King's Kavalry - JR Horse Training

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  • King's Kavalry - JR Horse Training

King's Kavalry - JR Horse Training Premium horse training focused on building integrity in relationships between horses and people I found a coach and trainer that soon became a friend.

My Journey with horses started back when I was trying to become my own person distinct from my siblings looking for an outlet to grow in confidence and independence. Chacho saw a young man that had a lot of energy but not a lot of direction. Through him I learned training techniques, coaching style, people management, ethic standards, and business goals. I really owe all of my current ability to t

he foundation that Gustavo Gonzalez in Uruguay gave me, so that when I moved to Canada I could continue learning and teaching myself as I got my hands on more types of horses. From there I worked in a few different places such as a jumping consignment barn working with young difficult warmbloods, ranch camp, teaching kids the basics, and where I truly grew working for myself over the last 8 years with my own clients. These clients have seen me specialize to fit the niche of remedial training traveling to the horse. My focus in those years was helping clients at home fix simple to complex issues that kept them from enjoying their horses. anything from being hard to catch, to bucking into a lope can take the joy out of this wonderful hobby. In almost every circumstance the owner also had something to learn and work on, and it gave me incredible joy to add extra value by helping the client meet their horse in the middle. So over the course of the last 8 years I have worked with many breeds such as AQHA, Warmbloods, Friesians, Percherons, Clydes, Morgans, Arabs, Standardbreds, Appaloosas, and a lot more. With that diverse experience I have gotten a lot of experience with many disciplines from amateur horses to horses prepping for showing. In the future I will continue working with difficult horses and doing some horse starting but my main focus will be to broaden reach by developing courses, clinics, and quality clients.

Are you stuck in your horse journey? Reach out to me and let me know if a virtual training session or if a phone call fo...

Are you stuck in your horse journey? Reach out to me and let me know if a virtual training session or if a phone call for advice would help you!

What challenges have been thrown at you this summer with your horse?

What challenges have been thrown at you this summer with your horse?

Why wait 5 months until the next training opening to send your horse away when you are capable but just lack the persona...

Why wait 5 months until the next training opening to send your horse away when you are capable but just lack the personal guidance? Grab a friend and record the session and send it to me! Or video call me and let me help you diagnose why your horse won't trailer. I have great outlines and lesson material ready to be made into courses but want to start with what you are having issues with.
- 30 minute video course made to order on your topic of choice - $130
- 30 minute video call - $60
- Response to your 10 min video - $55

Had a great clinic yesterday with 3 sets of sessions talking with over 20 people! We all learned so much and enjoyed get...

Had a great clinic yesterday with 3 sets of sessions talking with over 20 people! We all learned so much and enjoyed getting out of winter mode before this storm hits!


What have you been doing with the nicer weather?


What was the best clinic you attended? How long of a lasting effect did it have on your riding and relationship with your horse? Doing research to make my clinics better! If its more fun what was the worst clinic you ever attended?


Would anyone near Selkirk have obstacles like a bridge, teeter board, some light spare panels, and such? I would really appreciate borrowing some for February 10th if you wouldn't mind me picking them up and bringing them back


Home horse enthusiast I need your help!
If you were to buy a 30 minute video course on a particular topic what sort of price point would you be willing to pay for it?

A) 5 dollars B) 10 Dollars

C) 20 dollars D) 30 Dollars

Vote below in comments or with a specific kind of like! ^^^

Imagine if you were able to ask me your biggest training question and have a personal answer in a video form for reference, what would that topic be?


1. Horse Trailering
2. Desensitizing for confidence and relationship
3. Proper lunging technique
4. Herd Boundness
5. Mounting issues
6. Rider lack of confidence
7. Young horse prep
8. Lack of motivation to work with your

I would really love to hear from you so I can put effort into a few courses that you can keep for reference! Please invite your friends to comment on here by tagging them so I can see feedback!

Do you plan ahead a bunch!? My Clinic Schedule is coming together for this year!  I am planning them all back to back so...

