joey through the years.  We are so grateful to have shared his beautiful, inspiri...

Thank-you for your love and support of Joey through the years. We are so grateful to have shared his beautiful, inspiring Journey with you all. He will be missed by so many 🙏🏻


Joey is still doing great! I think your prayers are a huge part of it!!!

Check out my blog post on treats.  I love to give my dogs treats.  It makes me feel good, it makes them happy.  But I kn...

Check out my blog post on treats.

I love to give my dogs treats. It makes me feel good, it makes them happy. But I know how the wrong treats can negatively affect my dog's health.

Check out my blog to learn how to give your dog treats while supporting their health and longevity👇🏻

Many of the most popular treats on the market contain carcinogenic preservatives, rendered meats, and toxic ingredients. The Harmful Effects of Poor Quality Treats We all give treats to our dogs as a sign of our love and affection, and because it gives us pleasure to see our dogs happy when they get...

Hello my friends,I wanted to give you my puppy nutrition course for FREE.  If you have a new puppy or are thinking about...

Hello my friends,

I wanted to give you my puppy nutrition course for FREE. If you have a new puppy or are thinking about adopting a puppy soon then this course is a MUST for you.


This mini course gives you the knowledge you need to make smart diet decisions for your puppy that lead to health and longevity.

A dog’s unconditional love reminds us that we are worthy, we are strong and we deserve the best this life has to offer ❤...

A dog’s unconditional love reminds us that we are worthy, we are strong and we deserve the best this life has to offer ❤️🐾



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