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Harveysmemorial.com My beloved horse, Harvey, was subjected to veterinary malpractice and gross malpractice. There is no regulation and no accountability in this industry.

Since his death in 2014, I have learned that veterinary malpractice is prevalent. Please support all efforts to make veterinary oversight boards fair, to make courts recognize the sentient value of our pets, and make veterinarians subject to regulations and accountability.

It is the tenth anniversary of Harvey’s death today and in memory of him, I want to post the public comments (not availa...

It is the tenth anniversary of Harvey’s death today and in memory of him, I want to post the public comments (not available to the public unless requested) I submitted for the TBVME board meeting dated March 6, 2024:
“Our beloved pets are being used in unregulated research by unscrupulous veterinarians and researchers without informed consent. Lab animals have a few protections, but our pets don't so they are being exploited. This leads to animal abuse and animal cruelty at the expense of our beloved pets and the public who loves them, and the expense is not only in dollars but also in emotional distress. In 1980, the Bayh-Dole Act allowed universities to profit from their own research, which has allowed a lot of research designed solely to make money with little or no benefit to society. This opened the door to this very ugly practice of using owned companion animals in research not only at universities but extending into private practice. Because state boards of veterinary medicine are market participant controlled, nothing is being done to stop it. Veterinarians who abuse and kill owned companion animals in research aren't disciplined. This practice is despicable and outrageous. The excuse that it's legal is absurd. Animal cruelty is illegal and that's what this is. No one who has lost a pet to research they didn't even know their pet was being subjected to comes out unscathed, even though most of them are never made aware of it. These are consumers who paid for veterinary care believing the veterinarian had their pets' welfare and survival as the paramount focus, when in fact it was all about advancing so-called research, either for acclaim or financial conflicts of interest, without oversight or consequences. A laboratory animal has some protection. Our pets don't. There are studies out there right now trying to lure in pet owners to allegedly help science. All this agency has to do to stop this ugly practice is pass a rule requiring informed consent before an owned companion animal is used in research. It's that simple and together with meaningful disciplinary action, this abuse will end.”
Harvey’s “treatment” by former veterinarian Ashlee Watts was never about saving Harvey. It was about her research, and I didn’t know until years later. Harvey was in fact tortured to death.
A depth of gratitude to Heather Kutyba (Dazzle) for fighting so hard and so long to expose Ashlee Watts. Also, huge thanks to the brave person who kept the video from “disappearing”. The video of Allie being tortured was instrumental in the permanent revocation of Ashlee Watts’ license. Also, huge thanks to Jodi Ware (Lightning) for teaching me so much.

In memory of my beloved Harvey, whom I miss with every breath I take. I am so, so sorry I didn’t know enough to save you.

Photo of my beloved Harvey on March 27, 2014 after stem cells were harvested for Ashlee Watts's research.  Harvey died t...

Photo of my beloved Harvey on March 27, 2014 after stem cells were harvested for Ashlee Watts's research. Harvey died the following month. Ashlee Watts’ license was permanently revoked on Friday, April 12, 2024.

Aristotle: “At his best, man is the noblest of all animals; separated from law and justice he is the worst.”  I am so re...

Aristotle: “At his best, man is the noblest of all animals; separated from law and justice he is the worst.” I am so relieved and thankful that law and justice prevailed today and Ashlee Watts’ license has been permanently revoked. Remembering Harvey, Dazzle, Allie, and all the others who died needless and terrible deaths.


I believe Harvey would be alive today if not for heartless veterinarians who maliciously withheld lifesaving care, and then another heartless veterinarian who, rather than save his life, used him for her research, subjecting him to horrific pain and needlessly risking his life (and mine because I have never recovered from what was done to him). The practice of using owned companion animals in rogue research without informed consent is happening not just in universities but also in private veterinary clinics and most people have no idea. Harvey would be 21 today. Happy birthday Sweetness, my magnificent, beautiful horse. I will miss you until the day I die.

Today is the ninth anniversary of the death of my beloved and beautiful horse, Harvey, killed by gross veterinary malpra...

Today is the ninth anniversary of the death of my beloved and beautiful horse, Harvey, killed by gross veterinary malpractice by veterinarians who should have lost their licenses, but got nothing except a slap on the wrist for only one of them. I have learned so much about this grossly under-regulated industry. The wrongful deaths and harms to animals are tragic, the exploitation of consumers disgusting, and the blocking of all methods of justice and compensation for victims Machiavellian. This year I testified at the Texas Capitol in opposition to House Bill 3049 which allows the TBVME to toss any complaints they think are baseless or unfounded, and the following link contains those comments (click on House Public Comments.) I can think of no better legacy for Harvey’s wrongful death than to let people know what this industry has taken from them. Please protect your pets and support regulations to reform the veterinary industry. In memory of Harvey. I miss you with every breath I take.

It’s hard to keep our pets safe and it’s getting harder.  Read a good article on today’s veterinary practices (linked be...

