It’s been a load of sh*ts and giggles over here while I stanchion train the girls!
We are about four weeks out from Clementine’s due date and the stanchion training has begun!! She gets fed, and bother her and Charley are getting used to the routine.
I always milked Juniper- Clem’s mom- first so she’s taking that spot with her and Charley. They’re both hopping up on the stanchion without a problem and love getting their snackies!
Up until this morning (the third day of doing this) Clem had been pretty mild and squatting when I’d go in and touch her bag. Today we got the hops!!
With daily practice, I expect this to all be worked out soon though!! I’m so excited to meet the babies!
I was at an event not too long ago and had a conversation with a customer about the price of eggs. She was flabbergasted that mine were priced and $6 per dozen. She was paying $3 a dozen! For fresh local eggs!!
We got to talking and I shared how this was a business and I’m not out here giving eggs away for free, or able to take a loss on them. She started agreeing with me about the amount of work, the months of molting and the fall production slow down, the loss from predators, and the days of raising chicks.
She finished up by saying how she was going to keep getting eggs for $3 a dozen as long as she could 😂 And all I heard was she knew they were underpriced and she was going to keep taking advantage of that.
Chickens are a labor of love. And I sure love all the little weirdos I have running around here. I also feel a bit of a moral obligation to my community. I have the land and the ability to raise chickens and eggs… so I should!
Tell me how much you’re laying for eggs. And chicken tenders, tell me how much you’re selling your eggs for. Have you run the maths on it? Do you add in your business/farm to natura ce when calculating those costs?
SOUND ON 🔊 for piggy asmr
I’ve created a monster. A MONSTER 😸
Kevin *needs* the milkies. And tells me twice a day about how she’s starved.
Don’t let anyone try to tell you that these animals aren’t cared for 😂 They’re all spoiled.
#milkies #barncat #barncats #milkcow
Here’s the Clem fall in slow-mo 😂
Goats have hard heads and she’s 100% fine after her little tumble.
Hi, hello, here is a very accurate representation of me 😂 Thanks TayTay 🖤 Greenhouse, flowers, flowers, flowers, coffee, corndog. Not just April 29th. On all the days!
#fullbushelfarm #bitchesloveflowers #happinessbythehandful #missoula #montana #missoulamt #missoulamontana #stevensville #stevensvillemt #womenwhofarm #madeinmontana #growninmontana #growninthebitterroot #madeinmissoula #missoulamoments #montanagrownflowers #growninmissoula #missoulaflowers #missoulaflorist #missoulaflowerfarmer #flowerfarmer #flowerfarm #farmerflorist #seedtostem
When your flower farmer neighbor needs peachy salmon zinnias YOU GIVE HER THE ZINNIAS!!!
No one told me that having a high tunnel would be the most joy and the most pain. Other people’s flowers are frosted out BUT MINE STILL NEED TO BE CARED FOR.
But also, if you live in western Montana (or anywhere else with a short season) let me help you get a tunnel up. All ya need is a Johnnys 12’ pipe tunnel. And you can grow so. much. more. Extend that season.
Time for real talk.
This is me. I’ll joke and say I’m a mess- but in reality we all are. We all have sh*t laying around. If you have chickens, and oh do I have chickens, they’re pooping on the front porch and destroying the garden beds. You stay in sweats when you’re at home all day. And my hair may be the biggest mess, but we all have messy hair.
Farming isn’t glamorous. There’s a lot of poop. A lot of laundry. A lot of dirt. And dirt is made out of poop (if it’s good dirt!). Right now there is so much mud. Aka, liquid water poop hahahah
So yeah. I 100% stocked the stand with some CUTE fall stuff. Come and check it out. There’s gonna be a ton of flowers fresh here soon too 😂 no frost in sight and weddings are tapering off!
The farm biz can be romanticized for the internet. Remember that. In reality, we’re here outing our heart into something for minimal pay and lots of hard work.
Walking a hungry hippo of a cow just might be crazy 😜
Luci goes back and forth between this paddock and the big pasture daily for a week, then hangs out in the big pasture while this grass is growing.
And the goats spend the day in my backyard eating grass and weeds. Until it’s all mowed down.
All this extra work may seem crazy, especially when I could just feed them some hay and be done with it. But- it takes less time to walk the cow twice a day than it does to mow that area down!
Although… Luci is kinda bossy and sometimes gives my arm a big jerk 😂 She’s worth it though. Spoiled girl. And her milk shows just how spoiled she is. This past weekend she gave three cups of cream per half gallon jar of milk!!!
I’m crazy, but the animals are happy.
Just added to the stand! These hot temps are *perfect* for making yogurt and labneh 😘🤌🏼
The stand is stocked up, and more will be headed out as the yogurt strains. Labneh is great on sandwiches, on toast with jam, or as a dip for summer veggies from the market!!
Full of probiotics and good for you fats, this cool treat is sure to make everyone happy!! And it’s CHEAP. Seriously. Good food and easy on the pocketbook. You can’t afford not to try it!!