Greenwood Veterinary Hospice

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Greenwood Veterinary Hospice Greenwood Veterinary House Call Services is dedicated to palliative, hospice, and end-of-life care for pets throughout Durham Region, ON.

In memory of Chloe..........To my Princess Chloe,Not a day goes by that I don't think of you and tears fill my eyes.  Sa...

In memory of Chloe..........

To my Princess Chloe,

Not a day goes by that I don't think of you and tears fill my eyes. Saying good-bye was one of the hardest things to do. You are no longer in pain or discomfort but instead running free with friends (some of whom you know).

You were well known in the neighbourhood. Often times people don't recognize me now because you are not by my side. Seems bizarre but it was as if you were my identity. Others will ask about you and are saddened to know that you have passed on. "She's beautiful" they would say and I would politely say "Thank You" when I really wanted to say "I know".

I miss you on our lounge chair. You loved to be in the backyard with us watching the birds and bunnies or just lying there sunning yourself. You were always good at joining in on barking when Eddie or Holly would bark next door although you could be quite a bit of a nosey neighbour trying to look over the fence.

Have you found many sticks? I'm sure the ones where you are don't break when you bite down on them. We still have your soccer ball. It's a flattened disaster but you didn't seem to mind. Daddy would throw it for you and you would always still go and fetch it.

I miss sharing meals with you. You were good at eating healthy. You would never eat your kibble plain. It had to be topped with some type of protein or cooked veggies. Are you still having steak dinner on Sundays?? If not, you should put in your request for tenderloin. Not raw...cooked to about medium.

There are so many things that I miss about you Chloe but I am sure that you already know that. I hope that where you are and whatever you are doing brings you soooo much love and happiness just as you brought to me in our 10 years together. I will always love you and never forget the wonderful memories that we had together.

We all love you and you will forever be in our hearts.

Love mommy...XO

In memory of Darby..........Darby was the best of dogs from the moment he entered our home until his final breath.  He w...

In memory of Darby..........

Darby was the best of dogs from the moment he entered our home until his final breath. He was the best boy, and we miss him every day. We are forever grateful that the shy dog chose us to be his forever family. I was never without him. Darby loved to ride in the car to pick the kids up and drop them off at various activities. Darby was a social dog that enjoyed meeting everyone along his journeys. He was a Mommy boy, and I miss his company very much.

Thank you again for making his final journey as easy as possible.

In memory of Molson..........Molson was pure joy and had an excitement for life (especially food, treats and walks at Gr...

In memory of Molson..........

Molson was pure joy and had an excitement for life (especially food, treats and walks at Greenwood!) during his 12 years with us. We are all missing our sweet polar bear, who passed peacefully at home on March 5, 2024. He brought happiness, laughter and big licks to all who met him! Molson was a gift to us all with his loving, loyal and pure heart, and was a wonderful companion to our other golden, Tora. Run free Molson, along with your mom Chloe, and Abbie before her.

In memory of Quinn..........Thank you for reaching out and for remembering our Quinn. It's been almost five months since...

In memory of Quinn..........

Thank you for reaching out and for remembering our Quinn. It's been almost five months since he left us and the pain is the same as on that day. Some days we don't know how to get past it. We continue to live but with any flavour. Any life Quinn touched he made better. He was the sweetest, gentlest soul I have ever met. He was our beautiful boy and companion to his brother Milo. He was courageous, fearless, and goofy. He lived everyday like it was his last. Quinn loved to swim, play in the snow, and run around with his brother. He loved eating watermelon, peanut butter, and cucumbers. He will be missed for as long as we are alive. I hope I meet him in the next life, if there is one. Quinn's energy is out there, somewhere.

In memory of Della Mae..........Della Mae We miss you and your protective, unconditional love.  We are forever grateful ...

In memory of Della Mae..........

Della Mae
We miss you and your protective, unconditional love. We are forever grateful to have had you in our lives.

