Rescue Momma's Animal Rehab

Rescue Momma's Animal Rehab Subscribe to our cause through

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Just a few quick things to put things into perspective. ☺️Pictures for attention!We have taken on the responsibility of ...

Just a few quick things to put things into perspective. ☺️
Pictures for attention!

We have taken on the responsibility of 53 animals in the 5 years that we have been operating as a rescue. That is nearly 1 new animal per month. With an average stay of 2-3 years in our care.

Statistics over 5 years:
1 has died of old age
6 have succumbed to their injuries/illnesses
25 have been successfully adopted out
21 are still current residents

We run our rescue facility IN HOME. Meaning, every animal we get, lives WITH us until adopted. Our social life is non existent because we cannot leave them unattended.

“Days off” or “sick days” do not exist. Just because we are sick does not mean that we can go a day without taking care of the fur babies. They still need to eat, take their medicine and have a clean place to live.

I get 5-10 messages/calls a day at minimum regarding an animal. Whether it is just someone needing advice, someone asking to surrender an animal, someone needing animal food, etc.

We go through 600-800 pounds of dog/cat food a MONTH.

We feed well over 100 animals in Lawrence County, IL

We go through nearly 100 rolls of paper towels a MONTH.

We go through 300 puppy pads a MONTH.

One month of flea prevention for all of the rescues costs $504 before tax.

Each and every one of our rescues gets a $30 tracking device upon arrival.

25% of the rescues in our care are on medications or have chronic illnesses.

1 in every 3 animals we get are severely injured/ill upon receiving them. Costing $200-$800 in vet bills a piece.

There is a misconception that we receive grants. Unfortunately, that is just not the case.
Everything we do is OUT OF POCKET. Every penny comes straight from us. We do get donations on occasion, but it is normally 100-200 bucks a few times a year AT MOST. Everything else, is all on us. All of the advertising we do is online. We post to Facebook and TikTok as much as time allows. With me working full time at a separate job and taking care of the animals 24/7, time is scarce. I am still trying to go to college for Veterinary medicine, but time is not my friend lately.

I’m not looking for sympathy, just simply wanted to open some people’s eyes to the reality we face on a daily basis. All of these expenses are on top of our regular expenses such as gas, utilities, house payment, insurance, groceries, etc. I urge each and every one of you to help support our cause. Whether that is by sharing this post or donating.

Even a simple share helps us continue to do what we do.
If you read this far, thank you for listening. 🥰🐾

Check us out on TikTok!! ❤️🐾❤️

Check us out on TikTok!! ❤️🐾❤️

Check out Rescue Momma ❤️🐾❤️’s post.


ISO a cheap or free WORKING window ac unit!!

Well, we found out this morning that one of the dogs here at Rescue Momma's Animal Rehab are pregnant. Before anyone jum...

Well, we found out this morning that one of the dogs here at Rescue Momma's Animal Rehab are pregnant. Before anyone jumps on here telling me to spay and neuter, I KNOW. I am painfully aware. She was next in line to be fixed. We try to keep the unfixed dogs seperated while saving up funds for spays/neuters, but she is a master of escaping her kennel. We have tried everything to keep her contained, but she finds a way, every time. Unfortunately for us, it only takes one time for her to escape the kennel and find herself a “doggy boyfriend”. We pay out of pocket for each and every rescue we come in contact with and at times, we drown in the expenses. With all that being said, once these babies are born and weaned she WILL be getting fixed. So, starting NOW we are going to try and raise money to put towards making the appointment to spay her. If anyone is willing to help cover any costs associated with her spay, please contact me via private message or comment below. Regardless, we understand the necessity of her getting fixed and plan on doing so as soon as possible. We will be using Dr.Collins vet office in Lawrenceville IL if anyone would rather call there to make a payment on our account. A big thank you to each and everyone of our supporters. Without yall, we would not be able to keep doing what we do.

(Picture of the culprit for attention)

On a related note, we will have puppies for adoption within the next few months. Anyone interested in applying to adopt is welcome to contact me on here or comment below.