Do you plan ahead a bunch!? My Clinic Schedule is coming together for this year! I am planning them all back to back so they are my main focus for those two months. I have so much for you all to learn, work on, and have fun with. I will bring my special touch to teaching so that you are riding more than sitting on a horse, and learning while doing more than watching everyone else do something.

Video Ad coming out soon along with details and description for each clinic! I hope you find something to fit you and your horse! Let me know if there are any other topics you would like covered! I would appreciate spreading the word and bringing your friends! Hoping for high value, close community, fun clinic culture.
Please save these dates and follow my page to be ready for when the website sign up comes out! I am so excited to serve you all at all these great locations!

Hearthstone Stables - Selkirk
Praire Wind Ranch - Thalberg
Oakview Ranch - Steinbach
Cranberry Hollow Equestrain - Gameland

Wish you could have some good saddle time with your horse this winter? I am teaching how to guide your horse through men...

Wish you could have some good saddle time with your horse this winter? I am teaching how to guide your horse through mental challenges on February 10th at Hearthstone Stables! I will set up challenges like step ups, gates, alleyways, and other common areas where we encounter challenges on rides. We will end with a miniature cowboy challenge to put those who want to, to the test! Just 60 dollars for 2 hours worth of lesson time with 4 other people! I am here to serve you by offering excellent instruction focused on you and your horse specifically. We will bring up skills like how to read your horse's mood, adjust your pressure, be clear in cues, lead with confidence, perfect our lateral and forward control. Message me here if you want more info!


What are your January-February goals for you and your horse?

Change is as hard for you as it is for your horse...When you pull yourself out of your safe and known routines, a storm ...

Change is as hard for you as it is for your horse...

When you pull yourself out of your safe and known routines, a storm starts brewing in your life. The questions marks of what comes next being bigger than the certainty of the foundation you rely on.

Similarly your horse doesn't know why today you are doing something different than yesterday, why are we trailering, why are we picking up my feet every day, why are we riding further from home, and why are we working so hard all of a sudden? When you send them to the trainer and their whole life changes, then they get used to that routine only to have their whole life fall apart when they get home. We as humans are unable much of the time to keep the consistent routine that creates a sense of safety and dependability for out horses. How would you enjoy getting pulled away from your comfy morning coffee to run a marathon a random day this next week? That abrupt change will make you question your reality fairly quickly. Some much of how we live our day to day gets internalized into how you view yourself. I am.... a father who barely has enough energy to provide for my family. I am.... a stay at home mom who hardly can get out of the house without a kid on my hip. I am.... unable to ride like I used to because of x reason.

Our foundations are built up on how we view ourselves, the support systems we rely on, and the knowledge we have gained from our life experiences.

Your horse's foundation for how they view life is made up of similar things, what support do they have, how have they been taught to think through stress, and how were they rewarded when doing the right thing.

A solid foundation makes yourself and your horse more resilient to change. That solid foundations is made up of knowledge, resilience in trial, self-awareness, and unchanging values that are true.

Invest in your foundation, and invest in your horse's foundation by helping create a new routine for them for that will last 2-3 months to give that new stability. And for yourself, create space for change.


My heart would be happy if you would read this....

The horse yelled at too much, might just stop talking back.

A certain personality of horse tries really hard and cares immensely about what you want. He tries and tries to understand what you want but just doesn’t get it. He is punished for trying because his actions aren’t the explicit right one. His self-esteem and willingness to risk attempting to please you is sucked out of him by your emotional lashing out. His back bone and will can be broken so that eventually he will just do as he is told but the life is gone out of his eyes at that point. When the life is gone, his will to move ahead and willingness to try new things also dies. He drags his feet doing just enough with downcast head and sagging ears. You nag him, try to give him treats, try to entice him with what used to make his eyes light up. You are staring at the husk of what you once used to love. Once in a while he lets you know he isn’t happy and you see the pain behind his outburst. But just as quick as it started he pulls back into his shell.

