Diary of a Highland Pony and his Dun friend

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Diary of a Highland Pony and his Dun friend This is a blog about how my highland and I get on in the world. I have had confidence issues so will be sharing plenty of tips on gaining confidence.

Oakley strutting his stuff on Sunday at  The Equi-Fun Club winter dressage series.  Honestly the dirty patches are where...

Oakley strutting his stuff on Sunday at The Equi-Fun Club winter dressage series. Honestly the dirty patches are where he’s sweating. Thank you PDG-Event Photography for the photos and speedy service.


The boys had Monday off, mainly because I needed the time off but it was back to it on Tuesday when Frodo and I went off to see David Rumsey Dressage for a lesson not at Crockstead Equestrian Centre as not enough people booked in so it was local to David.

I’m always slightly nervous about going to new venues, where to park will I find everything when I arrive and the list goes on. However this was somewhere I do go, well not to that venue but one just up the road most of my worries were about parking when I got there, needless to say I needn’t have worried although Frodo was slightly perturbed by a horse being loose schooled in the outdoor whilst I was getting him ready.

The indoor school was lovely and Frodo totally approved. We worked on getting him forwards and reactive to my leg, wrong leg in the first canter so we worked on me keeping him straighter as I was overbending and pushing him onto his right shoulder. Problem solved and we had some very nice canter, adding in a change of rein and a little counter canter. He was a really good boy and worked very hard, he did have a head up moment when the next person arrived and came in with a very nice dressage mare ❤ she wanted to say hello but we elected not to do that for a variety of reasons. I was chuffed to see that it was raining making use of the indoor school in poor weather always makes me happy. I put Frodo in the lorry to untack and tbh he wasn’t keen as this isn’t what we do, so it was a bit tricky but soon I managed to persuade him that it was fine.

Yesterday I had a lesson on Oakley, the trainer got on first as it means he works harder, there was a bit on an issue getting on, I did say I wouldn’t be riding but obviously I did. She got him going really nicely, he’s still finding his balance with the new bit and not leaning on it, so we get some wobbly bits as well as some very nice balanced work, which we’re slowly building into longer bits - he really tries hard and is such a good boy. I got on and he stood stock still for mummy and didn’t scare me at all ❤ he didn’t even move forwards, it was actually unfortunate timing as the dustman pulled up as I was putting my foot in the stirrup so the dogs started barking and it was all a bit noisy, he waited until I asked him to walk on. We worked on the rhythm in the walk as this was something that got marked down in the tests at the weekend, then added in a trot transition trying to keep him balanced, and some trot/halt transitions, gradual but not too gradual to get him more on his hind legs. Things to work on are noticing that he’s slowing down and rectifying it quicker so as not to spoil the rhythm and when asking him to keep going be quieter so he doesn’t shoot off. I think he was happy when the session was finished and I made sure I was clumsy when I got off to get him more used to things not being perfect, need to work on mounting again, he’d got better so know he can do it just need to reinforce stand and it’ll be great.

What an amazing weekend I’ve just had, although it really started on Friday with a lesson on Oakley to set us up for com...

What an amazing weekend I’ve just had, although it really started on Friday with a lesson on Oakley to set us up for competing over the weekend. Working on maintaining pace, slowing him down and then allowing him forwards. The lesson left me feeling positive about taking him out over the weekend, there’s still improvement to be made in the walk but it wont change overnight, who knew walk would be the trickiest pace.

He had a bath before bed so he’d be clean for the morning so at least when I went out on Saturday morning to feed he smelt nice, however he’s a little woolly and really needs clipping so was sweaty and didn’t look very clean.

Arrived at Plumpton College Equine in good time and the place was buzzing (almost literally) I’d forgotten about the football fields down the bottom and the million children having a blast. It was so noisy, I doubted my sanity and nearly drove home.

Got myself dressed in jacket etc…. And started getting Oakley ready, he actually stood tied up nicely, fascinated by tomato sauce packet doesnt he know about germs?

Time to go into the warm up and managed to position the block so I could get on, he was ok (yes alright he did scare me but that was my brain rather than him doing anything) he strode off with nervous energy, a quick pat and a soft ‘you’re fine’ and he visibly relaxed, well maybe not so relaxed as we had plenty of stress poo but he does keep moving so no worries, funniest bit was he spooked and one hitting the ground 🙈😂.