Next month is not only my BIRTHDAY but it is also the 5 year mark of us rescuing animals in Lawrence county!!! To celebr...

Next month is not only my BIRTHDAY but it is also the 5 year mark of us rescuing animals in Lawrence county!!! To celebrate, I’d like to see how many things on this registry we can have gifted to Rescue Momma’s Animal Rehab before the end of September!! Managing the care for as many animals as we have can get PRICEY and it’s very easy to get caught up in only buying the necessities to get by and then forgetting to buy the luxuries for the animals as well. With that being said, more than half of the things on this registry are items for the animals to enjoy!!! I’ve listed things such as treats, toys and bedding. Of course, we also have some necessities listed, if anyone would like to help by donating those as well that would also be greatly appreciated. We have been feeding over 100 animals in the County as well as medicating/rehabbing over a dozen animals each month. We give everything we have to take care of these fur babies. So this year for my birthday and the 5 year anniversary of Rescue Mommas Animal rehab, we are asking you, the community to help us give even more to these amazing critters!! Without your help, we wouldn’t have the ability to grow and help more animals. We need your support to be able to build onto what we have created. I will link our Amazon registry below. It will auto update as things are purchased and shipped. My goal is to have as much as possible purchased for the fur babies by the end of September!!!

Rescue Momma& #39;s wishlist - Amazon Gift List -

I need someone with no other pets to take a dog. We rescued her nearly 4 years ago. We love her and it absolutely breaks...

I need someone with no other pets to take a dog. We rescued her nearly 4 years ago. We love her and it absolutely breaks my heart to do this. It is no longer safe for our other rescues to continue trying to save her. If I cannot find someone willing to help her, I’m going to have to explore other options such as euthanasia and I have NEVER done so before, nor do I want to. She is amazing with people, very well trained, but she is extremely animal aggressive. I’ve kept her separated from all of our animals for a very long time and she’s done amazing, but now she is trying to attack animals that even come close to her cage. She grabbed a cats paw through the cage today. I am done. It breaks my heart to say this but I can no longer help her. I feel as though I failed her, but she was made this way by her previous owners. By the time I got her, it was engrained in her and there was no way I could change it. If anyone is wondering, the cat is okay, he is going for X-rays in an hour and has no broken skin. Just checking for a dislocation in the ankle. Please, if anyone is interested in a loyal doggy partner, message me. I can’t do this much longer.


Well. Once again we are in between checks when disaster strikes. One of our long term rescues are now in need of X-rays as of about 10 minutes ago. I called and got an estimate and they are guessing it’ll be around 200 for the entire visit. If anyone is willing to help with costs please comment below or message me. I’m trying to get him in to be seen as soon as possible as I do believe there may be a dislocation. We will be using Dr Collins in Lawrenceville IL for the visit. All care is under my name.

Just a quick reminder that we do still have TWO Great Pyrenees, Great Dane, Boxer mix pups that are looking for good hom...

Just a quick reminder that we do still have TWO Great Pyrenees, Great Dane, Boxer mix pups that are looking for good homes!! They are both males and approximately 6 months old. Message me for more information!! ❤️🐾❤️🐾 VERY sweet and EXTREMELY playful. Please keep in mind that these will be LARGE breed dogs. Also, despite being mixed with Pyrenees, they are both SHORT HAIRED!!

IF FOUND CALL 6189430536. Lost on Chestnut st in BRIDGEPORT IL 62417Very friendly, Brown leather collar with tags and tr...

IF FOUND CALL 6189430536. Lost on Chestnut st in BRIDGEPORT IL 62417
Very friendly, Brown leather collar with tags and tracker, grey with white markings, male. Answers to Smokey, Mocha, Mokie, Smokes

ONCE AGAIN, Smokey has managed to sneak off. Before anyone says anything about “keep your cats inside if you don’t want them to get lost”, Know that I TRY! Smokey was rescued as a stray cat that knew only the outdoors and runs out the door any chance he gets. Hence the fact that I have a tracker on him. HOWEVER, his tracker has stopped pinging for some reason and his last ping was at our house 1 hour ago. (9pm cst). We are located at 155 E chestnut st, 2 houses behind Jays Tavern. I have been outside walking around, hollering and looking for 2 hours straight now. I’ve notified my neighbors and gave them my number. If anyone sees my sweet boy PLEASE PLEASE CALL ME. I have to work 9-5 tomorrow, but if he is found while I’m working I can have someone come get him. His collar has 2 numbers on it, my old one is embedded on the collar and my current number is on his tag. My number is (618) 943-0536!

