Karen Wrigley - Animal Communicator

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  • Karen Wrigley - Animal Communicator

Karen Wrigley - Animal Communicator Animal Communication/ Pet psychic 1. One on one communications with you and your living or deceased animals.

2. Appearances designed for your specific needs.

Retreat and appearance schedule is at: www.KarenWrigley.com under appearance tab.

3. I will travel to you, or arrange a retreat in my area. I am flexible and open to new ideas.

4. Discussion and book signings with my book "Beyond Woofs and Whinnies." My website gives locations where it is available or how to order.

Animals consistently share.... "Play more!" And typically suggest to play in nature.  What's your play?

Animals consistently share.... "Play more!" And typically suggest to play in nature.
What's your play?

Can you do Pet dentistry at home?Dr. Andre JonesThe DENTAL DebateSay someone suggested that your dog 'could benefit' fro...

Can you do Pet dentistry at home?
Dr. Andre Jones

The DENTAL Debate

Say someone suggested that your dog 'could benefit' from a dental, and maybe your feeling pressure to get your dog/cat's teeth cleaned
But it can be very pricy, and NOT always necessary..
This is what you should know...
Dental Disease is VERY common, with bacteria in the mouth (plaque), turning to tartar, then affecting the gums (gingivitis)
OR less severe, ( as in majority of dogs/cats), in which you may be able to help at home..
It can be very severe which WOULD require a veterinary Dental Scale and Polish

Brush your dog’s teeth

Just like humans, dog’s pearly whites need some brushing too. All you need are the usual tooth brush and dental toothpaste specifically for dogs. Another great alternative for dog toothpaste is baking soda. Please do not use toothpaste for humans because they can be toxic to dogs when swallowed. When brushing your dog’s teeth, focus on the gum line since that’s where we see the bulk of dental problems like gingivitis.

Fruits and vegetables

This remedy is something your mom must have told you to eat more. Fruits and vegetables are nutritious and great for humans and also for dogs. Carrots and apples are particularly good for their teeth. They are very firm and crunchy and abrasive enough to help break down tartar and plaque.

Raw meaty bones

Giving your dog raw meaty bones twice a week do not just make them happy but at the same time help you save money. The abrasive action of these bones is perfect for keeping your dog's teeth shiny without the risk of dental fractures.

Plaque off

Plaque off is a natural product suitable for both cats and dogs. It is rich in natural iodine and contains important vitamins and minerals and is free from artificial colors, preservatives, gluten and sugar. It’s an effective plaque control as it affects the ability of plaque to ‘stick’ to surfaces in the mouth and softens hard tartar deposits. For dogs that weigh under 10kgs, just use 1 scoop a day by adding it to the dog food. Heavier dogs can have 2 scoops a day. Improvements become visible after 4-6 weeks of use. .

Dental Spray (Leba lll)

Dental sprays, specifically Leba lll, are great and safe for dogs. It contains herbs like mints and roses in trace elements, stabilized in Ethyl alcohol 25% and distilled water. All these ingredients are human grade. The herbs are the active ingredients that stimulate the enzymes and change the chemistry in the mouth which in turn, softens the tartar. This should be given twice a day (morning and night). Effects become apparent after 4-6 weeks of continuous use.

Coenzyme Q 10

CoQ10 aids in generating energy and is found in every cell of the body, especially the heart and gums. Low levels of this essential enzyme have been linked to periodontal disease. In one study a periodontal specialist discovered that people with diseased gums had an unusually large deficiency of coenzyme Q-10. This is also very applicable to our pets who serious recurring gingivitis. The Coenzyme Q 10 dose is 1mg/lb

Green Tea Rinse

Lastly, do not forget about some simple and easy natural ways to decrease plaque, gum inflammation and bad breath with the use of a Green Tea Rinse- plus if your dog swallows some it is OK! Start by making a cup of green tea in the morning, and using a 20cc syringe, sq**rt the green tea on the top and bottom of the gums twice daily. This can be done for 14 days to see if it is helping, then continued indefinitely.

Non-Anesthetic Teeth Cleaning

A number of people are offering 'non-anesthetic' teeth cleaning...as a vet I was strongly opposed to this, but feeling a little different now I have a small dog with not the best teeth.. here is what one company has to say...