Time to go and strut our stuff, he actually felt better in the arena, although he wasn’t so sure about the leaving the boards to enter at A, but as he’s Oakley he listened to me - it felt like seconds later we were going back up the centre line and halting at G. All over as he was doing some head shaking I took him back in the warm up so I could settle him again and get off on a good note.

Really happy with the judges comments, all stuff we’re working on and it’s a journey we’re only just beginning a 5th place with 68.4 so tbh thrilled with him.

Home and he was thrown out in the field to get grubby again, yes he came in covered in mud 😱. I also found time to do a bit more clipper desensitisation, it’s going well so will get him clipped this week so he’s more comfortable.

Spent the afternoon clipping Frodo as his skin is slightly better, he had a rain scald type rash which the vet thinks is actually an allergic reaction to something, but not sure there’s anything in the field that he could have roPlumpton Colleges like I attacked him with a kitchen knife ratherThe Equi-Fun Clubo some bits are ok and others not so good.

Sunday morning Oakley and I went back to Plumpton College for more dressage this time (my favourite club) The Equi-Fun Club winter series, this is much contested and generally very oversubscribed so I felt we were lucky to have a rare slot, I hadn’t entered earlier as had a lesson booked with Frodo but got the time for lesson and it would just about work out.

It was much quieter with no football going on so I felt more relaxed, got us both ready and into the warm up same issue with getting on, once I’m on it’s all fine, but this time I didn’t immediately think I need hand holding so hope I gave Oakley more confidence and will bode well for going elsewhere. A friend was warming up her very cute (Oakley twin) and so we had a brief chat but Oakley really wanted to do his own thing, he’s not a social butterfly like Frodo or more likely doesn’t realise you get a true walk break when mummy’s chatting but I suspect this is a good thing really.

Time to go in and off up the centre line we went, I had expected it to be easier than Saturday but tbh he needed just as much, if not more riding, but it felt ok, some nice bits and some that I need to improve on, and all too soon back up the centre line and he had the weirdest of walks at the end it was a real struggle to keep him moving and straight. The judges comment was ‘crossing legs’ and yup that was exactly how it felt, we can work on that, he also started the same head shakingRebecca Woodt go back in the warm up as he’d stopped by the time we left the arena.

We were last but one so not long to wait for sheets and I was very surprised when Rebecca Wood handed me a red rosette and (better still) a box of celebrations with a good score of 68,41 so slightly higher than Saturday. Lovely consistent score although some were higher than yesterday and other’s lower, centre lines!! We now need to work harder and introduce canter to our lessons anPDG-Event Photographyay with it when on my own. I have had a look at the photos and I’m really struggling to decide which to buy as they all look so good ❤ thank you PDG-Event Photography I will try and spend this evening making a choice.

Got Oakley home and tasked the OH to turn him out whilst I Crockstead Equestrian Centreachine on and groomLeanne Wall Coachingaway, thankfully he wasn’t dirty as hadn’t been turned out so he would be in and clean to go off to Crockstead Equestrian Centre for a lesson with Leanne Wall Coaching, I’ve always really enjoyed her lessons at camp as she makes them fun, a big element in our learning because if I find it a chore tbh so will Frodo.

I’m really trying to improve Frodo’s canter as he can do it but we dont always manage to maintain it and so lose valuable points that way. So we did trot/halt/walk/canter transitions trying to get him a bit spicy and taking me forwards - he found this great fun, less fun was canter/halt lots of core work needed to improve that. Then we did canter circles but on a 50 pence shaped circle, which really helped. I am now feeling much more positive that we can really improve the canter, because I know if I can improve the quality it will be easier to also maintain it. Now I need to find some competitions to take him to so we can improve our skills out competing.

For all you asking yes I am exhausted today and that’s just reading about the weekend.

Competition Report -Intro 4 (on Oakley) at Crockstead Equestrian Centre 67.88 and a 2nd place.Oakley had been having a b...

Competition Report -

Intro 4 (on Oakley) at Crockstead Equestrian Centre 67.88 and a 2nd place.

Oakley had been having a bit of a relaxed few weeks because I was concentrating on getting Frodo prepared for the Associated Champs so tbh he’s not the fittest. However I did start the week as I meant to go on and had a lesson on him on Monday, it wasn’t a particularly good lesson, not because he was badly behaved but he just wasn’t going well, heavy in my hands, tricky to stop and just not feeling nice. A decision was made that instead of procrastinating about a new bit I would actually ring the Bit Bank and see what bit they suggested, so a neue shule (sp) verbinend was duly despatched on a trial basis, this is actually the same bit I have Frodo in. It turned up super quick the service both from the helpline and speed of delivery was impressive.

