Monday morning biscuits. Gracie has been busy this morning kneading biscuits. As long as she’s been kneading, I’m positive they will be light and fluffy when they come out of the oven.
Gracie, while I appreciate your help folding laundry, you certainly make the task much more difficult. Rolling around while attacking the evil sock may make you a hero in your eyes, but how am I supposed to finish my chores? I suppose I will just laugh and smile since you are having such a good time!
Gracie and Willow, you two certainly have a lot of early morning energy. However, I know by 8:00, you’ll both be sprawled out and snoozing. If only I could live your carefree life! Although, playing with a tuft of fur is not my idea of fun. 😐
The New Bed
Gracie and Willow love their new bed so much. It's big enough for them to share and soft enough for some serious kneading and purring!
Gracie and Willow, you two are exceptionally stubborn today! You were playing so hard and have and having a grand time with your toy and the minute I got my camera, you stopped playing. Just look at how relaxed the two of you are. Nobody would know that just seconds before you were zipping through the house terrorizing the toy mouse. Oh well. You two are super cute!
Live. Love. Play hard.
Throw back Thursday: Gracie and Willow were all of 3 months old and loved to play rough and tough. Also, a little know fact: Gracie and Willow were almost named Pickles and Tickles. However, daddy came to his senses and agreed to more sensible names.
Gracie, I know making the bed is one of your daily chores, but I’m not sure you’re being much help. In fact, I’m going to excuse you for today and we will try again tomorrow.
Gracie and Willow would like to thank Nana for the fun new toy. It is bringing them lots of entertainment!
So, Gracie and Willow, I spent lots of money on a great water fountain for you and what do you do? That’s right. You get on the sink and drink out of the faucet. Do I get any thanks for the super cool fountain that has an endless flow of fresh, distilled water? No? I didn’t think so. Although, I do expect a thank you for turning on the faucet.
Gracie and Willow have decided to share their post today with Francie, their 13 year old Persian sister. Francie LOVES sleeping under a warm blanket with classical music in the background. She even purrs while she sleeps. 💕
What can Brown do for you? If you’re Gracie, it can bring that long awaited package.
Gracie, I know you see the UPS truck driving through the neighborhood. And, yes, I know you’re waiting for that delivery of organic catnip. Unfortunately, it’s not today, but maybe tomorrow it will come.
Share the post with your prediction!
Gracie and Willow want to say good Sunday morning to you! They have a few things on their minds. Such as, who to place their bets on for the Super Bowl. Here are their predictions:
Gracie loves an underdog. She predicts Philadelphia will crush Tom Brady and the Patriots with their sharp Eagle Talons.
Willow predicts she will sleep through the whole game and when she wakes up, the Patriots will be wallowing in confetti and holding the trophy.
No music today. This cat definitely runs the house!
Gracie, what exactly are you doing? Water? You want water? You have a fabulous water fountain that runs constantly. Is that not good enough?
Santa Claws brought Gracie and Willow a new toy. It’s a long wand with feathers on the end. Willow was being a typical sibling and not sharing with Gracie. Gracie tried and tried to get a turn, but Willow wouldn’t let her. Maybe soon, Gracie!
Will somebody please give Willow some love? This is her new thing: she crawls on top of the computer tower (because it’s warm) and begs for love. How could we possibly resist her?