1st Trial Saddle
Sigh... The saddle we have been using is "Ill fitting". We are in "Saddle Hell", I am not sure what that really means except Katherine is sighing and rolling her eyes more than typical. Here is one we are trying - what do think? You might as well add your voice to the cacophony in her head...
Katherine and I have been using the month of March as a month to re-set using groundwork. At the end of each session we do some liberty work (no lead or halter) Here we are at the end of today. Katherine bought a tripod 🙂
They call me "The Equalizer". My job is to keep these two sub- groups behaving and I am most excellent at my job!
Here I am loving my new friends and my new home.
Turkeys and my vet came to visit today!
In the morning I play with muck buckets and eat snow... Katherine listens to music and mucks.
Yes, it is snowing still... I did not sleep outside last night, my choice. I like having choices!
I take my chores very seriously...
Well... Yesterday did not go well at all at all. Today was successful. Better living through medication, haha. I wish I could know where I am going before I am asked to get on a trailer...