Resilient K9

Resilient K9 🐾Canine Enrichment & Training Resource Center🐾

🐶🐾Dogs chew for various reasons, and understanding these can help address the behavior:🦷 Teething: Puppies chew to allev...

🐶🐾Dogs chew for various reasons, and understanding these can help address the behavior:

🦷 Teething: Puppies chew to alleviate discomfort during teething. Providing appropriate chew toys can help soothe their gums.

🔎Exploration: Dogs use their mouths to explore their environment, especially as puppies. It's a way for them to learn about the world around them.

🥱Boredom: Dogs may chew out of boredom or lack of mental stimulation. Providing engaging toys and activities can prevent destructive chewing.

😖Anxiety or Stress: Chewing can be a coping mechanism for dogs dealing with anxiety or stress. Identifying and addressing the underlying cause is essential.

🥹Attention-Seeking: Dogs might chew to get attention from their owners. Providing positive attention when they exhibit desired behaviors can be helpful.

☀️Natural Instinct: Chewing is a natural instinct for dogs, helping to keep their teeth clean and providing jaw exercise.

🏃‍♀️Lack of Exercise: Dogs with excess energy may resort to chewing as a way to release pent-up energy. Regular exercise can help alleviate this.

🩺Medical Issues: Dental problems, nutritional deficiencies, or other health issues may lead to increased chewing. A vet checkup can rule out these concerns.

👃Scent Exploration: Dogs may chew objects to explore scents. This behavior is more common in certain breeds with a strong sense of smell.

🤤Hunger: In some cases, dogs may chew because they are hungry. Ensuring they have a balanced diet with proper portion control can help address this.

🐾🦷To address excessive chewing, provide appropriate chew toys, ensure ample exercise and mental stimulation, and address any underlying issues with the guidance of a veterinarian or professional dog trainer. 👍

🗣️ Do you know what your dog is saying? 🗣️

🗣️ Do you know what your dog is saying? 🗣️

🔓Unlock the full potential of your energetic pup by engaging in structured training & quality enrichment activities. 👀 K...

🔓Unlock the full potential of your energetic pup by engaging in structured training & quality enrichment activities. 👀 Keep an eye out for tips & tricks on HOW to do this with your pup!

📣🐾Using a gentle leader for dogs can have several benefits, including:▪️Improved Control: The gentle leader provides bet...

📣🐾Using a gentle leader for dogs can have several benefits, including:

▪️Improved Control: The gentle leader provides better control over your dog's movements, especially during walks, by guiding their head and nose.

▪️Reduced Pulling: It helps discourage pulling on the leash, making walks more pleasant and reducing the risk of injury for both the dog and the owner.

▪️Training Aid: It can be an effective tool for training, teaching dogs to pay attention and follow commands by redirecting their focus without causing discomfort.

▪️Calmer Walks: Dogs often feel more secure with a gentle leader, leading to calmer walks and a positive association with being on a leash.

▪️Prevention of Jumping: The gentle leader can help control jumping behaviors, providing better manners during interactions with people and other animals.

▪️Comfortable Fit: When fitted correctly, gentle leaders are designed to be comfortable for dogs, reducing the likelihood of discomfort or irritation.

▪️Facilitates Training for Reactive Dogs: For dogs prone to reactive behavior, a gentle leader can assist in managing their attention in challenging situations.

🐾Always follow proper fitting instructions and use positive reinforcement techniques when introducing a gentle leader to ensure a positive experience for your dog.🐾

✨🐾Did you know?🐾✨

✨🐾Did you know?🐾✨

🐶🐾 Training doesn’t have to be for a purpose other than fun & providing a proper outlets for your dog. Sometimes the goa...

🐶🐾 Training doesn’t have to be for a purpose other than fun & providing a proper outlets for your dog. Sometimes the goal can just be to enrich your dog’s life. They don’t have to go in competitions or be the most popular dog on social media. Now if you want to do those things that’s awesome & there isn’t anything wrong with it. We want to encourage everyone to have fun with their dog, do even basic training, & provide enriching outlets for them none other than to promote a quality of life for the dog. 🫶

😵‍💫🐶Does your dog have so much energy you struggle to handle it? We've got solutions! 🐾 Unlock a harmonious relationship...

