📢Offer ends Feb. 14, save 14% on PSI’s Health & Sanitation Certificate Course for Pet-Sitting Businesses with coupon HEALTHSM14.
Two plan options now available! Purchase the course for one user/individual or for business owner plus unlimited staff.
Are you ready to…
>>Learn about steps you can take to prevent the spread of disease and put safe practices in place for your business?
>>Get a certificate of completion and course logo for your website to demonstrate to clients you prioritize health and sanitation?
Get started at https://petsittersinternational.teachable.com/p/health-sanitation-certificate-course-for-pet-sitting-businesses.
Set your alarm because tickets go fast!
Registration for both PSI's FOCUS One-Day Online Summit (March) and PSW25 in-person conference (September) opens TOMORROW, WEDNESDAY, Jan. 15.
An email will be sent to members and you can find registration information at petsit.com/conferences on Jan. 15.
Mark your calendar because tickets go fast!
Registration for both PSI's FOCUS One-Day Online Summit (March) and PSW25 in-person conference (September) opens NEXT WEDNESDAY, Jan. 15.
An email will be sent to members and you can find registration information at petsit.com/conferences on Jan. 15.
Pet Sitters International would like to send a huge THANK YOU to our amazing members, who along with clients, family and friends, rallied together to collect pet food and supplies to donate to Western North Carolina in the wake of Hurricane Helene.
In total—with your generosity—we were able to collect:
🐾Nearly 5,000 lbs. of dry cat and dog food
🐾4,000 cans of wet pet food
🐾More than 150 pet crates and carriers
🐾4,400 bottles of water
This brief video shares more about the donations and where they were delivered. Thank you 🐕🐈
Cover Reveal for the Jul-Sep '24 issue of Pet Sitter's World magazine
✨Cover Reveal for the Jul-Sep '24 issue of Pet Sitter's World magazine✨
Featured on the cover of this upcoming issue is PSI member Ashten Ntewak, owner of Lap of Luxury – Premium Pet Sitting Services in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
📷 Photo taken by Sherwood Pawtography.
PSI members, you should receive this issue in your mailbox this month. You can also view the digital version now in the Members Area of petsit.com.
Are you ready to earn formal recognition for your commitment to excellence in pet sitting and gain access to various perks?
⭐DM us for our biggest CPPS Exam discount of the year (ending 4/30).⭐
And when you sign up for the CPPS-Certified Professional Pet Sitter® Exam, you have up to 6 months to request your exam link!
👉Learn more at https://www.petsit.com/cpps.