Refined Riding

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Refined Riding Rider and horse's movement and biomechanics. Transform your riding, improve movement, ease pain and aid health!

Addressing the root causes of your riding habits and difficulties
Online courses & online horse, rider and riding assessments Empowering you to become the expert of your body and gain a greater understanding of the horse's.

šŸ¤” Your riding problems and corrections have you ever thought about the origins? šŸ‡ We spend a lot of time trying to corre...

šŸ¤” Your riding problems and corrections have you ever thought about the origins?

šŸ‡ We spend a lot of time trying to correct ourselves and develop a balanced riding position and feel in the saddle.

But very little on the ground. Improving your movement habits off the horse could drastically speed up your riding progressā€”and help your horse, too!

Your daily movement (when you're moving around anyway!) could be improving your riding and helping your body!

šŸ’» Certain professions lead to stereotypical postural changes. Which really shows up when we ride!

Many riders believe thereā€™s nothing they can do about itā€”but you donā€™t have to live with those aches, pains, stiffness, and restrictions!

šŸ‘‹ Are you an equestrian who works online?

ā³ Just 3 days left to grab my double course bundle offer with 33% off! Donā€™t miss out on "The Aligned Rider" and "Screen Time to Saddle Time", designed to transform your riding, body, and connection with your horse. This is your chance to elevate your skills, reduce aches, and ride with more confidence. Timeā€™s running outā€”secure your spot today!

Write the word NOW below for my offer information.ā¬‡

Hip tension, stiffness, and weakness, displays in many forms; šŸ‘‰ Body control, šŸ‘‰ Balance issues, šŸ‘‰ Body awareness. šŸ˜« That...

Hip tension, stiffness, and weakness, displays in many forms;

šŸ‘‰ Body control,

šŸ‘‰ Balance issues,

šŸ‘‰ Body awareness.

šŸ˜« That bit of stiffness, ache or weakness you felt in your everyday life. Is highlighted in the saddle, leading to your tendency towards certain riding corrections or difficulties.

Your body just doesnā€™t seem to do what you're asking of it?

šŸŖ‘ Computer work and driving, involves lots of stillness in the same positions. And our posture changes into these repetitious positions.

There are 6 days left to get your spot in my exclusive double bundle of my signature courses *The Aligned Rider* and *Screen Time to Saddle Time with 33% off.

šŸŒŸ ā€œThe Aligned Riderā€ ā€“ Elevate your riding position and be more connected with your horse. Enhance balance, body awareness, and control.

šŸŒŸ ā€œScreen Time to Saddle Timeā€ ā€“ Address the negative impacts of long hours at your desk, on your body and riding.

Ride and move better, live and work happier!

Write the word OFFER below for the courses informationā¬‡

šŸ‡ Struggling with riding position problems and difficulties? But are youā€™re battling against the symptoms, not the root ...

šŸ‡ Struggling with riding position problems and difficulties? But are youā€™re battling against the symptoms, not the root cause?

ā›“ Which is understandable, as they are often the most visual cue. And often the end of a pattern of change.

There is always a cause and effect running through the body. As it works in patterns, not parts!

šŸ‡ Attempting to hold together a position to align with a visual goal?

Want to connect more through your body and with your horse with improved balance, and feel?

Are you an equestrian with computer-related posture issues also?

Exercises and tips from ā€œThe Aligned Riderā€ and ā€œScreen Time to Saddle Timeā€ are designed to effortlessly fit into your daily routine, making a lasting impact on your riding and overall well-being. This double bundle is here to help you make real, meaningful progressā€”donā€™t miss out on this limited-time (9 days) opportunity!

Write the word COURSES below for the course informationā¬‡

šŸ˜ Edinburgh is very dear to me as I was there when I realised I had got my life back! I walked up a mountain called ā€œArt...

šŸ˜ Edinburgh is very dear to me as I was there when I realised I had got my life back! I walked up a mountain called ā€œArthurs Seatā€ on that day I had expected to walk part of the way.

But I kept going and feeling no pain. All the small changes I had made stacked up to a level even I hadnā€™t anticipated.

Previous to this, Iā€™d had ten years of injury, two unsuccessful surgeries, limited to 30-minute walks daily, and constant pain.