It’s hard to keep our pets safe and it’s getting harder. Read a good article on today’s veterinary practices (linked below) and remember we have no way to get justice or compensation for our loss if a veterinarian wrongfully kills or injures our pets. Thanks to Medlen v Strickland our pets have sham values. It’s a case that considered sentient values for companion animals but was hit with 25 amicus curiae briefs against from the AVMA and related groups. It doesn’t matter if we paid $10,000 or $50,000 for veterinary care, our pets are still worth less than what we paid for him or her. The TBVME doesn’t protect us either. It protects veterinarians. There are proposed bills before the Texas legislature now that will allow the TBVME to toss “baseless” complaints and since the TVMA (lobbyists) controls the TBVME, that would be all complaints they don’t like. There is another proposed bill to deny attorneys fees in any cases involving veterinarians. Harmful veterinary drugs and pesticides and over vaccination (which kill so many pets) are not violations for veterinarians (and note the connection to pharma for all of those.) We must arm ourselves with knowledge to keep our pets safe.

As Americans spend more on their dogs and cats, veterinary practices have become attractive targets for corporations and private equity.

Blaming clients for veterinary su***des baffled me so I am glad to see it declining.  This is an expert on that subject....

Blaming clients for veterinary su***des baffled me so I am glad to see it declining. This is an expert on that subject. Rosie Allister (BSc (Hons) BVSc MSc PhD MRCVS) says “Research shows that certain types of reporting media messaging can lead to harm. We therefore have a duty to act responsibly.” And this: “Don't suggest a single cause for su***de (eg, veterinary clients being uncivil) as this can increase risk of su***de contagion. It is more responsible to acknowledge there are many complex causes.”

Rosie Allister explains that although talking about su***de can be a good thing and can create opportunities to help, it must be done in a responsible way so that it doesn't cause further harm.


Was in Austin yesterday with Dr. Jodi Ware and Heather Kutyba to testify at the Texas Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners. The meeting video and audio quality is so abysmal, I'm posting my comments here:
Good morning, my name is Judy Santerre.
“The Board and its staff will act in accordance with the highest standards of ethics, accountability, efficiency and openness.” That’s a quote from this agency’s website. I haven’t seen any of those since Senator Kirk Watson spoke out against the failures of this agency in December, 2016.
There is no transparency, which the 2016 Sunset called for. This agency does not post board meeting agendas on its website and no meeting materials are given until long after a meeting and only by public information request.
Even the minutes are no longer available to the public, just the video. How are we to see board orders when the only thing the video shows is rapid-fire rubber stamping of case numbers?
Over the last six years, and in spite of a new and supposedly upgraded database, all board orders are still not posted and the licensee lookup tool continues to show no to discipline when it should be yes.
No details at all are given to victims who file complaints after their beloved pets were injured or killed by veterinarians. This was an issue Governor Abbott, when he was the Attorney General, ordered - that veterinarians’ responses should be given to victims, but today they aren’t.
It’s no surprise that complaint numbers are increasing and I think that indicates the board’s decision to use education instead of meaningful disciplinary action is not working.
I recently filed a public information request for the numbers of veterinarians in the peer review program. That information used to be routinely provided in the board minutes. Instead, this agency now wrongly claims those numbers are confidential, and requested a ruling from the Attorney General’s office.
I also filed a public information request for the names of veterinarians with contested cases that should be at State Office of Administrative Hearings, but was denied that information, too. This agency had not filed a case there in three years until the recent one against Ashlee Watts.
Inspections are rarely done now. This is for veterinarians who do not report their controlled substances to the Prescription Monitoring Program like other groups do. This was a big concern of Sunset in 2016. It looks like another way to block transparency since inspection data is public information. That’s dangerous, not only for the public and our pets, but also for veterinarians and their staff.
We deserve a State agency that’s working to ensure Texas consumers are not exploited and subjected to deceptive practices that harm and kill our beloved pets.
There are some good veterinarians out there, but they are difficult to find because this agency is hiding the bad ones among the good.
Due to consolidation, it’s becoming more necessary than ever that this board act to ensure a quality standard of care by using meaningful disciplinary actions, including revocations for those veterinarians who clearly should not be practicing. Without accountability and transparency, this agency cannot protect the 17 million Texans who love their pets.
Thank you.

It has been eight years ago today that my beautiful horse, Harvey, died by gross veterinary malpractice.  His death was ...

It has been eight years ago today that my beautiful horse, Harvey, died by gross veterinary malpractice. His death was torture for him, and for me. I didn’t think it could get any worse than I already knew, but it did. This is the veterinarian at Texas A&M that treated Harvey. I had many questions at the time about her treatment, but I knew so little. If I had known then what I know now, I would have taken Harvey elsewhere for treatment. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BkccnkJJbOY
This story should have made national news, but it has been buried along with most stories of veterinary malpractice. This veterinarian is also the one responsible for Heather Kutyba’s filly, Dazzle (see fordazzle.com). The TBVME lawsuit filed against veterinarian Ashlee Watts is linked here (WARNING – graphic violence against a horse is described): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KVT2W5oDDt58iMJUpjQeMmTSTzTuHh81/view?fbclid=IwAR0R3I-5uTE_xoWNR-rKa7BrkqzY117XndmwYfb_WuCrwEy_6eCbHKlfT3M
If I had taken Harvey somewhere other than Bastrop Vet, Harvey would have survived, but was saving him possible after their gross malpractice? The question haunts me.
In memory of my beloved Harvey, whom I miss with every breath I take.

