Benevolent Beginnings Independent Rescue

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Benevolent Beginnings Independent Rescue Experienced in bottle feeding, feral socialization, medical rehab, providing a safe place for the ab

We hope you all have a wonderful day! Merry Christmas!

We hope you all have a wonderful day!

Merry Christmas!

Happy Friday!Look at this chunky monkey! 😍 Buddy is doing fantastic! He finally reached a healthy weight (maybe even a t...

Happy Friday!

Look at this chunky monkey! 😍 Buddy is doing fantastic! He finally reached a healthy weight (maybe even a tad bit over) so he is now on a measured feeding. Up until now I had been free feeding him but over the last week or so instead of treating it as a buffet; he has started to only eat a certain amount each day. He gets canned food for breakfast and dinner and he absolutely loves it!

I am going to do my best to ensure he doesn't continue to gain. It's important to keep him at a healthy weight. Since he only has one front leg, I don't want it to have to work any harder than it already does and cause issues down the road.

He is very sweet, but it's obvious he is lacking stimulation being all alone in his room. During pets he will randomly nip at my hand. I feel like it's because he wants to play, and is just learning how to play nicely! We will switch between playtime and petting time and it seems to help. He is still learning how to be a house kitty, and it doesn't happen overnight; so I don't hold anything against him!

Oh and he tracks more litter than a four legged cat. Not sure how that works but I have to sweep daily! 😆

He has a final check up scheduled for December 29th. He will get his vaccines and then guess what?! He will be ready and available for adoption!

I am keeping my fingers crossed for this boy, that he is able to find someone who will love him for who he is; missing leg, FIV, and all!

Good morning! It's been a while, but it's been pretty calm around here. I am still working with the kittens. They now st...

Good morning!

It's been a while, but it's been pretty calm around here. I am still working with the kittens. They now stay in the middle of the room or by the door when I go in, but they aren't voluntarily approaching me yet. When giving them their canned food breakfast and dinner, I pet them and they purr and knead. They are really starting to enjoy chasing the laser pointer and also wand toys. Meadow and Ember went belly up for the first time this morning! Ember even likes her belly rubbed! Meadow has also begun approaching me during petting time when I am petting another. They are FINALLY realizing that human affection is nice and feels good! River is still on the shyer side and Sky is fighting it with all of her might, acting tough and hissing when I approach; but eventually calms down and accepts affection.

So we are making progress, it's just slow. I knew it would be and I am just trying to have patience!

Here are some photos of them instead of videos. They are so adorable!


Buddy 🥰


Kittens 🥰


Good morning!

Buddy's wound was not from an abscessed or ruptured a**l gland. Which is great news. However, it is also perplexing news!

The vet said that his wound was originally a poke or puncture that developed a minor infection. I was baffled! There is absolutely nothing in his room that he could have been poked by. My husband and I both spent an hour in the room, inspecting and feeling every single surface. We found nothing. I have been utilizing that bedroom as a foster room for four years now and never had this happen.

So the only conclusion is that he hooked one of his own claws there somehow. How he did it only having one front leg is astounding. Unless there happened to be a random sharp piece of something in his paper pellet litter that he accidentally sat on. I guess we will never know.

They cleaned it up and he got the antibiotic injection of Convenia. The vet said it will heal on its own quickly and to just keep an eye on it.

I will post a video with him and of the kittens tomorrow! Have a wonderful rest of your day!


Update on kittens and Buddy!

Good morning! Remember Hunny? Now lovingly named Nat (King Cole). She was found crying underneath a car in a local parki...

Good morning!

Remember Hunny? Now lovingly named Nat (King Cole). She was found crying underneath a car in a local parking lot. She was adopted soon after and is doing wonderful!

From her Mama:

She is doing great. Sleeps with me most of the night and doesn’t wake me up with a cold nose on my face much anymore 😄 She is fitting in great. Loves to play and snuggle with the big cats. Favorite things are making a mess with the scratcher, playing with the ball ring and stealing candy wrappers.

