Austin, it's NOT a "space crisis." It's not an "overcrowding crisis." It's a BAD MANAGEMENT and BAD GOVERNMENT crisis.
If you are concerned about the possibility of a mass killing at AAC, GET INFORMED and take effective action.
Get informed: https://services.austintexas.gov/edims/document.cfm?id=410215
Intake is still down by almost 50% from 2019, despite higher funding and more staffing, due to management continuously restricting intake and creating barriers to placement.
The problem is bad management, intentional disregard of city policy, and refusal of elected officials to hold Don Bland and Stephanie Hayden-Howard accountable for the failure of AAC.
Get informed and speak up, not by signing a petition but by contacting elected officials, again, and using informed advocacy to educate others.
Ask for the City Manager, Mayor, and City Council to correct course on Animal Services by:
1. Removing the current departmental leadership team (Don Bland and "leadership team");
2. Committing to safe placement, NOT KILLING, of dogs on the “Urgent Placement” list; and
3. Re-affirming, in words and action, the City’s policy goal of being a No Kill community, which means truly open intake, high-volume affordable spay and neuter, and extensive outreach and partnerships to make the Austin Animal Center the hub of animal welfare and safety in the community, restoring high volume intake and placement.