Is company coming to your home over the holidays? Are they to stay for a prolonged period of time? There are things you need to keep in mind so everyone has a great holiday.
Place your animals in a separate room away from visitors for your pets and for everyone's sake. If you animal is used to busy, hectic and crazy, by all means have them out, but if they are not, please place them away from guests.
Some cats do not take kindly to people dropping by or staying in their home when they have no control over the situation. Placing them in a room they can spend time over the holidays benefits everyone. Give them food/litter/water and toys and they will thank you for it. You can also place a radio with them and visit them often and give them treats.
Remember, we love the busy, fun, fast-paced action that comes during the holidays, but some animals don't.
Happy Holidays everyone! And a Happy New Year!