I love happy endings and adoption updates 🥰


Kittens update!


Buddy is back!


Buddy update!

Carrot Cake has been adopted! But I have some cute photos of her I never had a chance to share, so I am going to share t...

Carrot Cake has been adopted!

But I have some cute photos of her I never had a chance to share, so I am going to share them now. She recovered so well and became such a healthy girl! I miss the energy she brought to the house and her goofy antics.

Her new Mama just adores her already. I will post an adoption update and photos soon!


Happy Thanksgiving!

From me and all the kitties 🥰

Today I am thankful for all of you, and everything you have done to help me help the ones in need! You have been so generous, kind and supportive; especially in these last couple of tough months. Not to mention what you did for Autumn! It means more than you know and I am so grateful. When I don't know how I am going to be able to afford to help a kitty, at a moment's notice many of you come to the rescue, no questions asked. I couldn't continue to do what I do without you.

Thank you thank you thank you ❤️

Buddy went in for a routine bandage change today, but we unexpectedly got some pretty terrible news. The infection progr...

Buddy went in for a routine bandage change today, but we unexpectedly got some pretty terrible news.

The infection progressed farther than it initially presented and even though it appeared the doctor was able to remove the affected area during the first surgery; it ended up not being the case.

She wasn't confident that any antibiotic would be effective, so the only option was to remove more of his leg. They are going to do it tomorrow. I asked to have a full amputation, but it's a more involved surgery that they cannot do on short notice. She wants to focus on stopping and removing the infection, and plans on amputating up to the "elbow". If she has any doubt about the efficacy of it, we will get the full amputation scheduled.

I'm not going to lie, I'm pretty upset. It's definitely making me question my capabilities and if I have any business taking on involved cases like Buddy's. I feel so guilty. Had I pushed harder for a full leg amputation to begin with, this likely wouldn't be happening. I feel sadness for Buddy and everything he has had to go through and continues to go through. I'm angry at the fact that other people don't do something immediately to help animals struggling outdoors. I'm tired of having to be the one to do the work and make the hard decisions; and I dislike that my heart doesn't give me a choice in the matter.

Rescue is so hard.

Pray for Buddy, that surgery goes smoothly tomorrow and that they are able to put a stop to the infection once and for all!

Carrot Cake says hello! She is living her best life 🥰

Carrot Cake says hello!

She is living her best life 🥰

Good evening!Buddy and I visited the vet and he had his bandage changed. She said for the most part his leg looked good;...

Good evening!

Buddy and I visited the vet and he had his bandage changed. She said for the most part his leg looked good; however she did see some discharge from the incision indicating infection. This isn't new, he has been battling an infection in that leg since the injury happened. She also noticed some inflammation at the site and that he had a slight fever, which could have been from the stress of the car ride.

To be safe, she directed me to give him a low dose of Meloxicam once a day, which I already have on hand from the previous vet visit. On Tuesday when he has his next bandage change, she may put him on a stronger antibiotic if it appears the one he is currently on isn't giving the results needed.

Otherwise, Buddy has been doing great! His appetite is good, he is drinking, potty habits are good. He isn't putting weight on his leg, so that's good. He is bright eyed and bushy tailed. He acts as though a big weight has been taken off of his shoulders. I truly believe he is feeling quite a bit of relief and understands that he is on the road to recovery!

You all were so generous with donations for Buddy! After the costs of surgery and bandage change today, I have $125.59 in funds for Buddy's continued care and $150 set aside for Carrot Cake.

Thank you all so much!

Please consider S.T.A.R. when giving to the max today ❤️ Thank you 🥰

Please consider S.T.A.R. when giving to the max today ❤️ Thank you 🥰

It is "Give to the Max" time again! We are so grateful for our supporters who believe in our rescue efforts to help our LOCAL animals in need.

Thank you so much for helping us help them. We couldn't do what we do without you.