Is Non-Anesthetic Teeth Cleaning Safe for Dogs?

“Is it safe?” is one of the questions we get asked all the time by pet parents. Yes, it is! A veterinarian may not want to anesthetize a medically compromised pet, and they will instead use another approach to clean a dog or cat’s teeth. You can have your pet’s teeth cleaned without anesthesia whether they’re young and healthy or have health issues.

Dental Hand Scalers can be used, and I was able to do this with my last dog Lewis- He was never put under anesthesia for a dental cleaning.

Now there are also HOME Dental Ultrasonic Scalers..

All worth considering...

Our 95% Curcumin Supplement for Dogs and Cats may help decrease gum inflammation helping with the whole dental thing.. it's a great one to consider if you have tried other products and nothing yet has worked.
I suggest something that can naturally lower gum inflammation.
The active ingredient in the spice turmeric (95% curcumin), is an exceptional anti-inflammatory, which is what you WANT when you have inflamed gums (gingivitis).
Meaning they can also be beneficial for dental health, along with acting as a natural pain killer.

We have a 'newish' 95% curcumin supplement:
It is very highly absorbable - BCM-95® (CURCUGREEN®) is 700% more bioavailable than regular curcumin, and with piperine (BioPerine®) added, absorption is enhanced even further (piperine has been shown to enhance absorption of curcumin by up to 2000%)

Dr. Jones' Ultimate HIGH ABSORPTION Curcumin for Dogs and Cats

Heal Your Pet At Home!
Best Wishes,
Dr Andrew


Horses, Horses and more Horses.
Not enough time for them all.
Not enough income for them all.
Rescued horses, loved on, nurtured and rehabilitated.

Too much. This person is now exhausted and stressed.
Good intentions out of hand!

People's personal and rescued animals.
Happens to both.

At times like these, balance is needed.
Time to breath.
Take a step back.
Preferably before a tailspin!

Assess wants, and capabilities.
Possibly bring forth added help.

A doable enjoyable life.
Brings balance, happiness to four and two footed.

People and animals healthier.
Less accidents.

As Grizz the Lipizzaner horse said to his people, "Be honest with yourself".

And so my client looked deeper into her life and realized it was time for change.


He is stupid they said. A dog who had been in their lives for 6 years.

I am not stupid the dog said, "I am calm and observing. I learned how to open the door on my own. I show you what I need. You have not worked with me to show me what you want of me. It takes practice, as it would for you. Do not give up on me. And make it fun to learn these things."

Divorced, kids busy with school activities and long working hours, where is the time to work with their dog who is loved yet needed attention. They thought he was lonely spending time by himself. He expressed, "No... I am bored."

A plan was made for more exercise. We discovered he likes to jog. Sniffing here and their is enjoyable, yet a good jog is fun and good for him. Plus, dog products were discussed to keep him entertained while they were not home.

He was an exceptional watch dog. He handled possible intruders with an amazing deep bark and new when to stop barking. We emphasized how imported his job is when they are gone He then asked to have the window shades up enough to see out to keep a better eye on their home. And, provided entrainment watching birds, animal activities and people as they passed by.

He piped up expressing, "I am a well behaved dog." His person agreed, very well behaved. He took this pivotal moment to say "Take me with you when you go to stores, outside restaurants and more." Plus, he would like to enjoy the beach again.

Now this is true love, measures were taken to provide a healthier life for their beloved dog. Plus, the dogs people will discover it is better for them too!

Have seen too many dogs prancing on hot pavement. When you see a pup do the hot feet dance! Please inform their person, ...

Have seen too many dogs prancing on hot pavement. When you see a pup do the hot feet dance! Please inform their person, some simply do not realize how hot little paws can get. Thank you

A place to remember... Lake Lure flowering Bridge near Chimney Rock N.C... is a magical place. I share a segment dedicat...

A place to remember... Lake Lure flowering Bridge near Chimney Rock N.C... is a magical place. I share a segment dedicated to dogs. Dog collars hang on a fence in memory of their lives, a rainbow bridge, dog stick library and more.


He was frail, in pain and happy to greet the other side. For humans at this time it can be painful, sad, some have guilt. They may wonder if helping their loved animal over was what they wanted or should they have done so earlier. Looking back at their life together, they see at times they could have been a better person to their animal. The list goes on in the mind of the person!
I am here to tell you the animal typically has a different view. Plus, they understand, their person did the best they could. Unconditional love!