😵‍💫🐶Does your dog have so much energy you struggle to handle it? We've got solutions! 🐾 Unlock a harmonious relationship with your energetic pup by following tips, tricks, and enrichment tactics from this page. Say goodbye to chaos and hello to a well-behaved, contented dog. 🌈

🐾✨Several factors can contribute to your dog's energy levels, including breed characteristics, age, overall health, diet...

🐾✨Several factors can contribute to your dog's energy levels, including breed characteristics, age, overall health, diet, and exercise routine. Certain breeds are naturally more energetic, while younger dogs tend to have higher activity levels. A balanced diet with appropriate nutrients also plays a role, along with regular exercise to channel their energy positively. 👀 Keep an eye on our page for ways to burn your dog’s energy!✨🐾

🐶🐾Canine enrichment offers numerous benefits, including improved mental stimulation, reduced boredom-related behaviors, ...

🐶🐾Canine enrichment offers numerous benefits, including improved mental stimulation, reduced boredom-related behaviors, enhanced physical health, strengthened human-animal bonds, and a happier, more fulfilled quality of life for dogs.💞

✨🐾The more you know: Dog Facts🐾✨

✨🐾The more you know: Dog Facts🐾✨

🐾Using a long line for your dog provides controlled freedom during walks, allowing them to explore while staying within ...

🐾Using a long line for your dog provides controlled freedom during walks, allowing them to explore while staying within your supervision. It aids in training, recall, and helps prevent unwanted behavior. Silo absolutely loved getting to use the long line on adventures! 🐶

🐾📣📱 We’re going VIRTUAL 🤩🥳 ➡️ We’ll be moving to accessible online resources! You’ll be able to learn a multitude of can...

🐾📣📱 We’re going VIRTUAL 🤩🥳

➡️ We’ll be moving to accessible online resources! You’ll be able to learn a multitude of canine enrichment & training tips through our online platforms. This is going to broaden our scope of who we are able to reach, this means we’ll be accessible to all income types! 👏 👏 👏

✨ THANK YOU so much to everyone who is referring us 🤩🥰 It truly is so inspiring to have y’all believe in our mission & capabilities 💞 This new journey is going to allow us to do even more! We can’t wait for you to see what’s in store.

🐶🐾 We will still be doing our pet sitting, consultations, & training we’ve committed to but won’t be adding on additional clients. 🫶 Thank you all for understanding 🥰

🥾Hiking with your dog can offer numerous physical, mental, and bonding benefits for both you and your furry companion. H...

🥾Hiking with your dog can offer numerous physical, mental, and bonding benefits for both you and your furry companion. Here are some advantages:

▪️Physical Exercise: Hiking provides a great cardiovascular workout for your dog, promoting overall fitness and helping to maintain a healthy weight.

▪️Mental Stimulation: Exploring new trails, scents, and environments engages your dog's senses, providing mental stimulation that can help prevent boredom and behavioral issues.

▪️Joint Health: The varied terrain of hiking trails, including uneven surfaces, can contribute to improved joint health and muscle strength for your dog.

▪️Bonding Time: Hiking together strengthens the bond between you and your dog. Sharing experiences in nature can deepen your connection and build trust.

▪️Socialization Opportunities: Meeting other hikers and their dogs on the trail provides opportunities for socialization, helping your dog become more comfortable around new people and animals.

▪️Stress Reduction: Outdoor activities like hiking contribute to stress reduction for both you and your dog. The natural surroundings can have a calming effect.

▪️Improved Behavior: Regular exercise and mental stimulation from hiking can help reduce undesirable behaviors in dogs, such as excessive barking or destructive tendencies.

▪️Weight Management: Hiking is an effective way to help manage your dog's weight, promoting a healthy body condition and overall well-being.

▪️Adventure and Exploration: Dogs love exploring new environments, and hiking allows them to satisfy their natural curiosity and instincts.

▪️Fresh Air and Sunshine: Being outdoors exposes your dog to fresh air and natural sunlight, contributing to better respiratory health and the synthesis of vitamin D.

✨Before embarking on a hike, ensure your dog is physically able to handle the terrain, bring enough water for both of you, and be aware of any specific rules or restrictions on the trail. Always prioritize safety and consider your dog's fitness level and any health concerns. 🐾

✅ It’s good for your dog to chew ✅ ➡️To dive in a little deeper, it’s good for your dog to chew on APPROPRIATE things li...

✅ It’s good for your dog to chew ✅

➡️To dive in a little deeper, it’s good for your dog to chew on APPROPRIATE things like natural chews!