Buddy is home! 🥰


Buddy is out of surgery and everything went smoothly!

They asked to keep him overnight to ensure he is comfortable, so I will be picking him up tomorrow late morning.

Huge thank you to all of you who donated so that he could get the care he desperately needed! I appreciate you all so so much! ❤️

Once we get home tomorrow, I will post the invoice and update. Thank you all for the prayers and support, Buddy and I are grateful!

Good afternoon. Buddy update! Kindly asking for donations ❤️ Buddy saw the doctor this morning and surgery is an option;...

Good afternoon. Buddy update!

Kindly asking for donations ❤️

Buddy saw the doctor this morning and surgery is an option; however it wouldn't come without cost and consequence. He would need to have a plate implanted at an estimated cost of $2-3k. Then 12 weeks of recovery, which includes frequent bandage changes and immobilization. In addition, because of the location of the injury being a joint, he would likely never have normal range of motion and would have some degree of pain for the rest of his life. The infection may have compromised the strength of the bones as well.

They highly recommended a partial amputation, and I agreed with the decision. I don't think it's fair to put Buddy through the surgical repair. So they will remove only what they have to. He will still have most of his leg to use for stability and balance. I feel like this is the best option for Buddy and asked to be put on the schedule.

They had to take Buddy to the back to sedate him in order to remove his splint and cast for an exam. While I was waiting for him to wake up, a vet tech came in the room and said they just got a call for a cancellation, and could get him in for the amputation TOMORROW.

Of course I took it. The sooner I can relieve Buddy of his pain and suffering, the better! They are also going to neuter him, and in a couple weeks he will get his vaccines when he gets his sutures removed. As long as everything goes as planned, hopefully by New Years day he will be ready for adoption!

The estimate I was given is $550-$750.

Right now I have $269.68 in funds and $50 towards his surgery. I would like to set aside at least $150 of the funds for Carrot Cake's spay and vaccines. So right now I have $119.68 to go towards his surgery. I know it's not a lot...

Can anyone help? Buddy and I would be so grateful! Going to set an initial goal of $650? Thank you!

PayPal: [email protected]
Directly to vet: 218-746-4000 c/o Natalie Seelen

I will keep donations updated below:

Current funds: $119.68
Jeanne D $100 ❤️
Cheryl E $300 🧡
Amanda L $100 💛
Cathy G $50 💚
Dawn P $35 💙
Jamie M $50 💜

Thank you so much! Pray for a smooth surgery and recovery for Buddy! 💕

🌞 Good morning! Are you looking to support a great cause and pick up some holiday gifts at the same time? Dr. Nicole, ye...

🌞 Good morning!

Are you looking to support a great cause and pick up some holiday gifts at the same time? Dr. Nicole, yes THE Dr. Nicole who saved Autumns life ❤️ operates this tiny but mighty rescue. If it weren't for Tuff Start, Autumn wouldn't have been able to get the blood transfusions that saved her life. They give every animal a chance, regardless of diagnosis or circumstance. My favorite kind of rescue 🥰

Please check out the Tuff Start Rescue online auction! Thank you! 💕

⭐️ Hundreds of great items for you, your pets and those on your holiday list!
⭐️ Over 80 gift cards including Cragun's and Madden's resorts, and more!
⭐️Only a couple days left to bid! Don’t miss out!!

Silent auction 'Tuff Start Rescue Annual Auction' hosted online at 32auctions.


Good morning!

I have made some great progress with the feral kittens. We went from forced head pets with a back scratcher to them licking Churu off the back scratcher; and as of yesterday licking Churu off my fingers!

Last night these two willingly allowed me to touch them for the first time. I can still pick up the black one. The only male, the medium haired tabby is still on the fence and can't make up his mind. He'll go from licking the Churu off my fingers, to swatting at the back scratcher when I try to pet him, and back again. I'll win him over soon though, he just doesn't know it yet!