In memory of Zeke..........Zeke - May 2014 to January 31, 2024.The Great Pyrenees was historically used as a flock guard...

In memory of Zeke..........

Zeke - May 2014 to January 31, 2024.
The Great Pyrenees was historically used as a flock guardian, watching over and protecting sheep from any threats, including theft and predators. The breed is still used in this capacity today, though the most important job of many Great Pyrenees is that of a beloved family companion. And that you were Zeke. You were exceptional and we were honoured to be your flock to protect. We know you’re protecting us from above. We feel it every day.

In memory of Laker..........Laker was my golden (senior) dog who shared the last 2.5 years of his life with us. His gent...

In memory of Laker..........

Laker was my golden (senior) dog who shared the last 2.5 years of his life with us. His gentle nature, strength, love, intelligence and friendliness will be remembered by all who knew him.

Laker loved his walks, home cooked meals, his partner-in-crime Harley, begging for pizza and eating Wendy’s burgers until his very last days on this earth. Laker suffered from severe arthritis which resulted in mobility issues, and even though he had to sometimes drag himself to greet me at the front door, he always did so happily. .

Laker, my gentle giant, I miss you so much and you will always have a special forever place in my heart. I know that you are no longer suffering and in pain, but are happily running in heaven with all the family pets and they are sharing their treats with you.

I would like to thank Dr. Ruthanne from Greenwood Veterinary Hospice for making Laker’s transition to Rainbow Bridge so peaceful and surrounded with love. Also, thank you to my family and friends who have greatly supported Laker, Harley and me throughout this difficult time.

We love and will miss you so much Laker Dias 🐾🤍🦴

In memory of Bear..........Thank you very much for your kind regards and for remembering our beautiful family member, Be...

In memory of Bear..........

Thank you very much for your kind regards and for remembering our beautiful family member, Bear. Here are a few pictures of him to keep his memory alive. We have so many pictures, especially with his brother Onyx
Thank you for the care in helping us with one of the very hardest things to do, but I know that he is with the angels 😇

In memory of Sage..........Sage came to us as a rescue (about 3 or 4 years old) and had no idea how to be a dog. We prom...

In memory of Sage..........

Sage came to us as a rescue (about 3 or 4 years old) and had no idea how to be a dog. We promised that we would dedicate ourselves to giving her the best by simply letting her be a dog, and promised to let her grow old with love and comfort. We feel like the luckiest people in the world to have been able to do this for her and her unwavering love for our family is more than we ever deserved in return. You did good girl, we love you to the moon and back.

In memory of Meeko..........Meeko was a Sassy little girl who was the light in our daily life. We think of her every day...

In memory of Meeko..........

Meeko was a Sassy little girl who was the light in our daily life. We think of her every day and miss her immensely. She brought great joy to our family for almost 15 years.

In memory of Nigel..........We took Nigel into our home when a family member could not give him the care and attention h...

In memory of Nigel..........

We took Nigel into our home when a family member could not give him the care and attention he deserved. A quirky cat, he didn't have a 'typical' cat meow, instead he communicated in grunts. Eager for his breakfast, he would wake us up in the early morning with strange vocalizations, which, at their loudest, almost sounded like he was saying "Hello." Last November, we had to make the hard decision to say goodbye to Nigel - but not before he enjoyed his last treat of pate provided by Dr. Silcox. He did love to eat. Rest easy, Nigel, you were well loved, and we miss you very much.

In memory of Jake..........We shared an incredible decade of milestones together. On top of being a workout partner, snu...

In memory of Jake..........

We shared an incredible decade of milestones together. On top of being a workout partner, snuggle buddy, and therapist, he was there for every special moment in our lives. Jake was not just a dog; he was family to anyone who ever met him. Our boy was able to spend his final moments on his favourite beach at sunset, where he rallied for one last swim and then closed his eyes surrounded by the ones who loved him most.
Thank you for changing us forever, Jake and for showing everyone around you the true definition of unconditional love. Until we meet again, my boy.

