Phoenix Performance Horses LLC

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Phoenix Performance Horses LLC Specializing in Equine Performance Enhancement and Rehabilitation Therapy through holistic modalities


Hello everyone!

As most of my regular clients know, I’ve mostly stepped away from offering therapies to focus on the training and competition of my personal horses.

While I will continue to offer a few services on a limited schedule, I’d like to offer some references for services we will no longer be offering🥰🫶🏼

Thank y’all endlessly for the love and support over the years, and for trusting me with your equine partners💞

✨What we still offer✨

⚡️ANMR (Equine Adjustment)

⚡️Western Saddle Fitting (NEW🥳)

⚡️Craniosacral Therapy

⚡️Holistic Nutrition Consultations

💞 What We will no longer offer and who to go to!💞

Recommendations: Sunset Equine - Therapy & Training or Legacy Performance Equine Therapy

💞 Massage and Cold Laser
Recommendations: Melissa Walthour or Synergy Equine Massage Therapy, LLC

We are an official vendor for the The Breanna Leigh Chadwick Memorial Foundation race this weekend! We will be setting u...

We are an official vendor for the The Breanna Leigh Chadwick Memorial Foundation race this weekend! We will be setting up Friday at 6pm!!! Since we will have our own horses to tend to, we will not have a booth setup, but will instead be working from our trailer.

We will have power and all our tools ready to give you and your equine athlete a competitive edge to take on the weekend! Simply text 706-506-9216 to book a time slot💕💕💕

Weekend packages, show specials, and multiple horse discounts will be HUGE!!!


💥Highly requested so we are finally going to offer💥


3 Options to fit every horse and rider’s needs with one locked in monthly payment, no price raises at anytime, and no limit to which services you can choose per session.

Preferred scheduling with 24hr availability and virtual appointments (session videoed or done live if owner not present) to fit all schedules

These prices are heavily discounted from our normal single appointment prices so take advantage!

Multiple horse / Barn discounts with zero travel fee up to 65 miles


-> 1X Monthly Session

-> Includes up to 2 Services per Session

$75/Month (+ 60/additional horse)


-> 2x Monthly Sessions

-> Up to 2 Services Per Session

$130/Month (+ 90/additional horse)


-> Weekly Sessions

-> Up to 3 Services Per Session

$250/Month (+ 120/additional horse)

❤️‍🔥PM/Text to get started❤️‍🔥

3 Month minimum commitment with special rewards and offers for continuation

The Difference between weekly/biweekly PEMF sessions with ANMR adjustments on my stallion Frenchman N Tx and no sessions...

The Difference between weekly/biweekly PEMF sessions with ANMR adjustments on my stallion Frenchman N Tx and no sessions at all for 6 weeks

Starting mid March 2023, I gave Drift weekly/biweekly Pulse sessions paired with ANMR adjustments. He was on a set schedule and would get weekly sessions on weeks where we ran 3+ times during the week and biweekly sessions when we ran 1-2 times during the week.

I ended his regular schedule July 1, 2023, and stopped all sessions while still maintaining a regular competitive schedule.

The first 3 photos are during this period of regular sessions. All times are top 10 1D

The last 3 photos are of the past 6 weeks. Not only were we struggling to maintain 2D times often falling in the top 3D, but we were consistently over half a second slower at all our normal arenas with zero other changes to his regime

This is the difference in regular therapy schedules, and nothing. It is a competitive edge I will never give up, but did so for a short period of time to show myself and others just how REAL the difference is!

And just because you don’t think your horse is “off”, does not mean they don’t need regular therapies. It is much easier to PREVENT injury, soreness, and tension, rather than address it when it is already established.

My horses get regular sessions of all services we offer that include:
>ANMR adjustment
>Massage (includes cupping, Gua sha, e-stim)
>Cold Laser
>Thermal Imaging
>Kinesiology Taping

What is it worth to know your equine partners are feeling and competing at their best and that you are aiding in their longevity?

Today was an ~emotional~ one. I got to hand off one of the first foal crop of Frenchman N Tx to one of my amazing friend...

Today was an ~emotional~ one.

I got to hand off one of the first foal crop of Frenchman N Tx to one of my amazing friends and clients!

So many people have asked if i am upset/sad over handing off one of my Drift babies, but sad just isn’t the word. I’m EXCITED!!!