I'm so excited that these strides are being made because I want to deworm them and apply a flea topical. I would have done it already, but I can't risk losing a finger and compromising our progress.

Have a wonderful weekend! 🥰

Sugar Donut, meet everybody.Everybody, meet Sugar Donut. Autumn's latest victim. I was an accomplice this time, forgetti...

Sugar Donut, meet everybody.

Everybody, meet Sugar Donut.

Autumn's latest victim.

I was an accomplice this time, forgetting to properly store them; leaving them on the counter like some kind of sacrificial offering to the bread goddess.

I gotta hand it to her though, her precision on this mission was astounding. Not a single tear in the bag. How she unrolled the top six times will forever be a mystery. Didn't touch my husband's persian though, how sweet!

This is why I can't have nice things 😄

Good morning. Buddy is doing good and seems to be in good spirits considering. I imagine the pain relief has a lot to do...

Good morning.

Buddy is doing good and seems to be in good spirits considering. I imagine the pain relief has a lot to do with that. However, since starting the antibiotic he has been experiencing terrible diarrhea. I added an anti-diarrheal supplement to his food, but it wasn't sufficient. It got to the point where he couldn't make it to the litter box. I spent a lot of time over the last few days cleaning the floor and cleaning him.

I contacted the vet and asked if there was another antibiotic he could be put on. They said he needs to stay on the Clindamycin and recommended putting him on prescription Biome food for the duration. So I picked that up yesterday morning and started him on it right away. It helped immediately. I just wish it wasn't so expensive.

I haven't heard back from the orthopedic specialist. After speaking with his original caretaker we decided to make him an appointment to see a second vet and specialist. She volunteered to cover the majority of those costs and I am so grateful. His appointment is this coming Monday, November 13 at 9:15 a.m. at Northern Hope Veterinary Care in Pillager, MN. They host a surgeon with many accolades, so I am looking forward to his opinion.

I recently picked up litter, and purchased Buddy's food. I received some more donations. One of them was specified for his surgery. I will keep amounts separate and then at the end all donations will go towards his amputation or correctional surgery, whichever it may be. Thank you all! ❤️

Previous funds: $289.46
Cheryl E.❤️ + $100.00
Buddy's food - $71.37
Cat litter - $48.41

Current funds $269.68

Surgery Funds:
+ $50.00 Jamie M ❤️

Good morning. The bad news just keeps coming. The vet office called me and told me that the recommended treatment for Bu...

Good morning.

The bad news just keeps coming.

The vet office called me and told me that the recommended treatment for Buddy is amputation. It is scheduled for December 6th. I did get an estimate when I was there and it's $535. Since it is just an estimate, it could be more. It is a longer wait than I was anticipating, so I did inquire about the treatment with antibiotics and pain management until then and am waiting to hear back.

It wasn't clear to me whether that decision was made because it was the easiest route or because surgery to repair it isn't an option at all. I want to have all my questions answered and feel confident in the diagnosis. I need to know that any decision made is a fully informed decision. So I got the information about the specialist who reviewed his imaging. I called and am now just waiting for a call back.

The estimate for amputation is daunting, and I know that even if surgery is an option that it would likely cost much more. So I know I have to also take that into consideration as well. This whole situation is just so difficult.

I realize that I am probably a more sensitive person than most, but this situation makes me so upset and angry. Maybe all these years of seeing and experiencing all the unnecessary suffering of animals has taken its toll, but I am just beside myself this morning.

Through no fault of his own Buddy found himself on the streets. Likely abandoned by someone he did nothing but give love to. Left to fend for himself. To be attacked by a wild animal and likely other cats. To contract FIV. To have those injuries become infected. To have his bones broken. To live six weeks with those broken bones. To finally get safe indoors just to lose an entire limb? It's just not fair.

I know cats are adaptable, and he will adapt. I know that. I know eventually he will be ok. It just makes me so sad for him; and for all the other animals suffering outdoors.

I'm just mad at the world right now.

I will keep you all posted.