Just a quick update on Rock! He has responded tremendously to treatment!! The wound that he was found with was over 3 in...

Just a quick update on Rock! He has responded tremendously to treatment!! The wound that he was found with was over 3 inches long, 1/4 inch deep and 1.5 inches wide. His wound is now only about 1 cm wide and about 1 inch long!! He has made such amazing progress!! He’s such a fighter it’s unbelievable and such a sweet, loving boy. Mr. Rock graduated to “collar status” today and has received his first ever collar! Tags and trackers are coming through the mail next. He loves to cuddle and likes to wait at the door for me when I leave the room and boy does he have a voice!! He’s gone from hating every other animal to being caught cuddling with the others at the window. 🤣❤️ He is officially out of the woods and expected to make a FULL recovery. He will just have a nasty scar to prove how strong he is.

UPDATE ON “ROCK” He is a neutered male found on the corner of Fairmont and Gray street in Bridgeport ILAfter the $100 pl...

He is a neutered male found on the corner of Fairmont and Gray street in Bridgeport IL
After the $100 pledge we have received so far, we are sitting at a $140 balance and we are asking for donations towards the cost of saving this baby if anyone is capable of helping.
He is currently being treated at Lawrence County Animal Hospital by Dr. Mary Jo Collins under my name.
He may possibly need surgery in the future if this treatment plan doesn’t pan out, but we have high hopes for the Convenia, pain meds and topical medications.
We still do not know where he came from or what exactly happened to him, but we are doing the best we can for this sweet guy. Anyone with any information on this guy is urged to come forward. We have had one person mention that he was possibly a stray that ran around their house and a neighbor kid had shot him with a BB gun. It’s also a possibility that this is an infected animal bite, but we may never know what really happened.

Just dropped off this sweet baby at Dr.Collins Office in Lawrenceville IL. Now, I’m just waiting on a phone call for an ...

Just dropped off this sweet baby at Dr.Collins Office in Lawrenceville IL. Now, I’m just waiting on a phone call for an update on how they’re doing and on the cost of the services. $100 is being donated towards the cost of treatment so far. I am having them scan for a microchip to check for an owner. If anyone recognizes this cat, please contact me!

We have a temporary covering with gauze and antibacterial medicine on for the time being until this baby can get into a ...

We have a temporary covering with gauze and antibacterial medicine on for the time being until this baby can get into a vets office to be seen. We will be calling 1st thing in the morning. Anyone that is willing to help with costs is more than welcome to do so. As of now, we have someone pledging $100 towards to treatment of this sweet kitty. We’re hoping it does not cost more than that, but we will keep everyone on here updated if so. Looks like it’s just an infected bite and runny eye that needs treated.

Side note: Please if you recognize this cat and you live in the Bridgeport IL area, let me know. They are far too tame to be a stray kitty.

**WARNING** GRAPHIC PHOTOS.This sweet baby was just found at the corner of Fairmont and Gray st in Bridgeport IL. Very s...

This sweet baby was just found at the corner of Fairmont and Gray st in Bridgeport IL. Very sweet cat, has to belong to somebody. However, it looks like it’s been bit by something and it’s infected. I have one person that’s pledging $100 for me to get this baby seen by a vet, but I would also like to find this sweetheart a forever home once they’ve been seen or return them back to their owner if they had somehow gotten away from them. I will be calling first thing in the morning to situate a time for them to be treated.

There is no such thing as one emergency at a time when you’re working in animal rescue. Miss Luci is having her stomach ...

