Umina Beach Dog Off Leash Area is located on the beach between Berrima Crescent Car Park (off Mt Ettalong Road) and the beach access track opposite Umina Beach Skate Park. To access the off leash area from Sydney Avenue car park, use the pedestrian track behind the beach until you reach the Off-Leash sign opposite the Skate Park. It is a privilege to enjoy this shared public space with our dogs. F
ailure to comply with regulations puts the off leash area at risk. Regulations as follows;
Dogs must be kept on leash until they are on the beach. Pet dogs must not enter the Dogs Prohibited Area located between Umina Beach Skate Park beach access track and Augusta Street beach access track. Under the Companion Animals Act NSW, you, or the person looking after your dog/s, should not be in control of more than 4 dogs at the same time and you, or the person looking after your dog/s, should be capable of controlling the dog/s at all times. If your dog defecates you must remove the faeces immediately & dispose of them properly in one of the garbage bins located at the street end of most beach access tracks. If you fail to pick up after your dog, you or the person in charge of the dog at the time may be liable for a maximum penalty of $880. There are other regulations & beach etiquette (see our notes & updates). If all off leashers respect the regulations & the space of other beach users, including the space of other dogs, there would be no need for this ongoing campaign. We encourage responsible dog ownership. If you have any questions or if you need help with training/controlling/socialising your dog, but are unsure of how to find a reputable trainer suitable for your needs, please let us know. It is important to note that Umina Beach Off Leash area is *a shared public space*. To avoid further complaints we can work as a community to respectfully educate & encourage compliant use of the area. Failure to comply puts the off leash area at risk 'again'. Please post lost or found animals in it is a closed group so please join now.