Pray for Buddy ❤️


Good morning 🙂

If you are seeing this post, can you please comment and tell me where or on whose page? Thank you!

Little update on the kittens 🥰

Happy Friday! On a happier note, Carrot Cake is doing amazing! she is about 10 weeks old now. She has a tiny amount of r...

Happy Friday!

On a happier note, Carrot Cake is doing amazing! she is about 10 weeks old now. She has a tiny amount of residual scar tissue on her left eye; but you can barely tell and it doesn't affect her eyesight at all.

She is such an energetic kitten! I don't know where she gets it from but if she isn't sleeping, she is either zooming around the house playing with every and any toy or wrestling with a big cat. She holds her own and usually the big cat gives up first! 😆 She can fall asleep anywhere, at any time, in any position but the top of the couch is still her preferred napping place.

She is independent and not the biggest fan of being picked up and snuggled, but when it's on her terms she will end up on a chest or a lap. She has gravitated towards my husband and spends a lot of time on his lap; so if there are any men out there looking for a companion, she is your girl!

Her three favorite toys are the triple level ball chaser, a shaker or bell ball, and a wand toy that you must give to her so that she can drag it around the house herself. She is just a ball of fun!

I am hoping to be able to have her vetted in the next 2-3 weeks. Then she will be ready for adoption! Spread the word 🥰

Buddy and I just got home from the vet. He is such a sweet and loving guy. He did so well for the visit and as long as h...

Buddy and I just got home from the vet.

He is such a sweet and loving guy. He did so well for the visit and as long as he was getting pets and I stood close, he was as calm as can be. Last night I spent quite a bit of time with him and he just couldn't get enough affection.

Unfortunately, we received quite a bit of bad news.

As a preface, a woodchuck has been spotted by multiple homeowners in the neighborhood that Buddy was found living in. Other cats have experienced similar wounds, so we are assuming that the infection stemmed from a bite from that woodchuck or another wild animal.

Buddy's leg is broken, basically separated at the "wrist" and paw. His initial injury happened six weeks ago and the doctor believes that the bite is what immediately caused the break. His caretaker took him to the vet and they prescribed antibiotics and it did initially help but the infection came back. I wish they would have done imaging. Knowing that he was living the last six weeks outdoors with a break like this, absolutely kills me. I can't even imagine the pain he was in.

Buddy also tested positive for FIV. If you have been here since the beginning you know that I have a history with FIV. I once did TNR and removal of a farm property; where every single cat tested positive for it. A few were adopted into loving indoor homes, and the rest were returned to the farm. The first time I visited the property, I left with two very pregnant females and secured placement with another rescue for them. Three days later and less than one minute after their tests came back positive, they were euthanized. Since that day I vowed to research my rescues, and fight for every cat dealt a crap hand at life. Buddy will be no different. FIV is not a death sentence. Cats can live long normal happy lives if given the proper home and care.

So today Buddy got his wounds cleaned and his leg splinted. He will be on strong antibiotics and pain management. The doctor sent the x-ray results to an orthopedic specialist in the metro to get a second opinion on treatment. We have three options : Surgery, splint, amputation. Although the doctor wasn't confident with the splinting option. What we do is going to depend on the recommendation of the specialist. Obviously I will do everything in my power to save his leg. I will do everything in my power to heal him and find him an amazing forever home that he deserves.

I know there are people out there who will criticize me and think I am crazy for saving and treating a cat with FIV; but I don't care. Every cat deserves a chance. Every. Single. One.

Today's total: $365.54
Remaining funds: $289.46

Thank you for being here and fighting for Buddy with me ❤️ I will keep you all posted!

The new guest has arrived! The pickup of the resort kittens, meeting with S.T.A.R., and picking this guy up went off wit...

The new guest has arrived!

The pickup of the resort kittens, meeting with S.T.A.R., and picking this guy up went off without a hitch! Teamwork makes the dream work, thank you to all involved!