šŸ‡ I had lost the ability to do many things, riding being one of them. I was told by a number of professionals to accept my situation, that this was the best it would get.

I tried every form of therapy, stretching, mobilisation etc and travelled to the United States and Europe in search of answers

šŸš¶ā€ā™€ļø Until I found the movement therapy, which I later trained in. That taught me the specific movement my body needed and how to weave this into my day. Which then became movement habits.

I learned to move more of my body and use it in an improved way throughout my day.

I restored my body through movements, Iā€™m now pain free and the way I use my body daily maintains it! And on the day I took these photographs I had walked approximately 20miles (because I can now!)

Donā€™t give up on your body! Would you learn simple exercises and strategies that weave into your day that will give you that connected riding position youā€™ve been aiming for?

Or maybe you're an equestrian who works online and you want to stop the negative affects this work had on your body and riding?

I have a double course 33% off offer beginning this week for 10 days only! ā€œThe Aligned Riderā€ and ā€œScreen Time to Saddle Timeā€ online courses.

Write RIDE below to be added to the waiting listā¬‡

ā€œYouā€™re not working on the horse, youā€™re working on yourself, ā€œ- Ray Huntā€œNo matter what level of riding, weā€™re talking ...

ā€œYouā€™re not working on the horse, youā€™re working on yourself, ā€œ- Ray Hunt

ā€œNo matter what level of riding, weā€™re talking about all riders are having the same problems and all those problems have the same simple solution: more focus on the basics,ā€ - Hubertus Schmidt.

ā€œThe fundamentals, the basics. You can never know them enough,ā€ - Mark Rashid.

I know many riders arenā€™t enthusiastic about working off the horse on themselves.

Itā€™s one thing you can do to not only help your own body and the horseā€™s. It will also speed up your riding progression instead of fighting against your own body and the horseā€™s!

And off horse work can be easily woven into your day and become a subconscious habit. Which takes little or no extra time.

šŸ‡ Transform your riding and connect through your body and with your horse this summer! With my two course bundle ā€œThe Aligned Riderā€ and ā€œScreen Time to Saddle Timeā€ opening soon for 10 days only with a 33% discount!

šŸŒŸ Comment ā€˜RIDE33ā€™ to get on the waitlist and claim your discount!ā¬‡

Photo credit: Sandy Rabinowitz/dressage today

šŸ¤” Ever wondered why you have a tendency towards certain riding habits and corrections? Why you struggle to get past cert...

šŸ¤” Ever wondered why you have a tendency towards certain riding habits and corrections? Why you struggle to get past certain ones?

Look at this drawing from the perspective of how the riderā€™s body is reorganising to carry and balance the weight of the stone in the wheelbarrow.

This drawing shows beautifully how that altered posture is a whole body event and how itā€™s highlighted in the saddle.

šŸ‡ Twisting of the rib cage and pelvis

šŸ‡ Leaning forward

šŸ‡ Tension in the arm and neck

šŸ‡ Drawing the shoulder up

šŸ‡ And shortening of the left leg as itā€™s pulled up by the pelvis.

šŸ‡ The lower leg and foot turn outward

You become what you frequently do, so if this rider was doing this for large parts of the day, their posture would change. And you can see the riderā€™s postural changes when riding.

But just as the rider has to rebalance their body to push the stone in the wheelbarrow. The horse has to rebalance their body and movement to accommodate the riderā€™s altered posture.

Which affects their movement options and how their posture builds.

And altered posture does many things aside from making you groan when you look in the mirror! The change in posture changes, changes the way forces go through your body. Meaning specific areas of your body (Joints, tendon, ligaments etc) receive a lot more stress leading to their premature decline.

Which is often tied to the ageing process, when often itā€™s the way the body has been used. And the good news is working to restore your bodyā€™s natural alignment. Taking the stress off overworked areas .

I love working with riders when they realise the connection between their movement and riding habits. If you would like to know more about your posture and easy strategies and exercises, that really help and take very little time out of your day.

Get ready for a summer treat! Coming soon: my special double course offerā€”"The Aligned Rider" & ā€œScreen Time to Saddle Timeā€ā€”at 33% off for just 10 days.

Be the first to receive the course opening date and information.

Write RIDE below to be added to the waiting listā¬‡

ā›“ Itā€™s not perfection, its connection throughout your body that's important to me. And body awareness so we can feel wha...