In memory of Levi..........Levi was one of a kind. He was the most gentle, kind hearted soul I had ever had the pleasure...

In memory of Levi..........

Levi was one of a kind. He was the most gentle, kind hearted soul I had ever had the pleasure of being with. He never demanded much, but that doesn't mean I didn't love and spoil him daily...he deserved it!
Anyone who had the pleasure of meeting Levi, fell in love with him instantly, so many mourned his passing along with me.
He will always have a special place in my heart and I know I'll see him again at the Rainbow Bridge........

In memory of Stella..........Stella was the sweetest, most empathic cat. She acted as a seeing eye cat to our blind and ...

In memory of Stella..........

Stella was the sweetest, most empathic cat. She acted as a seeing eye cat to our blind and deaf dog Holly some years ago. She would guide Holly around the house and off the deck so she wouldn't fall. Stella went into depression when Holly passed. Later, when we recused Sadie, our lab mix dog, Stella was unsure at first but quickly they became friends.
Stella's favourite spot was on a lap. She loved to cuddle and had the softest fur and paws. As Stella got older she became very, VERY loud and talkative. She was my little shadow and followed me everywhere. When Stella was 16 she started have seizures infrequently. For a year her seizures became more and more often and we had to make the difficult decision to let her go.
We all miss Stella dearly but Sadie probably misses her most.
We are incredibly grateful for the compassion and support from Greenwood Veterinary Hospice and Dr. Sarah. Stella passed peacefully and took her last breath in my arms when I told her to go find Holly❤️💔

In Memory of Myles 2009-2023We will forever be grateful to have been lucky enough to spend 14 amazing years with our boy...

In Memory of Myles 2009-2023

We will forever be grateful to have been lucky enough to spend 14 amazing years with our boy, Myles.

He was our 'first born' baby. As a puppy, Myles spent many Sunday mornings eating leftover breakfast bacon and running in Rouge Park. Myles became the best big 'brother' to Madelynn and Abby, spending many years waiting for food to drop from the highchair, chasing them around the yard, a willing participant to be dressed up, or just a long snuggle, he was the happiest boy!

Myles loved being a part of our family, including our extended family, enjoying many car rides and 'sleepovers' to visit them and their furry family members.

Myles spent his elder years like any pug should, happily snoring away while napping, being carried around a lot, tasting so many treats and laying at the back door in the sunshine.

Our home has not been the same since September 15, 2023. We miss Myles every single day. He was such a good boy. We will never forget him and will love him always. ❤️ 🐾

In memory of Milo..........Our sweet, sweet boy Milo.. From the moment you walked into my arms until you took your last ...

In memory of Milo..........

Our sweet, sweet boy Milo.. From the moment you walked into my arms until you took your last breath in them, you filled our lives with such joy and happiness. Your infectious smile and calm demeanor left everyone you met just fall in love and melt.
You were our gentle giant (135 lbs), the best bodyguard, our best friend, the best big brother to the girls, and honestly the start (and glue) to our little family. You were the absolute best dog. Our first baby.
Every day that you aren’t physically with us hurts just the same as the day you left. The only comfort we have is that you are no longer in pain. Thank you for giving us 8 amazing years- I hope my sweet boy you knew how much you were and are still loved.

In memory of Suzie Q..........We adopted Suzie Q in 2020 at 14 years old after her owner passed away and she was brought...

In memory of Suzie Q..........