Please watch this important six minute CBS news story about patient care by doctors and remember that state oversight ag...

Please watch this important six minute CBS news story about patient care by doctors and remember that state oversight agencies of veterinarians are much worse. This is how board member Eserick “TJ” Watkins describes the California Medical Board, “You never hear the word patient care, ever.”
"Medical boards are inherently tied to the political system. And when it comes to politics, all common sense goes out the window because it becomes about self-interest," said Watkins, who is speaking to media for the first time. "In California we have one of the largest and most powerful interest groups, which is the California Medical Association. And they have a vast influence over the medical board."
The California Medical Board has received more than 50,000 complaints since 2015 and revoked licenses of only .39, less than half of one percent. In other words, doctors have a 99.61% chance of avoiding any accountability for harming and killing patients.
Watkins says, “No question that it costs patient lives.”

The powerful California Medical Association represents nearly 50,000 doctors in the state and two of its previous presidents hold seats on the state board responsible for disciplining doctors.


If anyone has signed a settlement agreement with a non-disparagement or non-disclosure clause involving Seresto and is worried about commenting on the EPA Seresto petition, the EPA says you can post anonymously or put "KEEP CONFIDENTIAL" in the subject line or the first two words of your comments and the EPA will not make your comments public. You should not be prohibited from contacting the EPA on a public health issue. I AM NOT AN ATTORNEY so confirm this with your attorney before you comment. You can call the EPA and confirm (I spoke to Fran at 1-877-378-5457.) If you or your pet has been harmed by Seresto, please ensure the EPA is aware of it before the deadline on September 10, 2021. Help protect others from what you suffered. The EPA needs to hear from you!


If you have been injured or have had a pet die or be injured by Seresto collars, please submit comments to the EPA detailing your experience. The EPA is considering a petition to withdraw them. Seresto collars have been implicated in the serious injuries or deaths of pets as well as injuries to people and harm to endangered wildlife. This is a pesticide laced collar. If that sounds like a bad idea, it is. Please do your research on this product before buying it, especially if you or your children sleep with that pet. Veterinarians get paid kickbacks for selling pesticide products, so some are opposed to the withdraw. The EPA is taking public comments until September 10, 2021. You can post your comments at the following link: https://www.regulations.gov/docket/EPA-HQ-OPP-2021-0409/document

This is a great explanation of why veterinary costs have been dramatically increasing while the quality of care has gone...

This is a great explanation of why veterinary costs have been dramatically increasing while the quality of care has gone down: "The same forces of corporatization, perverse incentives, and profiteering are driving health care and vet care spending to unsustainable levels."

As vet prices have risen, so have the number of questionable tests and procedures.

Are pets more than property? A Maryland court said no after police shot and killed a dog. The owner could've won $1.25 m...

Are pets more than property? A Maryland court said no after police shot and killed a dog. The owner could've won $1.25 million in damages.
Veterinary medical associations (lobbyists) file amicus briefs whenever a court is considering the wrongful death of a pet, even when pets are wrongfully killed by the police. See this story about police killing a family dog in his own driveway for no reason in 2014. The damage award was $1.25 million, but thanks to "Maryland veterinarians" (Maryland Veterinary Medical Association et al), the award will now be $7,500, which won't come close to recovering this grieving family's legal expenses.

Maryland’s high court affirmed that state law limits monetary damages for the loss of a pet. Dissenting judge says the law should recognize pets as more than “mere personal property.”


The Texas House votes on HB 2850 on May 8 (tomorrow) to silence people posting the truth on social media. Veterinarians have no regulations on controlled substances and do not report to the PMP to assist the FBI and DEA in tracking controlled substances to protect the public. They do not report adverse events to the appropriate Federal agencies so dangerous drugs and products can be removed, are not required to get informed consent from their clients, are not required to warn clients of possible side effects of the drugs and products they sell, have no payer limits, are not subject to the Sunshine Payments Act and routinely collect kickbacks, are not subject to the Texas DTPA, charge thousands and tens of thousands of dollars for care for patients who are worthless in our courts, and have patients who cannot speak. The TBVME which is supposed to protect the public instead protects the guilty because it is controlled by the same industry it regulates. The roughly 19 million Texans with pets have no recourse when their pet is wrongfully killed by a veterinarian. Now veterinarians want to silence their tragic stories on social media to cover up their malpractice. People need to hear the truth so they can protect their pets. Do not give veterinarians yet another exemption from our laws. Please contact your Texas representatives and tell them to vote NO to HB 2850 (d-2)!



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