ā›“ Itā€™s not perfection, its connection throughout your body that's important to me. And body awareness so we can feel whatā€™s going on.

šŸ§ā€ā™€ļø Riders come in all shapes and sizes and Iā€™ve many who felt slightly defeated because they donā€™t have long legged conformation of some riders.

Iā€™ve also worked with many injured riders who had many postural problems.

šŸ‡ Your daily habits shape your posture, and that, in turn, affects your riding. Bringing tendencies towards certain riding problems and difficulties.

Postural changes can lead to aches, pains, restriction and stiffness from the extra stress being placed in certain areas.

The riderā€™s posture directly affects the way their weight is transferred to the horse. And can limit your horseā€™s movement.

People understand the word posture as how they look. Traditionally, correcting posture involves moving and holding body parts in fixed positions which are not maintainable and can be detrimental over time.

Itā€™s not functional, restoring your alignment in contrast your foundations. Where your parts can work together and correctly. And becomes your natural norm enhances your body and riding skills!

Photo credit: Sandy Rabinowitz/dressage today

šŸŒŸMy summer double course offer, ā€™The Aligned Riderā€™ and ā€˜Screen Time to Saddle Time,ā€™ is designed to help you restore your natural alignment, enhancing both your body and riding skills. Building a functional foundation that supports your riding, reduces aches, and improves your connection with your horse.

Write YES below to be added to the course waiting listā¬‡

Can you guess the hidden link within all these rein contact habits? šŸ‡Thereā€™s a hidden element behind most rein contact p...

Can you guess the hidden link within all these rein contact habits?

šŸ‡Thereā€™s a hidden element behind most rein contact problems that often go unnoticed. Itā€™s not just about your hands or reinsā€”itā€™s something deeper?

Ever wondered why your rein contact isnā€™t as steady as youā€™d like? Thereā€™s one key element that is often overlooked.

šŸ¤” Hereā€™s a quick clue - riding requires the inter-linkage of many skills.

Which one do you think could be a factor? Guess belowā¬‡

And if you want help with all those riding skills I mentioned above, my summer course bundle offer (ā€œThe Aligned Riderā€ and ā€œScreen Time to Saddle Timeā€ online courses) is opening soon!! Grab these transformative courses with a 33% discount for 10 days only!

Knees gripping, rolling around, pain, stiffness, and restriction? Realise the rest of your body influences your knees!ā›“ ...

Knees gripping, rolling around, pain, stiffness, and restriction?

Realise the rest of your body influences your knees!

ā›“ A problem or weakness in another area can affect the way you load your knees. Creating more force to a specific area = extra wear and tear, restriction, stiffness and premature decline.

šŸŖ‘ If you sit frequently, your knees spend a lot of time in a bent position. Changing their muscle resting length over time.

Look in the mirror. You may notice you have a permanent knee bend! Which has gradually and often silently built over time!

šŸ‘‰Take your hips straight back

šŸ‘‰Gently work on taking the knee back over time!

šŸ‘‰Donā€™t force it! Youā€™re asking structures to work that havenā€™t for some time and allow others to relax.

The way you use and donā€™t use your body builds your individual posture.

The good news is the body adapted into this shape and, over time, can adapt back into alignment! Taking the stress off the area.

This is an example of a strategy in my summer course bundle offer (saving you 33%) above! And it really works, helping your body, your riding and your horse.

Write the word COURSES below for the information link ā¬‡

Postural changes often silently creep up on you. And also bring with them certain riding problems, difficulties and habi...

Postural changes often silently creep up on you. And also bring with them certain riding problems, difficulties and habits. Postural problems also affect some aspects of your health. And read about the benefits alignment brought to one rider with asthma.

You may think your posture is set in stone? Read my new blog to find out why it isnā€™t and how you can help yours!

Write the word blog below for the linkā¬‡

šŸ‡ Stop thinking of your riding position as a position! Something you have to hold. Something that has to look visually p...

šŸ‡ Stop thinking of your riding position as a position! Something you have to hold. Something that has to look visually perfect.

To improve your riding, to progress feel is a huge component. Forget visual perfection and build the connections through your body.

Riders often lack the confidence to listen to their body. The feedback you do and donā€™t receive. If you get into this habit, you will gradually increase your body awareness.

