Two Moons Cat Rescue is a non-profit organization, not yet 501(c)(3), dedicated to rescuing and re-homing felines in the Tennessee Valley. The Two Moons founders began helping local felines in 2012 by taking them in, rehabilitating them, vetting them, and finding them forever homes. All adoptable felines are already spayed/neutered, micro-chipped, healthy, and fully vaccinated. Inquiring adopters
must undergo a brief screening process, as we want to make sure that each new home is a proper fit. If your new feline, or an existing family member, isn't adjusting well to the new situation we require that you return the feline to us. We hope you find a sweet face in our gallery that captures your heart, and that you can continue the cycle of love and companionship that these cats, and you, deserve! We do not allow de-clawing of our felines, as this can have devastating effects on their mental and physical health. If a Two Moons feline is found in an animal shelter as an owner turn-in, found in a severely neglected state, or in a manner otherwise proven to be determined as neglect by the founders, the feline will be re-confiscated. That feline's adoptees and their close affiliates will be considered ineligible for future adoptions by this rescue group. These rules help to ensure the safety of our past, current, and future felines, and we hope that you respect and honor these rules. We recognize that animals are not disposable, and we put many months of care and hundreds of dollars into each cat or kitten that we put up for adoption. Not every cat/kitten we come across is adoptable, and challenging or senior felines are cared for at the organization for the rest of their lives. In order to continue to provide them all with the medical care, food, and litter that they need donations of supplies or finances are always welcome!