There are many stories shared of animal intelligence.  Some are taught and at other times, they learn from observing us....

There are many stories shared of animal intelligence. Some are taught and at other times, they learn from observing us.
We intern, can learn from them. I have shared many post of their wisdom.

I share this story in honor of you, Jack.

A baboon worked for a South African railroad company in the 1880s.

In 1881, a South African railroad employee named James Wide purchased a baboon named Jack whom he trained to become his assistant. Four years earlier, Wide had suffered a terrible accident in which he lost both his legs, and he was struggling to perform at work. He discovered Jack at a local market, where the baboon was leading an oxcart. Wide was so impressed with the animal’s abilities that he purchased the creature and deputized Jack as an employee at the Port Elizabeth Railway Station.

At first, Wide enlisted Jack’s help by training him to push a trolley during the morning commute. But Jack really thrived as a signalman, and he was later taught how to operate the station switchboard. After watching Wide, Jack learned how to throw switches and change tracks, and his work was so impeccable that he never experienced a single incident over the course of nine years. Eventually, Jack could perform the duties without Wide’s supervision, and passing conductors had no idea that a baboon was operating the system until they saw it with their own eyes. Before long, word of Jack’s “employment” reached authorities, who decided to give the creature a competency test. To their amazement, Jack passed with flying colors, saving both his and his owner’s jobs. Jack was given an official employment number and paid 20 cents a day plus half a bottle of beer each week. Jack continued working for the railroad company until his death in 1890.

Animals could be put on trial in medieval Europe. In Europe during the Middle Ages, crime and punishment were often thea...

Animals could be put on trial in medieval Europe.

In Europe during the Middle Ages, crime and punishment were often theatrical, with crowds gathering to witness executions and public humiliations. But what they witnessed wasn’t always a human trial — often, medieval courts meted out justice on animals. France kept the most extensive records of these trials, but they were also held in Switzerland, Germany, and occasionally Italy and Spain. There were two main types of medieval animal trials: secular trials, usually against one animal or a small group of animals, and religious proceedings on a group of pests, such as mice or locusts. The idea of animals on trial may seem whimsical now, but these were deadly serious affairs, with the same judges, executioners, and expenses of a human trial.

A surprisingly large number of the single-animal trials were pigs that had committed violence against human children. In one 1457 case in Savigny, France, a sow was accused of killing a 5-year-old child with her own six piglets tagging along. Her owner was accused only of negligence, but the pig was sentenced to death. Because the court could not prove their involvement, the piglets were spared. As for the mass trials in ecclesiastical courts, the local bishop (or someone from his staff) would typically appoint a human proxy for the accused pests. This person would have the impossible task of telling the accused to show up for their court date. In one case, a group of flies failed to appear and the court took pity on them for their small size and young age and assigned them different counsel. As part of the proceedings, a judge would hold one member of the species and tell it to leave. If it left, the community would give thankful prayers. If it stayed, the judge would excommunicate the pests from the church, and start organizing people to help rid them from the area.


Focus on happy!

Life has been challenging expressed my client.

After listening to her details, was understandable! Her happy go lucky dog spoke up, who simply said "Focus on happy instead!"

This act alone can change your world, shifting from dark days to light days. And then starts creating better days on a regular basis.

My siblings and I were raised on a farm. We were raised to care for all animals.My sister Clara shared this touching sto...

My siblings and I were raised on a farm. We were raised to care for all animals.

My sister Clara shared this touching store of her interaction with a Cardinal. A big heart she has!

Yesterday I saw a young cardinal on the deck that wasn't moving as I brought in firewood. It was cold and let me pick it up. I held it for a few minutes, but it didn't respond, so I put it in a shoe box. I set the box on the hearth for awhile buy the wood stove. When I decided it was warmed up, I took it out to the garage to acclimate it back to the cold weather. I left it there overnight because of the bitter cold with some birdseed in the box to eat.
About 1:00 this afternoon, I set the box back on the deck where I found him and left it with the lid on for a couple hours while I took Mother for a drive and to eat at McD (My mother loves McDonalds)

When we got back, I opened the lid and he flew away! 😊

Notice the print on the rag she put in the box. Her thought... the small cardinals would keep him company. Sweet! Clara's intention, with love, had to have helped this little red bird.