These babies are the culmination of 6 YEARS of hard work and planning. Finding the perfect mares and stallion, raising, training and campaigning them, breeding and waiting for the amazing product to come a year later. I’m so so excited to have a Drift baby in such capable hands and to let the breeding prove itself! To continue growing and improving the breed and to have people wanting their own Drift babies is the most heartwarming and wonderful thing🥹💕

Here’s to your imminent success with DIAMONDSNDIRTYMONEY I cannot wait to follow your journey❤️‍🔥


My favorite western dressage barn getting all the good spoils to keep their equine best friends feeling and competing at their BEST🤩🥳

Receiving: ANMR/PEMF package w/ K-Tape as needed!🤩

Book this package for your equine best friends and FEEL the difference!

A healthy horse is a HAPPY HORSE! And prevention is KEY to maintaining a happy horse!Don’t wait until you’re having alle...

A healthy horse is a HAPPY HORSE! And prevention is KEY to maintaining a happy horse!
Don’t wait until you’re having alley issues, ducking barrels, refusing jumps, or other behavioral problems to have your equine best friends worked on!

When a human is injured and receives therapy to help them get better, they know they can easily return to competition because they know they took the steps to recover. Horses are NOT the same! When a horse is in pain, they take note of when that pain hits them and they will avoid doing the action that caused it which is why you see many horses running up the fence, ducking barrels, not wanting to enter the alley, refusing jumps, not picking up leads or cross firing. They are not attempting to behave badly, but they are avoiding what caused them pain in the past! And even after you go through therapies, injections, medications, etc. they may still continue the same behavior because we are not able to tell them that they will not be in pain when they perform the action that previously hurt them. Many times once a horse begins behaving this way, it takes weeks/months/or even years of restarting them and showing them from the beginning that they are no longer in pain when they perform.

So do yourself and your athletes a favor and always be one step ahead! Preventative therapies are life savers and your horses will thank you 💕
Book with to keep your horses feeling and competing at their very best and helping prevent injuries and rehab stronger and faster!



What is PEMF

PEMF therapy (Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy) alternately expands and contracts the cells in the body. The EMF pulses engage the cells, and the cells relax between pulses. The cells become more permeable during this process, which improves the cells’ ability to bring in oxygen and remove toxins.
A coil sends low-frequency EMFs in waves through the horse’s body. These EMF pulses are completely safe and non-invasive.

Although the EMF pulses are generated by a PEMF machine, they mimic the natural electromagnetic fields that are found throughout nature. The earth sustains a constant electromagnetic field. PEMF therapy simply targets these frequencies to stimulate cellular function.

How does PEMF work?

PEMF Exercise uses pulsed electromagnetic fields to bathe low energy cells in pure, raw energy. Each cell in your body is actually a capacitor, or battery, which holds a charge. Your entire body is electrical and your cells each need a measurable electrical charge to function optimally. In order to maintain good wellness, cells must be doing their jobs. PEMF Exercise supports the body’s natural abilities to optimize balanced body functions

We can think of PEMF as a battery charger for our cells. The voltage of a healthy cell is about -20 to -25 millivolts. We start to get sick when that voltage drops below -15 millivolts or less. Once our cells’ voltage drops below that level, they are unable to heal and become dysfunctional. By inducing a mild electrical magnetic current into damaged cells, PEMF therapy slows or stops the release of pain and inflammatory mediators, increases blood flow of the cells, and re-establishes normal cell interaction. With reduced inflammation, pain decreases, energy increases, and faster tissue healing occurs.

What Does PEMF help?

* Tendon and Ligament Injuries
* Sore Backs
* Sore Stifles
* Chronic Hock Soreness
* Sore Shoulders
* Non-Union Fractures
* Gastric Ulcers
* Colic
* Laminitis
* Stone Bruises
* Non-Healing Wounds 
* Aids in eliminating chronic or temporary inflammation
* Disperses Scar Tissue
* Relaxes and Energizes
* Enhances Range of Motion
* Improves quality of calcium made in the body
* Tendonitis
* Arthritis
* Osteoporosis
* Body Aches and Pains
* Navicular
* Headaches
* Anxiety
* Depression
* Insomnia
* Loosens tight muscles
* Detoxifies the body
* Aids in muscle growth
* Cuts rehabilitation time from most injuries to ⅓
* Decreases Likelihood of injury or re-injury
* Increases Circulation
* Enhances Blood Oxygenation by up to 200%
* Stimulates Acupressure points
* Reaches up to 16 inches into the body
* Feels like a deep tissue massage
* Instant Pain relief
* Expedited recovery from Strenuous Exercise