Iā€™ve shown are a few key skills and examples of the building blocks of the body.

āš–ļø Every skill relies on the quality of the others. Just as every part of the body works together.

Your balance will affect your feel

Your body awareness will affect your body control

Your balance will affect your control

And you could easily build all these skills within your daily movement! Through my training as a movement specialist, I use my body in a way that increases and maintains these skills. I just use it in an improved way through my day!

Your highly individual posture, which you TAKE to the saddle, has a large role to play in your riding habits.

And it can be such that one or more of these blocks has adapted its position. And then the rest of the body has to rearrange itself. Being pulled or pushed or falling in different directions.

Which puts you in the position of battling against your own body!

Sound familiar? Balance problems, canā€™t connect to an area, coordination isnā€™t as you would like? Canā€™t get your body to do what you want?

Tell me belowā¬‡

šŸ¤” Ever wondered why certain riding corrections are a struggle? Why you have a tendency towards certain ones?You may look...

šŸ¤” Ever wondered why certain riding corrections are a struggle? Why you have a tendency towards certain ones?

You may look at this drawing from the perspective of how the rider is balancing the stone in the wheelbarrow and how that balance translates when riding. But I want you to look at the riderā€™s posture with the wheelbarrow. If this person is doing this frequently through the day (and this can come in many forms, think about computer posture etc) this becomes their posture.

This drawing shows beautifully how that altered posture shows up in the saddle.

šŸ‡ We can see its effects on the rider and their riding.

Rib cage and pelvis rotation

Slight forward tilt

Tension in the arm and neck

Drawing the shoulder up

And shortening of the left leg as itā€™s pulled up by the pelvis.

The lower leg and foot rotate outward

Which all influences the horseā€™s movement!

šŸ‡ Things you might not notice in your everyday life are highlighted when you ride, shaping your riding habits and influencing your horseā€™s movement options.

You might be unintentionally making certain movements difficult and causing others to worsen.Your horseā€™s lifestyle, daily movement and habits are all shaping their posture too!

Have you ever wondered why you have certain riding habits? Tell me belowā¬‡

Drawing by Sandy Rabinowitz, dressage today.

Ever wondered why you have certain riding habits and difficulties? Walked past a shop window or caught a glimpse in the ...

Ever wondered why you have certain riding habits and difficulties? Walked past a shop window or caught a glimpse in the school mirrors and wondered why you have a adopted a certain posture.

Part of you canā€™t bear to look. Why do I do that? Even if you donā€™t have injury, your movements and lack of certain ones are building your body and current posture.

A posture which can place wear and tear on specific areas and make certain things difficult to do both in and out of the saddle.

šŸ‘ŠEven in my worst times, I never gave up on my body. I knew there was something out there that would give me my life back.

I had lost the ability to do many things, and lived a restricted life. I was told to accept my situation frequently, that this was as good as I would get.

šŸš¶ā€ā™€ļø I restored my body through my daily movements, which became habits. I began using my body and used more of my body in an improved way (which takes the same amount of time as using it in a way that doesnā€™t benefit my body)

Which also massively increased my body awareness. And I learnt so much about my body. Which helped me and my riding moving forward! (literally)

Have you noticed things with your posture in or out of the saddle?

Tell me belowā¬‡

šŸ‡ This applies to horse and rider! You know, when you were a child, and you pulled a face. And your mother would say if ...

šŸ‡ This applies to horse and rider! You know, when you were a child, and you pulled a face. And your mother would say if you do that for too long, your face will stick like that!

Well, thankfully, that never happened. But it does happen to your muscles when a movement and or frame is repeatedly used.

The muscle resting length will change to be ready for the movement and it isnā€™t getting much stimulation out of that, so other areas weaken.

šŸŽ Muscle use will dictate its resting length. So if the horse is constantly ridden with the neck shortened, the musculature will adapt to that, as sadly, thatā€™s where itā€™s getting repeatedly used.

āš ļø But remember, this is affecting the horseā€™s entire body! As these changes are not just happening at the neck. The whole body has to rearrange.

Aches, pains and injury in riders. Unexplained lamenesses and gait abnormalities can be from patterns of change that come from repeatedly using certain areas, and the postural changes this brings.

Want tips, strategies and exercises you can easily implement within your individual circumstances to aid your horseā€™s soundness and wellbeing?