So on Thursday night I had a quick trial of it and I wasn’t sure if what I was feeling was good (overthinking brain) so when trainer came out on Friday I got her to have a sit before me, and she liked it. All the things I was unsure of were actually good - light in the hands. I really felt as if I had some control over him, and managed to stop him from my seat ❤

Saturday competing was meant to be quiet, when I entered I was the only one in the class, there was 8 listed for times although I think one withdrew. So when I arrived at Crockstead the car park was slightly busier than I thought it would be but still space to park.

Got us both ready and Oakley into the warm up. Brain went into overdrive and I regretted not having someone on the ground, brain told in no uncertain terms to hush, the horse banging around in it’s trailer was only bothering me not Oakley, he stood nicely by the block and paused long enough for me to get one foot in the stirrup and when asked to stand again he did so I could have two stirrups.

Slightly looky to start with but he’s not a robot he paid no attention to the trailer rattling past or anything else tbh, got him moving forward and up into trot outside shoulder under slightly more control.

Time to go up to the indoor and test time, he didn’t bat an eyelid whilst walking/trotting around the arena, no boards were trampled. Judge checked who we were, I did say if it was a bad test I’d give a different name 🙈😂

Ding ding time to enter at A he felt forwards and softer than last time, yes the first B to E change of rein wasn’t so good, lack of preparation on my part so it wasn’t very straight but the give and retake went well, I found myself smiling and enjoying the test a pleasure to ride him. Some mistakes just baby losses of balance but I was really pleased with how he’d gone, the final halt was much easier as he was more balanced and easier to get him to stop. I decided I didn’t need to change my name as he’d done me proud. Back to the lorry and time to stuff him with treats and get myself a coffee (and gossip) whilst waiting for results.

We got the prettiest rosette Charlotte Horscroft certainly knows where to get lovely rosettes. Feeling much more positive about our onward journey, need to trust my instincts more and listen to my horse and trainers.

Competition Report - Oh my word where to start?  For the last few years friends have asked why I don’t enter the Associa...

Competition Report -

Oh my word where to start? For the last few years friends have asked why I don’t enter the Associated Championships and tbh I’ve never been brave enough before but this year I realised we could enter three classes, and why not 🤷‍♀️

So on Wednesday we set off for Olney Equestrian Centre it felt like a mammoth drive so it took a while to get there (traffic on M25) but we did eventfully arrive and were directed into our parking spot, the office directed me to Frodo’s stable and I soon had bedding and him in there, tucked up with a net of haylage happily stuffing his face.

Thursday dawned way too early, friend was competing in the morning so once I’d sorted Frodo out I was helping her get her horse ready, working out which arena’s she was in etc……. Then time for a quick bite to eat, as I get nervous I really wasn’t keen on eating but did need some energy for riding, although my test wasn’t until 4.30 so a long old wait. Got him ready on time and into the warm up, we were on in the International Indoor arena so you warm up indoors in the Polo arena - there’s a walkway behind it which seemed to over excite Frodo at one point and he felt the need to tell me he’d seen another horse, despite the fact he was in the indoor with other horses. Our time to shine was here, went past the first judges table the judge complimented Frodo 🥰 which made me smile, bell went time to go up the centre line and erm enter at A grind to a halt and have a 💩 🙈😳 it would have been easy to let this spoil the rest of the test but I eventually carried on and we managed to finish the test without further incident and I didn’t forget where to go which is always a fear of mine, friends last minute ‘stop worrying you know where to go’ was enough to get my brain working.

Back to the stable and got him ready for bed, with a treat and a cuddle, then off to have dinner cooked by my friend and time for bed, again all too early it was time to get up and start all over again.

Friend had morning tests, but so did I so we weren’t around to help each other but that’s fine I don’t need hand holding, however I made the mistake of leaving my whip behind as was worried I’d forget to drop it before entering the arena. The walk down to the outdoor International 1 is stunning, past koi carp in a pond all very scenic with a beach bar overlooking the arena (shame it wasn’t warmer as it would have been lovely to have a drink there).