By using PEMF regularly, you can optimize your health and wellness.
Over time the cells in our bodies begin to lose their energy. The reduction of your cells energy is the root of cellular dysfunction. With PEMF you can energize your cells and reduce the risk of the cellular dysfunction. As long as the cells in your body remain healthy, your body will remain healthy.

(Numerous benefits of PEMF therapy have been manifested through more than 2,000 medical studies)

Message or click our “book now” button to schedule this revolutionary service for your animals AND yourself!!🤩



What is ANMR?

Animal Neuro-myofascial Release Technique, also known as ANMR, is a body alignment technique for both small and large animals. It utilizes a specialized tool that enables the practitioner to put motion into the soft tissues surrounding and adjacent to the vertebral column and other joints

Is ANMR Chiro?

Neuromyofascial Release is a muscle release technique, not a chiropractic technique. It is an effective way to relieve muscle pain and improve movement.

ANMR is an alternative to the traditional form of chiropractic spinal manipulation. Instead of using hands to do a manual adjustment, an instrument is used to deliver several rapid-fire pulses directed at specific sites on the body, at a rate faster than the body’s natural response time. This technique addresses neurological subluxations and muscular dysfunctions by looking at the horse as a whole and addressing the issue at its root cause. It relies on the response of the animal for feedback and is safer and more comfortable for them.

Does my animal need ANMR?

Muscular dysfunction will cause decreased performance. The spine connects the entire body and has many muscles attached to it. Dysfunctional muscles or trauma to areas connected to the spine can disrupt the neural feedback system from the spine to the brain. Muscular strain will cause the animal to compensate and alter his or her gait. This compensation will extend into the spine but an adjustment will return the animal to normal function.

How does ANMR Work?

When an animal has an area of dysfunction or subluxation along the spine, they will demonstrate an involuntary reflex (like a muscle spasm) when motion is administered to the corresponding vertebrae. The recurrent meningeal nerve is responsible for this reflex. The adjusting tool delivers a fast, short, gentle motion to the joint segment at a rate faster than the body’s natural response time. The technique restores proper communication between the spinal segment and the brain, releases soft tissues and allows the body to “re-set” the joint, thus solving the problem at the root cause and preventing reoccurrence. The reflex or muscle spasms will decrease or disappear when the the area of dysfunction is released.

Message or click our ”book now” button to schedule this amazing service for your 4 legged best friends!💕💕💕



With a wonderful 2022 coming to an end, thank you so very much for your support as clients and as friends! I met some amazing new fuzzy faces this year, and am so thankful for all the equine best friends and athletes I’ve been able to help!

With that said… I am planning a massive rebranding and redesign of our current business model to offer the upmost quality to our clients through our brand, services, and values!

With this rebranding coming within the next year, I feel it’s unfair to offer sponsorship opportunities this year since Phoenix will be coming to a very happy ending and rebirth!

I still would love to offer my gratitude for those who have trusted me to work on their equine best friends, so if you have been a client of PPH anytime from our beginning in 2018, to 2022, I’d love to extend an offer of 10% off all services for the entirety of 2023! I will also be sending out Special offers upon the official opening of our new business and location to further show my appreciation! Here’s to an amazing 2023 and to a year of ✨GROWTH✨ and ✨SUCCESS✨

Want to put some major horsepower in your barn?! Here’s your chance!!!🔥RAFFLE🔥Win a 2023 Breeding to FRENCHMAN N TXBreed...

Want to put some major horsepower in your barn?! Here’s your chance!!!


Win a 2023 Breeding to FRENCHMAN N TX

Breeding is LC with LFG
Includes 3 days mare care

This Raffle is 🤪extra special🤪 because there are TWO ways to win!

1. Tickets!!! Tickets are $25/ or 2 Tickets for $40!🤩

2. Book any service with Phoenix Performance Horses LLC prior to Dec 5 and get 1 ticket/horse booked!😱


Don’t miss out🥳🥳Buy a ticket for a chance to win OR get tickets by helping your horse feel and compete their best?!🥴❤️‍🔥...