Ladies, I exaggerate this for a specific point. I am not talking about your old gelding in the pen. I am talking about a person that could be your husband, partners, son, father, or boyfriend. Many are only a shell of what you once knew them to be. Help them heal, because life is hard on the silent sufferer.

Men, it’s time you start healing and living for the sake of yourself and those around you. Your people want to see life and joy in you. Life can be richer than work, fixing up the house, and partying with the game on the weekend. If you don’t know how let me get you started.

To the silent sufferer whether man or woman.

First step is to admit you're hurting

Second is to tell someone

Third is to heal

Fourth is…



Nominate a horse person in need for a free Christmas training session!Hey all! I want to give back this Christmas to som...

Nominate a horse person in need for a free Christmas training session!

Hey all! I want to give back this Christmas to someone in the Winnipeg vicinity in need. I am looking for deserving horse people who may have fallen on harder financial times, illness, or injury. Who do you know that gives of themselves so much and would smile at seeing their horse overcome something difficult?

The most benefit would go towards someone who has the time to use what I teach them to continue the work after the free session! I am offering 2 spots! Please nominate someone you care about in the comments and dm me how they would benefit! If you wouldn't mind sharing this post to get it to those who can really use it please do!

For those of you interested in a freelance trainer I would love to talk to you about your needs that are being unmet currently! You and your horse deserve professional help together!

This horse just wouldn't stop kicking at me for a full month!  I'm starting a series of stories of different horses I ha...

This horse just wouldn't stop kicking at me for a full month!

I'm starting a series of stories of different horses I have trained and things that they have taught me! Last winter I worked with a pair of mares who were very complicated socially. What I found was that they had not moved locations in 5 years and they were getting started as 10-year-old mares. because they had moved around locations very often and because they hadn't seen many other horses there was a large amount of herd bound reactions.

One mare in particular Had the capability to fully turn off her brain when she became socially anxious. There are very few horses that are intrinsically dangerous because of their personality. Most horses through a series of events throughout their life and because of the circumstances in which they are in learn to have certain coping mechanisms that they rely on to feel safe or in control of their situation. when the horse doesn't have a feeling of control because they're in new circumstances they tend to head towards whatever coping mechanism has worked the best in the past. This mare tended to go straight towards the Gate of the round pen and lock up her feet. Usually it's not a very difficult fix to get them moving their feet and to start moving around the round pen. her anxiety and worry heightened enough to regular pressure that her brain completely shut off. she would start kicking out with both feet to any pressure near her rear end. Indiscriminate feet flying everywhere. It was a daunting issue because one of those kicks to the wrong area and I could end up in the hospital or in the cemetery. The fact of the matter was that you could put any sort of pressure or discomfort or positive reinforcement and she did not care. food did nothing, having friends around to lessen the stress did nothing.

Ultimately something was wrong in the circuitry of the brain that had happened at some point in her life and we were in full rescue mode for the sake of this horse and for the sake of the safety of people in the future. We had to get extremely creative to figure out what sort of pressure would get a forward reaction and get the front feet to actually move from a safe distance. I figured out after a lot of trial and error that pressure around her midsection with a lunge line got a forward reaction and helped us get to the bottom of her disassociative behavior.

so lessons to learn from this! If you ever have a horse that fully shuts down and is dead to the world around it, be very careful. That is the sort of horse that is unpredictable and will hurt someone. If the horse shows no self-preservation and is willing to inflict pain on itself to get to what it wants, it doesn't matter how much it likes you, it no longer realizes that you exist and will go through you to get to what it wants. This is a mental illness or disease not a healthy horse. they are very few and far between but it is possible. The majority of the other horses are just acting out of what they understand and really are not at fault. Those horses really aren't that dangerous because they're extremely predictable and easily trained out of their reactions to a more relaxed and peaceful state.

Clinics! I am making my video trailer and website page for clinics for this next year! If you have a testimonial of a cl...

Clinics! I am making my video trailer and website page for clinics for this next year! If you have a testimonial of a clinic of mine you were at this previous year I would love to hear about it so I can let others know the value they will receive! Even better if you could do a short little video about what you appreciated and what uniquely I was able to help with!