Again Frodo appeared to warm up fine but I’d have preferred a bit more ‘jump’ in him, all too soon it was our turn and in we went. All going well until he tripped in the canter transition and I lost my left rein so elected to do a circle and regain his balance, he then dropped me for the half circle and change the rein so we did it in trot rather than canter gah a costly mistake but another test ticked off and at least we were both ok.

Sadly it was a costly trip and our score was the lowest I’ve got in some time, I knew a pep talk was needed so I could just get on with it, so did the sensible thing and messaged my trainer and she put things into perspective for me. The rest of the test was ok and scores in line with where we are in training so as the saying goes tomorrow is another day.

The little girl in a stable near me had also had a tricky morning so we had a chat I made her smile with my tale of what Frodo did when entering the international Indoor arena (she laughed) and I hope she thought of this when she next went up the centre line.

Friday night we were joined by more friends and elected to have dinner in the Forge Restaurant, very tasty food and lovely to sit and eat overlooking the Indoor International Arena where the side saddle ladies were strutting their stuff. I think we were really good at not downing too much wine, thinking of hangovers for our final day.

So Saturday our test was at lunchtime so enough time to clear my head of all negative thoughts and get down to the International Outdoor (how I love that arena) but 2 this time instead of 1. Again Frodo warmed up well although he was beginning to feel quite flat and tired, just one more test I told myself.

Time to go in and around the outside of the arena, the beep went really quickly but less time for worrying, nearly at A and Frodo ground to a halt for a yup a💩 however we hadn’t entered the arena so all good there.

The test didn’t feel good and he dropped me in the canter half circle again and the change of rein so two scores effected again, I was so disappointed as feel I’d let us down but it wasn’t actually our worst score so not as bad as it felt.

I am so proud of my pony he as usual took things in his stride, we’ve never done a stay away show, let alone a big show. The Associated Championships were so much fun all the competitors were so friendly and supportive. The stewards doing the tack checks etc….. were all so friendly and keeping us all smiling, the tests ran almost to the minute. The show ground was looked after so well with poo pickers keeping the walkways/arenas clean etc…. And all the staff smiling and keen to make sure we all had a good time.

Plans are ongoing to ensure we get there again next year and are more prepared, yes we’ve been really lucky to go to stunning venues for BD camps but have mainly gone to quiet local venues for competitions so will sort that and start preparing Oakley for the same just in case I decide to do more with him.

Tuesday’s lesson report - today I took Frodo for a lesson with David Rumsey Dressage at Crockstead Equestrian Centre I l...

Tuesday’s lesson report - today I took Frodo for a lesson with David Rumsey Dressage at Crockstead Equestrian Centre I love having lessons in an indoor, more so if it’s raining sadly the weather was dry today but still a nice big indoor arena just before the Associated Championships is just what was needed.

I told David I didn’t want to run through the tests but practice some of the movements, so yes I ran through one of the tests and it actually went well, the canter work was much better than at the weekend, so if i can do that later this week I’ll be a happy bunny and I know that if I’m happy Frodo will also be happy ❤ he felt forward going with a spring in his step and an air of wanting to go forwards for me, most of the time he did wait to be asked. I still have bits I want to improve the free walk needs more stretch and more walk in a test I get worried about asking for more because if I’m not careful he jogs, relax the seatbones and encourage the swing!! In the canter transition have him straighter but supple to the inside, half halt is your friend, make him aware that you’re going to do a transition so he can do what you ask.

He had sweaty ears when we finished, which seemed about five minutes after we started, it wasn’t however at least as he’s had a lot of fur clipped off it could have been worse, and he could have been a sweaty mess, as he’s still out a lot (unrugged) I didn’t think he needed a full clip, that’s for next time.

I feel ready for the show and well prepared as it’s my first big stay away show and it’ll be busy I’m not sure how we’ll cope but I’m sure we’ll have fun together as we’re a team and we both like partying and fun so that’ll be the order of the day. No early tests which will suit me and all in different arenas so again all good.

Love the through the ears shot and the attempt at matchy matchy with the mounting block.

Competition report - yesterday Frodo and I went to Pachesham Equestrian Centre to do Prelim 6 we were first in in the cl...

Competition report - yesterday Frodo and I went to Pachesham Equestrian Centre to do Prelim 6 we were first in in the class with a time of 09.00 which is way to early for me. Obviously it was still dark when I went out to feed and then groom, it was getting light when we left, it was raining and I questioned how much I really wanted to go out, but needs must it’s winter and if I want to keep him fit these things need to be done and he’s fine being ridden in the rain.