During World War I, cats were used in the trenches to boost morale.500,00 served in WW16 million animals served in WW1Th...

During World War I, cats were used in the trenches to boost morale.

500,00 served in WW1
6 million animals served in WW1

The Great War was such a difficult time, some soldiers sought out the assistance and comfort of four-legged friends — including cats, who were used in the trenches to boost morale. Dogs, homing pigeons, foxes, goats, lion cubs, and even raccoons also served their countries as pets and mascots throughout the “war to end all wars,” and some even carried out official duties. Cats did a bit of both: Though most kitties simply kept their compatriots in good spirits by providing them with loyal companionship (and fending off rats), some also used their heightened sense of atmospheric pressure to detect bombs in advance.

Not all feline soldiers’ deeds have gone unnoticed. Among the 75 animals who have received the PDSA Dickin Medal, which was established in 1943 to honor the military service of animals, is a cat named Simon. He served aboard the HMS Amethyst from 1948 to 1949 and received the medal for “disposing of many rats though wounded by shell blast. Throughout the incident his behavior was of the highest order, although the blast was capable of making a hole over a foot in diameter in a steel plate.” In a newsreel of the ship returning home, Simon is rightly referred to as “a hero in his own right.”

Many years ago I asked the animal kingdom for words of wisdom to share with my clients at Christmas.  Franklin, a golden...

Many years ago I asked the animal kingdom for words of wisdom to share with my clients at Christmas. Franklin, a golden retriever came to me, sharing this message. I am drawn to share his message every year.

"A present during the holidays is a package to unwrap, a gift, temporary yet enjoyable. My present to you is to live in each precious moment. Living in the moment brings a feeling of being eternal. Living in each moment fully provides greater awareness and understanding to life. Enjoy each "present" moment - is Golden, a continual gift of Love."

Happy Holidays.
Enjoy each present moment in the coming year.

Avoid these common Pet Holiday HazardsHoliday Safety TipsBe Careful with Seasonal Plants and DecorationsOh, Christmas Tr...

Avoid these common Pet Holiday Hazards

Holiday Safety Tips

Be Careful with Seasonal Plants and Decorations

Oh, Christmas Tree: Securely anchor your Christmas tree so it doesn't tip and fall, causing possible injury to your pet. This will also prevent the tree water—which may contain fertilizers that can cause stomach upset—from spilling. Stagnant tree water is a breeding ground for bacteria, and your pet could end up with nausea or diarrhea should he imbibe.

Avoid Mistletoe & Holly and LILLIES: Holly, when ingested, can cause pets to suffer nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Mistletoe can cause gastrointestinal upset and cardiovascular problems. And many varieties of lilies can cause kidney failure in cats if ingested. Opt for just-as-jolly artificial plants made from silk or plastic, or choose a pet-safe bouquet.

Tinsel-less Town: Kitties love this sparkly, light-catching "toy" that's easy to bat around and carry in their mouths. But a nibble can lead to a swallow, which can lead to an obstructed digestive tract, severe vomiting, dehydration and possible surgery. It's best to brighten your boughs with something other than tinsel.

That Holiday Glow: Don't leave lighted candles unattended. Pets may burn themselves or cause a fire if they knock candles over. Be sure to use appropriate candle holders, placed on a stable surface. And if you leave the room, put the candle out!

Wired Up: Keep wires, batteries and glass or plastic ornaments out of paws' reach. A wire can deliver a potentially lethal electrical shock and a punctured battery can cause burns to the mouth and esophagus, while shards of breakable ornaments can damage your pet's mouth and digestive tract.

Avoid Holiday Food Dangers

Skip the Sweets: By now you know not to feed your pets chocolate and anything sweetened with xylitol, but do you know the lengths to which an enterprising pet will go to chomp on something yummy? Make sure to keep your pets away from the table and unattended plates of food, and be sure to secure the lids on garbage cans.

Leave the Leftovers: Fatty, spicy and no-no human foods, as well as cooked bones, should not be fed to your furry friends. Pets can join the festivities in other fun ways that won't lead to costly medical bills. Really avoid the fatty foods like bacon, as this too often leads to pancreatitis.