There is no such thing as one emergency at a time when you’re working in animal rescue. Miss Luci is having her stomach problems again. I noticed clear, slimy, foamy vomit in her kennel this morning, but I didn’t think much of it because she was acting like her normal perky self and seemed fine. She went outside to run and play in the fence with the others and seemed to be acting normal all day. (Yes they have access to cold water and a shed outside to avoid the sun) Now, for the past 2 hours, she is definitely not feeling okay. She is now refusing to eat her kibble so I’m currently making her some chicken and mashed potatoes to entice her to eat. She has absolutely no energy and is not acting like herself at all. You can tell she feels sick by looking at her. Her last bout of stomach problems was about 2 years ago and they told us it was from the brand of food she had been eating that had been recalled (just that batch, Purina One). However, we completely switched brands after that incident and hadn’t had a problem since. Miss Luci is approximately 10 years old, give or take a year. We do not know her exact age, but she’s been with us nearly 5 years now. She’s a full blooded Great Pyrenees that was thrown out during a tornado watch back in 2019. As of now, our emergency fund is drained until my next check (July 5th) due to the emergency with Roxie 1 week ago. Miss Roxie had to undergo sedation, stitches and 2 different medications. We are stretched thin in terms of money put back for emergencies such as this. As of now we are treating her symptoms at home and keeping a very close eye on her. Unless things change, I’m not going to be able to afford to get her in to see a vet until the 5th, unless we can get help from donations. We singlehandedly care for nearly 2 dozen animals just because we care and someone has to do it, so please no hateful comments. If I could get her in sooner, I absolutely would! If anyone is able to help, please message me directly or comment below. I am very, very worried about her. Especially with her age. Also, if anyone has any suggestions, I am open to hearing them! I’ve handled dogs for a very long time, but they never fail to stump me.

SMOKEY HAS BEEN FOUND AND BROUGHT HOME. I went by the house he was pinging at after work and he had been hiding undernea...

SMOKEY HAS BEEN FOUND AND BROUGHT HOME. I went by the house he was pinging at after work and he had been hiding underneath it the entire time. I still have no idea whatsoever how he ended up across town. My best guess is he slipped out while we were pottying dogs this morning and then he followed someone that was out walking or a kid picked him up and he couldn’t find his way back. Smokey is an INSIDE cat. He sneaks outside on occasion but never has he strayed this far. I literally just finished printing out missing flyers and was going up there to post them in the area and he came running as soon as he heard me. 🤦‍♀️🙃❤️ I swear, this tracker is the smartest purchase I’ve ever made!! This heat is no joke!

Also, BIG BIG thank you to everyone that helped look while I was at work. Huge shout out to Madi Roze and Jamie Madison for walking around in this scalding heat trying to find him. Finally, thank you to my amazing boyfriend Thomas Alexander Reeder for getting up early as hell this morning with me to go search the area he was roaming around at.


SMOKEY JUST PINGED AGAIN AFTER 5 HOURS OF SILENCE. HE IS STILL PINGING AT THE SAME LOCATION. Pleeeeease if someone knows where he is or has him, CALL ME! 6189430536

Smokey was ONCE AGAIN spotted at the corner of Gray st and School st in Bridgeport IL (I’m on EST right now) Jamie Madis...

Smokey was ONCE AGAIN spotted at the corner of Gray st and School st in Bridgeport IL (I’m on EST right now) Jamie Madison Thomas Alexander Reeder

My cat has escaped at some point this morning!!! His name is Smokey. He is very sweet and cuddly. If someone took him, p...

My cat has escaped at some point this morning!!! His name is Smokey. He is very sweet and cuddly. If someone took him, please return him to us! My number and address are both on his caller. He has a tracker. He has never wandered this far from home. I spent the morning over in the area where his tracker is pinging, hollering, and looking for him and could not find him. If he is in somebody’s home or something happened to him, please, please call me and let me know so I can come pick him up. I am stuck at work until 7 pm cst. However, I have a couple people in town willing to pick him up if he is found before that! He is my baby, I have vet records for proof of ownership. We are fairly new to this town. We’ve only lived here about 4 months. His tracker was last seen at our home at 7:57 am and he was last seen at the corner of School st and Gray st in Bridgeport IL. My number is (618) 943-0536 and I live at 155 E Chestnut St, Bridgeport IL 62417.