Meet Buddy!

He is a young guy, very timid and sweet. He must have been a house cat at one point because he is so friendly. He showed up one morning and luckily that home owner took action and started caring for him. She provided food, fresh water and shelter. In no time they became great friends. She posted him on nextdoor, asked neighbors and reported him to the local shelter. Nobody claimed him.

He is in pretty rough shape, especially his front right paw. It is swollen and definitely infected, and he seems to have a fever. I'm glad we were able to get him indoors and on the road to recovery!

I will call the vet first thing in the morning. Hopefully they can see him tomorrow or Friday.

Welcome to your new wonderful life, Buddy! You will never have to face the outdoors ever again ❤️

Good morning! Benji is looking and feeling great and we will soon be on the road! Fortunately they didn't have to sedate...

Good morning!

Benji is looking and feeling great and we will soon be on the road!

Fortunately they didn't have to sedate him for grooming, so the total came to $328.83. $400 was donated towards his care, so the remaining $71.17 I will send with him to S.T.A.R. Rescue and his foster to purchase food and any other supplies he may need. Besides his matting, the vet said he was a very healthy boy!

Thank you all so so much for helping Benji feel better and starting on his journey to forever! ❤️

You all are amazing! I can't thank you enough! 😭Benji made it to his appointment this morning and is going to hang out f...

You all are amazing!

I can't thank you enough! 😭

Benji made it to his appointment this morning and is going to hang out for the day. He already got his exam, Lyme's and heartworm tests, and all of his vaccines including bordatella. They are going to try to shave him without sedation. Once he is done and I get the final bill, I will share an update and a photo of him!

I will be picking up Buddy tomorrow, the young stray cat with injuries and bringing him home. Bubba, the other stray cat will come up next week with with the woman and I will meet her up here closer to me. She only has one cage and Bubba is smart, so she will try to catch him or trap him once Buddy is gone. As soon as I am able to assess Buddy's condition and know his needs, I will make an appointment right away with the vet.

The new four kittens are doing well. They are eating and drinking but still hide when I go in the room. I was able to hold the black one for a while, but I think it may be because she is in a bit of shock. I have been giving them, and will continue to give them the space and time they need to settle in. We have three girls and one boy!

My neighbor has now become undecided on surrendering her cat to rescue. So that case is being put on the back burner. I am just hoping that if she does decide to surrender him, that it isn't a one day notice situation and I have time to put a plan in place.

Sugar and Spice are doing amazing as well and are just such little sweethearts. I am so grateful to S.T.A.R. Rescue for taking them so they can be one step closer to their forevers!

You all have been so kind and generous! Thank you thank you! ❤️ Here is a preliminary breakdown and estimate of how I plan to use the funds:

$200 Carrot Cake's spay, FIV/Felv test, vaccines & microchip

$300 Buddy's vet visit

$115 Dry food, canned food, litter, flea topicals

Anything left over will be set aside for any future needs or unexpected expenses.

As always, I will post updates and receipts!

Thank you ❤️

The four kittens are safe inside! I went out at about noon, and caught the last kitten around 4:30. They are scared but ...

The four kittens are safe inside!

I went out at about noon, and caught the last kitten around 4:30. They are scared but have no idea how much better their life is going to be. Mama is now indoors with her owner!

While I was watching the traps, I spotted five different adult cats wandering around. Two of them had collars and two looked very healthy, so safe to assume they had owners. Although I wish they would keep their cats inside where they are safe!

The fifth cat broke my heart. He tried going in the trap multiple times to eat. Instead of putting him through the trauma, I decided to give him his own bowl of wet food. He ate it right up. He looked to be in a bit of rough shape; missing fur on his tail, a bit skinny and just overall unkempt. I had to keep reminding myself that I can't help them all. But I won't forget him and if I can help him in the near future, I will...

I asked and found out that there is a woman in the park who puts food and water out daily for the strays. I wish more people cared. About the strays and their own pets.