Write the word SOUND below for the course informationā¬‡ļø

What I want you to see in this drawing is how on the tilted brush side. The riderā€™s entire body has rearranged, and that...

What I want you to see in this drawing is how on the tilted brush side. The riderā€™s entire body has rearranged, and that is the posture they take to the saddle.

Many fix on the upper body trying to achieve an upright position, but if we only focused on this. All those other changes in the lower body and pelvis will just get pulled into another position.

Bringing with it another set of riding problems, for example, balance, leg use, body awareness, etc. And if you also look at how the horseā€™s posture has to change to accommodate the rider. As they can only move around where the riderā€™s body allows.

The upright broom shows the riderā€™s position where the body is naturally aligned throughout. Not holding and fixing the body in positions to meet a visually recognised position which can't be maintained.

šŸ‡ Now we all come in different shapes and sizes and itā€™s not perfection we should be seeking. But building connections between our parts and the body awareness, control and balance that builds.

Want to know how to restore your natural alignment and be more prepared for the saddle?

My online course ā€œThe Aligned Riderā€ will do this and much more!

Write the word ā€œAlignedā€ below for the course information.ā¬‡

Illustration by Sandy Rabinowitz dressage today

šŸ–Developing feel in your riding. Proprioception is a diva, ever had that feeling when your trainer corrects you and it f...

šŸ–Developing feel in your riding. Proprioception is a diva, ever had that feeling when your trainer corrects you and it feels like youā€™re in outer space. You canā€™t connect with this area or maintain the correction.

And quite frankly, wonder if your trainer is even looking at you! How can this be so hard? Why does this feel so odd? Sound familiar?

Even if itā€™s a subtle correction, youā€™re trying to master it can feel a lot harder than you believe it should.

You may struggle to connect with certain riding corrections and movements. And feel your proprioception (perception or awareness of the position and movement of the body) is playing tricks on you.

Why does this happen, and what is it telling us? Well, it highlighting the areas youā€™re not connected to through their unbeknown to you lack of use in your everyday life.

And that lack of body awareness is really highlighted when you ride.

And it can be from injuries that havenā€™t been fully rehabilitated.

Your riding difficulties and habits arenā€™t by chance. Your everyday movements and lack of them build your posture. Which you bring to the saddle.

Tell me if you have ever had this experienceā¬‡

Illustration credits the wonderful: theideaoforder

Hip tension, weakness, stiffness and restriction when riding? This displays through the riderā€™s entire body in many form...

Hip tension, weakness, stiffness and restriction when riding? This displays through the riderā€™s entire body in many forms;

šŸ‡ Body control

šŸ‡ Balance

šŸ‡ Body awareness.

Canā€™t seem to progress with your riding. Are you repeatedly trying to correct the affect of a root cause?

šŸ˜« That bit of stiffness, ache or weakness you felt in your everyday life. Is highlighted in the saddle, leading to your tendency towards certain riding corrections or difficulties.

If you are interested in a few simple, gentle ways to connect with and be more aware of your hips, load them more and use more of your body. Which takes very little time? Iā€™ve put a free guide together.

Write the word guide below for the linkā¬‡

šŸ‡ Look at this drawing differently. Focus on the rest of the body, not the bowl. It shows beautifully how the rest of th...

šŸ‡ Look at this drawing differently. Focus on the rest of the body, not the bowl.

It shows beautifully how the rest of the body changes around the goldfish bowl/movement of the pelvis.

But if you think of this the other way. You come to the saddle with postural changes that pull your pelvis in that direction. You may not realise that your seat isnā€™t the problem. Itā€™s where the pelvis is being pulled or falling.

The body always works as one unit. And many riding corrections that you struggle to master are because they are not the root cause of the riding problem or habit they are a result of it.

If you are interested in gentle ways to help your body and connecting with and being more aware of your hips, load them more and use more of your body. Which takes very little time? Iā€™ve put a free guide together.

Write ā€œGuideā€ below to receive the link

ā¬‡Illustration by Sandy Rabinowitz (Dressage Today)

There are so many structures that are involved in the horseā€™s health which get crushed by forced riding practices. šŸ“Majo...

There are so many structures that are involved in the horseā€™s health which get crushed by forced riding practices.

