It's really weird...Mumma is the one who buys me the best toys, even though my middle-aged chauffeur still buys and plays with toys for himself.
It snowed pretty much all day yesterday...and all we wound up with was a dusting. 🤔 I made the most of it anyway, today! ❄️👼👑🐶
Sometimes I like to play myself. #strongindepedentwoman
I was told to kick it and I...well I understood the assignment!
Give. Me. My. Breakfast. NOW!!!
It rained A LOT yesterday, so I wound up playing the live-action version of "The Oregon Trail": I had to ford the two rivers running down the sides of the street so I could get to the park and do my "business."
I get surly when I can't find a bottle opener. Pay no mind to the fact that I was trying to drink before 7a!
Go away! I just want to play with my toys by myself!!!
Trust me, you'll want the sound up for this one! It's tough to catch my "greeting growls" because they are so random and very quick, but this will give you an idea of what they're like if you've never had the joy of experiencing them in-person(there's one at the start and another at the end, with some assorted grumbles between).
Just a quick video to show how well I'm walking, only a week after my surgery! Thank you everyone for all your kind words & support. 👑🐶
Well it's not part of my rehab, buuuuuuuut...I made snow angels anyway!