I promised to share, so here it comes.
A story about one of the most special horses I have ever met.
It was summer, and I noticed an immensely beautiful Icelandic horse stallion in a stall next to my horse at the stable.
He was breathtakingly beautiful, and he was from
the same bloodline as my previous horse I had sold earlier that year.
I felt this bond with him that I couldn’t even describe, and the energetic language presented itself as intuitive thought streams.
I started reading his field and there was a lot of resentment in him.
I wondered why.
I knew in time he would let me in.
In my story I will call him Storm, as he felt like a storm in the way he moved.
He was loud, and behaved agressively, shoving his owner around the box, biting her, rearing up.
He showed me something I can translate to this
«Why is she coming into my stall, demanding to take me out for a ride, and comanding me, without even connecting to me? She does not really care about me. She does not see me! How can she expect me to blindly obey her? I am proud. I know who I am, and she does not. Nobody does.
I do not like humans. All you do is expect me to accept your hand, which I do not»
I stood outside his stall and let him express himself, I told him over and over again I love him unconditionally.
I told him I wish he was my horse. I felt I knew his soul. I knew he was one of my Soul horses.
I told him this.
I felt just by being there quietly without expecting anything from him that he started to feel ease with me.
I felt the love between us, how strong our bond was, and I felt him wanting me to scratch his mane, so I did, and he did nothing to hurt me.
He simply started scratching me gently back.
I knew he loved me too.
Every day I would spend with him, and eventually other people noticed our bond, and I was allowed to get him from the paddock, and brush and saddle him for his owner.
I would drop the bridle and use a mild halter.
I would let him walk behind me as I fully trusted our bond.
I would use my energy to heal his blockages and free up the tension in his back.
I would teach him to lower his neck so that he would relax even deeper.
She ended up castrating and selling him.
And I was heartbroken.
Many stallions are ladies horses, and can be like men warrior achetypes who needs a feminine energy to balance them. They should not be handled in any masculine way, as a soft touch in every aspect of saddling up and riding is key here.
Storm was a horse I will never forget.
I will always love him, and I hope to see his reincarnation in my future horse.
The photo is of another horse I have met with a similar look. Taken by Stall Krafla.