We adopted Suzie Q in 2020 at 14 years old after her owner passed away and she was brought to the shelter. She was actually briefly adopted by another family before we found her - they brought her back after a few days because she was “too much to handle”. Suzie definitely had a huge personality and was full of energy for her age, but that’s what made us fall in love with her. The first night we brought her home she settled in immediately, she went right under the covers and cuddled up by our legs where it was warm. We bought her a heating pad soon after and she spent most of her time on it, making sure to let us know when it had turned off and was no longer warm. She loved to cuddle, I’ve never met a more cuddly cat than Suzie. Even though we only had her for 3 years, she made such a big impact on our lives. Losing her was so incredibly difficult. I’m grateful we were able to let her go peacefully in our home, surrounded by love. She hated car rides and the vet and the thought of bringing her to a place she was afraid of to spend her final moments in fear was just not an option. We’ll love and miss sweet Suzie Q forever. 🤍

In memory of Kayleigh.........I think of my lovely girl several times each day and miss her dearly.  I'm currently worki...

In memory of Kayleigh.........

I think of my lovely girl several times each day and miss her dearly. I'm currently working on a painted portrait of Kayleigh in the boat on Redstone Lake, one of her favourite places. It helps to keep her memory more vivid.
We have adopted a new pup to help me with my grief over Kayleigh but although she is very sweet and loving, she'll never displace Kayleigh's spot in our hearts. She'll make her own spot, I think.

In Memory of Belle 2008-2023We will be forever grateful to have spent 15 years with our sweet Belle. We have many wonder...

In Memory of Belle 2008-2023

We will be forever grateful to have spent 15 years with our sweet Belle. We have many wonderful memories - all the purrs, the toys she would bring for us, the love and comfort, the head rubs she loved so much, and especially her little face looking back at us. Our kids had a special connection with her, especially with our son who spent 12 years by her side & vice versa. She was in a bonded pair with her sister Jasmine, who is missing her so much as well. Thank you for all your love, sweet button.

Love you Belle. Belly button. Belly. ❤️

In memory of Molly..........Molly, my beautiful Newf, crossed over October 2023 at 12 3/4 years with the most kind assis...

In memory of Molly..........

Molly, my beautiful Newf, crossed over October 2023 at 12 3/4 years with the most kind assistance of Dr. Ruthanne. My world is empty without her. Tears still come so easy. Molly was game for all types of activities - she learned how to pull a wagon, participate in the Whitby Santa Claus parade, did several levels of agility , obedience and Rally-O and even tried dock diving, One memory of her agility training was her first try of going through the tunnel - she got stuck (she did weigh 135 pounds). It took two of us, one at each end to try to coach her through. Second try, she aced it. There are so many memories of the goofy things she did. She took a big chunk of my heart and will be cherished forever. I miss you baby girl.

In memory of Rocco..........Rocco was our baby we still miss him dearly. He loved his babies and carrots. We were so luc...

In memory of Rocco..........

Rocco was our baby we still miss him dearly. He loved his babies and carrots. We were so lucky to have him pick us to love him. Coming home isn’t the same without his little face greeting us. He loved the sunshine and sunbathing and he guarded the backyard like he was a 6 foot 300-pound man lol! Thank you Rocco for your love we miss you ❤️

In memory of Lulu....I'll never forget the day we met, at the airport in Toronto. Lu was rescued from the streets of Mex...

In memory of Lulu....

I'll never forget the day we met, at the airport in Toronto. Lu was rescued from the streets of Mexico (shout out to Dog for Life Rescue)and cared for, to get ready for adoption. She was deemed a special girl. And man, was she ever.
She had incredulous scars from such an abusive life on the streets. It made me cry to see her lick her wounds (they were healed as much as they were ever going to be). Over time, I was able to see her trust and let go and learn how to "dog". Giving her that safe space, becoming her person and watching her flourish was one of the most beautiful experiences. She LOVED car rides and was the best girl in the car. She loved her people, hard.
Lu was my heart dog. We had a very special and very strong bond. Her tap dances and bum wiggles every time I walked through the door, are so missed. I was blessed to be her person.

In memory of Muffy..........First, let us say that it was very difficult when we lost our beautiful lovely cat Muffy. We...

In memory of Muffy..........