šŸ“Major arteries and veins



And much, much more, as horses seem to have ever more increasing health problems. And sadly, many are ridden daily with pressure on these structures. What is the knock on affect of these practices day in and day out on their health?

The repetitive stress on vital health organs of respiration, digestion and circulation. As they have their own space where they can work optimally.

And both ourselves and the horse have a natural internal and external alignment. Where are parts need to be to work correctly and together.

Imagine trying to go for a walk or run whilst forcing your neck into this position.

I once attended 4 day course on human neck anatomy. And it highlighted to me how much health is housed in a personā€™s neck. There are so many structures in there that affect our health.

Forced training practices arenā€™t just causing premature wear and tear and injury to the horseā€™s body. Itā€™s also affecting their health!

Drop a comment below with your thoughtsā¬‡

Credits: Illustration by Sandy Rabinowitz.

Okay, hands up who out there is the above or knows someone who is the stereotypical equestrian?I was that equestrian, ri...

Okay, hands up who out there is the above or knows someone who is the stereotypical equestrian?

I was that equestrian, riding with my leg in a cast. I both ignored or just treated my body like a machine.

And I have met many riders when performing therapy on their horses who have said to me ā€œI take care of my horse but not myselfā€.

And then they laugh and walk off with movement, reminiscent of the tin man out of the wizard of oz! Which brings twofold problems.

The horse can only move around where the riderā€™s body allows, and so their posture builds around this. And when horses develop difficulties performing certain movements and some lameness issues.

Often these problems have been silently building for some time as they have gradually lost their ability to perform those movements.

Equestrians, I believe, view looking after themselves as a sign of weakness or something they just havenā€™t time for. Everything else takes precedence over their welfare. Itā€™s like they separate their bodies from their lives.

But this comes as a cost, and what I find with many riders injury it has to get to where they lose the ability to do something. Their body takes over and says no more!

This is met with great frustration and complete surprise. I was that equestrian, I had numerous warnings. And spent a decade living a very restricted life in constant pain. Things I had taken for granted I couldnā€™t do.

I spent ten expensive years searching for answers and had two unsuccessful surgeries at that time. Until I found and trained as a movement specialist. And rebuilt my body through movement.

I now do things I never thought would be possible! Looking after your body isnā€™t a weakness itā€™s an investment! For both you and your horse.

Drop a comment below on your thoughts

Illustration credits to the wonderful: Morgane Scmidt, Idea of order

šŸŽ The necks position and its impact on the rest of the body are often not considered. The horse should have the opportun...

šŸŽ The necks position and its impact on the rest of the body are often not considered. The horse should have the opportunity to work in different positions, rather than being limited to a single location.

When the neck is tense biomechanically, the back has to tighten up. And then the limbs have to move around the tension in the body. The whole bodyā€™s movement alters from restriction in the neck.

Relaxation of the neck is very important. Everything in the body interlinks and works together like the greatest display of teamwork if allowed!

āŒ Often the neck is restricted to fake a visual frame. When itā€™s building connections through the body, the horse needs.

Imagine trying to exercise whilst your body was being forced into a development and balance it wasnā€™t ready for or couldnā€™t physically do?

This is an injury waiting to happen as parts of your body would not be able to develop whilst others repeatedly overwork.

Injuries that appear to come from nowhere have often been silently building. Work on relaxation through the neck itā€™s so important for the longevity of the horse.

Want to learn more about your horseā€™s movement and body?

Follow me for more insightsā¬‡

Illustration credits to Sandy Robinowitz

šŸ‡ Rider health and your movement, how it affects your posture. You likely know the health benefits of movement, but in m...

šŸ‡ Rider health and your movement, how it affects your posture. You likely know the health benefits of movement, but in more ways than you probably considered! Were you aware of how your posture affects your health?

I rebuilt my body after significant injuries and experienced unexpected health benefits, including the disappearance of my IBS. Explore the surprising ways alignment and movement can transform your well-being.

Curious to learn more? And there is a breathing exercise in there for you!

Write the word BLOG below to receive the blog linkā¬‡

šŸ‡ The weight aid many riders connect this largely to their seat. However, everything above the seat and everything below...

šŸ‡ The weight aid many riders connect this largely to their seat. However, everything above the seat and everything below it affects the seat as the body works as one whole unit. You are the sum of all your parts!