Miss Roxie is home and all stitched up! We have a few weeks of recovery ahead of us, but she is going to be perfectly fi...

Miss Roxie is home and all stitched up! We have a few weeks of recovery ahead of us, but she is going to be perfectly fine! Thank you so much to everyone that checked in on her and offered advice in her time of need. It has been a veryyyyy long night. Approximately 12 hours of monitoring and pressure on the wound to keep her from bleeding out. Safe to say, we’re exhausted. Now, nap time! 🤦‍♀️❤️🤣!!! If any of my peeps on here are able to help this family out, they and I would be ...

Pleeeease!!! If any of my peeps on here are able to help this family out, they and I would be forever grateful. Sweet Juliet has been diagnosed with Parvo and is looking at a very hefty vet bill. Juliet is the loving puppy of two small children and they are absolutely devastated that their babygirl is sick. Juliet is currently being kept at Vanwinkles while she gets life saving treatment. Juliet was adopted from us over 4 months ago and it comes as a devastating shock to us and the family to hear of her diagnosis.

Hi , I'm Katie this Is Alaynas dog Juliet the most sweetest and the most… Catherine Cozart needs your support for Support Alayna's Fight for Juliet's Recovery

Is anyone missing this sweet old girl in Bridgeport?

Is anyone missing this sweet old girl in Bridgeport?

Meet “Ollie”!! This guy just came to us today. He will be living with us until a loving “fur”ever home can be located. S...

Meet “Ollie”!! This guy just came to us today. He will be living with us until a loving “fur”ever home can be located. So far he has done fine with all of our critters (dogs and cats) and is VERYYY cuddly. Although he definitely has resting “grump” face. 🤣🤦‍♀️❤️ He has been laying in bed with me 90% of the time he has been here. He’s an older cat. I do not know his exact age. He is already neutered and litter trained. He has lived inside his entire life and should be kept as an inside cat. His old owner passed away and the people that took him in afterwards reached out to me to help find him a good home. He’s very sweet, kinda shy at first and veryyyy vocal lol but he has soooo much love to give. Please reach out to me here or on our page Rescue Momma's Animal Rehab to look into adopting this sweet baby boy. ❤️🐾❤️🐾❤️


2 boys 2 girls 6 weeks old

Alright yall, this is a PLEA FOR HELP!WE GO THROUGH 10-15 POUNDS OF DOG FOOD A DAY!!!!! Rescue facilities are dying off ...

Alright yall, this is a PLEA FOR HELP!

WE GO THROUGH 10-15 POUNDS OF DOG FOOD A DAY!!!!! Rescue facilities are dying off because of the overwhelming influx of abandoned animals.

As most of yall know, we have been rescuing animals for nearly 5 years now. We NEED your help. Without the community’s support, our efforts are in vain. We are getting desperately low on dog food. The animals will always get a meal, always, but running low on dog food is a very stressful thing. In desperate times, I buy dog food out of pocket or make chicken and rice, but I am asking you to help out. Please.
I get messages daily asking to take in more fur babies and I would LOVE to, but without the proper support from the community, we are just not able to. We are currently feeding and taking care of nearly 2 dozen animals out of our pockets to make sure these babies have the life they deserve. We NEED your help. If you are able to help at all, we would greatly appreciate it. Comment below and I can offer our shipping/drop off address or arrange a time to meet to pick up the supplies. I won’t be posting our address as that just leads to animals being dropped off at our door.

ALSO, we still have puppies available and they are outgrowing their kennels because they have been waiting for their fur-ever homes for soo long. If you are not looking to adopt but would be able to donate used kennels or dog food, that would be greatly appreciated.

NEEDS: {*means priority)
*DOG FOOD (any brand)
*KENNELS (preferably 40in tall or bigger as we have mainly large breed dogs)
CAT FOOD (any brand)
LITTER (clumping)
COLLARS (large)

Rescue Momma's Animal Rehab




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