Mystique getting her regular tummy rub that she demands. Only cat I have had that loves them. #tummyrubs #purring
Mystique cuddling up to me...#furbabies #cuddles
I took Chester to the vets to weigh him. In March he weighed 37.1kg and today he weighed 34.7kg. Loss of 2.4kg. Been walking him regularly since 30th May 2022 and he (and me) is walking faster, further and even trotting at times now. #teameffort #dogwalking
More proof that u don't need to spend money on cat toys, when things like lids are such a delight to cats. Dodo also makes a good goal keeper. #cattoys #goalkeeper
Video taken last night. Mystique loves Chester. #furbabies
Best place for them to groom each other....on me! #catsgrooming
It's autumn now and so cooler nights = I can wear my oddies again which = Mystique stuck to me/my oddies like glue. #oddie #catkneading #purring
A bird teasing Mystique (the bird couldn't have seen in but Mystique can definitely see out)
It's not just this generation of kids who are addicted and spellbound by technology. 4 year Mystique always has been, while Dodo and Chester doesn't give it a second glance. Mystique is still watching it after 15 minutes!! #technologyaddict #mousehole
Another video of Mystique kneading my other oddie. She loves my oddie and cuddling up to it (and me). #oddie #catmassage
Mystique kneading my arm through my oddie and quickens after I say ow... #kneadingcat
#oddie #torturer
Nappies - it's not just for humans. Unfortunately for my brother and partner, they have only done this at the end of Sophie's cycle.