▪️Natural chews offer several benefits for dogs, including 🦷dental🦷 health improvement through plaque and tartar removal, mental stimulation to prevent boredom, a natural outlet for chewing instincts, a source of essential nutrients like calcium and phosphorus, and can be longer-lasting, satisfying chewing experience that can help reduce destructive chewing behaviors.

✨Natural chew examples: turkey legs, duck feet, bully sticks, pig ears, rabbit ears, duck heads, etc.

🐶🐾 A Thursday evening is best spent with dogs & cats 🐈‍⬛ How are you spending your evening? 💞

🐶🐾 A Thursday evening is best spent with dogs & cats 🐈‍⬛ How are you spending your evening? 💞

🐶🐾 What to do with a dog that has working genetics 🧬 👉Working line dogs often have ⬆️high⬆️ energy levels and strong ins...

🐶🐾 What to do with a dog that has working genetics 🧬

👉Working line dogs often have ⬆️high⬆️ energy levels and strong instincts, and providing appropriate outlets for their physical and mental needs is essential. Here are some outlets for working line dogs that do not have a specific job:

▪️Structured Exercise: Engage in regular, structured exercise routines such as daily walks, jogging, or hiking to help burn off excess energy.

▪️Agility Training: Set up an agility course in your backyard or attend agility classes. This provides both physical exercise and mental stimulation.

▪️Obedience Training: Ongoing obedience training not only reinforces good behavior but also engages your dog mentally. Advanced commands and tricks can be particularly challenging.

▪️Interactive Toys: Use puzzle toys, treat-dispensing toys, and other interactive games to provide mental stimulation and keep your dog occupied.

▪️Scent Work: Incorporate scent work activities, like hiding treats or toys for your dog to find. This taps into their natural instincts and provides a mental challenge.

▪️Fetch and Retrieval Games: Play fetch or hide and seek with your dog to encourage running and retrieval, fulfilling their natural retrieving instincts.

▪️Canine Sports: Enroll your dog in canine sports like obedience competitions, nose work, or even dock diving, depending on their interests and abilities.

▪️Socialization: Regularly expose your dog to different environments, people, and other animals. This helps channel their energy positively and improves social skills. ( it doesn’t necessarily mean they have to interact directly with them ).

▪️Daily Play Sessions: Set aside dedicated playtime each day to interact with your dog through games, toys, and physical activities.

▪️Swimming: If your dog enjoys water, swimming is an excellent low-impact exercise that can also help cool them down.

**Some dogs will need a mixture of these to really feel fulfilled.**

Consistency and variety are 🗝️key🗝️ when providing outlets for working line dogs. Tailor activities to suit your dog's individual preferences and physical abilities, and always ensure they receive a mix of physical and mental stimulation.

🐶🐾Let’s talk small dogs ➡️ Small dogs, like their larger counterparts, have diverse origins, and their development is in...

🐶🐾Let’s talk small dogs ➡️ Small dogs, like their larger counterparts, have diverse origins, and their development is influenced by selective breeding for specific traits. Some small dog breeds were originally bred for practical purposes, while others were favored as companions. Here are a few common origins of small dog breeds:

▪️Companionship: Many small breeds were selectively bred for companionship, often serving as lap dogs or companions for royalty and nobility.

▪️Vermin Control: Some small breeds were initially developed for vermin control. Their small size allowed them to navigate tight spaces and efficiently catch or control pests.

▪️Working Purposes: Certain small breeds were bred for specific tasks, such as herding small livestock or serving as watchdogs in confined spaces.

▪️Cultural Preferences: In some cultures, smaller dogs were preferred due to limited living spaces or a desire for portable companions.

▪️Hunting: Smaller dogs were sometimes used in hunting small game, where their agility and size were advantageous.

📝It's essential to note that small dog breeds have diverse histories, and their development often involved a combination of factors. Over time, selective breeding focused on refining desirable traits, including size, temperament, and appearance, resulting in the variety of small dog breeds we have today. 🐾

🖤🐾🐶 Silo’s best energy outlet is the flirt pole! He THRIVES on this game 🙌 and it’s a great cheat code for burning doggo...

🖤🐾🐶 Silo’s best energy outlet is the flirt pole! He THRIVES on this game 🙌 and it’s a great cheat code for burning doggo energy. 😜 especially for when you just don’t have time for walks, endless fetch, etc.

