The little one on the top perch is Lillie (the one with the broken leg that healed very badly before I got her). She got full strength in her wings to fly to all of the perches and figured out how to perch with the one leg sticking out to the side! No worries about her because she even bosses Bert around despite being disabled!
Must. Get. Every. Bite.
Scooter is an African Spur Thighed Tortoise (aka Sulcata) and is about a year old and has doubled in size. He's going to be about 150 pounds when he's full grown. Eventually, he'll spend most of the year outdoors.
A fun-filled mansion for a tiny hammie.
Turbo gets a mix of Oxbow pellets, seed mix, and Timothy Hay. He also occasionally gets some veggies like squash and broccoli.
Turbo got a mega upgrade to a 15 gallon tank. He loves it! Am sure he'll be up all night exploring and sleep really well during the day!
Meet Turbo, a Roborovski hamster...newest addition to the zoo crew. He is absolutely adorable!
Lillie is not only on one of the perches, but she is also grooming herself! She figured out how to face the right way and balance! Yay!!!!!!!!
For added work, I raised her fave food (greens) off of the floor and not conveniently close to the perch so she has to work on balance and strength. Look at her go!
Herman's new home arrived unexpectedly today (a week early). Plants and river rock to come. He's all over checking it out!
Scooter's turn in the playpen. Taking him a while to zip around like Herman because I woke him up. Lol
It's way to hot to go outside today (96 with a real feel of 100), so Herman is in the playpen in the living room...zipping around.