It took longer than anticipated to get there but still time to get us ready and warmed up so all good there. It was still raining but not heavily so that was ok.

The warm up always seems miles from the car park at Pachesham and I think I’ve only been there two or three times with Frodo, and we’ve never done a good dressage test as his tendency to suck back and not go forwards rears it’s ugly head. So I was quite pleased to feel him almost pulling me forwards in the warm up, happily skipping through the puddles, always thankful for the lack of white or grey on him as the black from the surface just makes his hooves go black and it’s not noticeable up his legs.

Time to go in (said the lady with the clipboard) and off we set, around the arena and the beeper went so it was time to enter at A - whilst I knew the test I did second guess some of the movements but guessed correctly so it was reasonably accurate and felt sweet enough - he broke in one canter before X (disappointing) and wrong lead on the other one, which I took a while to correct as doubted my brain so took a huge hit on marks with a 3 and a 4, the free walk wasn’t good enough but at least he didn’t jog. The judge was fair with marks and spot on with her comments, and all the things we’re working on, and tbh I was using it to check my ability to learn and ride a test so a huge tick for that and it was a qualifying score so actually I can hold my head high.

He got shoved back on the lorry with his Rambo quick dry rug on to wick away all that rain and he could stuff his face with haylage. I went off to buy coffee and erm a pair of breeches and some socks from Rosetta Equestrian I was sad they didn’t have any of the gorgeous grey in my size but came away with a much winter friendly black pair and some socks. I cant wait to wear the breeches as they looked so smart on the pachesham staff and oh so flattering. I also bought a coffee (mocha of course) and a slice of rocky road which was absolutely delicious, sadly forgot to note the name of the coffee van but there was a good variety of cakes and paninis (had I been proper hungry rather than cake hungry) then chatted whilst waiting for the class to finish and scores/sheets to go out. We weren’t placed over all, I think we were 5th or 6th (more likely 6th) and 2nd in our section so no rosette for us.

I was also really pleased to have finished riding earlier as the weather got far worse although it was then much better. Once home he and Oakley went out for the afternoon and when they came in Frodo had a bath so he was all clean to be clipped this morning (he looks very smart).


Lesson report -

Yesterday Frodo and I went to one of my favourite venues Alder Lake Farm, I lovely the easy parking and surface as well as the fact the arena still looks brand new for a lesson with Daniel Bremner, his clinics are super popular so unless you manage to get a regular slot you might be lucky enough to get a rare cancellation, I was lucky and got a rare cancellation (and missed out on one later in the month).

I always use the mounting block in the school as it allows me to tighten the girth by the lorry, walk him off and recheck it before getting on, yes it went up another hole. From the start he was forward going and happy to be out, maybe it’s also his favourite arena ❤ or he picks up my delight 🤷‍♀️ Daniel asked what we wanted to work on and I explained we’re going to the Associated Championships and need to work on not just our canter transitions but being more capable of maintaining it, I’m not expecting to win but do want to feel as if we did the best we can, ok so I said I didn’t want to embarrass Frodo by riding badly 🙈

So we worked on transitions, Frodo needs to be quicker at responding but I also need to be better at preparing him, we worked on transitions within the pace at trot, keeping my rises uniform and him not pulling me along, little (big) half halts as necessary, if you’re doing a walk transition establish the walk before going back to trot and expect him to push not pull. Then in the canter again don’t surprise him with the transition prepare and then ask - we had a couple of slightly wild canters or fall into trot and try to charge off, rebalance the trot and then expect better - but if you prepare better before the transition the quality of trot will be better. It felt like we’d done 5 minutes and the next person was ready to come in, no she wasn’t trying to barge in early, the lesson really had been going on that long, honestly neither of us was quite ready to finish although Frodo was actually rather hot and sweaty he would usually have said no more but he was up for another canter I’m sure.

I had at least remembered to put a cooler in the lorry so could pop that on him for the journey home and keep him comfortable. He got off the lorry happy as ever and looking very pleased with himself.


Monday’s lesson report -

Obviously it was raining, it feels like the story of my life at the moment but needs must so I didn’t cancel but did put my waterproof breeches on.