🐶🐾Muzzles: Are they mean?🐾🐶💥‼️NO‼️💥 They can actually be really beneficial 🫶 For a variety of reasons! Dogs who are at a...

🐶🐾Muzzles: Are they mean?🐾🐶

💥‼️NO‼️💥 They can actually be really beneficial 🫶 For a variety of reasons! Dogs who are at a higher risk of biting of course benefit as it keeps themselves & others safe in general. It can also help their handlers be more confident when training & taking them out in public. Plus they can be helpful for a dog who has high anxiety or fear when getting their nails clipped or when they go to grooming. They can also be helpful during vet visits if you have a fearful dog.

🔑 What’s the key? Positive reinforcement🫶 Muzzles typically aren’t something you can put on a dog & expect them to like it 👀 🙈 cause honestly it can be intimidating & scary for them at first. Making the training fun for them will go a long way!

👀Keep an eye out for a more in depth view on muzzle training your pup! 🫶

🐶🐾 Gentle Leaders 🐾🐶🤔 What is it? Is it a muzzle? No, although muzzles can be beneficial for other things, we’ll go over...

🐶🐾 Gentle Leaders 🐾🐶

🤔 What is it? Is it a muzzle? No, although muzzles can be beneficial for other things, we’ll go over that another day. Gentle leaders are similar to the face halters you see on livestock. Instead of using a traditional collar & leash or a harness (which can encourage your dog to pull) it goes around their snout. They are still able to open their mouths, drink, eat, etc. Gentle leaders can help with loose leash walking skills & decrease a dog dragging you around. The important part of using this tool is to build up positive association with it. For example you won’t want to just slap it on & expect your dog to think it’s the best thing ever. You’ll want to put it on for short amount of times, reward, & take it off so your dog doesn’t start to build a negative association with it. Once it becomes more positive you can start using it for walking, it’ll be a lot less stressful for you & your pup!

🖤This post is Featuring Otis who is available for adoption through Kanoa Rescue Foundation 💞

👀 Keep an eye out for our more detailed view on gentle leaders! 🫶

🛋️🐾 Want your pup to enjoy their own couch while you’re away? That’s where we come in 🙌 Quality pet sitting services wit...

🛋️🐾 Want your pup to enjoy their own couch while you’re away? That’s where we come in 🙌 Quality pet sitting services with Resilient K9 allows your pet to enjoy the comfort of their own home while you’re away. This is a lot less stressful for them & allows their spoiling to be maximized by our quality pet care takers.

🗺️ We have availability in Moore as well as surrounding areas! Send us a PM to schedule a FREE meet & greet today. 🫶

Nick had a great time doing some activities to build engagement! We introduced him to the long line and we will be worki...

Nick had a great time doing some activities to build engagement! We introduced him to the long line and we will be working on improving his recall✅ He’s such a handsome boy🤩

🥰🐾 We love this trio 🫶

🥰🐾 We love this trio 🫶

🐶🐾🐓 Zero & the chickens 🤪

🐶🐾🐓 Zero & the chickens 🤪

👀 Tulip DEMANDS attention 👏 👏

👀 Tulip DEMANDS attention 👏 👏

🤪😴 When the flirt pole gets you goofy & tired. Send us a PM if you’re looking for ways to enrich your dog’s life!

🤪😴 When the flirt pole gets you goofy & tired. Send us a PM if you’re looking for ways to enrich your dog’s life!

🐶🐾 Need someone to swing by while you’re away on vacation or at work for the day? We got you 👏 👏 We can help provide out...

🐶🐾 Need someone to swing by while you’re away on vacation or at work for the day? We got you 👏 👏 We can help provide outlets for your dog such as playing with the flirt pole, walking, recreational agility, and MORE‼️ This way you have less to do when you get home 🏡

🗺️ Accepting clients in Moore & select surrounding areas 🗺️

➡️ Send us a PM to schedule a meet & greet ⬅️

🥰🐾 The look you give when you love your petsitter 🐾🥰

🥰🐾 The look you give when you love your petsitter 🐾🥰

🐶🐾 Chewie, Rolo, & Solo have been such a great crew to watch 🥰 If you are in need of a petsitter while you’re away send ...

🐶🐾 Chewie, Rolo, & Solo have been such a great crew to watch 🥰 If you are in need of a petsitter while you’re away send us a PM! We are accepting clients in Moore as well as parts of Norman & SW OKC for our petsitting services. 🫶




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