Imagine that slight tilt of the head from a tense jaw or staring at a computer screen. Stiff ankle, rib thrust, tight hamstrings are just a few of the things that affect the way our weight distributes through the saddle. As they alter our posture!

šŸŽ And where the horse can move as things we many believe to be subtle can block the horseā€™s movement. Affecting the way the horseā€™s body develops and their posture and movement.

šŸ¦µ For example, an ankle injury and its affects on the pelvis. And the way the entire body sitā€™s above it, and the weight distribution through the other leg.

I love this drawing as it shows the barberā€™s pole as the torso and head as one long aligned pole. Rotational movements in the saddle, the body moving around a central axis of the spine. Ranging from the most miniscule to the larger rotations.

Required for example, for lateral work or riding a circle. Or the movements necessary for your safety when out hacking.

Now imagine that pole leaning like the tower of Pissa. How the weight and forces would change. And how those changes would affect the horseā€™s movement.

If you think as your body like building blocks working together. Itā€™s not about the perfect visual picture, itā€™s about your parts connecting and working together.

Want to know more about your alignment? My online course ā€˜The Aligned Rider.ā€™ will restore your alignment and much more. And it takes very little time to fit into your day!

Write the word ā€œALIGNEDā€ below for the course informationā¬‡

Credits: Illustration by Sandy Rabinowitz.

Your individual riding problems, ever wondered where they come from? Why you have been dealt these particular ones? Thin...

Your individual riding problems, ever wondered where they come from? Why you have been dealt these particular ones?

Things you're not aware of can really show up in the saddle! Or ones you are aware of, those rolled shoulders, neck tension, tight hips show up in a way you didnā€™t expect or link.

As the body works as one unit and the correction we believe we need to do and the root cause are often in different places. And the reason why many riders battle on to get past certain corrections.

I work in a way it uncovers the specific movements your body needs. And then learn to turn your exercises into new movement habits that fit into your day!

Which means a bit like when you learn to trot, once learned you donā€™t forget it. When you learn how to move in an improved way, you can prevent falling back into old habits.

And remember, it takes just as much time to work in a way that helps your body as one that doesnā€™t. And as itā€™s part of your movement, your body is getting far more through of the movement it needs through your day.

Rather than a small set of exercises for a small part of the day.

Is there a riding correction that you struggled with or are struggling to master? ā¬‡

šŸ‡ Want to know why you have a tendency towards certain riding habits? Why your riding habits arenā€™t by chance? And how y...

šŸ‡ Want to know why you have a tendency towards certain riding habits? Why your riding habits arenā€™t by chance? And how your body works together if allowed?

Write BLOG below and I will send you the linkā¬‡

Hugging horses wouldnā€™t that be the best job ever! šŸ‡ As well as being a restorative exercise specialist and qualified ri...

Hugging horses wouldnā€™t that be the best job ever!

šŸ‡ As well as being a restorative exercise specialist and qualified riding coach. Iā€™ve been a human and equine therapist for 25years. And itā€™s always amazed me how horses instinctively know you are trying to help them.

Some even actively help you, even though they have never met you. This is really moving a few horses spring to mind there!

Some are very nervous and take a while to gain trust. And itā€™s beautiful when they turn that corner and give you that honorary invite to truly help them.

Some try to tell you something is wrong, you just get a feeling of their subtle unease. And on some occasions, turning and looking at an area.

And these horses can look perfectly well, and often had multiple therapist look at them prior to me.

But I find in many cases, this has drawn me to a systemic problem. A problem inside the body. Which I then refer to a veterinarian. As you can get musculoskeletal problems where the cause is coming from an organ inside the body.

And then there are the comedians, cheekily up to subtle things that really make you laugh.

Ive learnt so much in my time as a therapist about the very varied personalities horses have far more than I could categorise humans in.

How they are always communicating with us on different levels. Riders often say to me it must be so hard working with a horse as they canā€™t speak.

I reply, no actually it isnā€™t because with a horse what they present to you is a clear picture with no preconceived ideas or worries.

Not that I mind when my human clients have these, but the horse and its body do speak.

Tell me about a time when horses have really moved you ā¬‡


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Thursday 09:30 - 20:00
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Saturday 09:30 - 17:00




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