LuLu & Magical Mongrels

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LuLu & Magical Mongrels I am a Chihuahua mutt and a therapy dog. I will take you to meet wonderful animal friends to make you smile and spread the message of kindness along the way.

🐶 welcome home, Wilbur Ivy (AKA Paul   )🧡 Hope you are going to like Casa de Morris. He would not be here without dedica...

🐶 welcome home, Wilbur Ivy (AKA Paul )🧡

Hope you are going to like Casa de Morris.

He would not be here without dedicated and kind hearted people Cynthia Lopez, Maureen Marquez, and Karen Klink who took him out of his kennel to keep him walking to gain his strength. And some wonderful IG friends who donated for his transportation.

~ Casa de Morris


🐕 you can’t deny dogs are the most loyal companions to humans! Chippy Chip is endorsing  ! 🙌🏽 This lovable fella is our ...

🐕 you can’t deny dogs are the most loyal companions to humans!

Chippy Chip is endorsing ! 🙌🏽 This lovable fella is our local, CHO (Chief Happiness Officer) !
And he is raising funds for ( after school youth programs) and animal rescue groups! Chip says he’ll go meet Grit in fur very soon!

➡️Scroll to see our additional surprise endorsement! 😂


Please share. A lost service dog, Ivy. NM Climate Justice

Please share.
A lost service dog, Ivy.

NM Climate Justice

A simple poem  A simple sketch Genuine love for our dogs Nobu Rits  Would you be interested in this prints?             ...

A simple poem
A simple sketch
Genuine love for our dogs


Would you be interested in this prints?

Chip’s sutures are removed!It seems that a foxtail was the culprit to major mystery and discomfort for Chip over a month...

Chip’s sutures are removed!

It seems that a foxtail was the culprit to major mystery and discomfort for Chip over a month. It certainly was a wake up call to pay attention to those spiky grass engineered to invade anywhere it touches.

As many of you came to aware, this was not an easy case. Each time was a new discovery and puzzled us with guessing games. Since there were many questions left in my DM, I am going to do my best to explain how the surgery was carried out.

🩺 Under a special care to keep eyes on Chip’s heart (he has a heart conditions), he was anesthetized. Dr. Tucker placed a material similar to a plastic casing of syringe between Chip’s prepuce and p***s to keep a barrier, to reduce risk of damaging his p***s. Then Dr cut the skin on the side of prepuce to get her surgical tool in to reach that previously “angry” growth inside, way up on the base. The original idea was to look at it closely and cut it out to send to biopsy if growing. However, Dr saw that area was sort of collapsed, and could see a teeny hole with her medical scope. She widened the hole to push her tool in to go along the passage which was created by something, then reached this pocket (caused by infection), and there embedded was a whole foxtail. Dr carefully removed it and checked the area to make sure nothing else was there, and sutured Chip up.
Dr T says she did a little jump of joy knowing this was most likely the answer!

We are just so beyond grateful to Dr. Tucker. She truly saved Chip! I can’t imagine how painful the whole ordeal must have been for him for over a month, but he never complained. The only reason we were alarmed was that one morning when he woke up and bled a pool of blood with clots.

Now I am more vigilant about checking on my guys. Foxtails ate dangerous, but I never knew it would end up getting deep inside a body the way it did on Chip.

Thank you for all of your well wishes for my Chippy Chip. He says gracias amigos.

Please donate if you can. They are in dire needs of puppy food, dog food. Puppy pads, dog beds, blankets, etc.

Please donate if you can. They are in dire needs of puppy food, dog food. Puppy pads, dog beds, blankets, etc.

Chip update 3:Well, this has been a puzzling case. His bleeding stopped for about 6 days, then it came back. It is not s...

Chip update 3:

Well, this has been a puzzling case.
His bleeding stopped for about 6 days, then it came back. It is not so intense like before. His energy level is ok, and he eats all his favorite treats willingly.

Today, Dr. Tucker cleaned Chip’s private throughly again and discovered this little piece of material near the cut. Under the microscope, it didn’t look like any organic materials. It’s thin yet quite hard. Is it like a plastic wrapper sort of thing somehow got in there? Is this the cause of this bleeding? This doesn’t make sense of why his liver number was elevated last time, but we all have to have a detective hat on to figure this out. Urinalysis this time revealed the trace of blood was not in the urine.