We worked on transitions within the paces, easyish in walk and trot and a struggle in canter but unless I keep trying we wont ever change. I still have to be careful in the canter transition that I don’t throw the reins at him in an effort to encourage forwards, this really doesn’t wok. In the trot we did change the rein and use leg yield to get back to the track, my poor brain struggled with this slightly (to say the least). The best free walk is the one I call a camel walk, loose and ground covering with the feeling that he’s stepping under.

I can see the changes in his way of going so know we’re working in the correct way, his weight and breathing are so much better I just need to keep going even though the weather isn’t really conducive to riding although I can hire local venues to keep dry - often though it doesn’t rain that day. I also bought a new coat yesterday, a short jacket that should be smart and short enough for competing and lessons.

Frodo then had a bath and an afternoon either wearing a drying rug or under the solarium to dry off, the pair of us nearly fell asleep under the solarium ❤

Frodo and I had great fun hacking here 🥰 well worth the drive.

Frodo and I had great fun hacking here 🥰 well worth the drive.


Lesson report - yesterday M Dressage World came to teach me. I usually have my lesson with him on Oakley but he was so muddy when he came in that I couldn’t face scrapping the mud off and hoping it dried that I shoved Frodo under the solarium and tacked him up instead, there was an ulterior motive as I’m trying to fit in as much training on him as possible before the Associated Champs so this was a golden opportunity.

Frodo felt keen to get on with the lesson really walking out, so shortened my reins and got on with it. Transitions within the pace are working so well, he’s much quicker to come back, don’t lose your outside rein it’s a useful tool!! There are some trotting poles in the school which Frodo was keen to go over, so if it encourages the forwards then tbh why not, I’ll take any help I can get. Quick run through of the test we’re riding, with slight changes as my arena is only 50 long but by telling myself the long arena markers it helped to get it to stick in my mind. The final centre line still isn’t quite right and the canter loop I need to remember the transition is after X not over it. Best bit was it didn’t rain in the lesson, I have form for very wet lessons at the moment so it was a pleasure not to be soaked.

I’ve also found a competition at the end of the week to have a competitive run through of the test, so need to enter that and prepare to have a good time.



Every time you feel frustrated because something isn’t working, take a breath and remember that your horse doesn’t know the goal you’ve set. They don’t understand tests or scores—they understand partnership. It’s not about doing the perfect canter transition today; it’s about showing your horse they can rely on you, no matter how long it takes


Lesson Report - this morning at what felt like dawn (it wasn’t) I fed the boys and soon after started getting Frodo ready for an outing on the lorry. We went off to Crockstead Equestrian Centre for a lesson as I wanted to practice the test we’re doing in a couple of weeks and thought this would be perfect as we could also have a lesson.

Despite the morning traffic and having to reverse for a dustcart that wasn’t going to pull into the space next to them managed to arrive on time and get him tacked up super quick. Went into the arena and he spooked as I was getting on, obviously I laughed and nothing bad happened however I laughed even more thinking that had it been Oakley I would have thrown myself to the floor sobbing about how I couldn’t ride. Well played Frodo.

Started to warm him up and again he wasn’t going well but equally not badly just ‘not well’ and so I was grumping and how it was all hopeless, thankfully not only did I give my head a wobble but was gently told by the trainer to get on with it, soon enough we were getting some good work we did plenty of slowing him down with a half halt and sending him on he seems to like doing this, I need to make sure not to throw the reins at him when I send him on but to contain the energy.

We then decided to run through the test and I seemed to remember where to go and whilst got a bit muddled with exactly where the transitions should be it was ok as I remembered the pattern. Quick chat about how to improve and then let’s run through it again, brain says not but heart said get on with it, so we did.

It felt better and Frodo felt more willing, do need to make sure I dont send him forwards too much and onto his forehand but equally make sure I dont shut him down. I think he was quite pleased we’d finished, I parked him up and helped put the boards away - he did seriously stand still until I returned to him, he accepted sweeties of the trainer and happily came back to the lorry with me.

Once home I decided to bath him and midway through got a message to say the farrier way on the way so parked him under the solarium to dry off (making sure he was fully dry before taking him out) feet all done for both of them Oakley whilst he’s not keen to hold feet up (and they’re huge) he does allow the farrier to pick them up now and only messed around with one foot, this is massive progress but obviously I’d prefer him to hold his own feet up.

They’re now happily back out in the field, my only irritation at hiring Crockstead is whilst it’s lovely I wanted it to rain and make proper use of an indoor arena, it did rain but not whilst I was in there. I do love having a local school that is so easy to hire mind you.




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