First, let us say that it was very difficult when we lost our beautiful lovely cat Muffy. We had her for over 19 years since she was a kitten. She was brought to us by her equally beautiful mom Emmy who also lived for almost 19 years. They were both strays. We think of them both often.
We know one day we will meet again when we cross over the Rainbow Bridge.
We would also like to thank you both for your great compassion.
What you do is very difficult, helping people deal with their pet's end of life. It takes a special person to do what you do.
We are so grateful.

In memory of Autumn..........Thank you darling sweetheart for 21 years of loving antics and love.  We miss you.

In memory of Autumn..........

Thank you darling sweetheart for 21 years of loving antics and love. We miss you.

In memory of Ava..........Ava has been gone for almost 5mths. She was almost 18 yrs old, a red nose pitbull and was a gr...

In memory of Ava..........

Ava has been gone for almost 5mths. She was almost 18 yrs old, a red nose pitbull and was a great dog to people, other dogs and especially to kids. Loved and missed so much. 😪

In memory of Missy..........Missy was a tiny, wonderful girl who came indoors after 13 years on the streets. She quickly...

In memory of Missy..........

Missy was a tiny, wonderful girl who came indoors after 13 years on the streets. She quickly adapted to indoor life and loved to be petted over and over again, rewarding this with enthusiastic purrs. While her time indoors was short, she made up for it with a huge capacity to generously give and receive love from anyone she knew. You are still missed, precious Missy.

In memory of Emmy..........In loving memory of Emmy, our cherished beautiful fur baby. Emmy was the silent pillar of our...

In memory of Emmy..........

In loving memory of Emmy, our cherished beautiful fur baby. Emmy was the silent pillar of our family, imparting life's profound lessons with her quiet grace. She held a special place in the hearts of our children and us, filling our home with warmth and love.

Emmy's fondness for sunbathing and her affectionate snuggles created countless cherished memories. Through the sleepless nights with newborns to the delightful chaos of a house with a 9 and 5-year-old, she stood by us unwaveringly.

We are grateful that Emmy's final moments were spent in her favorite spot, surrounded by the love she gave so freely. Dr. Ruth Ann guided her transition, just as Emmy had been our steadfast companion through life's transitions.

Thank you, Emmy, for being our greatest teacher. Your presence is felt every single day, and your memory will forever be etched in our hearts. Love . Mommy, Daddy, Ryan & Kaia 🐾


In memory of Zee.............We still miss our Sweet Zee so much. However, she did have a great life. Sweet Zee came int...

In memory of Zee.............

We still miss our Sweet Zee so much. However, she did have a great life. Sweet Zee came into our life when she was 9 months old after spending 20 hrs a day in a crate. She was a beautiful soul who always wanted to be by our side. Zee Zee as we affectionately called her was by my side for all 5 of my pregnancies and would not leave my side especially when not feeling well. She was so excited to become a BIG sister and always loved on each of the babies in the most gentle of ways. She loved adventure and being outside. We miss her immensely but we know she is Running forever free and swimming as much as she wants with Rudy, Denver Kernel, and all the others before her.
Run pain free my girl until we meet again. Xoxo

Please note that our office will be closed on Christmas Day, Boxing Day, and New Year's Day, in addition to our normal w...

Please note that our office will be closed on Christmas Day, Boxing Day, and New Year's Day, in addition to our normal weekend closures, to allow our team time to recharge with family.
If your pet requires urgent care, please get in touch with one of our local Veterinary Emergency Hospitals.
We wish you and your family a peaceful holiday.

As the holiday season approaches, it's essential to remember our furry family members who might be facing health challen...

As the holiday season approaches, it's essential to remember our furry family members who might be facing health challenges.
Our friends at "WithLoveGilbert" have put together some heartfelt tips on caring for a sick pet during this special time. 🐾❤️
Let's cherish every moment we can with our beloved companions,.

Coping with Holiday Grief After Losing a Beloved Pet


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Monday 09:00 - 18:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 18:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 18:00
Thursday 09:00 - 18:00
Friday 09:00 - 18:00




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