I have one planned for south western Ontario, and then also 3-4 others with ideas ready. So moving on the front quickly and by January should have sign ups ready! If you would like to host or participate, I would love to hear from you!


What sort of content are you most likely to read/watch?
1. Short Videos 👍
2. Written posts with pictures 😀
3. Longer videos❤️

Please react or comment below!

Looking forward to this next winter training season! Looking for a couple more horses to fill out the roster for the win...

Looking forward to this next winter training season! Looking for a couple more horses to fill out the roster for the winter! It is a really great time to get a jump on the summer and have your horse get the consistent time that is tough with winter. Here is a testimonial from the owner of two mares I worked with last winter!

Incredible story!!!
He was amazing from beginning to the completion of our session!!
I’ve never met or talked to Justin prior to reaching out to him to set up training sessions for my 2 horses. We ended up putting them into a winter workshop, and I’ll tell you… no regrets at all!
He is truly a man who loves what he does, and loves horses. Not only that, I’ve come to realize that he is a really good person.
Thanks Justin!

Jack Martin L.

Check out the new website at!


We were dealing with herd boundness, lack of bit sensitivity, a bit of a cold back, and just a rusty horse haha. She relaxed so well after realizing she doesn’t have to be in flight mode!

Your horse needs YOU to LEAD them in their life skills!Are you tired of feeling incapable when it comes to leading your ...

Your horse needs YOU to LEAD them in their life skills!

Are you tired of feeling incapable when it comes to leading your horse through their life routine? The annual checklist of tasks for a thriving horse can be daunting, from deworming struggles to trailer loading nightmares. Ever asked yourself why your horse won't cooperate, leaving you seeking advice from friends and the internet?

It's time to put an end to the confidence-crushing experiences. Whether it's catching, leading, picking up feet, blanketing, tying, deworming, taking a needle, or washing your horse - you deserve the expertise to handle it all.

Our Approach: Building Confidence, One Step at a Time

At King's Kavalry, we don't just train horses; we empower horse owners. We work directly with you, teaching and building your confidence step by step. We believe in creating owners who can continue to help and lead their horses without constantly needing outside assistance.

Our focus is on helping clients develop the life skills of their horses by understanding and influencing the horse's mindset. We coach you in training your horse on simple things that make a significant difference. We come to you, offering flexibility with options for a single session to get you started or several sessions to delve deep into your horse's training needs.

Results: Real Transformations in an Hour

Wondering about results? In an hour we helped a 3 year old gelding in being able to take a needle for the first time, despite previous rearing issues during vet visits. No lip chains, no twitches—just a solid start on an area the horse was once very worried about.

I am available in a two-hour radius from Winnipeg! Winter is an excellent time to work on these skills, because of the weather! It also gives you time to keep the mind of your horse sharp when horses usually sit in winter a lot more.

Virtual and video consultations available! I would love to work with those who are further away and need 1 on 1 support!

Let's tackle your biggest speed bumps and deal with the annoying tasks so the become thoughtless. What life tasks are you having trouble with? Would you recommend this service to someone else?

If you are unable to control your own emotions you will never be able to lead your horse in managing theirs! Follow my p...

If you are unable to control your own emotions you will never be able to lead your horse in managing theirs!

Follow my profile to learn better how to lead your horse physically and emotionally!


Video from this years clinic with Liam!


Will be getting back to traveling training this next week! Current clients look for messages on Sunday setting up appointments. If you are wanting winter help on loading, manners, riding, or anything else please let me know!


What is your biggest horse struggle currently? How could I help you with that?

Taking a day to pray for others and myself, so if you have any burdens on your heart feel free to dm me and let me know ...

Taking a day to pray for others and myself, so if you have any burdens on your heart feel free to dm me and let me know how I can pray for you.

I don't believe there is anything magical about my words, but I do believe in power of Him who rescued me to be able to help you as well..




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