Their mother's name is Diamond, so, I thought it would be interesting to give them temporary names taken from gemstones that closely share their coloring. Born on September 25, 2023, there is 1 female, Amber, and 4 males; Cosmo, Moonstone, Jet & Jasper. All but Jasper are looking for their forever homes. The exact breed mixture of each parent is unknown. We had considered getting a genetic test to
discover the breeds but learned there is no company that can provide a 100% accurate result. My research consisted of consulting professionals that had previously tested potential companies using various breeds including known pure breeds and even as an ultimate test submitted human samples. When the purebreds and human samples came back with results inconsistent with known data, I decided not to waste money on any of them. There are a few stipulations accompanying their adoption. Since they are the result of an unintended coupling, it is mandatory that they be spayed or neutered once they are age appropriate (6 months at current vet). A notarized agreement ensuring the puppy will undergo this surgery will be required with adoption. This is not negotiable. It is highly recommended by their doctor that they remain at the same veterinary office. This is to save the new "parents" money. Their medical care is currently being provided by Warrington Veterinary Clinic at 7197 W Highway 98, Pensacola, FL 32506. PH 850-453-3151. As long as the puppies remain there on my account until they complete vaccinations and surgery, they will not require a new office fee. Vaccinations are under $30 per puppy thru that office. The surgery will be prepaid using a portion of the rehome fee leaving it free to you as long as puppy remains up to date on shots. Certain criteria must be met to properly accommodate the growing puppy's needs. The ideal candidate will have a securely fenced yard or ability to provide adequate exercise to expend excess energy that could result in behavior issues like chewing from boredom. To be considered for adoption, you must complete an application which includes a refundable fee of $25. If you meet all qualifications and are chosen your application fee will be deducted from the rehome fee of $250. Otherwise it will be refunded in full. I understand that this seems like a lot to expect from puppies that are not pure bred but I want to ensure they will have the best opportunity for a future without contributing to more unexpected litters being surrendered to already crowded shelters. If none of this deters your interest, you might just be the perfect candidate to give them their forever home. Thank you for your time.