We sent this beautiful Great horned owl back home today. This bird collided with a window, causing major head trauma. She was able to make a full recovery and is now back flying free! #greathornedowl #bozemanmontana #bozeman #owl
We sent this Northern saw-whet owl back home today. This little owl ran into a window and suffered a shoulder injury. With some stabilization and a little R&R, it was able to make a quick recovery. Fly free bird! #montana #bozeman #bozemanmontana #owl #northernsawwhetowl
We would like to Thank everyone for their GivingTuesday donations. The birds and staff really appreciate your support! We could not do what we do without you! The Eastern Screech owl in the video was found covered head to talons in sticky stuff. MRCC staff gave him several baths in olive oil and dawn dish soap to remove whatever he was covered in. He’s now back flying free where he belongs! #montana #easternscreechowl #dawndishsoap @dawndishwash
We sent this beautiful Cooper’s hawk back to the wild today. This bird was dropped off at a vet clinic after it struck a window. The bird had a slight shoulder fracture that healed up nicely. Fly free bird! 🦃 #bozeman #bozemanmontana #coopershawk #Thanksgiving
Female Sharp shinned hawk from Billings released after 4 weeks in rehab for a soft tissue injury. Enjoy this beautiful fall Montana weekend!
We finished off a great Bridger Raptor Festival weekend at Bridger Bowl by releasing this Great horned owl. This owl was hit by a car and suffered a fractured ulna. He is now back flying free! #bozeman #montana
Young Great horned owl admitted from Miles City very emaciated. She is finally on the mend and getting stronger everyday! MRCC covers 88,000 sq miles of Montana and if you would like to be on our list of transport volunteers please reach out at [email protected]