Will keep you updated on the rest of the cases!

Sorry guys, it has been so busy around here! Here is an update on all the happenings: Benji, the pup, has an appointment...

Sorry guys, it has been so busy around here!

Here is an update on all the happenings:

Benji, the pup, has an appointment tomorrow morning at Animal Care Center in Brainerd. He will get an exam, grooming and vaccines. His owner doesn't currently have transportation, so I will be doing the driving.

Wednesday I am going to bring Sugar, Spice, and Benji to the metro and S.T.A.R. Rescue to go to their new fosters. Sugar and Spice are moving on since they are healthy and so that they can get their vetting done and find forever homes; and because I received other urgent pleas...

A long time supporter and friend of mine has been taking care of two stray cats. She is moving and her neighbor had originally agreed to continue care for them. Now they can't and she doesn't want to leave them behind. One of the strays is young, friendly and has acquired injuries so I wanted to get him indoors as soon as possible. The plan is for me to pick them up Wednesday afternoon. They don't get along the greatest so they can't share a room, but I can put one in a wire habitat in the same room.

The woman that lives by me who I took Minne, Sota, and their combined nine kittens from; reached out about four kittens currently outdoors. The mama is one of her cats that got out a while ago. Another rescuer is going to help her get mama spayed, so I am going to be attempting to trap the kittens today and bring them home since there is no one else that can help.

The owner of the resort I have been working on just reached out to me. There are three kittens currently on the property and two of them are sick. They are 6-8 weeks old. I feel so bad that I can't immediately take them inside, as the resort has been a top priority since it began.

A neighbor of mine is moving and needing a new home or place for her cat. He is a couple years old, friendly, and current on his vet care so I reached out to another rescue to see if they have room and also asked a friend if she could temp foster if needed. Since he is ready for adoption, I don't want him to be stuck here.

Carrot Cake is doing wonderful! I would consider adopting her out prior to vetting if I knew the person and that they were responsible. Otherwise I am currently working on finding a low cost vetting option for her. It's still an expense to take on while needing help with so many others.

I only have two foster rooms and have been trying to figure out how I can help with all of these situations. It's so stressful! The one stray will for sure need to see the vet, in addition to the sick kittens at the resort. I imagine the four kittens will need flea topicals. I am low on kitten food, litter and funds.

I just don't know what I am going to do. I posted and reached out to other rescues to help, but so far haven't found any. If anyone has any leads, let me know! I can't even tell you how horrible the homeless animal problem is right now, how many are in need and how full rescues are. These aren't the only pleas I have received either.

If anyone can help with the costs of supplies and vet care, I would be so grateful! Thank you ❤️

PayPal: [email protected]
(Will update with vet info when it's set up)

Maybe I should have named her Pancake...She sleeps like this all the time! 😆

Maybe I should have named her Pancake...

She sleeps like this all the time! 😆

Good morning! I am in need of some help. ***COVERED!!!***Someone reached out to me about this pup needing a new home or ...

Good morning!

I am in need of some help.


Someone reached out to me about this pup needing a new home or safe place to go. He is having some behavioral issues, so rescue placement is necessary. I was able to secure placement, but in order to go to his foster home he needs to be current on vaccines and also be groomed. He is very matted.

S.T.A.R. Rescue wants to help, but they are a very small rescue and after taking in the mamas and kittens I fostered, in addition to others; funds are low.

I am wondering if anyone can help by donating towards his vet visit and groom? I believe he will need sedated for the groom, so I am hoping to get it all done in one visit at a local vet.

I'm not sure how much it could cost, but my guess is $200 minimum. Can anyone help? I will update donations below:

$100 Grandma Carol's Kitty Rescue ❤️
$50 Stephanie Rehani ❤️
$250 Amanda & Jax Lindau ❤️

Thank you all SO MUCH! You are all incredible!!!

PayPal: [email protected]

Once I know which vet I am able to get into, I will post that as well! Thank you ❤️




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