GCH Cabochon Amelia 3*M VEEE 91 blessed us with quadruplets again this year! This is a repeat breeding to Better Wayz Bodacious *B. Doe is retained, bucks are available as herd sires.
Amelia is a classically beautiful goat with a Linear Appraisal score VEEE 91 as a six year old topping her four year old score of VEEE 90. At seven years old, Amelia finished her permanent championship and milked 1,091 lbs in 294 days proving she has the longevity all want in our herds.
Bodacious’ dam and sire’s dam are both EEEE 92 does who have milked more than 1300 lbs in a lactation. His dam, SG Better Wayz Harmony Carabear 3*M EEEE 92 has been an ADGA Elite doe for six years in a row. His sire’s dam, SG Better Wayz Isabelle 3*M EEEE 92, has made the top 10 list for butterfat multiple times and has been an ADGA Elite doe for the last five years.
You can see more photos on our blog https://cabochonfarm.com/2025/03/01/quadruplets-for-gch-cabochon-amelia/