Don’t miss out🥳🥳

Buy a ticket for a chance to win OR get tickets by helping your horse feel and compete their best?!🥴❤️‍🔥 you just can’t lose with a deal like that!!!

Want to put some major horsepower in your barn?! Here’s your chance!!!


Win a 2023 Breeding to FRENCHMAN N TX

Breeding is LC with LFG
Includes 3 days mare care

This Raffle is 🤪extra special🤪 because there are TWO ways to win!

1. Tickets!!! Tickets are $25/ or 2 Tickets for $40!🤩

2. Book any service with Phoenix Performance Horses LLC prior to Dec 5 and get 1 ticket/horse booked!😱



This was the first video I ever took of PEMF in action!

4 years ago TODAY I started my journey as an equine performance/rehab therapy specialist, training as a PEMF practitioner to offer a service to others I believed in and wanted to use on my own horses as well as others’!

I had no clue all the friends I would meet and knowledge I would gain about how horses work and what truly makes them function better!

Now 4 years later we offer over 15 different services all aimed at giving your equine partners the life and treatment they deserve that will allow them to compete and live pain-free and to the best of their abilities!

We’ve helped horses go from needing injections every 4 months to yearly or not at all!❤️

We’ve helped horses go from barely placing in the 3D to winning the 1D💜

We’ve helped horses go from running up the fence and refusing the alley to being EXCITED to do their job again and winning thousands!🤍

We’ve helped Injured horses SHOCK vets with recovery times cut down to 1/3 the expected time!💙

We’ve helped horses that were in their finals months live comfortably and get that sparkle back in their eyes💖

But most importantly, we’ve helped horse and rider teams understand each other a little better… communication is key in our sport, and pain can interrupt that communication and drastically alter how our equine best friends perform for and with us. We share A language forged in silence with our horses, and being able to give them a voice to tell their riders what is hurting and why they aren’t able to do what we want… it makes every second worth it and makes me so very grateful every time one of you trusts me with your horse💞

I cannot thank y’all enough for your support through these past 4 years, and we cannot wait to share our newest and biggest upgrades yet.

As a thank you, all new and current clients can take 10% off their next service, no limit on number of horses or services💓
And as a special thank you, all clients that started with us in 2018 when we first opened, get 30% off their next service❤️
🤍Offer valid through 9/10🤍


Just get started. 🐴


A common Question we get asked:
“What is the difference between ANMR and Chiro? Is it the same??

No! Chiro is not the same as ANMR adjustment. ANMR is an alternative to traditional Chiro and often sees better longer lasting results, here’s why🥰

ANMR adjustment focuses on the body as a whole, resetting the neuro system as well as helping retrain the muscles to hold the body in correct position to prevent future misalignment and be more comfortable for the horse:) traditional chiro methods simply push the body back into place, but fail to remember that bone does not move muscle, but muscle moves bone! Once the body is out of alignment, the muscles immediately begin retraining themselves (shortening or lengthening) to hold the body in position, so when you simply go in and push things back into place, the retrained muscles will pull it right back out, causing pain to the horse and an unsuccessful short lasting adjustment!:)




You do, you really do.



SCHEDULE FOR THIS WEEK 8/22-8/26Hey all! Sorry I’ve been inactive lately, trying to get our new facility built and ready...


Hey all! Sorry I’ve been inactive lately, trying to get our new facility built and ready to take your equine best friends in has been very time consuming!

Here is where we will be this week. Only booking 3 clients/day so text 706-506-9216, Press the BOOK NOW button, or comment/PM to reserve your spot!

Services offered listed below💕

Monday- Calhoun, GA/Centre, AL/Adairsville, GA
Wednesday- Chatsworth, GA/Ringgold, GA
Thursday- OPEN
Friday- Powder Springs, GA

✨This Week’s Special✨
Package Deal:
• Equine Adjustment
• 2 Kinesiology Tapings
• Gua Sha w/ Liniment
• Whole Body Thermal Imaging Scan

💰1️⃣5️⃣0️⃣💰 ($200 Value)


Don't sweat the small stuff :).


We focus so much on the end goal we lose sight of how much we’ve grown in the process.

Celebrate that growth. ♥️





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