It's been quiet around here. Too quiet.
Liam decided to spice things up this evening and grabbed our front yard toad. He dropped her immediately and began to vomit.
Jonathon rushed Liam into the bathtub to wash his mouth, face and feet. Lots of water. Lots of flushing.
Liam stopped vomiting and is resting quietly in his crate.
I checked on Mrs. Toad. She was very puffed up, gooey with dog spit & poison, but uninjured. I gave her a quick rinse and set her back in the flowerbed.
And now it's quiet, again.
Toad poisoning is very real and can be fatal. Please review the information at this link on what to do in the event of a dog vs toad encounter.
We enjoyed guests on Wednesday, visiting to meet our dogs.
My beloved old Bonny decided this particular guest was the absolute perfect person to play fetch with.
Video shared with permission of Libbie Wright.
Sheila's puppies: Candy, Flowers, and Quincy Hearts. (All three are RESERVED.)
Busy with new arrivals!
Trying to warm the cold newborn lamb and monitor Sheila's whelping, simultaneously.
Mister Liam has a new toy!
BRUNS CAIRN Terriers, thought you might like to see.
Our next generation at play!
Liam, of Bruns Cairn Terriers.
Flicker, daughter of our Fifi & Dudley Do-Right.
Seoighe, of Marma's Cairn Terriers.
Instinct is a beautiful thing.
Cairn terriers were bred to dispose of rodents and other vermin on farms. The method is snatch at the neck and shake.
Two pups in this litter are going to be working farm dogs. These two have the strongest natural instincts in the litter. It will take just the slightest encouragement and guidance to have these two pups doing EXACTLY what the breed was developed to do.
Liesl in the red collar and Ainsley in the green collar.
Happy First Birthday to Piper and Kezia!
I KNOW these two girls are loved & adored by Cresta and Martha, respectively.
From Eric & Robin.
"Here’s Delmar interrogating a pop bottle. Never a dull moment since we brought him home. Happy New Year!"
Roy says Miss Ava likes the snow, too!
(I adore seeing updates on our pups in their new homes!)
From Bill & Robin:
"Anna, Teddy is doing well. He really likes the snow. We hope you are having a great holiday season. And thanks for this great addition to our family!"
I love this! Thank you, Bill & Robin, for this update.