Careful with Cocktails: If your celebration includes adult holiday beverages, be sure to place your unattended alcoholic drinks where pets cannot get to them. If ingested, your pet could become weak, ill and may even go into a coma, possibly resulting in death from respiratory failure.

Selecting Special Treats: Looking to stuff your pet's stockings? Stick with chew toys that are basically indestructible, Kongs that can be stuffed with healthy foods or chew treats that are designed to be safely digestible. Long, stringy things are a feline's dream, but the most risky toys for cats involve ribbon, yarn and loose little parts that can get stuck in the intestines, often necessitating surgery. Surprise kitty with a new ball that's too big to swallow, a stuffed catnip toy or the interactive cat dancer.

Plan a Pet-Safe Holiday Gathering

House Rules: If your animal-loving guests would like to give your pets a little extra attention and exercise while you're busy tending to the party, ask them to feel free to start a nice play or petting session.

Put the Meds Away: Make sure all of your medications are locked behind secure doors, and be sure to tell your guests to keep their meds zipped up and packed away, too.

A Room of Their Own: Give your pet his own quiet space to retreat to—complete with fresh water and a place to snuggle. Shy pups and cats might want to hide out under a piece of furniture, in their carrying case or in a separate room away from the hubbub.

New Year's Noise: As you count down to the new year, please keep in mind that strings of thrown confetti can get lodged in a cat's intestines, if ingested, perhaps necessitating surgery. Noisy poppers can terrify pets and cause possible damage to sensitive ears. And remember that many pets are also scared of fireworks, so be sure to secure them in a safe, escape-proof area as midnight approaches. Consider a calming supplement, like Dr Jones' Complete Canine Calming Chews prior to New Years!

Best Wishes,
Dr Andrew

Tel: 1-800-396-1534
Fax: 1-888-398-1378
[email protected]


From the animal kingdom:

Thankfull, Thanksgiving, Giving Thanks

In giving thanks, there is a receiving of thanks. Is equally important to receive as it is to give. All, is then, in balance.

This Owl stole a childs toy horse and flew off with it.  !! (I did not take the picture)

This Owl stole a childs toy horse and flew off with it. !!
(I did not take the picture)

Correction, paw readings since 1998!

Correction, paw readings since 1998!

I have had more communications in the past couple months than I have had in a long time.  In each communication, no matt...

I have had more communications in the past couple months than I have had in a long time. In each communication, no matter what the circumstance, a similar message was given to each of my clients. Because this message has surfaced so many times in different ways," I feel it should be shared with my readers.

A message came to a lady who spent a large part of her session in regret and worry. Her animal said, "CUT IT OUT! Look at the diamonds in your life."

Other quotes:

"Chose feeling up, look up, play more, shake off the downers and move into what your heart guides and shows you with amazing information and knowledge."

"Love is an action word. love oneself first, nurture yourself. In turn, one has more to share. Feeling good is being blessed!"

"Dance, spread your arms and legs, dance through out your day!"

To me, for today, is art, creating!

Adding to this information. Which wolf will you feed?

An elderly dog had lived beyond his expected time. He said to his person, "My body is worn out. I no longer want to be i...

An elderly dog had lived beyond his expected time. He said to his person, "My body is worn out. I no longer want to be in it. The dog's person respected his wishes. Not easy to do, yet as many animals have told me, "We need you to be nature. In nature we pass in a quite place or a predator helps us to pass over."

It had been several weeks since the passing of her beloved dog. She called in tears. Her dog told her in a firm, yet gentle manor, "You put such energy and emotion into the time I passed. Helping me out of this old body was a gift you gave me. Be happy for me. I am no longer in pain. Think of your happiest time. Now multiply that times a hundred. That is how I feel where I am. Now, do this for yourself, and think of the many years we had together, good memories, so many more than a small moment.

This four legged fluff a pup was new to this world.  He noticed people were going about their life in a way, that is cal...

This four legged fluff a pup was new to this world. He noticed people were going about their life in a way, that is called time.
From his view, living in the moment was much better, relaxed, healthier, and rewarding.

10 OTC Human Meds Safe for Dogs and CatsDr. Andrew Jones, DVMDon't give anything to your pets until you ask your vet?Rea...

