Waiting for first presentation of our living nativity at Gateway Community Church in Media, pa.
Crazy goat chaos this afternoon.
2 weeks ago one of our crested ducks, Flo, was killed by a fox during daylight hours. The remaining duck, her sister Bo, seemed okay but at times seemed lonely. Chickens just weren't the same companionship. Our friend Alison from @Party Animal Express gave us a cute crested duckling last night. Instant comradsip!
Eggs in incubator hatched on Sunday and Monday
One egg left and when I candled it, I thought it was no longer alive but suddenly saw a tiny bit of movement. So back in incubator. So welcome to the wonderful world little late bloomer.
Remember the baby dove that hatched? At two weeks of age, mother and father dove decided to stop feeding it! It was chilled and near death when I realized the problem. So had to step in and learn how to hand feed a baby bird. This is out of my comfort zone...but if it lives, it will be a super friendly bird to visit with our animals in the petting zoo.
First day for baby goats at new barn. Missed capturing the marathon around the barn.
Babies enjoying the sun for awhile.
Another pet home picking up our two lambs, Tammy and Timmy today. A few years ago they bought some goats from us. Wanted to expand with another species. They were very vocal so the girls were having fun interacting and of course they got quiet when I tried to video. Happy sheeping!
This is Mr. FRIZZLE our frizzle silkie rooster. He is often in our petting zoos. First video shows how handsome he is. Second video shows why I call him an Idiot! He hates me and will try to attack me but behaves in the petting zoo, so I put up with him.😵💫