So we have a game plan. We are doing this antibiotic ointment for a week and going back to recheck. If the bleeding stops and the area looks calmer, maybe this possibly foreign object is the cause. However, a big concern is a possible mass on that area. If bleeding doesn’t stop, the mass is a very possibility. And to really determine, he needs to go under and that can be tricky with his advanced heart condition. I will weigh in pro and con when we get to the point. But I’m hoping with all my might that this whole thing was caused by a stupid foreign material 🤞🏼🤞🏼I just want Chip to be better and ok 🧡

Thank you for your love for the sweetest boy Chip.

First of all, this community is amazing. So many people are reaching out, asking about Chip. Thank you. I’m going to tel...

First of all, this community is amazing. So many people are reaching out, asking about Chip.
Thank you. I’m going to tell in details now.

Chip is unwell. He started to have diarrhea last Thursday. Then his appetite has gone down to zero for the last few days and became more lethargic. His breathing is shallow and fast with resting respiratory rate is 40. He also has heart issues.

Yesterday morning when he woke up to go outside, he bled everywhere even with clots from his private. So I took him to our vet as an emergency, and they kept him to do thorough check up. No visible cuts on any skin on or around his private. Their xray machine broke so dr used ultrassound for quick scan for possible mass or stones in bladder. She didn’t see it, but they can not be ruled out. In-house blood panel showed elevated liver numbers. So dr asked me about any meds he took recently, and they were Heartguard plus on 5/25 and vetmedin for 2 doses. she was puzzled. She gave him antibiotic and nausea shots, hoping for any improvement. and Chip came home.

Back at home we started to wonder. Did he get into anything we don’t know? And I remember he started to go to the side of the shed which is super narrow. Did he pick up anything there? And it’s possible people who lived before us (over 20 years ago) put rat poison because they used it in the house! So my mind is thinking,
Did he get a hold of old poison we didn’t know of?
Then we started to think of all the little creatures who visit our yard. Some of my dogs eat little droppings from them, and I questioned,
Did Chip eat contaminated stool?

All his current symptoms are lined up with rat poisoning. Internal bleeding, diarrhea, loss of appetite, increased thirst and urination. Therefore we are tackling this issue as possible poisoning, and he will go back to the vet to get X-ray tomorrow.

So he is fighting to get better. I’m starting vitamin k supplement on him tomorrow (Amazon didn’t deliver today). I appreciate any advice or information you want to share.

Please whisper your good thoughts for Chip. He needs it. 🧡🤞🏼💪🏽

Casa de Morris

Tiltyhead doing his thing. Hello, are you looking for me?

Tiltyhead doing his thing.

Hello, are you looking for me?

Healing. Nearing the sunset yesterday, this picture was taken. I didn’t know until I saw on my phone how much it resembl...


Nearing the sunset yesterday, this picture was taken. I didn’t know until I saw on my phone how much it resembled a halo of Buddha.

Healing image for me and hopefully for you, too.

The beauty is untouched.


Well, it’s official. Lewis has been adopted from the shelter to Casa de Morris! We still consider our fateful January 18...

Well, it’s official.
Lewis has been adopted from the shelter to Casa de Morris!
We still consider our fateful January 18th to be his big day. But today his status has finally changed 🩵

Thank you, Walter, for bringing Lewis to us 💚. Thank you to all my cosmic potatoes, Morris, TT, PP and Sammy 🧡💛🩷🖤🌈✨✨✨✨✨

Shelter and rescue animals are the best! And they need everyone’s help. ADOPT•FOSTER•VOLUNTEER. Be involved!


Vote for Giuseppe! He is an alumni of Española Humane, just like our Chip!

Vote for Giuseppe!
He is an alumni of Española Humane, just like our Chip!

🚨Giuseppe is a finalist for $15k in prizes!🚨VOTE VOTE VOTE for Giuseppe, once a day through the end of the month, in the Wahl Pets Dirty Dogs Contest with Greater Good Charities. Visit to vote and you don’t need to enter any personal information 🐾🐾

Giuseppe arrived via Animal Control in a shocking state of neglect. His entire body was covered in painful, filthy mats of fur, so thick that he couldn’t even walk and his entire body was screaming in pain. Under anesthesia, we shaved five pounds of matted fur off of his small body. Read that again.

Five. Pounds.

Beneath all of that, we found a morbidly obese, absolutely terrified senior dog in sensory overload - he didn’t like to be touched, he was overwhelmed by light and sound, and he wanted nothing to do with humans. Unfortunately Giuseppe was also diagnosed with hypothyroidism, his lungs were full of fluid, his heart was enlarged, and he needed a dental and neuter surgery. Through medical foster care and medications, his thyroid levels have stabilized, his lungs have improved, he’s losing weight, and he was adopted - and he’s being groomed regularly 🥹

It’s never too late for a second chance and a new beginning. Thank you to everyone who has cared about our little chunk - now VOTE for him!

