We are surrounded by them, they give us life, every cell in our body relies on a rhythm from the surface of our skin, to deep inside of our mitochondria. Every hormone our body produces relies on a rhythm. Even our amino acids communicate through rhythms. The tryptophan that we make becomes serotonin when our eyes see the morning sun, which then becomes melatonin when our eyes see the darkness of nightfall. Tyrosine relies on the rising sun to become dopamine. All flowing in a circadian rhythm that relies on our naked eyes seeing the morning sun.
Our skin has a rhythm that wakes up with the sunrise too that our eyes see, and releases protection, then resting when darkness falls.
Our planet has a rhythm, our day has a rhythm, the sun has a rhythm. And when we are in tune with the natural world, we vibrate at the same frequency, the same rhythm.
The earth has a resonance called the Schumann resonance that beats at a hertz of 7.83. Our brain has rhythms that can match this when we are in a meditative state, a creative state, a state of peace, and we synchronize with the earth’s heart beat.
Our fluid body has a rhythm, all of the fluids within our cells, surrounding our cells, in our blood plasma, within our CSF, all flow in a rhythm that is synchronized with the natural world. It begins when we are a wee embryo. The fluids that shape and form us are the same fluids and that maintain us as adults, and they too have a rhythm. A deep stabilizing, life giving rhythm that flows through us, flows through the natural world, creating ocean tides, the breeze we feel on our face, the sound of a calling bird, the falling leaf that catches our eye, the quietness of the forest, all flow in this stabilizing, life giving rhythm..
Our digestive system even has a rhythm, waking up when our eyes see the rising sun. Then slowing down as nightfall comes.
The universe flows in a rhythm, pulling energies as planets and stars spiral around the galaxy. Shifting and refocusing the energies that help us evolve, change, create, rest.
We are nature. We are the natural world that surrounds us. The more in tune we are with how life flows, with the sun rise, with the dynamic stillness of the forest, with the crashing waves of the ocean, or the trickle of a stream, the clouds that drift, the stars that shine in our night sky… the more in tune we become within ourselves. Our bodies become coherent, our fluid body becomes an antenna to the information of the universe. We resonate with everything around us. Every thought and emotion becomes part of the collective.
Every light spectrum from the sun carries information that our bodies use to communicate. We need this in order to thrive. The earth’s electromagnetic field gives us electrons to charge, to vibrate, to help us use the information that our bodies get from the light of the sun. Communicating with our internal fluid body, helping us communicate back to the natural world.
This is what we need.
Albert Einstein said “Look deep into nature, and you will understand everything better.”
Artificial lights, artificial EMF’s, pulls us away from this life giving information from the sun and the earth. Staying indoors, behind closed windows confuses our cells as to what time of day it is, we loose our frequency, communication within gets lost, our dopamine levels drop causing our creativity to diminish.
Magic happens just from going outside in the morning to witness the rising sun. Magic happens every time we stand on the earth with bare feet. Magic happens every time we touch a tree, every time we look up into the night sky and remember we are home, and that we are one.