Hi FairyTailFrenchies Fam!!
I know we’ve been on a bit of a hiatus for awhile. We have had a lot of big life changes the past year. ❤️
I just wanted to announce that we will be having our FIRST and likely only litter of the year! Isn’t that exciting?!
It has been SO long since we had babies in the house that we have had withdrawals! And I bet some of you have too!!
We are excited and very PROUD of this litter coming from our very cutest cream puff Cake Baby. I will be sharing all the photos, and alllll the cutest puppy moments over the next few months.
If too many puppy pics are annoying, apologies in advance..but there’s no stealing this girls joy!!! 😉
If you’re ready to be a part of this fun new crew with us, stay tuned!! Frenchie Fries will be out of the oven before you know it!! 🥰😎