Do you like my smile?

Do you like my smile?

Look at Bubbles! This blind senior girl looks the best ever! She is very kind and sweet with a little side of sass, the ...

Look at Bubbles!
This blind senior girl looks the best ever!
She is very kind and sweet with a little side of sass, the perfect combo. She is just amazing.

A very interesting thing was that her senses were all off on solar eclipe day a few days ago. She couldn’t find her way in the yard and bumped into everything. The power of Sun, Moon and Earth was felt by watching her being confused. Luckily she is back to normal now.


 🦄 As today’s solar eclipse brings me back the strong memory of the last time I experienced the event with my beloved Mo...

🦄 As today’s solar eclipse brings me back the strong memory of the last time I experienced the event with my beloved Morris, I want to share something very important.

🚨I am NOT a veterinarian so please discuss this with your veterinarians before you decide to go for it.

-Oxygen concentrator-

This machine was a total game changer and let us be with Morris for his last 10 days at home.

It is a big unit to suck in your room air at oxygen level of 21%, then release it at higher level of your desire to help patients who needs more oxygen. It is what our animal companions use in oxygen chambers at ER (of course they use industrial sized, super expensive ones). Oxygen canisters are smaller and easy to carry, but it’ll be emptied quite fast. The concentrator is bigger and more expensive, however, it uses your regular air to convert it so running out of air is not an option. Though bulky, it can be portable. And if you have this machine and an oxygen tent of some sort, you can basically set up a reasonable oxygen chamber to help our dogs and cats at home.

We were lucky that Morris’s ICU doctors recommended it once they saw he was stable enough to go home. And so it happened, that our wonderful local friend .c.c.chihuahua had one unit we could borrow right away as soon as Morris was discharged from ICU. And because of this machine, Morris got to spend his last precious days with his family at his home 🧡

Do your research. I hear some pet insurances may cover it. The average cost is $1,500, but overnight stay at ICU costs more than that. And when you purchase It, make sure they are reputable ones with great reviews and customer care. The one we ordered originally from Amazon was a defect, and they ended up taking the unit off from listings due to repeated complains which I didn’t know about. I was so thankful we had our friend’s unit.

I hope this information can be helpful for others whose animals are battling heart problems or other health issues needing extra help of oxygen.

Yeah just let me know what that 3 eared one is called…

Yeah just let me know what that 3 eared one is called…

LuLu is ready for Onsen (Japanese hot springs) experience 🏞️I (mother) am so excited that we won a giveaway prize from  ...

LuLu is ready for Onsen (Japanese hot springs) experience 🏞️

I (mother) am so excited that we won a giveaway prize from - Onsen powder packets and a traditional Kokeshi doll. Soaking in a bath with these powders take me back to my time in Japan. It’s really different from western bath bombs. I recommend this to all my friends who can use some mental and physical relaxation 🛁

Thank you . Check out their page for many cool onsen photos.

Also, Happy 7years anniversary to LuLu🎉

  from a wild puppy & puppy at heart🧡           🦄

from a wild puppy & puppy at heart🧡


Bubbles - a wrinkly perfection 🧡I didn’t realize she has been at Casa de Morris for over 3 years now. She is a symbol of...

Bubbles - a wrinkly perfection 🧡

I didn’t realize she has been at Casa de Morris for over 3 years now. She is a symbol of hope, resilience, and will to survive.


It’s all in perspective.

It’s all in perspective.

This is Chip, our new family member at Casa de Morris. Chip was saved by amazing Española Humane Please help them contin...

This is Chip, our new family member at Casa de Morris. Chip was saved by amazing Española Humane

Please help them continue to save more lives like Chip’s.


More sad stories 😭💔

This 15 year old Siamese mix was surrendered to the Bernalillo County Shelter today after her owner died.

If you'd like to adopt or rescue her, contact Christina at the Bernalillo County Animal Shelter @ 505-269-3036.

Thanks for sharing!


Senior cats are the best. Please help!

Senior cats are the best. Please help!

🎉🎉Audi has been found and reunited with her family🎉🎉

🎉🎉Audi has been found and reunited with her family🎉🎉

“I was DoorDashing, doing some work, and had an order at McDonald’s. I had my dog with me, just for some company, and . . .

Sarah KuhlmanArgos, A Shelter Dog Rescue

Sarah KuhlmanArgos, A Shelter Dog Rescue




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