10 OTC Human Meds Safe for Dogs and Cats
Dr. Andrew Jones, DVM

Don't give anything to your pets until you ask your vet?


That is what many 'pet professionals' and most veterinary websites tell you to do...

In veterinary practice I often suggested clients use an array of human medications for their pets, so in fact what you read online is not always true :-)

A former client is going travelling with his cats, and asked if there are ANY safe OTC meds he could use. When I travelled with my cats I always used Gravol, finding it to be safe and pretty effective keeping them slightly sedated.

When Pippi was itchy with a Hot Spot, I have her a dose of the new antihistamine Ceterizine, which worked well while the topical meds kicked in.

So yes the OTC meds can be very helpful (and gasp safe!)

Another thing I suggest that you regularly give your dog or cat is a Complete Supplement to PREVENT many of these common diseases in the 1st place.

Gravol (dimenhydrinate). It can help for vomiting dogs and cats- I found it to help many a dog with car sickness. Great for travel in general. The dog and cat dose is 12.5mg/10lbs twice a day. That equates to 1/4 of a 50mg tablet.

Clear Eyes ( topical eye medication). The active ingredient is napthazoline, and it has been shown to be safe, and often effective for animals with conjunctivitis (red eyes). Apply 2 drops 4 times/day for 5-7 days

Pepcid (Famotidine). This antacid works especially well for nauseous cats, and dogs with acid reflux. We often used this for cats with Kidney Disease. The dose is 2.5mg/10lbs twice a day, or 1/4 of a 10mg tablet.

Canesten/Monistat. These yeast medications for people can work very well for our animals that get Ear infections. Most dog ear infections are caused by yeast. If your dog has black waxy discharge from the ear, then it is likely a yeast ear infection. Get the cream, apply 1/4 inch into the ear twice day for 7-10 days. Cats often have patchy areas of hair loss from ringworm. This is a fungus and Canesten works well topically. Appy twice a day for 21 days.

Cortisone Cream. The topical steroid creams for people can often help soothe inflamed/irritated skin. In most cases it means using a 1% corticosteroid, which can be applied twice a day for 14 days to the red, inflamed area. Can be used for dog Hot Spots.

Reactine (Ceterazine), Antihistamine. This is a newer generation antihistamine which lasts much longer, and is often more effective than the older antihistamines ( ie Benadryl). It is safe to use on dogs and cats. It works well for allergies, and acute itching ( ie hives). The dog and cat dose is 5mg/10lbs given once a day, meaning 1/2 of a 10mg tablet once daily to a 10lb dog or cat.

Chlorhexidine anti-septic flush. This is the anti-septic scrub that is used in surgery, doing a great job of removing bacteria from the skin. Bite wounds/infections are so common, and the most important thing to first do is flush the wound well with an antiseptic. Chlorexidine can often prevent this from turning into an abscess. Flush 2-4 times/day for 3-5 days. I use the brand Stanhexidine.

Aspirin. This OTC Human Medication is FOR DOGS ONLY. If your dog is in acute pain, and NOT on any other pain meds, or a steroid pill, then you can consider using ASA (Aspirin). The Dog Aspirin dose is 325mg (1 regular strength tab) per 40lbs twice daily. NONE of the anti-inflammatories can EVER be given to CATS.

Tea and Aspirin. Make 1 cup of strong black tea. Dissolve in 1 regular strength aspirin. Apply this 4 times/day topically to your dog's Hot Spot/surface skin infection. (For dog's only). For cats stick with topical cortisone/chlorhexidine/canesten.

Miralax. This is a newer treatment for constipation in people that has been shown to be more effective than many prescription laxatives. It has been working well for cats with chronic constipation/obstipation. Safe for both dogs and cats. A typical dose of the powder is 1/4 teaspoon/10lbs once-twice daily. I have has personal experience with it and can attest to its effectiveness :-(

P.S. In a time of when it can be difficult to even see a veterinarian, never mind pay for it, it is helpful to be able to provide some basic veterinary care to your dogs or cats, including using OTC meds.

I have used all of the above OTC meds often- I most recently treated Tula's eye infection with Clear Eyes, and I was pleasantly surprised at how quickly she responded.

P.P.S. The prevention thing... Keeping your dog and cat healthy is always better, and a Complete Supplement can do just that. Here are 2 I suggest.

Dr Jones' ULTIMATE Canine Health Formula

Dr Jones' ULTIMATE Feline Health Formula


It is that time of the year... helpful information to ward off Fleas and Ticks.

TOP Natural Flea/Tick Remedies
Dr. Andrews

Lyme disease, Ehrlichia, Tapeworms, Flea Allergy Dermatitis... these diseases are transmitted to our pets from fleas/ticks...there are MANY reasons to not like these pests!

And it seems that there are now more Ticks than ever... Flea season is getting longer :-(

In today's newsletter I am sharing a new flea and tick spray recipe, but I do want to mention a few supplements that can really help your itchy dog or cat's skin in general...

FLEA COMB. This $1 plastic device is INVALUABLE for Natural Flea and Tick Control. During Pest season, daily comb your pets, removing critters if you find them. Really focus under the backs of the ears, the armpits and the groin. This will alert you to when your pet has fleas, and IF you need to take bigger steps, staying on top of a potential outbreak.

CHINCHILLA DUST. This is correctly called “diatomaceous earth,” which consists of the skeletons of microscopic algae. It can be purchased in pet supply stores, but be sure it is the kind meant for pets, not the glass type used in swimming pool filters. It can be used on your pet and in the house. Apply it weekly during flea season, vacuuming three days after applying.

MAKE YOUR PET TASTE BAD. Garlic and brewer’s yeast have been advocated as a way of repelling fleas. In my experience it only seems to help a small number of dogs, but it is worth a try. Garlic is not safe to give to cats long term. For a ten-pound dog, give one-fourth teaspoon of garlic and one-fourth tablespoon of brewer’s yeast daily.

CEDARWOOD OIL SPRAY: A relatively nontoxic natural substance, this has been proven effective in the eradication of infestations in pets. Be cautious in spraying any type of essential oil on cats or small dogs; only lightly mist them and then use a flea comb to spread the spay around.

DEHUMIDIFY. Humidity is vital for flea survival. Flea eggs need humidity of 75 percent to hatch; flea larvae need 50 percent humidity to survive. For example, in places with adequate humidity, 20 percent of the eggs survive. In dry areas with low humidity, less than 5 percent of the eggs survive. Using a dehumidifier in your home will go a long way in stopping the flea cycle.

NATURAL PYRETHRINS: FEVERFEW FLOWERS. These flowers are where the first flea sprays came from. Get a handful of the flowers, steep in hot water, cool, and pour over your dog or cat. This will temporarily paralyze the fleas.

Dr Jones' NEW Natural Flea and Tick Spray Remedy that is Safe for Dogs and Cats.

Specifics about the spray ingredients

Witch Hazel is non alcoholic, therefore safe to lick and soothing to the skin- a great skin anti inflammatory
Coconut Oil is a proven Natural repellent, and very safe for our pets
The Neem oil is the most studied and effective natural insect repellent- and diluted to less than 2% so safe for our pets
Cedarwood oil is also a studied and proven repellent, and diluted to less than 1% so safe for topical application to our dogs and cats
Lavender has antihistamine qualities, and diluted to less than 1% so safe topically


Lightly mist your pets, avoid face/eyes/mouth

Use a flea ccom to spread it through

For dogs you can safely spray 3 times/week
For cats safely spray once/week

1/2 cup (120ml) Non alcoholic Witch Hazel Extract
1/4 cup (60ml) Liquid Coconut Oil
3 droppers (3ml) Neem Oil
10 drops (.5ml) Cedarwood Essential Oil
10 drops (.5ml) Lavender Essential Oil

Field studies on the mosquito repellent action of neem oil..https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/8525409/

Pleasant-Smelling Wood Oil Not So Pleasant for Biting Ticks, Other Pests..https://www.ars.usda.gov/news-events/...

Heal Your Pet At Home!

Best Wishes,

Dr Andrew



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Our Story

1. One on one communications with you and your living or deceased animals. 2. Appearances designed for your needs, birthdays, stables, home or abroad. Call 703 599 1048. I am flexible and open to new ideas. 3. Provides world wide animal communications. 4. Karen’s website: www.KarenWrigley.com